Lawsuit Accuses Donald Trump Of Raping Teenage Girl In 1994

From portions of her tape:

“The first time that I met Donald Trump was at a party at Jeffrey Epstein’s mansion. I was 13....He basically asked if I could come over and give him a hand job.” She pauses for several long moments. “Sorry, this is a little difficult. But um, before I gave him a hand job he kinda slapped my hand away and said,

‘You need to use a glove.’ Tiffany ran over and said, ‘no one touches Mr. Trump’s penis without a glove.’”
Wow, this story is all over the Internet.

Wow! well if it is on the internet, it must be true.

Trump's lucky Hillary and her surrogates aren't as sleazy as him; it would be used! "It's on the internet so it must be true!" ;-/

I can't figure out which of these candidates are the sleaziest, they are both bottom of the barrel as far as I can tell.

Hillary's calculating and defensive due to everyone and their mother attacking her with made up BS! Run down talking points, most of it makes little to no sense; which doesn't stop her loser detractors! If they can't handle a situation with truth, "the right" deals in lies and propaganda they make up as they go along! It's truly pathetic trying to make her responsible for just about everything that goes wrong! She was a lone Senator and a SOS that fulfilled the wishes of a President! Get over yourselves! Just proves your candidate can't win on his own merit; has to tear down all the opposition! :ahole-1: :anj_stfu: :argue:

I wouldn't vote for Trump and I wouldn't vote for Clinton, BOTH are slime dogs, you are a partisan nutter. I blame her for going after her husband's alleged victims. I blame her for Libya and her lies that got us into bombing them, something the President now regrets.
This is a trash charge by the Democrats to get to Trump.

I see nothing but lies from Democrats and not much better from the Republicans. Really both party's are really bad. When the best you can come up is Trump and Clinton, the party's are both lacking morals and conviction.
Wow, this story is all over the Internet.

Wow! well if it is on the internet, it must be true.
The fact a person filed a Federal suit against Trump for rape with an underage girl is true.

That's public record.
Wow, this story is all over the Internet.

Wow! well if it is on the internet, it must be true.
The fact a person filed a Federal suit against Trump for rape with an underage girl is true.

That's public record.
None of the allegations are true. The letter is rambling and incoherent.
Is There Anything to a Lawsuit Accusing Donald Trump of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl with Bill Clinton’s Billionaire Sex Buddy?

Doe claims she encountered Trump at four of these parties, where he "initiated sexual contact" each time. In the fourth and final encounter, she alleges Trump tied her to the bed, exposed himself, and raped her.

"During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to stop but with no effect," the suit alleges. "Defendant Trump responded to Plaintiff's pleas by violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted."
After the encounter, the plaintiff alleges that Trump threatened to kill her family if she told anyone about it. Doe remained silent for 12 years, before this year's campaign made facing her past with Trump "unavoidable."

"This is a woman who is pained by what she went through," Meagher told Revelist. "She has major intimacy problems, she's never had a relationship that lasted, never had children, never gotten married … And seeing [Trump] on TV all the time caused her to think through what to do about it, and ultimately resulted in what she did in April."

What We Know About the Newest Rape Allegations Against Donald Trump

Like Trump himself would say "People are talking about this and wondering -- it's detestable, despicable, disgusting."
Go away liar.
Wow, this story is all over the Internet.

Wow! well if it is on the internet, it must be true.
The fact a person filed a Federal suit against Trump for rape with an underage girl is true.

That's public record.
None of the allegations are true. The letter is rambling and incoherent.
but what about Bill? or the "Other Bill"?
Everything this lunatic says should be suspect. It's like she gathered up names from the nightly news and created a story about people she has never met.
Does anyone remember the stalker who claimed to be married to Jodie Foster? He could recount every moment they spent together. He described their wedding in minute detail.

None of it was true.
Wow, this story is all over the Internet.

Wow! well if it is on the internet, it must be true.
The fact a person filed a Federal suit against Trump for rape with an underage girl is true.

That's public record.

Whether it happened or not is very doubtful. The whole idea is as ludicrous as the rumors that Clinton went to an island and had sex with underage girls.

So stupid and so contrived.
Wow, this story is all over the Internet.

Wow! well if it is on the internet, it must be true.

Trump's lucky Hillary and her surrogates aren't as sleazy as him; it would be used! "It's on the internet so it must be true!" ;-/

I can't figure out which of these candidates are the sleaziest, they are both bottom of the barrel as far as I can tell.

Hillary's calculating and defensive due to everyone and their mother attacking her with made up BS! Run down talking points, most of it makes little to no sense; which doesn't stop her loser detractors! If they can't handle a situation with truth, "the right" deals in lies and propaganda they make up as they go along! It's truly pathetic trying to make her responsible for just about everything that goes wrong! She was a lone Senator and a SOS that fulfilled the wishes of a President! Get over yourselves! Just proves your candidate can't win on his own merit; has to tear down all the opposition! :ahole-1: :anj_stfu: :argue:

I wouldn't vote for Trump and I wouldn't vote for Clinton, BOTH are slime dogs, you are a partisan nutter. I blame her for going after her husband's alleged victims. I blame her for Libya and her lies that got us into bombing them, something the President now regrets.
This is a trash charge by the Democrats to get to Trump.

I see nothing but lies from Democrats and not much better from the Republicans. Really both party's are really bad. When the best you can come up is Trump and Clinton, the party's are both lacking morals and conviction.

And what candidate you gonna pick with all this so called integrity that could win? You may hate Clinton, but no one more prepared in the history of the office; resume the most extensive around regardless of your lack of respect for it! I'd rather have her in office to "check" those rats in Congress who can't wait to set the country back 20 years overturning every piece of legislation they can get away with just for spite! They want to wipe away anything that would even represent Obama; true bigotry at work!

Play the victim if you like, but no President has had to put up with such disrespect in the history of the office! These animals all but called him an "N" word to his face! I'd treat a stranger on the street with more respect than the Republican party before the man even took the oath of office! Make all the excuses you want to placate your own soul if you condone the behavior of these "monsters;" it'll take a couple generations to forget how truly ugly it was! We got a taste of how plantations were run! The world reveres this man and at times Obama couldn't even get Boehner on the phone in a timely fashion during the worst of the budget fight threatening our "credit rating!" The man has more patience than I could ever muster to ignore the attacks that came on like shells during drone strikes! They maligned his wife, the kids, his mother and father, and questioned his intelligence, patriotism, religion, and his actual citizenship! Just keep sweeping it under the carpet! :argue:
Last edited:
Wow! well if it is on the internet, it must be true.

Trump's lucky Hillary and her surrogates aren't as sleazy as him; it would be used! "It's on the internet so it must be true!" ;-/

I can't figure out which of these candidates are the sleaziest, they are both bottom of the barrel as far as I can tell.

Hillary's calculating and defensive due to everyone and their mother attacking her with made up BS! Run down talking points, most of it makes little to no sense; which doesn't stop her loser detractors! If they can't handle a situation with truth, "the right" deals in lies and propaganda they make up as they go along! It's truly pathetic trying to make her responsible for just about everything that goes wrong! She was a lone Senator and a SOS that fulfilled the wishes of a President! Get over yourselves! Just proves your candidate can't win on his own merit; has to tear down all the opposition! :ahole-1: :anj_stfu: :argue:

I wouldn't vote for Trump and I wouldn't vote for Clinton, BOTH are slime dogs, you are a partisan nutter. I blame her for going after her husband's alleged victims. I blame her for Libya and her lies that got us into bombing them, something the President now regrets.
This is a trash charge by the Democrats to get to Trump.

I see nothing but lies from Democrats and not much better from the Republicans. Really both party's are really bad. When the best you can come up is Trump and Clinton, the party's are both lacking morals and conviction.

And what candidate you gonna pick with all this so called integrity that could win? You may hate Clinton, but no one more prepared in the history of the office; resume the most extensive around regardless of your lack of respect for it! I'd rather have her in office to "check" those rats in Congress who can't wait to set the country back 20 years overturning every piece of legislation they can get away with just for spite! They want to wipe away anything that would even represent Obama; true bigotry at work!

Play the victim if you like, but no President has had to put up with such disrespect in the history of the office! These animals all but called him an "N" word to his face! I'd treat a stranger on the street with more respect than the Republican party before the man even took the oath of office! Make all the excuses you want to placate your own soul if you condone the behavior of these "monsters;" it'll take a couple generations to forget how truly ugly it was! We got a taste of how plantations were run! The world reveres this man and at times Obama couldn't even get Boehner on the phone in a timely fashion during the worst of the budget fight threatening our "credit rating!" The man has more patience than I could ever muster to ignore the attacks that came on like shells during drone strikes! They maligned his wife, the kids, his mother and father, and questioned his intelligence, patriotism, religion, and his actual citizenship! Just keep sweeping it under the carpet! It's what you're good at I'm sure! :argue:

Are you a paid shill, or do you subscribe to the Dems talking points?

Playing victim? We are talking Hillary and you bring up what Obama has gone through? Divert much.

You had a great shot at nominating Sanders, but you like the Republicans went and going to nominate a buffoon. A shyster, a Wall St. insider, a women who attacked those victims of her husbands, she is the one that claims rape victims, abused women have a right to be heard. She is a hypocrite. She made up lies to attack Libya, and stand behinds those lies, while Obama calls it his biggest regret of his Presidency. Obama has 100 times the class of Hillary.
Trump's lucky Hillary and her surrogates aren't as sleazy as him; it would be used! "It's on the internet so it must be true!" ;-/

I can't figure out which of these candidates are the sleaziest, they are both bottom of the barrel as far as I can tell.

Hillary's calculating and defensive due to everyone and their mother attacking her with made up BS! Run down talking points, most of it makes little to no sense; which doesn't stop her loser detractors! If they can't handle a situation with truth, "the right" deals in lies and propaganda they make up as they go along! It's truly pathetic trying to make her responsible for just about everything that goes wrong! She was a lone Senator and a SOS that fulfilled the wishes of a President! Get over yourselves! Just proves your candidate can't win on his own merit; has to tear down all the opposition! :ahole-1: :anj_stfu: :argue:

I wouldn't vote for Trump and I wouldn't vote for Clinton, BOTH are slime dogs, you are a partisan nutter. I blame her for going after her husband's alleged victims. I blame her for Libya and her lies that got us into bombing them, something the President now regrets.
This is a trash charge by the Democrats to get to Trump.

I see nothing but lies from Democrats and not much better from the Republicans. Really both party's are really bad. When the best you can come up is Trump and Clinton, the party's are both lacking morals and conviction.

And what candidate you gonna pick with all this so called integrity that could win? You may hate Clinton, but no one more prepared in the history of the office; resume the most extensive around regardless of your lack of respect for it! I'd rather have her in office to "check" those rats in Congress who can't wait to set the country back 20 years overturning every piece of legislation they can get away with just for spite! They want to wipe away anything that would even represent Obama; true bigotry at work!

Play the victim if you like, but no President has had to put up with such disrespect in the history of the office! These animals all but called him an "N" word to his face! I'd treat a stranger on the street with more respect than the Republican party before the man even took the oath of office! Make all the excuses you want to placate your own soul if you condone the behavior of these "monsters;" it'll take a couple generations to forget how truly ugly it was! We got a taste of how plantations were run! The world reveres this man and at times Obama couldn't even get Boehner on the phone in a timely fashion during the worst of the budget fight threatening our "credit rating!" The man has more patience than I could ever muster to ignore the attacks that came on like shells during drone strikes! They maligned his wife, the kids, his mother and father, and questioned his intelligence, patriotism, religion, and his actual citizenship! Just keep sweeping it under the carpet! It's what you're good at I'm sure! :argue:

Are you a paid shill, or do you subscribe to the Dems talking points?

Playing victim? We are talking Hillary and you bring up what Obama has gone through? Divert much.

You had a great shot at nominating Sanders, but you like the Republicans went and going to nominate a buffoon. A shyster, a Wall St. insider, a women who attacked those victims of her husbands, she is the one that claims rape victims, abused women have a right to be heard. She is a hypocrite. She made up lies to attack Libya, and stand behinds those lies, while Obama calls it his biggest regret of his Presidency. Obama has 100 times the class of Hillary.

You say talking points; I call them facts! Be in denial if you like! Regardless of what happened to the bimbos of Bill, what is it to you how she treated them? What woman is going to take kindly to an affair on the Nat'l stage for all of us to watch and try to humiliate her over and over again? She withstood a lot and continues to deflect endless recriminations only because she's a smart woman and has thwarted every attempt to undermine her work! These people should have clean hands or the Clintons wouldn't have survived it all while Gingrich, Livingston, Barr, and a host of other hypocrites were exposed and eventually out of office! I won't need to bring up Hastert do I? That would be more "diversions" I guess! FNC became a network to be on the Clintons' case 24/7! The coverage started and ended with Bill and Hillary! Sean Hannity has her name dripping out of his mouth no matter the topic; just can't help himself! O'Reilly so up Trump's arse, he's almost incoherent trying to make excuses for the stupid things Trump says and does to embarrass his so called campaign! I could go on, but if I continued, you'd accuse it of being more "talking points," when it's just factual info! :smartass:
Wow! well if it is on the internet, it must be true.

Trump's lucky Hillary and her surrogates aren't as sleazy as him; it would be used! "It's on the internet so it must be true!" ;-/

I can't figure out which of these candidates are the sleaziest, they are both bottom of the barrel as far as I can tell.

Hillary's calculating and defensive due to everyone and their mother attacking her with made up BS! Run down talking points, most of it makes little to no sense; which doesn't stop her loser detractors! If they can't handle a situation with truth, "the right" deals in lies and propaganda they make up as they go along! It's truly pathetic trying to make her responsible for just about everything that goes wrong! She was a lone Senator and a SOS that fulfilled the wishes of a President! Get over yourselves! Just proves your candidate can't win on his own merit; has to tear down all the opposition! :ahole-1: :anj_stfu: :argue:

I wouldn't vote for Trump and I wouldn't vote for Clinton, BOTH are slime dogs, you are a partisan nutter. I blame her for going after her husband's alleged victims. I blame her for Libya and her lies that got us into bombing them, something the President now regrets.
This is a trash charge by the Democrats to get to Trump.

I see nothing but lies from Democrats and not much better from the Republicans. Really both party's are really bad. When the best you can come up is Trump and Clinton, the party's are both lacking morals and conviction.

And what candidate you gonna pick with all this so called integrity that could win? You may hate Clinton, but no one more prepared in the history of the office; resume the most extensive around regardless of your lack of respect for it! I'd rather have her in office to "check" those rats in Congress who can't wait to set the country back 20 years overturning every piece of legislation they can get away with just for spite! They want to wipe away anything that would even represent Obama; true bigotry at work!

Play the victim if you like, but no President has had to put up with such disrespect in the history of the office! These animals all but called him an "N" word to his face! I'd treat a stranger on the street with more respect than the Republican party before the man even took the oath of office! Make all the excuses you want to placate your own soul if you condone the behavior of these "monsters;" it'll take a couple generations to forget how truly ugly it was! We got a taste of how plantations were run! The world reveres this man and at times Obama couldn't even get Boehner on the phone in a timely fashion during the worst of the budget fight threatening our "credit rating!" The man has more patience than I could ever muster to ignore the attacks that came on like shells during drone strikes! They maligned his wife, the kids, his mother and father, and questioned his intelligence, patriotism, religion, and his actual citizenship! Just keep sweeping it under the carpet! :argue:
After all thst, obama was still treated better than he deserved. Everything he did should be dismantled. His name should be erased and his official portrait taken out to the driveway and burned. When he leaves, the white house should be both fumigated and given an exorcism.
Trump's lucky Hillary and her surrogates aren't as sleazy as him; it would be used! "It's on the internet so it must be true!" ;-/

I can't figure out which of these candidates are the sleaziest, they are both bottom of the barrel as far as I can tell.

Hillary's calculating and defensive due to everyone and their mother attacking her with made up BS! Run down talking points, most of it makes little to no sense; which doesn't stop her loser detractors! If they can't handle a situation with truth, "the right" deals in lies and propaganda they make up as they go along! It's truly pathetic trying to make her responsible for just about everything that goes wrong! She was a lone Senator and a SOS that fulfilled the wishes of a President! Get over yourselves! Just proves your candidate can't win on his own merit; has to tear down all the opposition! :ahole-1: :anj_stfu: :argue:

I wouldn't vote for Trump and I wouldn't vote for Clinton, BOTH are slime dogs, you are a partisan nutter. I blame her for going after her husband's alleged victims. I blame her for Libya and her lies that got us into bombing them, something the President now regrets.
This is a trash charge by the Democrats to get to Trump.

I see nothing but lies from Democrats and not much better from the Republicans. Really both party's are really bad. When the best you can come up is Trump and Clinton, the party's are both lacking morals and conviction.

And what candidate you gonna pick with all this so called integrity that could win? You may hate Clinton, but no one more prepared in the history of the office; resume the most extensive around regardless of your lack of respect for it! I'd rather have her in office to "check" those rats in Congress who can't wait to set the country back 20 years overturning every piece of legislation they can get away with just for spite! They want to wipe away anything that would even represent Obama; true bigotry at work!

Play the victim if you like, but no President has had to put up with such disrespect in the history of the office! These animals all but called him an "N" word to his face! I'd treat a stranger on the street with more respect than the Republican party before the man even took the oath of office! Make all the excuses you want to placate your own soul if you condone the behavior of these "monsters;" it'll take a couple generations to forget how truly ugly it was! We got a taste of how plantations were run! The world reveres this man and at times Obama couldn't even get Boehner on the phone in a timely fashion during the worst of the budget fight threatening our "credit rating!" The man has more patience than I could ever muster to ignore the attacks that came on like shells during drone strikes! They maligned his wife, the kids, his mother and father, and questioned his intelligence, patriotism, religion, and his actual citizenship! Just keep sweeping it under the carpet! :argue:
After all thst, obama was still treated better than he deserved. Everything he did should be dismantled. His name should be erased and his official portrait taken out to the driveway and burned. When he leaves, the white house should be both fumigated and given an exorcism.

Well we know where you're coming from! Wow; I guess it gets easy to talk like this since it's been so common with Obama at the helm! I had better not ever hear anything about "respecting the office" from guys like you; the reminders of this era will rain down on you like Katrina! :argue: :9:
A Lawsuit Claims Donald Trump Raped a 13 Year Old Girl, is Refiled

Ya maybe ,,but a lot of thirteen year olds look like they are thirty. The little tramps!

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