Law Enforcement is a Privilege???

Damaged Eagle

Behind blue eyes
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2015
I have hours, only lonely

So if Law Enforcement is a privilege as per the councilwoman from Minneapolis...

Does that also mean that that Fire Departments, Education, Healthcare, Housing, Utilities, and other such things, are a privilege also?

Can we re-imagine the whole system being dismantled so that only those at the top receive such services as we all pay for the privilege of them being provided those services so they can live in peace in their gated communities with a private (<publicly funded) security force?

Let's all sing John Lennon and...


View attachment 365590

So if Law Enforcement is a privilege as per the councilwoman from Minneapolis...

Does that also mean that that Fire Departments, Education, Healthcare, Housing, Utilities, and other such things, are a privilege also?

Can we re-imagine the whole system being dismantled so that only those at the top receive such services as we all pay for the privilege of them being provided those services so they can live in peace in their gated communities?

Let's all sing John Lennon and...



That woman is a damn fool
View attachment 365590

So if Law Enforcement is a privilege as per the councilwoman from Minneapolis...

Does that also mean that that Fire Departments, Education, Healthcare, Housing, Utilities, and other such things, are a privilege also?

Can we re-imagine the whole system being dismantled so that only those at the top receive such services as we all pay for the privilege of them being provided those services so they can live in peace in their gated communities with a private (<publicly funded) security force?

Let's all sing John Lennon and...



Two equally efficacious and lethal agencies or bad actors are at work here. The first is represented by the millions of Americans who have been "soul taken" (best description available) by the orthodoxies of the ideological church of radical leftism. Ordinary people whose entire minds, personalities and yes, souls, have been captured temporarily by the democratic party's recent and ongoing psycho circus show. These folks call for such openly sociopathic/anti-human/anti-civilization political, cultural and social reforms/actions as abolishing the police, resisting federal government and state authority; rewriting or erasing American history and/or vanquishing America as we know it all together. This first agency or group of people do not really understand what they've gotten themselves into by siding with the leftist maniacs but they're so utterly dominated by leftist ideology they can't think for themselves. If they suddenly woke up and realized what they're advocating for, they'd likely have total psychological meltdowns. Such people can possibly be saved—albeit only with great and expensive effort on a grand national scale.

The second agency at work behind the curtain of the current radical leftist political cult out to destroy America is represented by the True Believers. True Believers are radical leftist humanities college professors, grad students (mostly white); corporate titans who have invested millions into radical grassroots movements, politicians whose reelections depend on creating racial and political pandemonium, and other (also mostly white) pundits and shills—many of them cable news anchors or contributors. This second agency or group are working directly, hand-in-hand, with the leaders of the Chinese communist party and possibly radicalized Muslims in power in nations such as Iran. These so-called Americans are real, no-shit domestic enemies of America who are in direct collusion with our most dangerous foreign enemies. Their goal is very simple: to burn America down and rebuild it, after they've seized absolute power, of course. In order to do that, they are willing to do white genocide/mass murder of average Americans.

So make no mistake . . . the most dangerous enemy of America could be the person sitting next to you or the one you've worked beside for years.
View attachment 365590

So if Law Enforcement is a privilege as per the councilwoman from Minneapolis...

Does that also mean that that Fire Departments, Education, Healthcare, Housing, Utilities, and other such things, are a privilege also?

Can we re-imagine the whole system being dismantled so that only those at the top receive such services as we all pay for the privilege of them being provided those services so they can live in peace in their gated communities with a private (<publicly funded) security force?

Let's all sing John Lennon and...



Shes a lunatic. She's the one coming from a place of privilege. She doesnt have to be a shop keeper in some downtown community where people are hanging out in front of her store keeping customers away, or holding her up at gunpoint. She doesnt have to live across the street from a park where crack dealers have cars and people rolling up while her kids are walking home from school. She doesnt realize that so many black people do call 911 and need to. She doesnt realize in inner cities, many police officers are minorities themselves. She doesnt realize drug gangs rule those streets and are ruthless with each other and anyone who gets in their way.
Yes. She comes from a place of privilege like all of these WHITE LIBERAL assholes. She can afford to love the idea of less police because she lives in a nice place, but in reality .. her rich neighborhood will continue to have great police service while the people who are now getting slaughtered will be left hanging in the wind.
The shitholes where most black people are forced to be trapped in are run by them and their bright ideas. These people with their educations of systemic indoctrination are complete morons and wont even realize what they have done as civilians continue to be victimized in greater numbers.

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