Lauren Boebert now leads CO House Seat 3

It never should have been this close.

You finally raise a good point, Taz. Does no one not wonder how with the terrible and ridiculous, absurd times we are living in that if my parents were alive today they simply would not believe, with nearly everyone disapproving of most everything going on in our government, economy and society while most everything gets worse and worse, that state by state, candidate by candidate, issue after issue, election after election and year after year, every election still keeps coming out a neck-and-neck race literally coming right down to the very last vote even in the reddest parts of the country with half the country perfectly split on BOTH sides of every issue? Even when every poll, every expectation was for a massive shift towards one side?

Have you met many people that are FOR the way things are now? Every polling shows that at least 75% of the people asked are upset to very angry with what is going on and how the country is being run, yet we can never break this deadlock in government where both sides are always in near perfect opposition?

Statistically, mathematically and socially, that is simply IMPOSSIBLE.

Have you not wondered about that and that we are all being played like pawns by someone who is MANIPULATING people through media and other means and manipulating elections to keep coming out this way, mostly in FAVOR of all these things bringing chaos, ruin and decay to this country CONTINUING and even getting WORSE?

Just how is it that while everyone is against something, our elections keep coming out not reflecting the real change to fix anything that most everyone wants?

It is almost like these elections are now just a game for people to play so that we think we are still being given a choice in directing our own lives and future!

If we had no elections at all and some elite oligarchy wanting all this just ruled on it against their subjects, JUST HOW COULD YOU TELL THE DIFFERENCE FROM WHAT WE ACTUALLY GOT ON TUESDAY???

Nothing partisan here, just food for thought. Serious thought.
A huge and symbolic opportunity for Trump to ride on her win.

Along with Kari Lake winning, the bleeding sores can be magically healed.

Or at least Trump can make the claim as a way to face the pubic again!
Q-bert and the Orange Ape are trying to change that. Yesterday was not a good start.
I don't think they will. 2020 and Tuesday's midterms were absolute must-wins for them to alter the system into one where 30% of the population can rule 100% of the country. They're going to have to come back to Earth. It's going to be hard with Trump spending the next 2 years trying to destroy Desantis, and making that conversation the central issue for the GOP.
It should have been a blow-out based on how bad you guys say ole Sleep Joe has been doing.
Did I ask you? And the Democratic fraud machine is still alive and well so we will never know just how good she did.
I hope she wins, but one thing I've learned concerning elections is that it's not over until it's over.
I’m not comfortable with all these delayed counts. How come two days after the election only 70% of the vote is counted for AZ?
How come we used to have results the night of Election Day, and now America is so incompetent we can’t even get results days later?

In France, they count all the votes in one day.

The democriminals will drag their feet for as long as possible, just so they don't have to admit defeat until the last minute.

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