Lawsuit Accuses Donald Trump Of Raping Teenage Girl In 1994

Trump even violently raped his wife. She said so under oath.
if a muslim would have done that to his wife you would have said...."so what"....

well, I wouldn't. and she did say he raped her. then he paid off the divorce settlement and got a confidentiality agreement so she would stop talking about it.
i know you wouldnt Jill.....but lakota is extremely biased and people who are, right or left, dont seem to have much in the way of scruples....

I understand Harry.

What interests me about the article is a) the same people who rant and rave about every conspiracy theory and claim liberal bias are blaming people for posting an article that came from a conservative site.
there is that lack of scruples i mentioned.....
I don't, she does apparently. and No, penises are a Republican thing, Democrats hook up with women while Republicans hook up with men.
Link? EVERYONE knows the tales of 'Oscar Meyer' and 'Slick Willy'. No one knows of the equally historic tales of which you speak...perhaps because you pulled them from your nether-region...
Top of my head Larry Craig, Mark Foley, and Dennis Hastert. Many many more out there.
Larry Craig tapped his foot. Mark Foley had an email flirtation. Dennis Hastert paid off a blackmailer.

Gerry Studds got a standing ovation on the senate floor.

larry craig was hitting on gay guys in airport rest rooms.

mark foley hit on little congressional page boys.... and had a history of inappropriate behavior going back 10 years

dennis hastard paid off blackmail so no one would know he was a pedophile.

dumbass.... what a freaking hack you are.
Now that we have the democrat talking points out of the way, carry on.

Don't forget Donald Rumsfeld when he gave the OK for Iraqi children to be raped in prison to humiliate their parents into giving up information, or Arnold Schwarzenegger had sex with a 16 year old when he was 28, or Bob Packwood who was screwing his whole office. LOL
Epstein, under oath:

Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
Q. Have you socialized with him?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.
Here's how Ms. Johnson described the witness:

Johnson letter to Bratton.pdf.


May 24,2016
William Bratton, Jr. Commissioner
New York Police Department
One Police Plaza
New York, NY 10038

Dear Commissioner Bratton:
I was violently raped by Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein in New York City, in related yet separate incidents, at age 13.

Their sexual assaults against me and other minors, more than the rapes alone, occurred on multiple occasions at
the residence of Mr. Epstein in Manhattan during June-September, 1994.
The incidents are detailed in my claims filed April 26, 2016 in U.S. District Court in Riverside, California visible
online here: Donald Trump Lawsuit. I had assistance from friends
with that filing and in composing this letter.

As you may know, Mr. Epstein has already plead guilty to criminal sexuality involving one or more minors. He
had a federal hearing YESTERDAY in Florida on these matters:


All of my factual claims in my federal lawsuit filing and herein are true and correct, including with regard to
multiple threats to my life and to the lives of my loved ones from Mr. Trump and Mr. Epstein. The address I
used for the federal filing (6634 Desert Queen Avenue, Twenty-Nine Palms, California), therefore, was that of a
recent rental home in which I lived, but not the place I am currently hiding from Mssrs. Trump and Epstein (for
fear that they or their agents may seek to kill me).
Besides Mssrs. Trump and Epstein, each of whom was witness in some way to the crimes of the other, there are
other witnesses besides me who know of their wrongdoing. In my federal complaint, some are referred to as
"Jane Doe," "Maria Doe" and "Tiffany Doe." Eyewitness Tiffany, at least, has assured me that she will testify as
to the truth and factuality of my claims.
Like other survivors of rape, sexual assault, child abuse or sex trafficking, I have tried to repress the memories,
to heal and somehow move on. When Mr. Trump began to look like a serious contender for the Presidency late
last year, however, I resolved that I must tell the truth about what he and Mr. Epstein did to me.
Early this year, I met with plaintiffs' attorneys about my claims. They told me that I had a good civil case. Yet,
because Mr. Epstein has well-known social ties to former President Bill Clinton and other powerful celebrities
(look here: Outdoor Forums. ing u isitr .com/3108141/bill-clinton-a lleged ly-flew-o n-pedoph ile-jeffrey-epsteins-sex-jet-
with-trafficked-girls-26-times/), I perceived that some of these lawyers wanted to stall my claims from being
heard in court during 2016.
Page 2

Now, probably because Mr. Trump has become "the presumptive nominee" ofthe Republican Party, it seems
that many if not most GOP politicians and lawyers want nothing to do with exposing any ugly truth about Donald
Trump before it's too late.
That's the opinion offriends who believe my claims about what ~ssrs. Trump and Epstein did to me and other
girls as young as 12; we have spoken to dozens of lawyers who, evidently for fear of Mr. Trump, the Clintons or
Mr. Epstein, will not even look into anything I have said. Some have almost seemed to run away from me and
what I know to be the facts. Others have been worse; one lawyer even breached his duties to me and evidently,
passed confidential contact information on to Mr. Trump or his allies.
Therefore, I filed my federal claims prose on April 26. The California judge, however, dismissed my complaint
on a technicality because, if I understand correctly, I did not have sufficient funds to pay the filing fee. One nice
attorney, contradicting prior attorneys, recently indicated that there is another problem with my civil claims
apart from my inability as of April 26 to pay the filing fee.
If she's correct, the federal and New York statutes of limitation protect Mssrs. Trump and Epstein from any civil
damages for raping me and other children 22 years ago. She wrote us that "New York has no criminal statute of
limitations for rape/criminal sexual act/ aggravated sexual conduct against a child. Accordingly, should Ms.
Johnson desire to contact prosecutors about her allegations, she is free to do so. But with respect to a CIVIL
lawsuit in New York for monetary damages against defendants alleged to have sexually assaulted the plaintiff,
the statute of limitations has run."
I have no good reason to doubt her, but I am still trying to find a civil attorney who knows for sure. Maybe she is
correct, maybe the earlier attorneys are correct. It appears, however, that I may never receive any financial
compensation from Mssrs. Trump or Epstein for what they did to me and stole from me: My innocence, my
virginity, my happiness.
If the civil statutes of limitations are up for child rape -I can't quite believe it's true, but it may be-- I can live
with that. One way or another, my central concern is to expose the wrongdoing of Mssrs. Trump and Epstein
and see justice done in courts of law (whether criminal, civil or both) and to be sure that our nation knows all
about Mr. Trump before electing such an evil man to the world's most powerful office.
He and his people will surely say that I am a lying gold-digger or a bimbo. Yet, it wasn't even my idea to ask for
$100,000,000 in damages in my April 26 filing; a friend simply thought that that might help law enforcement
people like you and others take more notice of what an indigent 35-year-old woman was saying about two
powerful, evil men.
Even were Mr. Trump penitent about what he did to me so violently and criminally 22 years ago, for the same
National Security principles discussed here (McCarthy's Alleged Affair Matters When He'd Be 2nd in Line + the Press Created a False Narrative
Affair-is-Relevant-When-He-d-Be-2nd-in-Line-for-the-Presidency), no person with history like Mr. Trump's
should be allowed to enter office with such shameful secrets unexposed. Whatever is in his unreleased income
taxes, I promise you it's not as bad as what Donald J. Trump did to me and other girls in 1994.
To see that my claims are not inconsistent with the kinds of misogyny with which Mr. Trump has been involved,
the website has some useful links to various public sources. This article may also be
helpfu I too: Outdoor Forums. justice-integritv.o rg/fag/791-ken-sta rr-expla ins-h is-help-for-billionaire-pervert-jeffrey-
epstein. Also, please read the horrible Palm Beach police report on Mr. Epstein here:
Page 3

Palm Beach Police Reports: Jeffrey Epstein case
case?skip app promo=true. Here is what Mr. Trump once said about Mr. Epstein:
"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy," Trump told New York magazine in a 2002 profile of [convicted
sex offender Jeffrey] Epstein written three years before Epstein began to be investigated. "He's a lot of
fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful wom~n as much as I do, and many ofthem are on
the younger side. No doubt about it- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."
Vice News, January 29, 2016:
One helpful person, a prosecutor of Penn State's Coach Sandusky for child sex crimes, asked a friend why I did
not begin by filing a police report in New York. The answer, honestly, is that it wasn't clear to me or my friends
upfront what the proper order would be. Also: I have been terrified that billionaires like Mssrs. Trump and
Epstein have the money and influence to corrupt policemen, politicians and even prosecutors.
I do not believe that is so about you, Commissioner Bratton. Your NYPD bio suggests you are fearless and that
you have true integrity: "A U.S. Army veteran of the Vietnam War, Commissioner Bratton began his career in
1970 as a beat cop in the Boston Police Department {BPD), where he was cited with the department's top award
for valor in 1976 for facing down a bank robber and rescuing a hostage."
Therefore Mr. Bratton, I hereby respectfully request from you, your office and all your pertinent personnel:
Swift, conscientious and proper investigation-- with no politics, cover-ups, foot-dragging or obstructions of
justice for improper benefit of anyone- so as to bring appropriate criminal charges against Donald J. Trump and
Jeffrey E. Epstein for raping me as a child, along with other young girls.
I realize that my claims may sound wild. Yet, surely you and your colleagues realize by now that the legitimate
claims against convicted or alleged sexual predators like Mr. Epstein, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Jared Fogle,
Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton, abusive Archdiocesan priests in Boston, New York, Chicago and L.A., Coach Jerry Sandusky
and other monsters went unheard for far too long.
As I said under risk offederal perjury penalties in my April 26 filing, Mssrs. Trump and Epstein threatened me
and my family, and I am in fear for my life right now. Twelve-year-old "Maria Doe," mentioned in my filing, went
missing during 1994 and in the course of their threats to me, Mssrs. Trump and Epstein implied to me that she
was murdered.
To help prevent anything like that from happening to me, I recorded around an hour of (private, unreleased)
video testimony in early February about my horrible experiences with Mssrs. Trump and Epstein. It is not in my
personal possession; it is with people I trust, multiple copies. I do not appear in the video as I'd prefer because I
was wearing a wig to help protect my safety and privacy, to make me less recognizable in public by
Trump/Epstein agents or by media or stalkers. I now realize, however, that I won't be able to hide forever.
Commissioner Bratton, I do not want to die and I do not want to be famous.
But, I do want to do whatever is necessary to file proper criminal complaints against Mssrs. Trump and Epstein
to expose their crimes. As mentioned above, I believe one attorney betrayed a recent location of mine to Mr.
Trump, and I am in hiding right now in California to protect myself and others.
Page 4

Therefore, Mr. Bratton, I respectfully request that you personally, as the Police Commissioner of New York,
kindly please come to California with any necessary police or DA investigators to meet with me ASAP at a safe
I will truthfully answer your questions, I will ask my friends to sh~w you the full videotape of my testimony and I
am willing to take a lie detector test if Mssrs. Trump and Epstein will do so as well. I am willing to do basically
anything you suggest which will not get me killed by Trump/Clinton/Epstein or their allies.
Within a day or two, a friend of mine will make contact with your office to see if you are willing to help me.
Mr. Bratton, please help me.
Thank you for listening to me and taking me seriously.

<signed> Katie johnson
This is the level of political debate we get now with Donald Trump. Is everyone happy?

It's disgusting
No, YOU are disgusting for bringing this red herring up while we have Hillary taking bribes from foreign governments time after time so they could get State Department approval for processes they wanted State to agree to.

We have Hillary carrying on a campaign of 'Bimbo Eruption Control' to silence women who claim her husband sexually harassed them or even raped them.

We have Hillary Clinton using an illegal unsecure private sever, and leaving completely open to foreign hackers. She left thousands of classified emails available to second rate hackers to view and broke dozens of laws and may have even caused the deaths of many of our overseas agents with her treachery.

We have Hillary as the champion of continued Corporate Cronyism while she claims to be running against and she is the most BOUGHT whore that has ever run for office.

Hillary has also been involved with one scandal after another from her miraculous cattle futures trading to the Clinton Foundation bribes.

Hillary has been treating the press with contempt, which they deserve for letting her get away with it.

Hillary has been leading disastrous foreign policy debacles in one country after another and today millions of innocent muslims now live in Salafist dictatorships where women are slaves and homosexuals executed on a regular basis, from Libya to Syria to Western Iraq.

She claims that Trump will bring big deficits after Obama has doubled our national debt and Hillary says she is going to continue OBamas policies, which makes her the biggest hypocrit on the planet.

She is a disgusting lying power mongering whore, period.

Is There Anything to a Lawsuit Accusing Donald Trump of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl with Bill Clinton’s Billionaire Sex Buddy?

Doe claims she encountered Trump at four of these parties, where he "initiated sexual contact" each time. In the fourth and final encounter, she alleges Trump tied her to the bed, exposed himself, and raped her.

"During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect," the suit alleges. "Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff's pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted."
After the encounter, the plaintiff alleges that Trump threatened to kill her family if she told anyone about it. Doe remained silent for 12 years, before this year's campaign made facing her past with Trump "unavoidable."

"This is a woman who is pained by what she went through," Meagher told Revelist. "She has major intimacy problems, she's never had a relationship that lasted, never had children, never gotten married … And seeing [Trump] on TV all the time caused her to think through what to do about it, and ultimately resulted in what she did in April."

What We Know About the Newest Rape Allegations Against Donald Trump

AlterNet is a far left hack site and should be treated like the onion..

KING: Donald Trump is a pervert

Is There Anything to a Lawsuit Accusing Donald Trump of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl with Bill Clinton’s Billionaire Sex Buddy?

there's more...

OPed pieces, gee how convincing is that? A lawsuit was filed as it was a longtime ago, that was dismissed and a lawsuit recently filed that will more than likely be dismissed. Sorry in the political arena today, it carries no weight with me and I dislike the guy.
Wow, this story is all over the Internet.

Wow! well if it is on the internet, it must be true.
Wow, this story is all over the Internet.

Wow! well if it is on the internet, it must be true.

Trump's lucky Hillary and her surrogates aren't as sleazy as him; it would be used! "It's on the internet so it must be true!" ;-/
The press will get interested when she testifies about the identifying marks on his penis. Poor Donald will have to then prove to the court just how tiny it is, a good laugh to be had by many.
How do you know about identifying marks on his penis? Never mind...I DON'T want to know.

But why are liberals so infatuated with / obsessed with Trump's penis? Are penises a 'Democrat' thing? I mean Slick Willy and Anthony 'Oscar Meyer' Weiner couldn't keep it in their pants....

I don't, she does apparently. and No, penises are a Republican thing, Democrats hook up with women while Republicans hook up with men.

Republicans are so obsessed that YOU brought the subject up?
Wow, this story is all over the Internet.

Wow! well if it is on the internet, it must be true.

Trump's lucky Hillary and her surrogates aren't as sleazy as him; it would be used! "It's on the internet so it must be true!" ;-/

I can't figure out which of these candidates are the sleaziest, they are both bottom of the barrel as far as I can tell.
Wow, this story is all over the Internet.

Wow! well if it is on the internet, it must be true.

Trump's lucky Hillary and her surrogates aren't as sleazy as him; it would be used! "It's on the internet so it must be true!" ;-/

I can't figure out which of these candidates are the sleaziest, they are both bottom of the barrel as far as I can tell.

Hillary's calculating and defensive due to everyone and their mother attacking her with made up BS! Run down talking points, most of it makes little to no sense; which doesn't stop her loser detractors! If they can't handle a situation with truth, "the right" deals in lies and propaganda they make up as they go along! It's truly pathetic trying to make her responsible for just about everything that goes wrong! She was a lone Senator and a SOS that fulfilled the wishes of a President! Get over yourselves! Just proves your candidate can't win on his own merit; has to tear down all the opposition! :ahole-1: :anj_stfu: :argue:
First "glimpse" and small snippet of the woman accusing Trump of raping her at 13 years old:

it's still a he said / she said, UNLESS this other tiffany witness checks out...

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