Law professor: Comey memo leak not illegal

Is disclosing top secret information against the law and the lie about it like Hillary did?

Look at the snowflakes deflect. They're scared.

So, did the cult tell you to deflect-by-lying, or did you take your own initiative? If it's the latter, be careful. Your cult looks very suspiciously on any cultist who shows any vestigial capability for independent thought. Remember how Pol Pot treated the educated. That's how your party thinks now.
Is disclosing top secret information against the law and the lie about it like Hillary did?

Look at the snowflakes deflect. They're scared.

So, did the cult tell you to deflect-by-lying, or did you take your own initiative? If it's the latter, be careful. Your cult looks very suspiciously on any cultist who shows any vestigial capability for independent thought. Remember how Pol Pot treated the educated. That's how your party thinks now.
You don't think period. Your brain has been turned into a festering spitball of boiling hated for anything on the right. YOU want to discuss government business and leave everyone on the left out of it. That's deflection.
remind me why Sessions wasnt johnny on the spot to arrest Comey ...

oh yeah, Comey didnt do a damn thing.
Comey's conversation with the apprentice was not classified. Therefore, it was not illegal for him to publicly air what he talked about with Trump, any more than it would be for a Girl Scout who met the President to tell the media what he said to her.

Trump wanted Comey to drop his investigation into Flynn. Comey refused to do so, and Trump fired him.

So the obstruction of justice cloud still hangs over Trump, and will not go away no matter how many times Trump's Chumps click their heels together.
Ewe both, sassafras and willow, are wrong. Comey did not break the law. We will see if Trump did break the law or if any of his associates did.
well given they were private notes, not sure that could be "illegal" - but it sure is questionable.
Comey's conversation with the apprentice was not classified. Therefore, it was not illegal for him to publicly air what he talked about with Trump, any more than it would be for a Girl Scout who met the President to tell the media what he said to her.

Trump wanted Comey to drop his investigation into Flynn. Comey refused to do so, and Trump fired him.

So the obstruction of justice cloud still hangs over Trump, and will not go away no matter how many times Trump's Chumps click their heels together.

I ask 100 times yesterday who made the memos classified intel ... ignored 100 times.

whining little bitches with no legs ..
Comey's conversation with the apprentice was not classified. Therefore, it was not illegal for him to publicly air what he talked about with Trump, any more than it would be for a Girl Scout who met the President to tell the media what he said to her.

Trump wanted Comey to drop his investigation into Flynn. Comey refused to do so, and Trump fired him.

So the obstruction of justice cloud still hangs over Trump, and will not go away no matter how many times Trump's Chumps click their heels together.

I ask 100 times yesterday who made the memos classified intel ... ignored 100 times.

whining little bitches with no legs ..
and RUSSIA is what again?

good god people.
Comey's conversation with the apprentice was not classified. Therefore, it was not illegal for him to publicly air what he talked about with Trump, any more than it would be for a Girl Scout who met the President to tell the media what he said to her.

Trump wanted Comey to drop his investigation into Flynn. Comey refused to do so, and Trump fired him.

So the obstruction of justice cloud still hangs over Trump, and will not go away no matter how many times Trump's Chumps click their heels together.

I ask 100 times yesterday who made the memos classified intel ... ignored 100 times.

whining little bitches with no legs ..
Not just idiots, but it makes me wonder. I keep a file on crazy shit my supervisor pulls. I leaned that lesson years ago. I only needed it once, but .... And it's my property. I printed out emails and stuff on office paper, but the file goes with me.
Comey's conversation with the apprentice was not classified. Therefore, it was not illegal for him to publicly air what he talked about with Trump, any more than it would be for a Girl Scout who met the President to tell the media what he said to her.

Trump wanted Comey to drop his investigation into Flynn. Comey refused to do so, and Trump fired him.

So the obstruction of justice cloud still hangs over Trump, and will not go away no matter how many times Trump's Chumps click their heels together.

I ask 100 times yesterday who made the memos classified intel ... ignored 100 times.

whining little bitches with no legs ..
and RUSSIA is what again?

good god people.

Comey took notes, put them in his pocket,

who marked them classified


and ?

Trump’s complaint about Comey’s ‘leak’ could be obstruction of justice — here’s why
President Donald Trump’s attorney intends to file a complaint with the Justice Department against former FBI director James Comey for his “leak” of a personal memo to a friend who then passed along the document to reporters.
Stephen Kohn, a lawyer who specializes in whistleblower protection, dismissed the pending complaint by Trump attorney Marc Kasowitz as “frivolous grandstanding” because the Justice Department’s inspector general no longer had any authority over Comey as a private citizen.

But he said the complaint, which Kasowitz also plans to file with the Senate Judiciary Committee, is legally problematic for the president.

“Initiating an investigation because you don’t like somebody’s testimony could be considered obstruction,” Kohn told the newspaper, “and in the whistleblower context, it’s both evidence of retaliation and, under some laws, could be an adverse retaliatory act itself.”
Comey's conversation with the apprentice was not classified. Therefore, it was not illegal for him to publicly air what he talked about with Trump, any more than it would be for a Girl Scout who met the President to tell the media what he said to her.

Trump wanted Comey to drop his investigation into Flynn. Comey refused to do so, and Trump fired him.

So the obstruction of justice cloud still hangs over Trump, and will not go away no matter how many times Trump's Chumps click their heels together.

I ask 100 times yesterday who made the memos classified intel ... ignored 100 times.

whining little bitches with no legs ..
and RUSSIA is what again?

good god people.
Russia attacked us. Repeatedly. And Trump the traitor first denied it. That's why his Chumps to this day deny it, despite all the evidence which has come out.

Then when finally cornered by the evidence, Trump make a weak admission the Russians were behind the hacks. But then he has covered up for them, and has taken no action to punish them or protect us from future attacks.

Then he fired Comey for investigating the attacks. The very next day he invited our enemy into the seat of government and chortled with them about firing the guy who was investigating them.

Trump's a traitor, through and through. He has a boy crush on Putin, and has surrendered.
Comey envisions himself as the king maker, the J Edger Hoover of the 21st century, above the law, the final judge and jury. How he lasted as long as he did at the head of the FBI is amazing to say the least.

Trump’s complaint about Comey’s ‘leak’ could be obstruction of justice — here’s why
President Donald Trump’s attorney intends to file a complaint with the Justice Department against former FBI director James Comey for his “leak” of a personal memo to a friend who then passed along the document to reporters.
Stephen Kohn, a lawyer who specializes in whistleblower protection, dismissed the pending complaint by Trump attorney Marc Kasowitz as “frivolous grandstanding” because the Justice Department’s inspector general no longer had any authority over Comey as a private citizen.

But he said the complaint, which Kasowitz also plans to file with the Senate Judiciary Committee, is legally problematic for the president.

“Initiating an investigation because you don’t like somebody’s testimony could be considered obstruction,” Kohn told the newspaper, “and in the whistleblower context, it’s both evidence of retaliation and, under some laws, could be an adverse retaliatory act itself.”

It is very revealing that Trump is directing his anger at the people who have exposed Russia's attacks and not toward Russia.

Very revealing.

Trump’s complaint about Comey’s ‘leak’ could be obstruction of justice — here’s why
President Donald Trump’s attorney intends to file a complaint with the Justice Department against former FBI director James Comey for his “leak” of a personal memo to a friend who then passed along the document to reporters.
Stephen Kohn, a lawyer who specializes in whistleblower protection, dismissed the pending complaint by Trump attorney Marc Kasowitz as “frivolous grandstanding” because the Justice Department’s inspector general no longer had any authority over Comey as a private citizen.

But he said the complaint, which Kasowitz also plans to file with the Senate Judiciary Committee, is legally problematic for the president.

“Initiating an investigation because you don’t like somebody’s testimony could be considered obstruction,” Kohn told the newspaper, “and in the whistleblower context, it’s both evidence of retaliation and, under some laws, could be an adverse retaliatory act itself.”

It is very revealing that Trump is directing his anger at the people who have exposed Russia's attacks and not toward Russia.

Very revealing.

Oh yes, VERY!

Our American Comrade has our backs!


Trump’s complaint about Comey’s ‘leak’ could be obstruction of justice — here’s why
President Donald Trump’s attorney intends to file a complaint with the Justice Department against former FBI director James Comey for his “leak” of a personal memo to a friend who then passed along the document to reporters.
Stephen Kohn, a lawyer who specializes in whistleblower protection, dismissed the pending complaint by Trump attorney Marc Kasowitz as “frivolous grandstanding” because the Justice Department’s inspector general no longer had any authority over Comey as a private citizen.

But he said the complaint, which Kasowitz also plans to file with the Senate Judiciary Committee, is legally problematic for the president.

“Initiating an investigation because you don’t like somebody’s testimony could be considered obstruction,” Kohn told the newspaper, “and in the whistleblower context, it’s both evidence of retaliation and, under some laws, could be an adverse retaliatory act itself.”

It is very revealing that Trump is directing his anger at the people who have exposed Russia's attacks and not toward Russia.

Very revealing.

nothing new .. he hammers anyone, and everyone EXCEPT RUSSIA ... and his well schooled traitor drones suck him dry.

He fired the man who has been exposing our attacks!


This guy is our best useful idiot ever!


Ehhhhh...heh heh...

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