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Law enforcement! To protect and serve?

Police Officers, "To protect and serve". I disagree with that statement. I don't see them serving or protecting, all I see with local law enforcement is, under trained, unprofessional young adults who got picked on and bullied in high school. There is a kid who became an officer that I went to school with, and he got picked on everyday. The problem with that is, do they have a personal vendetta? The people who picked on him throughout high school, even though they were wrong for doing that, say it seems like the officer is out to get them. To me these officers that got bullied in high school seem to be trying to prove something and just causing unnecessary trouble by looking for any little thing and make it a big problem. I have see it with my own eyes.
Police officers just harass and stir up trouble. They cuss at you, treat you bad, and don't care or want to listen to what you have to say. I know people that get extremely nervous when pulled over by an officer, and they never did anything wrong. No record, no traffic violations, never been arrested, and don't have anything illegal in their car. I don't think its right that Police Officers are putting fear into innocent people. Its pretty bad when everyone trys to avoid officers, who are suppose to be there to protect and serve, and wouldn't ask them for help even if their life depended on it. You might actually need their help but afraid to call them because they will look for a reason to arrest you.
I read an article awhile back and did you know that police officers are allowed to lie to citizens? The actually go through a course to teach how to affectively lie to us? But god forbid we lie to them its a big problem.
Last thing I got to say is that it just seems like you are guilty until you are proven innocent not innocent until proven guilty.
What are you? 17???

Someday, you're going to be forced to wake up and see the real world.
I am 30 years old, and trust me I woke up and seen the real world multiple times. I have been in trouble with the law and lost 2 years of my life because of the stupid decision I have made when I was 17. I am grateful I learned my lesson before I turned 18. If I was 18 I would of looked at a sentence of 7-14 years. I learned the hard way and glad I did, because the path I was on, I surely would of dead or in jail for long time. You really show how immature you are by that statement. If you ever woke up and faced the real world you wouldn't be saying shit like that. If you woke up and seen the real world you would see that there is a problem with how SOME police NOT all treat citizens. If you don't see anything wrong with this issue I'm sorry my friend but you are blind to reality and need to wake up a little earlier.
You're backpedaling.

I recognize your innate bias against police officers, but YOU need to recognize that it has severely affected your perception of reality. When you see a police officer, you automatically assume the worst until proven differently. This bias taints every interaction with police.
I disagree with them having quotas. I overheard an officer telling another officer that they need to make their quota for the month. So you know they just went out and did whatever they could to reach that quota

It's not exactly quota, but forced competition which is worse. Top revenue & arrest producers get raises & promotions. The low producers get all the crappy assignments, foot or bike detail & passed over for raises & promotion.
I'm sick of all the police & military worshiping! Most are covering for their fellow thugs in uniform. They steal over $6,000 a year from every home in the USA! Criminals have never taken close to that much. Soldiers & police jobs are safer than most, (yes even those deployed into Iraq). They aren't even a top 10 dangerous jobs. Hell cab drivers get shot more than police & soldiers! If a soldier ever has a tough day on the job, they make hero worshiping movies about it forever.

I have worked with many of the bragging blowhards. Fuckin soldiers go overseas for a few months to have fun with big expensive toys we buy them & then sponge off us hard working citizens for life! We pay them 4 times more in retirement than we paid them to get off the couch & catch criminals. They GET FREE SHIT EVERYWHERE! They don't pay taxes, get free healthcare, education, pensions & cheap loans, insurance & food just to name a few! It's time for me to stop saying the pledge & anthem & start flipping the bird!
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I'm sick of all the police & military worshiping! Most are covering for their fellow thugs in uniform. They steal over $6,000 a year from every home in the USA! Criminals have never taken close to that much. Soldiers & police jobs are safer than most, (yes even those deployed into Iraq). They aren't even a top 10 dangerous jobs. Hell cab drivers get shot more than police & soldiers! If a soldier ever has a tough day on the job, they make hero worshiping movies about it forever.

I have worked with many of the bragging blowhards. Fuckin soldiers go overseas for a few months to have fun with big expensive toys we buy them & then sponge off us hard working citizens for life! We pay them 4 times more in retirement than we paid them to get off the couch & catch criminals. They GET FREE SHIT EVERYWHERE! They don't pay taxes, get free healthcare, education, pensions & cheap loans, insurance & food just to name a few! It's time for me to stop saying the pledge & anthem & start flipping the bird!
Don't do it in front of me ...
The battle for Fallujah lasted 47 days and was easily the bloodiest battle of the Iraq war. We lost 95 & had 560 wounded Americans in the Fallujah battle.

One crazy dude at a Vegas concert killed 59 & wounded 530 Americans in 10 minutes.

Keep Paying Military & Saluting the Flag / Republicans Failed to Keep Americans Safe Again! Vegas
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Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone - WASHINGTON, June 27 [2005] - The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the police did not have a constitutional duty to protect a person from harm, even a woman who had obtained a court-issued protective order against a violent husband making an arrest mandatory for a violation.

The decision, with an opinion by Justice Antonin Scalia and dissents from Justices John Paul Stevens and Ruth Bader Ginsburg, overturned a ruling by a federal appeals court in Colorado. The appeals court had permitted a lawsuit to proceed against a Colorado town, Castle Rock, for the failure of the police to respond to a woman's pleas for help after her estranged husband violated a protective order by kidnapping their three young daughters, whom he eventually killed.

Police Officers, "To protect and serve". I disagree with that statement. I don't see them serving or protecting, all I see with local law enforcement is, under trained, unprofessional young adults who got picked on and bullied in high school. There is a kid who became an officer that I went to school with, and he got picked on everyday. The problem with that is, do they have a personal vendetta? The people who picked on him throughout high school, even though they were wrong for doing that, say it seems like the officer is out to get them. To me these officers that got bullied in high school seem to be trying to prove something and just causing unnecessary trouble by looking for any little thing and make it a big problem. I have see it with my own eyes.
Police officers just harass and stir up trouble. They cuss at you, treat you bad, and don't care or want to listen to what you have to say. I know people that get extremely nervous when pulled over by an officer, and they never did anything wrong. No record, no traffic violations, never been arrested, and don't have anything illegal in their car. I don't think its right that Police Officers are putting fear into innocent people. Its pretty bad when everyone trys to avoid officers, who are suppose to be there to protect and serve, and wouldn't ask them for help even if their life depended on it. You might actually need their help but afraid to call them because they will look for a reason to arrest you.
I read an article awhile back and did you know that police officers are allowed to lie to citizens? The actually go through a course to teach how to affectively lie to us? But god forbid we lie to them its a big problem.
Last thing I got to say is that it just seems like you are guilty until you are proven innocent not innocent until proven guilty.

What I personally witnessed of Police Officers on the Vegas Strip Sunday night makes you and your opinion......A PIECE OF SHIT!
That's a totally different situation. You cant come compare Cops taking down a psycho, to local cops harassing people for no reason everyday. Plus if you actually paid attention I stated not all cops behave in a way I disagree with. So you are saying that's its ok for cops to abuse the little power they have to terrorize innocent people, and to lie to the people who are suppose to trust them? For what happened on Sunday, that is a very tragic situation and if cops didn't handle it then there would be an even bigger issue. Police taking down a psycho is good, Police trying to make your life a living hell, not ok.

Easy. Refrain from doing stupid shit in front of a cop.
There are cops that will pull up to you while you are walking, and start asking questions. Some times they even get out of the car and pat you down. I witnessed my buddy who is a heroin addict, who has been clean for 4 years and some odd months now. Me, my girlfriend and my buddy were walking to the local deli. Right before we were about to enter the deli, my girlfriends phone rings. So we stop, she answers and we decided to stay outside while she took the call from her son who was up in Erie visiting family. So there is this little wall right next to the deli, all three of us sat on it while she was talking to her son. There were about 3 maybe 4 cop cars driving and circling around. We didn't pay no mind to them, because we were walking to get some cigarettes.
We didn't have anything illegal on us at all. My buddy who is a heroin addict didn't have a thing on him. I had my wallet, phone, and about 7 bucks and some loose change for a pack of smokes, my girlfriend didn't have pockets because she was wearing yoga pants. Not one of us had an encounter with any of the police officers that ended up showing up. The one cop stopped at the stop sign and started to speak to us. We couldn't hear so we went up closer to his car. Started asking the usual questions what is your name, where do you live, where are you going, what are you doing, ect ect ect. After the questions he asked to see our arms, I knew he was looking for track marks. I didn't have anything to hide so with out hesitation I showed him mine. I knew my buddy has some nasty looking track marks and knew the officer was going to do something. My buddy shows him and the officer said "do you guys have anything on you?' We replied "no sir not at all, you can search us and everything!." He said " I am, I was going to all ready". Gets out searched us, found not 1 illegal thing.
We told him our story and that we were only sitting here so that my girlfriend could speak to her son. We just went for a walk to get smokes. Of course the officers didn't believe us. The cop said "who you guys meeting here?" "who you coping(buying) drugs off of?" "There were about 20+ black people walking around and we were the only 3 white people so they automatically assumed we were there to buy drugs. I made a smart comment because all this was unnecessary, I said yea, "you really think we are coping with only 7 dollars and 75 cents and 3 of the dollars was quarters?" Of course he got mad because we do not have freedom of speech when it comes to speaking to him. We live in this neighborhood and it mixed race. I don't think its right for him to automatically assume we were buying drugs because we were sitting there so my girl could talk to her son, but to them we looked like 3 junkies trying to cop off one of the 20 something black people walking around. I over heard the other officers speaking and that is what the pretty much said. And since somebody got shot outside the smoke shop few days before, when I told him we are buying cigarettes he said "yea right someone just got shot there the other day, your going to cop" Like they don't make any kind of sense to me anymore.

How can a person be a heroin addict and be clean for four years? Freudian slip?
The same way someone can be an alcoholic who hasn't had a drink in twenty years!
The battle for Fallujah lasted 47 days and was easily the bloodiest battle of the Iraq war. We lost 95 & had 560 wounded Americans in the Fallujah battle.

One crazy dude at a Vegas concert killed 59 & wounded 530 Americans in 10 minutes.

Keep Paying Military & Saluting the Flag / Republicans Failed to Keep Americans Safe Again! Vegas
What unmitigated, irresponsible, and ridiculous bullshit.
The battle for Fallujah lasted 47 days and was easily the bloodiest battle of the Iraq war. We lost 95 & had 560 wounded Americans in the Fallujah battle.

One crazy dude at a Vegas concert killed 59 & wounded 530 Americans in 10 minutes.

Keep Paying Military & Saluting the Flag / Republicans Failed to Keep Americans Safe Again! Vegas
What unmitigated, irresponsible, and ridiculous bullshit.

You can STFU about the "brave men in uniform" BS. It took the chickenshit police over an hour to respond to the one man Vegas attack. He got tired of shooting & waiting on those pussies & shot himself. And they were still scared of the dead guy!

Police & Military Steal $6,000 a year from every home in America. They are a criminal organization that does not protect us. They only take!
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The battle for Fallujah lasted 47 days and was easily the bloodiest battle of the Iraq war. We lost 95 & had 560 wounded Americans in the Fallujah battle.

One crazy dude at a Vegas concert killed 59 & wounded 530 Americans in 10 minutes.

Keep Paying Military & Saluting the Flag / Republicans Failed to Keep Americans Safe Again! Vegas
What unmitigated, irresponsible, and ridiculous bullshit.

You can STFU about the "brave men in uniform" BS. I took the chickenshit police over an hour to respond to the one man Vegas attack. He got tired of shooting & waiting on those pussies & shot himself. And they were still scared of the dead guy!

Police & Military Steal $6,000 a year from every home in America. They are a criminal organization that does not protect us. They only take!
Guess I wasn't explicit enough the first time.

Nobody cares what somebody with a sick, twisted, vision of reality thinks .... you're just pissing in the wind. Keep spreading your irresponsible and ridiculous bullshit - it makes good fertilizer for coherent, logical thought.
The battle for Fallujah lasted 47 days and was easily the bloodiest battle of the Iraq war. We lost 95 & had 560 wounded Americans in the Fallujah battle.

One crazy dude at a Vegas concert killed 59 & wounded 530 Americans in 10 minutes.

Keep Paying Military & Saluting the Flag / Republicans Failed to Keep Americans Safe Again! Vegas
What unmitigated, irresponsible, and ridiculous bullshit.

You can STFU about the "brave men in uniform" BS. I took the chickenshit police over an hour to respond to the one man Vegas attack. He got tired of shooting & waiting on those pussies & shot himself. And they were still scared of the dead guy!

Police & Military Steal $6,000 a year from every home in America. They are a criminal organization that does not protect us. They only take!
Guess I wasn't explicit enough the first time.

Nobody cares what somebody with a sick, twisted, vision of reality thinks .... you're just pissing in the wind. Keep spreading your irresponsible and ridiculous bullshit - it makes good fertilizer for coherent, logical thought.
Who are you referring too?
The battle for Fallujah lasted 47 days and was easily the bloodiest battle of the Iraq war. We lost 95 & had 560 wounded Americans in the Fallujah battle.

One crazy dude at a Vegas concert killed 59 & wounded 530 Americans in 10 minutes.

Keep Paying Military & Saluting the Flag / Republicans Failed to Keep Americans Safe Again! Vegas
What unmitigated, irresponsible, and ridiculous bullshit.

You can STFU about the "brave men in uniform" BS. I took the chickenshit police over an hour to respond to the one man Vegas attack. He got tired of shooting & waiting on those pussies & shot himself. And they were still scared of the dead guy!

Police & Military Steal $6,000 a year from every home in America. They are a criminal organization that does not protect us. They only take!
Guess I wasn't explicit enough the first time.

Nobody cares what somebody with a sick, twisted, vision of reality thinks .... you're just pissing in the wind. Keep spreading your irresponsible and ridiculous bullshit - it makes good fertilizer for coherent, logical thought.

St Louis / Ferguson, MO has the most police per capita in America. Those police have caused the highest crime rate in America. They attacked lawful protestors to piss them off real good, then disappeared so criminals could burn Ferguson to the ground. For this police got even more money. Police only make money by drumming up more crime.

You step outside a cross walk, drive a block with a blown bulb or without a seatbelt or a helmet, st louis police will write you a ticket. 7 times more tickets than the rest of Missouri, which is well above other states. Those holier than though Bundy Ranch Law Breaking Protesters were claiming they were so honest that they never even got a speeding ticket. LOL Because it's nearly impossible to get a ticket out west.

I take my truck out west often & drive all the way through 6 states at over 100/mph, without a seatbelt, inspection, insurance card, proper tags, had blow bulbs, etc & never got pulled over. I was breaking the law every minute & they don't give a shit. People out there say police don't leave home unless someone calls them.

In the police state of St. Louis Missouri, police patrol heavy looking to write tickets or make arrest for any little infraction or create one just to get more revenue. They lie to cover their partners crimes, then demand you honor & salute. They shoot people without even being in danger. Being a cop doesn't rank in top 15 dangerous jobs in America.
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What I personally witnessed of Police Officers on the Vegas Strip Sunday night makes you and your opinion......A PIECE OF SHIT!
That's a totally different situation. You cant come compare Cops taking down a psycho, to local cops harassing people for no reason everyday. Plus if you actually paid attention I stated not all cops behave in a way I disagree with. So you are saying that's its ok for cops to abuse the little power they have to terrorize innocent people, and to lie to the people who are suppose to trust them? For what happened on Sunday, that is a very tragic situation and if cops didn't handle it then there would be an even bigger issue. Police taking down a psycho is good, Police trying to make your life a living hell, not ok.

Easy. Refrain from doing stupid shit in front of a cop.
There are cops that will pull up to you while you are walking, and start asking questions. Some times they even get out of the car and pat you down. I witnessed my buddy who is a heroin addict, who has been clean for 4 years and some odd months now. Me, my girlfriend and my buddy were walking to the local deli. Right before we were about to enter the deli, my girlfriends phone rings. So we stop, she answers and we decided to stay outside while she took the call from her son who was up in Erie visiting family. So there is this little wall right next to the deli, all three of us sat on it while she was talking to her son. There were about 3 maybe 4 cop cars driving and circling around. We didn't pay no mind to them, because we were walking to get some cigarettes.
We didn't have anything illegal on us at all. My buddy who is a heroin addict didn't have a thing on him. I had my wallet, phone, and about 7 bucks and some loose change for a pack of smokes, my girlfriend didn't have pockets because she was wearing yoga pants. Not one of us had an encounter with any of the police officers that ended up showing up. The one cop stopped at the stop sign and started to speak to us. We couldn't hear so we went up closer to his car. Started asking the usual questions what is your name, where do you live, where are you going, what are you doing, ect ect ect. After the questions he asked to see our arms, I knew he was looking for track marks. I didn't have anything to hide so with out hesitation I showed him mine. I knew my buddy has some nasty looking track marks and knew the officer was going to do something. My buddy shows him and the officer said "do you guys have anything on you?' We replied "no sir not at all, you can search us and everything!." He said " I am, I was going to all ready". Gets out searched us, found not 1 illegal thing.
We told him our story and that we were only sitting here so that my girlfriend could speak to her son. We just went for a walk to get smokes. Of course the officers didn't believe us. The cop said "who you guys meeting here?" "who you coping(buying) drugs off of?" "There were about 20+ black people walking around and we were the only 3 white people so they automatically assumed we were there to buy drugs. I made a smart comment because all this was unnecessary, I said yea, "you really think we are coping with only 7 dollars and 75 cents and 3 of the dollars was quarters?" Of course he got mad because we do not have freedom of speech when it comes to speaking to him. We live in this neighborhood and it mixed race. I don't think its right for him to automatically assume we were buying drugs because we were sitting there so my girl could talk to her son, but to them we looked like 3 junkies trying to cop off one of the 20 something black people walking around. I over heard the other officers speaking and that is what the pretty much said. And since somebody got shot outside the smoke shop few days before, when I told him we are buying cigarettes he said "yea right someone just got shot there the other day, your going to cop" Like they don't make any kind of sense to me anymore.

How can a person be a heroin addict and be clean for four years? Freudian slip?
The same way someone can be an alcoholic who hasn't had a drink in twenty years!

Addict: 'a person who is addicted to a particular substance.'

If you aren't addicted to a particular substance, how can you be an addict?
The battle for Fallujah lasted 47 days and was easily the bloodiest battle of the Iraq war. We lost 95 & had 560 wounded Americans in the Fallujah battle.

One crazy dude at a Vegas concert killed 59 & wounded 530 Americans in 10 minutes.

Keep Paying Military & Saluting the Flag / Republicans Failed to Keep Americans Safe Again! Vegas
What unmitigated, irresponsible, and ridiculous bullshit.

You can STFU about the "brave men in uniform" BS. I took the chickenshit police over an hour to respond to the one man Vegas attack. He got tired of shooting & waiting on those pussies & shot himself. And they were still scared of the dead guy!

Police & Military Steal $6,000 a year from every home in America. They are a criminal organization that does not protect us. They only take!
Guess I wasn't explicit enough the first time.

Nobody cares what somebody with a sick, twisted, vision of reality thinks .... you're just pissing in the wind. Keep spreading your irresponsible and ridiculous bullshit - it makes good fertilizer for coherent, logical thought.
Who are you referring too?
The person I responded to.
Addict: 'a person who is addicted to a particular substance.'

If you aren't addicted to a particular substance, how can you be an addict?
Because addiction is not a temporary thing. It is a tenacious condition which can be controlled but never totally eliminated. A controlled addict (or reformed drunk) may be "clean" for years but the urge to "use" or to drink can be triggered at any time, mainly by being around the addictive substance or by experiencing a traumatic or painful circumstance or event.

This is why there are recovery centers for drug addicts and alcoholics (Alcoholic Anonymous) where they attend meetings. Many of them are active addicts who are trying to stop using or drinking but some of them have not succumbed to a craving in years. They are there to remind themselves of a compulsive demon and to help those less fortunate, active addicts to break away from it.
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That's a totally different situation. You cant come compare Cops taking down a psycho, to local cops harassing people for no reason everyday. Plus if you actually paid attention I stated not all cops behave in a way I disagree with. So you are saying that's its ok for cops to abuse the little power they have to terrorize innocent people, and to lie to the people who are suppose to trust them? For what happened on Sunday, that is a very tragic situation and if cops didn't handle it then there would be an even bigger issue. Police taking down a psycho is good, Police trying to make your life a living hell, not ok.

Easy. Refrain from doing stupid shit in front of a cop.
There are cops that will pull up to you while you are walking, and start asking questions. Some times they even get out of the car and pat you down. I witnessed my buddy who is a heroin addict, who has been clean for 4 years and some odd months now. Me, my girlfriend and my buddy were walking to the local deli. Right before we were about to enter the deli, my girlfriends phone rings. So we stop, she answers and we decided to stay outside while she took the call from her son who was up in Erie visiting family. So there is this little wall right next to the deli, all three of us sat on it while she was talking to her son. There were about 3 maybe 4 cop cars driving and circling around. We didn't pay no mind to them, because we were walking to get some cigarettes.
We didn't have anything illegal on us at all. My buddy who is a heroin addict didn't have a thing on him. I had my wallet, phone, and about 7 bucks and some loose change for a pack of smokes, my girlfriend didn't have pockets because she was wearing yoga pants. Not one of us had an encounter with any of the police officers that ended up showing up. The one cop stopped at the stop sign and started to speak to us. We couldn't hear so we went up closer to his car. Started asking the usual questions what is your name, where do you live, where are you going, what are you doing, ect ect ect. After the questions he asked to see our arms, I knew he was looking for track marks. I didn't have anything to hide so with out hesitation I showed him mine. I knew my buddy has some nasty looking track marks and knew the officer was going to do something. My buddy shows him and the officer said "do you guys have anything on you?' We replied "no sir not at all, you can search us and everything!." He said " I am, I was going to all ready". Gets out searched us, found not 1 illegal thing.
We told him our story and that we were only sitting here so that my girlfriend could speak to her son. We just went for a walk to get smokes. Of course the officers didn't believe us. The cop said "who you guys meeting here?" "who you coping(buying) drugs off of?" "There were about 20+ black people walking around and we were the only 3 white people so they automatically assumed we were there to buy drugs. I made a smart comment because all this was unnecessary, I said yea, "you really think we are coping with only 7 dollars and 75 cents and 3 of the dollars was quarters?" Of course he got mad because we do not have freedom of speech when it comes to speaking to him. We live in this neighborhood and it mixed race. I don't think its right for him to automatically assume we were buying drugs because we were sitting there so my girl could talk to her son, but to them we looked like 3 junkies trying to cop off one of the 20 something black people walking around. I over heard the other officers speaking and that is what the pretty much said. And since somebody got shot outside the smoke shop few days before, when I told him we are buying cigarettes he said "yea right someone just got shot there the other day, your going to cop" Like they don't make any kind of sense to me anymore.

How can a person be a heroin addict and be clean for four years? Freudian slip?
The same way someone can be an alcoholic who hasn't had a drink in twenty years!

Addict: 'a person who is addicted to a particular substance.'

If you aren't addicted to a particular substance, how can you be an addict?
Are you baked?
Law enforcement is nothing but a criminal organization that is backed by the government. It is a huge racket. They make money off citizens by issuing fines for the stupidest of things, when you go to court do you see why your court cost is so high? You are paying for programs that have nothing to do with your case. Say you go to court for speeding, The charge itself may be 50 bucks but you have to pay 200, for firearm training, witness protection, and bunch of other non sense that has nothing to do with speeding. They make money for every person In jail everyday from the tax payers. They make money by taking drugs off the street and by putting the same drugs back on the street. They literally get away with murder, assault, DUI, and who knows what else. They just get a slap on the wrist for a crime if we committed we would go to prison for 10+ years.
They are suppose to enforce the law, yet most of them don't know our rights as citizens. Yea they know our rights when we are being arrested but other then that, they have no problem fining and arresting us for the same crap they do. If we are not allowed to j walk, they shouldn't be either. Like I was in the city one day, I seen a cop that was walking in front of me j walk about 10 minutes later he still is in front of me and another person j walked. The officer stopped him and gave him a fine. Police are here to enforce the law, not only should they have to obey the laws too but, they should also lead by eample.
Law enforcement is nothing but a criminal organization that is backed by the government. It is a huge racket. They make money off citizens by issuing fines for the stupidest of things, when you go to court do you see why your court cost is so high? You are paying for programs that have nothing to do with your case. Say you go to court for speeding, The charge itself may be 50 bucks but you have to pay 200, for firearm training, witness protection, and bunch of other non sense that has nothing to do with speeding. They make money for every person In jail everyday from the tax payers. They make money by taking drugs off the street and by putting the same drugs back on the street. They literally get away with murder, assault, DUI, and who knows what else. They just get a slap on the wrist for a crime if we committed we would go to prison for 10+ years.
They are suppose to enforce the law, yet most of them don't know our rights as citizens. Yea they know our rights when we are being arrested but other then that, they have no problem fining and arresting us for the same crap they do. If we are not allowed to j walk, they shouldn't be either. Like I was in the city one day, I seen a cop that was walking in front of me j walk about 10 minutes later he still is in front of me and another person j walked. The officer stopped him and gave him a fine. Police are here to enforce the law, not only should they have to obey the laws too but, they should also lead by eample.
I hope you feel better now.
lol I do. I don't know how it is where you live, but where I live the police are nothing but pricks and don't care what you have to say. 1 officer was drinking and driving a police car and wrecked into 7 cars. Another one got in trouble for running a chop shop. The both of them just want to give you a hard time.
Both still got their job, both seen no jail time. If that I were to do that or get involved with a chop shop, I would go to prison.

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