Lawfare Against Trump Destroying Our Unifying Ideals

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Votar Roja

Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2023

Lawfare Against Trump Destroying Our Unifying Ideals​

Americans continue to hold foundational bedrock values common to modern civilization.

For example, we abhor racism and embrace multiculturism; provide compassionate support for those who are helplessly needy; deeply care about our children and their futures; and believe it is important to preserve and protect socioeconomic and natural environments that succeeding generations will inherit from ours.

As a nation constitutionally governed by its people rather than the reverse, America is traditionally also quite unique from many other countries globally.

We celebrate mutually cross-checking balances of powers between executive, legislative and judicial branches of government; a vigilant and honest independent media to inform the public regarding important domestic and foreign issue developments and policy implications; laws and overseers that apply equally to all citizens and institutions; and fair and open electoral processes influenced by all of the above.

Nevertheless, whereas most of us would likely agree about these principles, this writer’s long lifetime experience has never witnessed deeper, more visceral partisan divisions of disparate viewpoints regarding our nation’s current trend in honoring them.

America has become a dangerously disunited nation with predominate opposing views precariously teetering between conservative laissez-faire policies that seek to minimize government interference plus incentivize equality of opportunity . . . rather than neo-Marxist guaranteed equity of outcomes founded on divide and conquer victimization messaging.

This ideological division is particularly pivotal at the national level where multiple polls show presumed 2024 opponents Donald Trump and Joe Biden are presently in a dead heat.

Contests between the two front runners are variously more determinate based upon partisan supermajority electoral margins in state and national congressional races, although small shifts in narrow battleground swing states can have large and often contested consequences.

Meanwhile, recent years have revealed a stunningly hyper partisan and hypocritical weaponized two-tiered justice system at federal, state, and municipal levels which applied to Donald Trump, send a terrifying message to all who are inclined to take fair and equal justice for granted . . . . (snip)

OP COMMENT: Our laws and constitution are what make us different than other nations. When one side violates them just to win, then we have lost everything.

Lawfare Against Trump Destroying Our Unifying Ideals​

Americans continue to hold foundational bedrock values common to modern civilization.

For example, we abhor racism and embrace multiculturism; provide compassionate support for those who are helplessly needy; deeply care about our children and their futures; and believe it is important to preserve and protect socioeconomic and natural environments that succeeding generations will inherit from ours.

As a nation constitutionally governed by its people rather than the reverse, America is traditionally also quite unique from many other countries globally.

We celebrate mutually cross-checking balances of powers between executive, legislative and judicial branches of government; a vigilant and honest independent media to inform the public regarding important domestic and foreign issue developments and policy implications; laws and overseers that apply equally to all citizens and institutions; and fair and open electoral processes influenced by all of the above.

Nevertheless, whereas most of us would likely agree about these principles, this writer’s long lifetime experience has never witnessed deeper, more visceral partisan divisions of disparate viewpoints regarding our nation’s current trend in honoring them.

America has become a dangerously disunited nation with predominate opposing views precariously teetering between conservative laissez-faire policies that seek to minimize government interference plus incentivize equality of opportunity . . . rather than neo-Marxist guaranteed equity of outcomes founded on divide and conquer victimization messaging.

This ideological division is particularly pivotal at the national level where multiple polls show presumed 2024 opponents Donald Trump and Joe Biden are presently in a dead heat.

Contests between the two front runners are variously more determinate based upon partisan supermajority electoral margins in state and national congressional races, although small shifts in narrow battleground swing states can have large and often contested consequences.

Meanwhile, recent years have revealed a stunningly hyper partisan and hypocritical weaponized two-tiered justice system at federal, state, and municipal levels which applied to Donald Trump, send a terrifying message to all who are inclined to take fair and equal justice for granted . . . . (snip)

OP COMMENT: Our laws and constitution are what make us different than other nations. When one side violates them just to win, then we have lost everything.

MORE: " . . . . Prior to, during, and following his presidency, Trump has endured two sham impeachments ending in acquittals. The first was over a telephone call with incoming Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, asking him to check on reports of Biden family involvement with a corrupt energy company, Burisma, wherein we have since learned that the owner of that company paid Joe and Hunter Biden $5 million each for unknown services.

A second which began just a week before the end of his term in office involved politically stacked banana republic style kangaroo court Senate hearings which allowed no cross examination of witnesses regarding chaotic Jan. 2020 Capital riots falsely branded as an "insurrection."

Since leaving office, the nation’s 45th president — who received 63 million votes in 2016 and even more, 74 million in his 2020 loss, has been indicted four more times, twice by federal grand juries and once each in the bright blue jurisdictions of Manhattan and Fulton County Georgia.

All these legal assaults are transparently aimed at disqualifying him from running again —or failing that, doing maximum damage to his 2024 candidacy, bleeding his campaign coffers dry, and drawing attention away from far more serious Biden family corruption accusations leading directly back to Joe. A complicit Department of Justice, FBI and legacy media has proven fully onboard with promoting these outcomes . . . . "
MORE: " . . . . Prior to, during, and following his presidency, Trump has endured two sham impeachments ending in acquittals. The first was over a telephone call with incoming Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, asking him to check on reports of Biden family involvement with a corrupt energy company, Burisma, wherein we have since learned that the owner of that company paid Joe and Hunter Biden $5 million each for unknown services.

A second which began just a week before the end of his term in office involved politically stacked banana republic style kangaroo court Senate hearings which allowed no cross examination of witnesses regarding chaotic Jan. 2020 Capital riots falsely branded as an "insurrection."

Since leaving office, the nation’s 45th president — who received 63 million votes in 2016 and even more, 74 million in his 2020 loss, has been indicted four more times, twice by federal grand juries and once each in the bright blue jurisdictions of Manhattan and Fulton County Georgia.

All these legal assaults are transparently aimed at disqualifying him from running again —or failing that, doing maximum damage to his 2024 candidacy, bleeding his campaign coffers dry, and drawing attention away from far more serious Biden family corruption accusations leading directly back to Joe. A complicit Department of Justice, FBI and legacy media has proven fully onboard with promoting these outcomes . . . . "

What exactly are you advocating? All the charges brought against trump were brought with complete adherance to all applicable laws. All the Is were dotted and all the Ts were crossed. Do you think those laws should be eliminated? Do you want to do away with the ability to bring charges, or do you want to make some people immune from having charges brought against them? Please explain, and be specific.
I did not realize I was "advocating" anything. The article speaks for itself. Can you read? The justice system is being weaponized by the Left to attack and destroy conservative politicians, most notably Trump. If you don't see that then you are as blind as a bat.

You've gone to the effort to complain. Why do you dodge the chance to make clear exactly what you are complaining about? Your remarks are meaningless without specific explanation of what you disagree with. May be you just want to whine. If so, then there is no need for you to further explain.

Will the Democrats' Rogue Justice Permanently Damage The Country?​

That video has nothing to do with the OP or this discussion, but I'll briefly address it as a courtesy to you, since you went to the trouble of posting it. Despite his being wrong on many aspects, his video has no connection to this discussion anyway. That little Levin guy was discussing charges against a sitting president. Trump is not a sitting president. All the current charges against him were brought after he was out of office so the supremacy clause has nothing to do with any of what is happening.
That video has nothing to do with the OP or this discussion, but I'll briefly address it as a courtesy to you, since you went to the trouble of posting it. Despite his being wrong on many aspects, his video has no connection to this discussion anyway. That little Levin guy was discussing charges against a sitting president. Trump is not a sitting president. All the current charges against him were brought after he was out of office so the supremacy clause has nothing to do with any of what is happening.
Says the good little Stalinist piglet! :itsok:
Votar Roja

.That Trump will be tried for his coup attempt is not a violation of his rights. It is a fulfillment of his rights. It is the grace of the American republic. In other systems, when your coup attempt fails, what follows is not a trial..
Here's the thing.

The president shouldn't be above the law.

Anyone else who did the stuff Trump did would have been charged and imprisoned by now. If anything, he's getting special consideration because a flaw in our system allowed him to be president after a majority voted against him.

The biggest mistake in our country's history was when Jerry Ford pardoned Nixon before he could even stand trial. Our system needed to prove it could punish law-breaking presidents.
Your Orange Baboon-God summoned, incited and aimed an Insurrectionist mob against the Congress of the United States.

He is now being held accountable at-law for his traitorous behaviors using the Constitution and laws he tried to set aside.

He will serve as a daunting example to any aspiring tyrant or autocrat in the future who attempts to gain or hold onto power.

A President is not a King.

The POS once said that he could shoot somebody in broad daylight in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it.

He was wrong.

He is now being publicly crucified - metaphorically speaking - in the criminal law courts.

Rightfully so.

And if that causes "divisions" and triggers a loss of faith amongst his cultist-minions, then so be it... phukk 'em.... and him too.

Let the games begin.
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MORE: " . . . . Prior to, during, and following his presidency, Trump has endured two sham impeachments ending in acquittals. The first was over a telephone call with incoming Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, asking him to check on reports of Biden family involvement with a corrupt energy company, Burisma, wherein we have since learned that the owner of that company paid Joe and Hunter Biden $5 million each for unknown services.

A second which began just a week before the end of his term in office involved politically stacked banana republic style kangaroo court Senate hearings which allowed no cross examination of witnesses regarding chaotic Jan. 2020 Capital riots falsely branded as an "insurrection."

Since leaving office, the nation’s 45th president — who received 63 million votes in 2016 and even more, 74 million in his 2020 loss, has been indicted four more times, twice by federal grand juries and once each in the bright blue jurisdictions of Manhattan and Fulton County Georgia.

All these legal assaults are transparently aimed at disqualifying him from running again —or failing that, doing maximum damage to his 2024 candidacy, bleeding his campaign coffers dry, and drawing attention away from far more serious Biden family corruption accusations leading directly back to Joe. A complicit Department of Justice, FBI and legacy media has proven fully onboard with promoting these outcomes . . . . "
No, you are not telling the truth the first impeachment was not providing Congressional funding as prescribed by law.

Lawfare Against Trump Destroying Our Unifying Ideals​

Americans continue to hold foundational bedrock values common to modern civilization.

For example, we abhor racism and embrace multiculturism; provide compassionate support for those who are helplessly needy; deeply care about our children and their futures; and believe it is important to preserve and protect socioeconomic and natural environments that succeeding generations will inherit from ours.

As a nation constitutionally governed by its people rather than the reverse, America is traditionally also quite unique from many other countries globally.

We celebrate mutually cross-checking balances of powers between executive, legislative and judicial branches of government; a vigilant and honest independent media to inform the public regarding important domestic and foreign issue developments and policy implications; laws and overseers that apply equally to all citizens and institutions; and fair and open electoral processes influenced by all of the above.

Nevertheless, whereas most of us would likely agree about these principles, this writer’s long lifetime experience has never witnessed deeper, more visceral partisan divisions of disparate viewpoints regarding our nation’s current trend in honoring them.

America has become a dangerously disunited nation with predominate opposing views precariously teetering between conservative laissez-faire policies that seek to minimize government interference plus incentivize equality of opportunity . . . rather than neo-Marxist guaranteed equity of outcomes founded on divide and conquer victimization messaging.

This ideological division is particularly pivotal at the national level where multiple polls show presumed 2024 opponents Donald Trump and Joe Biden are presently in a dead heat.

Contests between the two front runners are variously more determinate based upon partisan supermajority electoral margins in state and national congressional races, although small shifts in narrow battleground swing states can have large and often contested consequences.

Meanwhile, recent years have revealed a stunningly hyper partisan and hypocritical weaponized two-tiered justice system at federal, state, and municipal levels which applied to Donald Trump, send a terrifying message to all who are inclined to take fair and equal justice for granted . . . . (snip)

OP COMMENT: Our laws and constitution are what make us different than other nations. When one side violates them just to win, then we have lost everything.

You pretty well summed up Donald J. Rump. Rump tried to violate quite a few things to remain in power.
the first 4 paragraphs do describe the usa ideals of equality and multiculturalism, ideals that can ONLY be achieved if we can leave divisive demagogues like trump in the wastebin of history.
Wow kookbot spittle flying all over the place rumpart....
You sound like Mrs. Jones now having breathed too much CO2 from your facediaper.
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