Laughing While Black

Negroes gotta 'negro'.
World wide there is growing intolerance against people who will not control themselves.
One tiny spark is all it will take to blow the lid off.
From the news report the train employees asked them three times to pipe down. So it makes sense they were too loud, people don't go on those train rides to hear loud boisterous adolescent behavior. Blaming it on racism shows how low class they were.

Other people said thats how the booze train gets because its yanno...booze being served. This aint the Library Train bro
Well bro, maybe you've never been anywhere classier than the corner bar. These gals were cutting up and given three warnings now we're supposed to believe the train ditched a bunch of customers because they suddenly realized they were black.

They werent given warnings and the train which serves wine is known for people are when they are drunk. They ditched the customers for intolerance which the company already apologized for.

I mean, shit....go tell the company they are wrong then and how you know the situation better than the people that were there because you heard a rumor somewhere.

Bye dummy
Well dummy, they would not be the first company to roll over for race baiters (if they did). Which is why you see so many acting up and using the race card as an excuse. People need to start standing up to it.

You want us to believe the black ladies did nothing any different but the train just up and decided to kick them off. Like I said ...LOL.
So they werent wrong they apologized from pressure. Got it...everything is bad and is the fault of the blacks. White people who complained dont even exist and if they do, they really hate themselves so they dont count.

Cool story, call the company and tell them all about how you know better than the people who were actually there. Good luck Fool
So they werent wrong they apologized from pressure. Got it...everything is bad and is the fault of the blacks. White people who complained dont even exist and if they do, they really hate themselves so they dont count.

Cool story, call the company and tell them all about how you know better than the people who were actually there. Good luck Fool
The story the gals told doesn't make sense. Business don't throw customers out for grins. Sounds more like a PR move to avoid bad press.
From the news report the train employees asked them three times to pipe down. So it makes sense they were too loud, people don't go on those train rides to hear loud boisterous adolescent behavior. Blaming it on racism shows how low class they were.

Other people said thats how the booze train gets because its yanno...booze being served. This aint the Library Train bro
Well bro, maybe you've never been anywhere classier than the corner bar. These gals were cutting up and given three warnings now we're supposed to believe the train ditched a bunch of customers because they suddenly realized they were black.

They werent given warnings and the train which serves wine is known for people are when they are drunk. They ditched the customers for intolerance which the company already apologized for.

I mean, shit....go tell the company they are wrong then and how you know the situation better than the people that were there because you heard a rumor somewhere.

Bye dummy
Well dummy, they would not be the first company to roll over for race baiters (if they did). Which is why you see so many acting up and using the race card as an excuse. People need to start standing up to it.

You want us to believe the black ladies did nothing any different but the train just up and decided to kick them off. Like I said ...LOL.
No one cares what you believe. We're just pointing out the fact that the company knows better than you what occurred and apologized for it.
Anyone who has been around black folks knows how loud and obnoxious they can be:

Evidently you have never met my third wife...
So they werent wrong they apologized from pressure. Got it...everything is bad and is the fault of the blacks. White people who complained dont even exist and if they do, they really hate themselves so they dont count.

Cool story, call the company and tell them all about how you know better than the people who were actually there. Good luck Fool
The story the gals told doesn't make sense. Business don't throw customers out for grins. Sounds more like a PR move to avoid bad press.
Of course they dont throw customers out for grins. They throw them out due to discrimination just like the ladies and at least one other neutral white person said.
From the news report the train employees asked them three times to pipe down. So it makes sense they were too loud, people don't go on those train rides to hear loud boisterous adolescent behavior. Blaming it on racism shows how low class they were.

Other people said thats how the booze train gets because its yanno...booze being served. This aint the Library Train bro
Well bro, maybe you've never been anywhere classier than the corner bar. These gals were cutting up and given three warnings now we're supposed to believe the train ditched a bunch of customers because they suddenly realized they were black.

They werent given warnings and the train which serves wine is known for people are when they are drunk. They ditched the customers for intolerance which the company already apologized for.

I mean, shit....go tell the company they are wrong then and how you know the situation better than the people that were there because you heard a rumor somewhere.

Bye dummy
Well dummy, they would not be the first company to roll over for race baiters (if they did). Which is why you see so many acting up and using the race card as an excuse. People need to start standing up to it.

You want us to believe the black ladies did nothing any different but the train just up and decided to kick them off. Like I said ...LOL.
No one cares what you believe. We're just pointing out the fact that the company knows better than you what occurred and apologized for it.
Who gives a fuck about some racist on a internet board that didn't understand the point?
Other people said thats how the booze train gets because its yanno...booze being served. This aint the Library Train bro
Well bro, maybe you've never been anywhere classier than the corner bar. These gals were cutting up and given three warnings now we're supposed to believe the train ditched a bunch of customers because they suddenly realized they were black.

They werent given warnings and the train which serves wine is known for people are when they are drunk. They ditched the customers for intolerance which the company already apologized for.

I mean, shit....go tell the company they are wrong then and how you know the situation better than the people that were there because you heard a rumor somewhere.

Bye dummy
Well dummy, they would not be the first company to roll over for race baiters (if they did). Which is why you see so many acting up and using the race card as an excuse. People need to start standing up to it.

You want us to believe the black ladies did nothing any different but the train just up and decided to kick them off. Like I said ...LOL.
No one cares what you believe. We're just pointing out the fact that the company knows better than you what occurred and apologized for it.
Who gives a fuck about some racist on a internet board that didn't understand the point?
No one cares about you. Why do you ask?
So they werent wrong they apologized from pressure. Got it...everything is bad and is the fault of the blacks. White people who complained dont even exist and if they do, they really hate themselves so they dont count.

Cool story, call the company and tell them all about how you know better than the people who were actually there. Good luck Fool
The story the gals told doesn't make sense. Business don't throw customers out for grins. Sounds more like a PR move to avoid bad press.
Of course they dont throw customers out for grins. They throw them out due to discrimination just like the ladies and at least one other neutral white person said.
One other person. Odd if the story was true. Use you head for something other than a door stop.
So they werent wrong they apologized from pressure. Got it...everything is bad and is the fault of the blacks. White people who complained dont even exist and if they do, they really hate themselves so they dont count.

Cool story, call the company and tell them all about how you know better than the people who were actually there. Good luck Fool
The story the gals told doesn't make sense. Business don't throw customers out for grins. Sounds more like a PR move to avoid bad press.
Of course they dont throw customers out for grins. They throw them out due to discrimination just like the ladies and at least one other neutral white person said.
One other person. Odd if the story was true. Use you head for something other than a door stop.
So now your claim is that the white person was lying as well? You should use your head for something other than a crash test dummy.
So now your claim is that the white person was lying as well?

He'll say they hate themselves or they are stupid. He's determined that any and everything that happened there is the fault of blacks, stupidity of the blacks or stupidity of anyone who say anything that is not negative toward the blacks.

Thats why he can rail against the black women there, the white woman there, the white people who defended the blacks and the entire company
They got 86'd. Just like in a bar, get too belligerent and out you go. Doesn't matter what color you are. Oh. Wait. To them, it was because they were black while being belligerent. Idiot train apologizes and the drunk old ladies get free rides now due to the race card pulled with the train tickets.
They got 86'd. Just like in a bar, get too belligerent and out you go. Doesn't matter what color you are. Oh. Wait. To them, it was because they were black while being belligerent. Idiot train apologizes and the drunk old ladies get free rides now due to the race card pulled with the train tickets.
Oh wait....The company apologizes for the conduct of their employees and clowns like you decide that you know more about the situation than they do?
Don't worry. Nothing so fucking crazy as letting an entire race get away with negative behavior b/c they are too fucking violent/stupid to behave themselves in public will last forever.
One day the fucking bell will toll and when it does the world will change. For many for the better.
Don't worry. Nothing so fucking crazy as letting an entire race get away with negative behavior b/c they are too fucking violent/stupid to behave themselves in public will last forever.
One day the fucking bell will toll and when it does the world will change. For many for the better.
Now this inbred hill billy thinks he is Earnest Hemingway. ^^^
They got 86'd. Just like in a bar, get too belligerent and out you go. Doesn't matter what color you are. Oh. Wait. To them, it was because they were black while being belligerent. Idiot train apologizes and the drunk old ladies get free rides now due to the race card pulled with the train tickets.

“insensitive when we asked you to depart our train by marching you down the aisle past all the other passengers” and said the company “erred by placing an inaccurate post on our Facebook site that was not reflective of what actually occurred.”

Only when they are black does Gracie say throw out 12 people to make money from 2. Moving 2 people is too hard so grab 12 and take them 6 cars down because thats easier and more business minded.

Who needs 12 paying customers when you have 2 anyway?

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