Lauren Boebert escorted out of a live Beetlejuice performance after complaints

It’s just bizarre as fuck…I don’t ever recall you woke white guilters saying the same shit about hostile black savages ANYTIME the opportunity presents itself. That said hjmick , it sure looks like a “skin color” thing to us sane folks not in the leftarded Twilight Zone.
hjmick I’m sure you or rightwinger can prove me wrong and link to us a post of yours where you said the same shit our big-mouth ShaQuita…..RIGHT?
How many are sitting members of Congress
It’s just bizarre as fuck…I don’t ever recall you woke white guilters saying the same shit about hostile black savages ANYTIME the opportunity presents itself. That said hjmick , it sure looks like a “skin color” thing to us sane folks not in the leftarded Twilight Zone.
hjmick I’m sure you or rightwinger can prove me wrong and link to us a post of yours where you said the same shit our big-mouth ShaQuita…..RIGHT?

I've had plenty to say about goofy Maxine Waters and loony Sheila Jackson Lee. I have no real interest in the incidents featuring the general public, mainly because people are stupid, that is true of all colors and races. Add that to the fact that most of the conversations regarding those displays involve ignorant bigots, well... I have better things to do than wrestle in the mud with pigs.

None of that has anything to do with "white guilt" or being "woke," I do not suffer from former and I don't have the time or patience for the latter.
Boebert behavior during the show

Vaping and refusing to stop when requested
Recording a live show
Singing and speaking loudly
Necking with her new boyfriend
All you got is “what about….”

This threads about a trashy woman who vaped in a crowded theatre and then tried to use her name to weasel out of it
Hmmm…where I come from debates and public discourse is all about comparatives.
All hypocrites seem to hate comparatives….weird huh?
Hmmm…where I come from debates and public discourse is all about comparatives.
All hypocrites seem to hate comparatives….weird huh?
You mean critical thinkers seem to hate comparatives, hee haw. False equivalence is false. Bad faith arguments are just political navel gazing, window licker. :rolleyes:

Everything you believe in is stupid. It's up to you to keep going, or pull yer head out of your ass and try something else. :itsok:

I believe you can go even farther with your unconventional views. They make me lol. :auiqs.jpg:

I suppose she felt she was entitled to disturb the others who paid for to see the performance. I expect she will have a good excuse, blaming the who nasty scene on someone else, cause that is what MAGA does. She was supposedly vaping, singing out loud, making a real scene. I expect her cult will not care?
Given that you people believe burning down livelihoods is free speech, no, I don’t care.
You mean critical thinkers seem to hate comparatives, hee haw. False equivalence is false. Bad faith arguments are just political navel gazing, window licker.
hahaha..yeah, “critical thinking” like in a court room where everything pivots off case law, precedent and comparatives?
Don’t all hypocrites scream “false equivalency” at even the most accurate analogies and comparitives/
Everything you believe in is stupid. It's up to you to keep going, or pull yer head out of your ass and try something else.
Oh shit so all I have to do is align my belief system with disgusting filthy leftists and I’m good?
I believe you can go even farther with your unconventional views. They make me lol.
My views align with those of our founders….are you sure you know the definition of “unconventional”?
By comparison, she acted up in a theater…. Who did she threaten?
Who said she threatened anyone?

She vaped in a theatre like a trashy skank and then played the “do you know who I am?” like a diva bitch when security kicked her out

That’s what this thread is about.

Not your what-about-ism

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