Laughing While Black

Here is my two cents on it. I believe the women were being loud but it was wrong of Napa Wine Train to move them to another coach just because it was bothering some snooty people. Snooty people need to find more expensive venue if they do not want any contact with dark complexioned folks. Actually, even in expensive venue they should be prepared to run into dark complexioned people.

First of all that train is a restaurant. They serve multiple course dinner on it. Some people end up drinking quite a bit of wine during the dinner and they get loud. I recall during my last dinner on that train (restaurant), there was an Indian dude with a hot blonde lady who had too much to drink. That dude was so irritating that he gave me headache. The thing that annoyed me the most was that people thought he was interesting and they kept encouraging that idiot. If I did not have to worry about my wife castrating me, I would have asked that guy's girlfriend to elope with me.

The venue seems glamorous to people who have never been to Napa Valley before. So it is an ideal venue for snooty people with limited budget because it is not expensive. These snooty people are the ones who complain and bitch.
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omg have you people never been on a either pay extra for the quiet car or pay for just the circus in coach....but once in coach you cant complain....i thought train excursions like this were suppose to be fun....i know i am having fun when i go on them....loudly....we have been known to laugh loudly and move around...card games get loud....this is just napa bullshit
I know the noisy Blacks complaint is valid where movie theaters is concerned. And if saying that is racist, then I'm a racist!

I grew up in Brooklyn which was home to some of the biggest, most beautiful movie theaters in the world, including the Fox, the Brooklyn Paramount, Loew's Albee and Metropolitan. Back in the 50s and early 60s those huge movie theaters could be packed to the rafters with predominately White audiences and were quiet as Catholic churches while a film was showing. It was considered impolite even to whisper.

Then, in 1964, the Civil Rights Act enabled any American citizen in any state to move to any other state and, if need be, to go on federally subsidized welfare. This brought on a massive migration of southern Blacks to northern cities, mainly New York. By 1965, Brooklyn's movie theater audiences had become substantially Black -- and the movie theaters were no longer silent.

In the above description of relatively silent of movie theaters with predominately White audiences I used the analogy of the Catholic Church, which is predominately White and very quiet. Therefore the silence factor may be called a cultural phenomenon. The relatively noisy presence of Black movie audiences may also reflect a cultural characteristic in that the typical Black church (Baptist) service is anything but silent.
plus with the wine and the rocking of the train....they would all be asleep soon

You will not be able to sleep on that train. It shakes and jerks throughout the trip. You will get to see some trashy backyards that you wish you had not seen during the beginning of the trip before you get to see beautiful vineyards.
Racists always have to make it about....race. It boils down to a group of individuals who were asked to tone down the noise and not caring if the loudness disturbed others, continued on with the noise and thus, as the noisy group refused to cooperate, they were removed from the premises. Had it been a group of alabaster white rednecks, the same outcome would have occurred.

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