Latino sheriff in TX openly announces she will defy federal law. Media says OK.

Article III
The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office
The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls;--to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;--to controversies to which the United States shall be a party;--to controversies between two or more states;--between a state and citizens of another state;--between citizens of different states;--between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects.
education is key :)

Repealing laws is NOT a judicial power. It's a legislative power. THINK
Article III
The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office
The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls;--to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;--to controversies to which the United States shall be a party;--to controversies between two or more states;--between a state and citizens of another state;--between citizens of different states;--between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects.
education is key :)

Repealing laws is NOT a judicial power. It's a legislative power. THINK
DEAR FUCKIN GAWD I posted it and you are still acting like a dumbfuck.
Part of their job is to determine if states go against the constitution, which is exactly what they did.
I don't mind people having opinions but this shit isn't even subjective. It is flat out denial and that is fuckin pathetic :thup:
That's like some guy on another forum was trying to tell me the SC made a law. Umm no they didn't. They don't make fuckin laws. All they did was determine that state bans on gay marriage is unconstitutional. Maybe him and the OP need to have some study time. Or at least try being honest.
SS and his podjos fully understand the role of SCOTUS.

They hate it because it prevents them from carrying out their hate into lawful action.

That their hate informas all they do and think, eventually insurrection will break out and they will be put down like mad dogs.
Repealing laws is NOT a judicial power. It's a legislative power. THINK
DEAR FUCKIN GAWD I posted it and you are still acting like a dumbfuck.
Part of their job is to determine if states go against the constitution, which is exactly what they did.

That's their job?? Then you should be able to show us where the constitution says that.

BTW - who determines if the SC goes against the constitution? THINK
Repealing laws is NOT a judicial power. It's a legislative power. THINK
DEAR FUCKIN GAWD I posted it and you are still acting like a dumbfuck.
Part of their job is to determine if states go against the constitution, which is exactly what they did.

That's their job?? Then you should be able to show us where the constitution says that.

BTW - who determines if the SC goes against the constitution? THINK
Repealing laws is NOT a judicial power. It's a legislative power. THINK
DEAR FUCKIN GAWD I posted it and you are still acting like a dumbfuck.
Part of their job is to determine if states go against the constitution, which is exactly what they did.

That's their job?? Then you should be able to show us where the constitution says that.

BTW - who determines if the SC goes against the constitution? THINK
This has been explained over and over to you so that even a third grader can get it.

You are either malignantly motivated, woefully ignorant, mentally feeble, or a combination of any or all three.
Repealing laws is NOT a judicial power. It's a legislative power. THINK
DEAR FUCKIN GAWD I posted it and you are still acting like a dumbfuck.
Part of their job is to determine if states go against the constitution, which is exactly what they did.

That's their job?? Then you should be able to show us where the constitution says that.

BTW - who determines if the SC goes against the constitution? THINK
Dumbass. Read what I fuckin posted. It is quit clear.
This has been explained over and over to you so that even a third grader can get it.
You are either malignantly motivated, woefully ignorant, mentally feeble, or a combination of any or all three.

HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
This has been explained over and over to you so that even a third grader can get it. You are either malignantly motivated, woefully ignorant, mentally feeble, or a combination of any or all three.
HAHAHA. The board notes that all you have is namecalling. Thanks for admitting i'm right.
You laughing at those who have corrected you does not make you right. You are wrong. Grins and chuckles are why you are here: to amust us.

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