Lawmakers on Jan. 6 committee ramp up their security as threats increase

No election was stolen. Showing us how gullible you are to NYC con-men, eh?
Changing election laws without it going thru the state houses is BEAKING the LAW, dimwit. Ballot harvesting is not legal anywhere except in your empty head.
“The committee on Tuesday held its fourth hearing, which focused on efforts by former president Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the results of the 2020 election and the resulting political violence and harassment experienced by many of those who resisted. Over the weekend, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) revealed a letter addressed to his wife that threatened to execute them and their 5-month-old baby. He warned that the political violence of Jan. 6, 2021 was not an aberration but a consequence of his party’s repeated lies.”

A threat to execute a 5-month-old baby, the consequence of Republican lies.
What goes around comes around. Two years ago democrats were actually attacking republican officials and lawmakers with the open approval of the democrat legislators. I know republicans have been restrained in the face of actual violence and threats of violence from democrats, but don't be surprised when some strike back by making threats of their own. I don't believe in getting down in the mud with pigs, so I don't support violence or threats against elected officials and their families, but a lot of people aren't as restrained as I am.
But you haven't even come close to arguing it cost Trump the election.

Also, that is not vote fraud.

So what point do you imagine you are making?
When they mailed ballots to EVERYONE without them requesting one and than allowing the "collection" of them with no ID's, signature verification, into the "COVID" drop boxes, and allowing past the due date ballots without changing the states voting laws thru normal channels. It is illegal to do that fool. Sorry I'm from Chicago and I saw it happen many times. Remember ACORN?
He warned that the political violence of Jan. 6, 2021 was not an aberration but a consequence of his party’s repeated lies.
When will the Left accept responsibility for not only stealing an election that they later admitted to and BRAGGED about doing so, then orchestrating the J6 protest into a riot, the 2nd impeachment, and now this violence and threats against all of America from just winning another election to the supreme court to holding people with no due process to the ongoing 7th witch hunt against Trump to the weaponization of the FBI to the attempted vilification of half the nation as all YOUR FAULT and doing so trying to cover your own tracks, one that America is not going to let you get away with?
The homes of S.C. Justices are under assault every day and congress refuses to help but the Jan 6 committee whines about "threats" and ramps up security. No surprise here.
I don't recall you being so concerned about our Supreme Court justices being threatened and harassed in their own homes.
“The committee on Tuesday held its fourth hearing, which focused on efforts by former president Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the results of the 2020 election and the resulting political violence and harassment experienced by many of those who resisted. Over the weekend, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) revealed a letter addressed to his wife that threatened to execute them and their 5-month-old baby. He warned that the political violence of Jan. 6, 2021 was not an aberration but a consequence of his party’s repeated lies.”

A threat to execute a 5-month-old baby, the consequence of Republican lies.
the left will loot ,burn, riot, and kill [AGAIN] ! when the SC releases their decision and overturns Roe V Wade in a few days ...its what modern democrats do ..... the left will stay silent on said mass violence and anarchy and point to the brief acts of violence that lasted a couple of hrs 2 yrs ago on jan 6th [that hasnt happened since ] to distract ....
When they mailed ballots to EVERYONE without them requesting one and than allowing the "collection" of them with no ID's, signature verification, into the "COVID" drop boxes, and allowing past the due date ballots without changing the states voting laws thru normal channels. It is illegal to do that fool. Sorry I'm from Chicago and I saw it happen many times. Remember ACORN?
Let's try this again.

No fake votes presented by you.

No plausible explanation on how it cost Trump the election.

Not sure what point you imagine you are making.

(Try to leave out the lies this time, thanks)
“The committee on Tuesday held its fourth hearing, which focused on efforts by former president Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the results of the 2020 election and the resulting political violence and harassment experienced by many of those who resisted. Over the weekend, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) revealed a letter addressed to his wife that threatened to execute them and their 5-month-old baby. He warned that the political violence of Jan. 6, 2021 was not an aberration but a consequence of his party’s repeated lies.”

A threat to execute a 5-month-old baby, the consequence of Republican lies.
You do know this thread isn’t about about your TDS right? Your total dodge of the point is obvious.
Damn how many more years do we have to hear this stolen election bullshit, it's gotten old. Trump lost move on, let him run again in 2024 if he can. It has been proven over and over again that the election wasn't stolen and you Trump Humpers just keep regurgitating the same weak argument over and over and over.
Damn how many more years do we have to hear this stolen election bullshit, it's gotten old. Trump lost move on, let him run again in 2024 if he can. It has been proven over and over again that the election wasn't stolen and you Trump Humpers just keep regurgitating the same weak argument over and over and over.
how come you are not mentioning the ones here who post daily about fucking trump?......they just keep regurgitating the same shit over and over too.....
Democrats overthrew the legitimate President of the United States when they stole the election for Biden. This was after an entire summer of Democrat-led violence in which massive amounts of property was destroyed, people were killed, and law and order broke down. They have no right to complain about the shit storm they started.
Nothing was stolen. You have no right to even open your trap about the big lie. Loser.
“The committee on Tuesday held its fourth hearing, which focused on efforts by former president Donald Trump and his allies to overturn the results of the 2020 election and the resulting political violence and harassment experienced by many of those who resisted. Over the weekend, Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) revealed a letter addressed to his wife that threatened to execute them and their 5-month-old baby. He warned that the political violence of Jan. 6, 2021 was not an aberration but a consequence of his party’s repeated lies.”

A threat to execute a 5-month-old baby, the consequence of Republican lies.
The "Committee" now realizes that nobody CARES about their political show trial so now they're claiming "threats" against them to try and get someone to pay attention!

Nobody cares, Adam! You and Liz Cheney sold your souls to Nancy Pelosi and now the two of you couldn't win an election for animal control officer. Have a nice life...see ya!
You have been so easily groomed by a NYC gullible. The 2020 election was legit and President Biden is..........well......President. You have thrown away your christian religion with both hands in order to worship the orange pig.
More lying BULLSHIT from the left.

Fine. You fuckers are going to get your own medicine now.

Read my lips: by hook or by crook, YOU ARE LEAVING TOWN.

Don't care about your lies anymore. Get the fuck outta here, lying leftist trash.
You are exactly the kind of person who should be on a watch list and never own guns. This is dangerous, wild delusion.
Fuck you. You're leaving town. You can do it voluntarily or on a rail, your choice. Either way, you're outta here. Got no time for your bullshit anymore.

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