Lauren Boebert had two abortions and worked for an escort service.

I don’t care if Lauren Boebert had two abortions and worked for an escort service.

I care that she’s attacked others for exercising those same rights


Representative Lauren Boebert's response was ...

"Fake News, Four Pinocchio's
Y'all Need Jesus."

Haha, you know it hasn't.'s a joke. It's using the left's own bullshit against them.

The OP is completely fake news. If you can be swayed by a tweet, I'll gladly dig up the Obama gay bathhouse bombshells and proof that Michelle is a man and we can happily discuss them as though they were true.

I would like to know who is funding this PAC...who is this David Wheeler guy? How are these dark money pacs legal?? The whole name of the PAC, Muckrakers infers that digging up dirt is what they do...Why are these Project Veritas type groups allowed to dig dirt and in some cases, flat out lie and make it up? This is why that Citizens United decision was so disastrous....this is why campaign finance reform should be a bi-partisan issue -- lots of good will come from it once you stop making it legal to essentially buy politicians or ruin them...Whoever the people behind this pac are -- there needs to be someone digging up dirt on them..If Boebert was smart, which i am sure she is -- she will have someone dig up dirt on Muckrakers...
2 Questions

1) What does the following mean: After Madison lost the elections, he tweeted promoting Dark MAGA and Boebert did the same.

2) Also, I doubt seriously Project Veritas people were dishonest..
Pretty cheap shot. Is Media Matters working overtime these days? I guess Liam Nissan spends a lot of time worrying about prostitutes having his baby.
He'll yeah, why should Sandman & Rittenhouse have all the fun and be the only ones getting insanely rich off of disgusting, lying liberals?!


She had 2 abortions, her husband is a pedophile, AND she used to be an escort?! She is ultimate MAGA.
Lauren Boebert, a fake ass holier-than-thou pro-life Christian, has the nerve to tell the rest of us what we can or cannot do without our own bodies

Get lost, hypocrite

Your entire life is a lie, Bobo
I have no idea who she is, but if someone MADE MISTAKES, LEARNED FROM THOSE MISTAKES, and now works to stop others from destroying their lives WHAT'S IT TO YOU?

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