Law Professor Condemns Nancy Pelosi

Stalin describes the Democratic Party mission rather well actually..

View attachment 286030

How about a link to backup your claim? Otherwise its a tie....
Fake memes are the easiest lies to fact check. All you need do is type in the first few words of the quote on Google, Bing, whatever will take you to multiple fact-checkers. Take your pick.

Propagandists use memes as a favorite platform for spreading lies and misinformation. According to US intelligence agencies, the Russians used this method of disinformation distribution extensively in 2016.

Anyone can print a made-up quote over a photo. Facebook leader Zuckerburg is currently arguing before Congress that he and other controllers of social network sites should be allowed to promote these easily proven lies and continue to promote them even after being informed they are promoting a lie.

I agree with Zuckerburg. Do we want free speech or state sponsored censorship like China? For example, if I post Trump is one of America's greatest presidents, and explain why. Which I believe is a fact.
Then the leftists in SF or wherever censor it, who gets the benefit?
ANS: whoever the censors want to.

IMHO FB and Google need to stop getting paid in Rubles or other foreign cash for US political ads.

If you disagree with a post or ad and put up a refutation, that is how the system should work. Then voters can see both viewpoints, like on this USMB. Money is important, the mo money the mo ads you can put up. I'm not sure how many minds are changed by ads. Most of us are baked-in for one party or another. Both parties are vying for an advantage, one way or another, that's how political power works.
Perhaps you could use some research and learn the difference between subjective opinions and objective facts.
LOL! So can you, see below!
So lets not debate the fact Trump is one of the greatest US presidents in history. <g>


Alan Dershowitz is a has been used to be who disgraced himself and has lost all his credibility. He is like a Rasmussen poll, meaningless.

Has Been


Lost all Credibility

An amazing view considering he is at least 5 bars above most all of the people you hold dear.

But then, that is what we expect you to claim of any democrat who does not fully tow the party line for them.
Alan Dershowitz is a has been used to be who disgraced himself and has lost all his credibility. He is like a Rasmussen poll, meaningless.

Has Been


Lost all Credibility

An amazing view considering he is at least 5 bars above most all of the people you hold dear.

But then, that is what we expect you to claim of any democrat who does not fully tow the party line for them.
"toe the line" its a military term
Alan Dershowitz is a has been used to be who disgraced himself and has lost all his credibility. He is like a Rasmussen poll, meaningless.

Has Been


Lost all Credibility

An amazing view considering he is at least 5 bars above most all of the people you hold dear.

But then, that is what we expect you to claim of any democrat who does not fully tow the party line for them.
"toe the line" its a military term
Well, at least you spelled it correctly. For our Russian trolls, the phrase meaning has expanded from its original military meaning to mean, conform, follow the norm and do what is expected.
Alan Dershowitz is a has been used to be who disgraced himself and has lost all his credibility. He is like a Rasmussen poll, meaningless.

Has Been


Lost all Credibility

An amazing view considering he is at least 5 bars above most all of the people you hold dear.

But then, that is what we expect you to claim of any democrat who does not fully tow the party line for them.
"toe the line" its a military term
Well, at least you spelled it correctly. For our Russian trolls, the phrase meaning has expanded from its original military meaning to mean, conform, follow the norm and do what is expected.

I don't think kyzr's spelling is in question here nor is your haughty condescension warranted. Whatever the origins of the phrase, there are many modern derivations no less the one I used: "tow the party line," which is almost a universally recognized phrase now for the democratic party and secondarily, the GOP (if only because the GOP is seldom organized well enough to HAVE a party line).

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