Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

Do you have permission from God to speak on his behalf because that's where that rubbish came from.
With those rules in place, where's the freedom for those who disagree with them?
Most if thisecitems are related to sex. The most natural thing since time began, until God got dragged into it to punish th9se heathens and atheists.
Stick to your bible son.
It's actually a Xtian thing. Judaism recognizes the importance of sex. In what was a very patriarchal society, the Talmud outlines how often a woman should expect her husband to "perform", depending on the husband's occupation. In a society where women had few rights, one of the few reasons a woman could initiate divorce procedings is the husband's failure to satisfy her. So don't lump God in there, it's all about the church's need to control.
It's actually a Xtian thing. Judaism recognizes the importance of sex. In what was a very patriarchal society, the Talmud outlines how often a woman should expect her husband to "perform", depending on the husband's occupation. In a society where women had few rights, one of the few reasons a woman could initiate divorce procedings is the husband's failure to satisfy her. So don't lump God in there, it's all about the church's need to control.
It's always nice to see a fellow believer throw another faith under the bus to placate an atheist. :rolleyes:
If you can stick to the topic and remain civil, I will converse with you.
NFBW wrote: From what I’ve seen thus far you are dictating not conversing. I call that criticism. If you take this criticism of your idea to CONVERT my MADISON & JEFFERSONIAN sovereign US Constitutional Republic into a GLOBAL WORLD Christian UTOPION Dictatorsip of the Conscience to fulfill your perceived duty to your universal personal perception of god, as an insult so be it. Ignoring me proves I am right. Like the book burning going on in Texas right now that is a danger to freedom and individual liberty which cannot be ignored. I will not be silenced for fear of insulting the feelings of a snowflake who believes his God wants him to take control of the world starting with the bastion of individual Liberty - the Great United States of America. My country is not ‘tis of thee - It ‘tis of all of “we” the free 22FEB06-POST#0405
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There does seem to be a weird obsession with sex in Xtianity. That somehow, it's "dirty".
Sex is like fire. Used properly, it's the greatest gift. Used improperly, it can destroy you. People constantly underestimate the destruction illicit sex causes. At first glance, it may seem like no big deal. But it damages relationships, and one's ability to form them. Often it damages you in ways you don't see until years later.
All the taboos surrounding it. That it must not really be talked about, that forms of it are sin.
Like all things abuse leads to sin. There's a section on sexuality in the Catechism that talks quite about it. So the taboos you are speaking of are probably more societal than religious.
All the taboos surrounding it. That it must not really be talked about, that forms of it are sin.
There are a lot of things that can lead to sexual sin. Images of it. Portrayals of it. Again, it's like fire. Would you wear a cotton bathrobe next to an open flame? This is called 'near occasion' in the RCC
NFBW wrote: From what I’ve seen thus far you are dictating not conversing. I call that criticism. If you take this criticism of your idea to CONVERT my MADISON & JEFFERSONIAN sovereign US Constitutional Republic into a GLOBAL WORLD Christian UTOPION Dictatorsip of the Conscience to fulfill your perceived duty to your universal personal perception of god, as an insult so be it. Ignoring me proves I am right. Like the book burning going on in Texas right now that is a danger to freedom and individual liberty which cannot be ignored. I will not be silenced for fear of insulting the feelings of a snowflake who believes his God wants him to take control of the world starting with the bastion of individual Liberty - the Great United States of America. My country is not ‘tis of thee - It ‘tis of all of “we” the free 22FEB06-POST#0405
When you use terms like "Jeebus" and refer to me as vulgar, then our conversation is over. From what I can see, you may not be the type that is able to take constructive criticism and fix it. But hopefully, I'll be wrong on that. We'll see.

Whoever corrects a mocker invites insults;
whoever rebukes the wicked incurs abuse.
Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still;
teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.

-Proverbs 9: 7,9
I apologize for that. So is it your opinion that Joe Biden is clueless on abortion?
It is my opinion that Joe Biden is a people pleaser and he will always do what pleases the most people--or what he thinks pleases the most people. He is easily manipulated (guided if you prefer that term), always has been.
Deleted it.

Care to answer this question I posed earlier?

"So, under your benighted despotism, if I wanted to put up a statue of Jupiter on my front lawn and pray and offer sacrifices to it you would have no objections?"
I listed the laws in the OP.
No such thing as "sexual sin". It's an invention of the Church to control people.
You said you were an observant Jew. Which of the laws in my OP violates your religion? You never answered that question I asked earlier.
I listed the laws in the OP.
I saw this: "Ten Commandments, crosses, and crucifixes may be displayed." No direct prohibition about what one can do on their own property.
This one slipped my notice: "School prayer allowed and encouraged." What's the punishment for little Billy, age 7, for refusing to pray? I shudder to think about that.
From what I can see, you may not be the type that is able to take constructive criticism and fix it.

NFBW Wrote: You are the one Mashmont proposing to change laws which would have detrimental impact on my productive and happy life thus far.

If you and I henceforth continue to abide by all the laws that are presently set I propose nothing that would change the way you live your life and you should propose nothing to change the way that I live mine.

So what do you have to constructively criticize me? I am for leaving each other and all laws alone.

I am at a very good place in my life which has been a very good place for over 70 years. Had plenty of ups and downs, but would never change anything nor do I have any regrets. I am very, healthy, very happily married for 22 years, and before that another 20 years. I have a wonderful family from two marriages. I just semi- retired last year from 50 years of project management and estimating in the construction industry on a high school diploma. Sixty hours a week for most of that time.

I am healthy and I am wealthy enough and I consider myself wise. Starting 2001 with nothing but a pretty good job in the DC area and my wife getting her masters degree at Georgetown University, we are right now paying half a million cash for a new construction townhome for rental income - we take possession of it in June in an up and coming area south of DC.

My wife, our six year old daughter and I bought our first townhome 2002 for $250,000. We paid off the mortgage by 2009. I love working with the tools and I did all the upgrades on our home and now similar homes are now selling in our splendid multicultural neighborhood for half a million. In 2016 we drained my 401k and our savings and bought a condo for our daughter to live in while she went for her masters degree. She now works with autistic families. We paid cash $250,000. Now we can sell it for $350,000. My daughter and her husband are moving to California so will begin renting it out.

I’m telling you all this because you claim that I need constructive criticism when you know nothing about me. But we’ve done all that without organized religion being a part of it. You need to understand millions and millions of human beings don’t need you to tell them how to live their lives and what they should believe. But if you have some constructive criticism let’s hear it.

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I saw this: "Ten Commandments, crosses, and crucifixes may be displayed." No direct prohibition about what one can do on their own property.
This one slipped my notice: "School prayer allowed and encouraged." What's the punishment for little Billy, age 7, for refusing to pray? I shudder to think about that.
Who said there was a penalty? You're making it up.

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