Lauren Boebert had two abortions and worked for an escort service.

Because Trump paid her off.

Nice try... That agreement was broken by Stormy when she went public... there is no new agreement she was caught red handed lying and her attorney went to the way....
I never called her anything -- but I acknowledge your own projection...

Remember when you Trumpers called this woman a whore for being an strong accomplished and educated woman??

Just imagine what yall would say about her if there was evidence that she was an ACTUAL PROSTITUTE
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That will make YOU full of shit....but Trumpers should be use to it by now...
Kamaltoe did climb the ladder of success flat on her back. Even she admits it.

With Boebert it's just a Nazi hate group posting flat out lies with the idea that they can't be sued for defaming a public figure. I mean, without slander and libel, you'd have to discuss issues, and you fascist fucks don't fare well when actual issues are discussed.
I don't see a problem with that. :dunno:

Nothing wrong with Boebert working as an escort or having abortions

As a Christian, she is expected to condemn those acts but if she doesn’t follow them, she can always repent like any good Christian
Moral failures and hypocrisy is not the issue with many or most on the right concerning leaders on the left. We really do not care how many women Clinton had in the White House or if Obama had a gay past or if Biden likes young girls. What makes us incensed is the sick policies and actions coming from the democrats and the lies and crimes they get away with. That is what's destroying us.
Anyone who voted for an avowed serial sexual assaulter wouldn't care.
Lauren Boebert, a fake ass holier-than-thou pro-life Christian, has the nerve to tell the rest of us what we can or cannot do without our own bodies

Get lost, hypocrite

Your entire life is a lie, Bobo
so someone who repents and then tries to make up for what she did wrong (assuming she did those things.. I am not buying it until I get verification ... that I trust)
is a

fake ass holier-than-thou pro-life Christian, has the nerve to tell the rest of us what we can or cannot do without our own bodies


Well, one thing seems abundantly clear

YOU are no Christian
I don’t care if Lauren Boebert had two abortions and worked for an escort service.

I care that she’s attacked others for exercising those same rights

due to the lack of evidence and the history of the left in lying this should be in conspiracy theories,,

and even if true it doesnt mean she didnt realize the wrong in abortion and changed her mind,,

I did,,
"That didn't stop you from defaming Boebert - but no doubt you're like Biff and intimidated by women."
Ah, poor poster Uncensored, I'm sympathetic to your need to be defensive.
It's OK. It's human nature.

My reference to Boebert wasn't something I "made up".
The hint that she may have been one of those Representatives who asked Trump...prior to him leaving office, and just after January 6th....for a pre-emptive pardon had been in the news. I was merely asking if posters here had seen any other reportage about it.

Here, my friend, lemme show you. This is from the Business Insider on June 10th as they reported a query from AOC to some of her fellow Representatives:

".....quick question Boebert, did you ask for a pardon after tweeting the Speaker's location on Jan 6th?" asked the congresswoman.
"Maybe your friend @RepMTG can answer! Did either of you seek a pardon? Just trying to clear some things up," she added.


So clearly, my poor avatar wasn't making up the Boebert hint from thin air.

On a broader view though.....I think every single Representative currently serving should answer that question: Did you ask Trump after January 6th for a pardon of your activities before or during January 6th?
Make every single one of 'em answer.....yes, or no.

We need accountability in our Congressional representation. No?

Regarding your allegation of 'intimidated by women'.....well, generally, no, I'm not.
But you know what? ......There are some gals in my life I should have been intimidated by but was too dense to get it. To my chagrin.

Such is life. It's a journey. You gotta keep learning and adapting. No?

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