Laughing While Black

Nice lead up statement there. I guess all blacks are the same as the worst ones you know and they deserved it. Typical
Many blacks are very vocal in public settings and do so as a reflection of their evangelical traditions. Unfortunately, not all public settings are appropriate for such displays. But no one dare challenge that because they will be accused of racism. Apparently, neosegregationism trumps courtesy.

we know, all whites all over the US are sweet in public
Do white people have a reputation for being loud and obnoxious in public settings, like in a movie theatre? Reputations exist for a reason. You aren't going to sell anyone on the idea that white people are notoriously loud in public. That isn't a thing in this country, but it is with black people. Maybe you should spend less time trying to convince the whole world that their life experiences aren't real, and instead try to work on fixing black culture, so that maybe they can fix their bad reputation. Just a thought.
Whites have a reputation of killing people in movie theaters. They also have a reputation for being nasty and smelling like wet dogs. They have a reputation for fucking dogs and sheep. You say there is a reason for that? Whats the reason?
Nice lead up statement there. I guess all blacks are the same as the worst ones you know and they deserved it. Typical
Many blacks are very vocal in public settings and do so as a reflection of their evangelical traditions. Unfortunately, not all public settings are appropriate for such displays. But no one dare challenge that because they will be accused of racism. Apparently, neosegregationism trumps courtesy.

we know, all whites all over the US are sweet in public
Do white people have a reputation for being loud and obnoxious in public settings, like in a movie theatre? Reputations exist for a reason. You aren't going to sell anyone on the idea that white people are notoriously loud in public. That isn't a thing in this country, but it is with black people. Maybe you should spend less time trying to convince the whole world that their life experiences aren't real, and instead try to work on fixing black culture, so that maybe they can fix their bad reputation. Just a thought.

No whites just kill people in theaters
Nice try, but the truth is, the vast majority of gun related incidents in theatres, happens in black communities.
Even if you were correct were are talking about reputations not truth.
Nice lead up statement there. I guess all blacks are the same as the worst ones you know and they deserved it. Typical
Many blacks are very vocal in public settings and do so as a reflection of their evangelical traditions. Unfortunately, not all public settings are appropriate for such displays. But no one dare challenge that because they will be accused of racism. Apparently, neosegregationism trumps courtesy.

we know, all whites all over the US are sweet in public
Do white people have a reputation for being loud and obnoxious in public settings, like in a movie theatre? Reputations exist for a reason. You aren't going to sell anyone on the idea that white people are notoriously loud in public. That isn't a thing in this country, but it is with black people. Maybe you should spend less time trying to convince the whole world that their life experiences aren't real, and instead try to work on fixing black culture, so that maybe they can fix their bad reputation. Just a thought.

No whites just kill people in theaters
Nice try, but the truth is, the vast majority of gun related incidents in theatres, happens in black communities.

But what does all that have to do with me?
Many blacks are very vocal in public settings and do so as a reflection of their evangelical traditions. Unfortunately, not all public settings are appropriate for such displays. But no one dare challenge that because they will be accused of racism. Apparently, neosegregationism trumps courtesy.

we know, all whites all over the US are sweet in public
Do white people have a reputation for being loud and obnoxious in public settings, like in a movie theatre? Reputations exist for a reason. You aren't going to sell anyone on the idea that white people are notoriously loud in public. That isn't a thing in this country, but it is with black people. Maybe you should spend less time trying to convince the whole world that their life experiences aren't real, and instead try to work on fixing black culture, so that maybe they can fix their bad reputation. Just a thought.

No whites just kill people in theaters
Nice try, but the truth is, the vast majority of gun related incidents in theatres, happens in black communities.

But what does all that have to do with me?
Is this thread about you?
Many blacks are very vocal in public settings and do so as a reflection of their evangelical traditions. Unfortunately, not all public settings are appropriate for such displays. But no one dare challenge that because they will be accused of racism. Apparently, neosegregationism trumps courtesy.

we know, all whites all over the US are sweet in public
Do white people have a reputation for being loud and obnoxious in public settings, like in a movie theatre? Reputations exist for a reason. You aren't going to sell anyone on the idea that white people are notoriously loud in public. That isn't a thing in this country, but it is with black people. Maybe you should spend less time trying to convince the whole world that their life experiences aren't real, and instead try to work on fixing black culture, so that maybe they can fix their bad reputation. Just a thought.

No whites just kill people in theaters
Nice try, but the truth is, the vast majority of gun related incidents in theatres, happens in black communities.
Even if you were correct were are talking about reputations not truth.
No community has a worse reputation than yours, and that's the truth.
we know, all whites all over the US are sweet in public
Do white people have a reputation for being loud and obnoxious in public settings, like in a movie theatre? Reputations exist for a reason. You aren't going to sell anyone on the idea that white people are notoriously loud in public. That isn't a thing in this country, but it is with black people. Maybe you should spend less time trying to convince the whole world that their life experiences aren't real, and instead try to work on fixing black culture, so that maybe they can fix their bad reputation. Just a thought.

No whites just kill people in theaters
Nice try, but the truth is, the vast majority of gun related incidents in theatres, happens in black communities.
Even if you were correct were are talking about reputations not truth.
No community has a worse reputation than yours, and that's the truth.
The white one does. This is a known truth world wide. Every country I have been in that was not white would like to see the earth cleansed of your presence..
Do white people have a reputation for being loud and obnoxious in public settings, like in a movie theatre? Reputations exist for a reason. You aren't going to sell anyone on the idea that white people are notoriously loud in public. That isn't a thing in this country, but it is with black people. Maybe you should spend less time trying to convince the whole world that their life experiences aren't real, and instead try to work on fixing black culture, so that maybe they can fix their bad reputation. Just a thought.

No whites just kill people in theaters
Nice try, but the truth is, the vast majority of gun related incidents in theatres, happens in black communities.
Even if you were correct were are talking about reputations not truth.
No community has a worse reputation than yours, and that's the truth.
The white one does. This is a known truth world wide.
Sorry, but merely saying untrue words wont change reality.
No whites just kill people in theaters
Nice try, but the truth is, the vast majority of gun related incidents in theatres, happens in black communities.
Even if you were correct were are talking about reputations not truth.
No community has a worse reputation than yours, and that's the truth.
The white one does. This is a known truth world wide.
Sorry, but merely saying untrue words wont change reality.
Then you should stop saying them and start saying my true words.
we know, all whites all over the US are sweet in public
Do white people have a reputation for being loud and obnoxious in public settings, like in a movie theatre? Reputations exist for a reason. You aren't going to sell anyone on the idea that white people are notoriously loud in public. That isn't a thing in this country, but it is with black people. Maybe you should spend less time trying to convince the whole world that their life experiences aren't real, and instead try to work on fixing black culture, so that maybe they can fix their bad reputation. Just a thought.

No whites just kill people in theaters
Nice try, but the truth is, the vast majority of gun related incidents in theatres, happens in black communities.
Even if you were correct were are talking about reputations not truth.
No community has a worse reputation than yours, and that's the truth.

Yes they are called "Ghetto Blacks
Do white people have a reputation for being loud and obnoxious in public settings, like in a movie theatre? Reputations exist for a reason. You aren't going to sell anyone on the idea that white people are notoriously loud in public. That isn't a thing in this country, but it is with black people. Maybe you should spend less time trying to convince the whole world that their life experiences aren't real, and instead try to work on fixing black culture, so that maybe they can fix their bad reputation. Just a thought.

No whites just kill people in theaters
Nice try, but the truth is, the vast majority of gun related incidents in theatres, happens in black communities.
Even if you were correct were are talking about reputations not truth.
No community has a worse reputation than yours, and that's the truth.

Yes they are called "Ghetto Blacks
Is that the guy who beat your ass in middle school? I would say "high school" but I know you didn't get that far.
At the Cajun place I go to it's always the black chicks.

Do they look good?

Not the loud ones. Although there are some smoking hot black chicks that go there.

There are two types of black women

1. Loud and Ghetto

2. Sweet and Classy

The loud ghetto types tend to be fat asses.

Ghetto black women come in all shapes and sizes. I see plenty of ghetto small black women on a daily in philly

Whoa, wait, hold up....

You're in Philly?

With that avatar??

Holy shit, no wonder you can't score with women.
Anyone who has been around black folks knows how loud and obnoxious they can be:

On Saturday afternoon, the Sisters on the Reading Edge, a book club comprised of 11 African-American women, boarded a Napa Valley Wine Train in California, intent on having a good time. But what started off pleasantly turned into a "humiliating" experience after the women were escorted off the train for laughing and talking too loud.

"It was humiliating. I'm really offended to be quite honest," Lisa Johnson, 47, told the San Francisco Chronicle. "I felt like it was a racist attack on us. I feel like we were being singled out."

According to the Chronicle, the women—who were seated at two tables in the same car—claim that they were doing what other passengers were doing, ordering wine and enjoying the trip through California's vineyards and wineries.

Johnson told the newspaper that she and the other women may have been animated, but definitely weren't "obnoxious or intoxicated."

A short time after the 11 a.m. Saturday departure, Johnson said the manager on the train approached the members of her group, telling them to quiet down.

The manager returned a short while later, informing the group, "This isn't going to work." She said he added that if the group members didn't lower their voices they would be removed from the train.

11 Black Women Kicked Off Napa Wine Train for Laughing While Black
Actually the black people I've been around have been some of the most polite and cultured people I know when we get together. Beats some good ole boy who can't even speak in complete sentences.
You just know that those chicks were buzzed and being loud and obnoxious! They were probably completely oblivious to the scene they were creating, or simply didn't care. They probably shouldn't have been there in the first place. People go on trips like that to unwind and relax, not be subjected to a real life scene straight out of a Tyler Perry movie. It is a Napa Valley Wine Train, not "Soul Train on a Booty Call." Jesus fucking Christ!

If they want to ride a fucking train, get drunk and be obnoxious, then they can get their own damn train. Snoop Dog can be the engineer and it can serve weed and ripple. Then they can make all the damn noise they want.

Let's face it: when blacks get together they change into a rambunctious bunch of loudmouths. Anyone who has been around blacks - real blacks - know this. You can tell me that not all blacks act this way and that whites will get loud and obnoxious too. I do not disagree with this. But if you are going to be honest then you have to acknowledge a definite cultural difference between white and black.

You can take an upper class black guy with a high paying, respectable job. Let's say he is a lawyer. He is a good guy, a smart guy, and well respected. He talks like a professional all day. He acts like a professional. For lunch he goes for a run and then has a green shake. But then when he goes home and gets around his buddies for, say, a barbecue, drops all pretentions and turns total ghetto. "Damn, Tyrone, dis spread be da bomb! You am doing damn fine, bro!" "Oh you know's it, dawg! I jest whipped sum white boy's ass in court! Da 'surance company paid a shit load, and I's dun gets paid, bitch!" High fives all around. Then the "homey" who just "got paid" disappears with his "main homey" to smoke a bowl. If any of his white law partners witnessed this he would be kicked out of the firm faster than Tyrone can blow his paycheck on lottery tickets,

No, not all blacks are loud obnoxious assholes. However, enough of them are such that they have earned this stereotype.

Another example, I have a black neighbor. He is the nicest guy you would ever want to meet. His kids play with mine. But when he has his homeys over on the weekends to drink and shoot pool I am subjected to loud thumping music until 2 am. I don't like to complain because he is such a nice dude, but I have done so.

Another example - sporting events. Everyone chears for their team. Everyone is relaxed and having a good time. But then some large black family shows up (probably great folks) and the hooting and hollering begins. They don't watch their kids because they are watching the game, so their little hooters are running around stepping all over you, asking you for money to get drinks and all sorts of bullshit.

The bottom line is that generally blacks lack class. Just look at Michelle Obama dancing on television, Barry acting like a dick in press conferences and doing his silly crow walk like he is some kind of two-bit pimp. It is almost certain that those two speak ghetto when the cameras are off. When Obama leaves office it will take 2 weeks to clean up all of the empty soda cans, soda stains on the carpet, and Barry's discarded cigarette butts. Pure low rent shit.

Fact is, whites and blacks are very different culturally. That's perfectly fine. But if I want to partake in some of their culture then I will do so. If I do not want to be exposed to their culture, then I ought not have to be. Those bitches on the train had a captive audience who were forced to listen to that loud bullshit. Throwing them off the train was the right thing to do. It is not racist. Rather, it was a good learning moment for them. It tells them that if they want to be accepted into our world then they must assimilate and adopt to the culture practiced by the majority of our nation. They are only 13%. Their culture does not conform to ours. Therefore, the burden is on them to change. This convention is practiced in every other culture in the world.
Oh for goodness sakes. The group had two tables across from each other and were drinking and having a great time. Everyone knows your voice gets louder as you begin to feel the alcohol.. They probably had s few people that weren't used to drinking and were REALLY feeling it. They got thrown off the train. Chalk it up to one good time!!! When telling your friends about your trip, tell them you all laughed so hard, you got thrown of the blasted train!

Why make it a big drama?
Oh for goodness sakes. The group had two tables across from each other and were drinking and having a great time. Everyone knows your voice gets louder as you begin to feel the alcohol.. They probably had s few people that weren't used to drinking and were REALLY feeling it. They got thrown off the train. Chalk it up to one good time!!! When telling your friends about your trip, tell them you all laughed so hard, you got thrown of the blasted train!

Why make it a big drama?
Do you think these women were polite when they were told to be quiet the first time? I doubt it. I bet a lot of aggressive behavior was on display after that.

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