Laws I Would Enact in an Officially Christian United States Government

NFBW Wrote: You are the one Mashmont proposing to change laws which would have detrimental impact on my productive and happy life thus far.

If you and I henceforth continue to abide by all the laws that are presently set I propose nothing that would change the way you live your life and you should propose nothing to change the way that I live mine.

So what do you have to constructively criticize me? I am for leaving each other and all laws alone.

I am at a very good place in my life which has been a very good place for over 70 years. Had plenty of ups and downs, but would never change anything nor do I have any regrets. I am very, healthy, very happily married for 22 years, and before that another 20 years. I have a wonderful family from two marriages. I just semi- retired last year from 50 years of project management and estimating in the construction industry on a high school diploma. Sixty hours a week for most of that time.

I am healthy and I am wealthy enough and I consider myself wise. Starting 2001 with nothing but a pretty good job in the DC area and my wife getting her masters degree at Georgetown University, we are right now paying half a million cash for a new construction townhome for rental income - we take possession of it in June in an up and coming area south of DC.

My wife, our six year old daughter and I bought our first townhome 2002 for $250,000. We paid off the mortgage by 2009. I love working with the tools and I did all the upgrades on our home and now similar homes are now selling in our splendid multicultural neighborhood for half a million. In 2016 we drained my 401k and our savings and bought a condo for our daughter to live in while she went for her masters degree. She now works with autistic families. We paid cash $250,000. Now we can sell it for $350,000. My daughter and her husband are moving to California so will begin renting it out.

I’m telling you all this because you claim that I need constructive criticism when you know nothing about me. But we’ve done all that without organized religion being a part of it. You need to understand millions and millions of human beings don’t need you to tell them how to live their lives and what they should believe. But if you have some constructive criticism let’s hear it.

The criticism was for name-calling me and mocking Jesus' name. Do it again, and we're done.

Also, why would you build a home to rent out in your 70s? I have rentals and I'm going to start liquidating. I don't want my kids to have to mess with that stuff.

Good for you doing well financially, but it is by no means the measure of a man or a happy life. Did your first wife pass away or did you divorce?
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You said you were an observant Jew. Which of the laws in my OP violates your religion? You never answered that question I asked earlier.
In the Schools:
Christian/Catholic sexual morality taught from the earliest grades:

Ten Commandments, crosses, and crucifixes may be displayed.
School prayer allowed and encouraged.
Christmas may be celebrated. Christian themed decorations may be used
Christian-themed Christmas plays may be performed.

In media:
No legislation may be pushed by a news outlet that violates Christian moral teaching.

In commerce and law:

Abortion mills illegal.
Those directly go against my religion because they force me to acquiesce to a different religion. All the others are simply an offensive affront to freedom.
Those directly go against my religion because they force me to acquiesce to a different religion. All the others are simply an offensive affront to freedom.
None of the laws I listed go against Judaism. That's a lie. Why do you feel the need to lie?
All abortion is wrong. Pills included. I would ban the pills.

If you can stick to the topic and remain civil, I will converse with you. If you move into insults or namecalling or mocking of God, I'll put you on iggy like I did the other guy.
I am sure, but of course you literally can't. It's in the mail and can come here from out of country. Unless you are going to search all US mail in your jihad.
I am sure, but of course you literally can't. It's in the mail and can come here from out of country. Unless you are going to search all US mail in your jihad.
I suppose you can order nuclear weapon parts as well, but it's still illegal.
I saw this: "Ten Commandments, crosses, and crucifixes may be displayed." No direct prohibition about what one can do on their own property.
This one slipped my notice: "School prayer allowed and encouraged." What's the punishment for little Billy, age 7, for refusing to pray? I shudder to think about that.
What if little Billie starts praying to Satan?
The criticism was for name-calling me and mocking Jesus' name. Do it again, and we're done.

NFBW wrote: Is the ‘speck in the eye’ parable of Jesus a message against those who project an offensive display of superiority or self-importance and overbearing pride against others not of their own belief or philosophy to be a lack of good taste and obnoxious non-spiritual behavior? - - - Is pointing that out “name calling” or constructive criticism of a person who does it? 22FEB06-POST#0432
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There are laws both religions have in common, therefore you're lying. And trolling.
Yes, there are things in common. But once you start with introducing Xtianity, that goes against Judaism. And we have had enough experience under religious governments to know better
Yes, there are things in common. But once you start with introducing Xtianity, that goes against Judaism. And we have had enough experience under religious governments to know better
But none of the laws I listed go against Judaism. So if you object to them, then you do so for other reasons.
NFBW wrote: Is the ‘speck in the eye’ parable of Jesus a message against those who project an offensive display of superiority or self-importance and overbearing pride against others not of their own belief or philosophy to be a lack of good taste and obnoxious non-spiritual behavior? - - - Is pointing that out “name calling” or constructive criticism of a person who does it? 22FEB06-POST#0432
Very disappointed you choose not to take correction just like the irreligious in Jesus' day.
You say you don't practice Christianity. That money you've made in your life...what good is it going to do you when you die?
It's actually a Xtian thing. Judaism recognizes the importance of sex. In what was a very patriarchal society, the Talmud outlines how often a woman should expect her husband to "perform", depending on the husband's occupation. In a society where women had few rights, one of the few reasons a woman could initiate divorce procedings is the husband's failure to satisfy her. So don't lump God in there, it's all about the church's need to control.
I don't care what some silly Talmud says.
Godbotherers believe they have a divine right to instruct people how to run their lives. Now they want to change laws to suit them and their rubbish beliefs.
Where's the freedom in that?
I don't care what some silly Talmud says.
Godbotherers believe they have a divine right to instruct people how to run their lives. Now they want to change laws to suit them and their rubbish beliefs.
Where's the freedom in that?
If you don't like Christianity, wait until the atheists takeover government. See what happens to your freedoms when we become China.
If you don't like Christianity, wait until the atheists takeover government. See what happens to your freedoms when we become China.
Here we Go again.
Trump was an atheist and you said nothing about that.

The same old Republican threats of a Chinese takeover. Heard it all before.
Grow up. You're paranoid.
Here we Go again.
Trump was an atheist and you said nothing about that.

The same old Republican threats of a Chinese takeover. Heard it all before.
Grow up. You're paranoid.
Moving that way every day the Marxists are in control. Constant erosions of freedom. More and more socialism. More and more moral decay.

President Trump is more moral than any national Democrat out there. He said he's a Christian, and he governed in a very Christian manner. That is why the atheist left cheated and stole the election.

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