Lawmakers on Jan. 6 committee ramp up their security as threats increase

Let's review:

Breaking into the Capitol and rioting and threatening the lives of elected officials = legitimate political discourse

Protesting near a judge's home = assault
It’s illegal to protest in front a SCOTUS justice’s home to attempt intimidation. Federal law. Learn it. Nobody “broke into the Capitol”. By YOUR SIDE’S definition, that was a peaceful protest.
Damn how many more years do we have to hear this stolen election bullshit, it's gotten old. Trump lost move on, let him run again in 2024 if he can. It has been proven over and over again that the election wasn't stolen and you Trump Humpers just keep regurgitating the same weak argument over and over and over.
Where did I say anything about the election you loon? Are you ever going to address the actual topic of the thread?
“The committee on Tuesday held its fourth hearing, which focused on efforts by former president Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the results of the 2020 election and the resulting political violence and harassment experienced by many of those who resisted. Over the weekend, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) revealed a letter addressed to his wife that threatened to execute them and their 5-month-old baby. He warned that the political violence of Jan. 6, 2021 was not an aberration but a consequence of his party’s repeated lies.”

A threat to execute a 5-month-old baby, the consequence of Republican lies.
i doubt there will be any violence from the right against dem leaders ... however when the SC decision on Roe is released in a few days and if it doesnt go the way the marxists want it dont be surprised when democrats get violent and burn loot and riot in major cities across the country ....AGAIN !

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