Lawsuit Accuses Donald Trump Of Raping Teenage Girl In 1994

Too much whining over a tiny matter. How much harm could Donnie do with that baby size dick of his? At best he should be accused of maybe a half of a rape.
there are other pieces to this story though, that puts Donald at Jeffrey's place in nyc where this girl claimed to be when allegedly raped by Trump... epstein's little black book that his Butler had...where he circled the names of those ''friends'' that were part of or witnesses to the crimes of Epstein...the black book was long with names but ONLY ones involved in his under aged sex ring were circled....all of this is a couple of years old....

And then there is Virginia Roberts, Epstein's girlfriend when she was underage who has been singing like a canary...even she said Trump was there at Epstein's place in NYC, all of this before this girl filed suit...

Trump lawyer: Rape lawsuit is a HOAX, plaintiff may not actually exist

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

So for a year or two Trump has been mentioned as a friend of Epstein's with witnesses of him being at some of his "sex parties"...Virginia said she never saw him participate in sex with the girl's though...

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

But this is what this Robert's girl said last year....

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’

So I am thinking that PERHAPS there is a slight chance that this woman claiming she was raped by Trump and Epstein read about all of this and made up her story....


it really could be true...
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there are other pieces to this story though, that puts Donald at Jeffrey's place in nyc where this girl claimed to be when allegedly raped by Trump... epstein's little black book that his Butler had...where he circled the names of those ''friends'' that were part of or witnesses to the crimes of Epstein...the black book was long with names but ONLY ones involved in his under aged sex ring were circled....all of this is a couple of years old....

And then there is Virginia Roberts, Epstein's girlfriend when she was underage who has been singing like a canary...even she said Trump was there at Epstein's place in NYC, all of this before this girl filed suit...

Trump lawyer: Rape lawsuit is a HOAX, plaintiff may not actually exist

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

So for a year or two Trump has been mentioned as a friend of Epstein's with witnesses of him being at some of his "sex parties"...Virginia said she never saw him participate in sex with the girl's though...

Teenage girl recruited by paedophile Jeffrey Epstein reveals how she twice met Bill Clinton

But this is what this Robert's girl said last year....

‘Donald Trump was also a good friend of Jeffrey’s. He didn’t partake in sex with any of us but he flirted with me. He’d laugh and tell Jeffrey, “You’ve got the life.’’

So I am thinking that PERHAPS there is a slight chance that this woman claiming she was raped by Trump and Epstein read about all of this and made up her story....


it really could be true...

With all he's said and done just in the last couple of weeks disqualifies Trump from holding office anywhere; much less the Presidency! We don't need to "go there" to prove he's a worthless piece of old mutton! This is what his supporters would do to expose him for the slime-bag he's truly! :banana:
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I can't figure out which of these candidates are the sleaziest, they are both bottom of the barrel as far as I can tell.

Hillary's calculating and defensive due to everyone and their mother attacking her with made up BS! Run down talking points, most of it makes little to no sense; which doesn't stop her loser detractors! If they can't handle a situation with truth, "the right" deals in lies and propaganda they make up as they go along! It's truly pathetic trying to make her responsible for just about everything that goes wrong! She was a lone Senator and a SOS that fulfilled the wishes of a President! Get over yourselves! Just proves your candidate can't win on his own merit; has to tear down all the opposition! :ahole-1: :anj_stfu: :argue:

I wouldn't vote for Trump and I wouldn't vote for Clinton, BOTH are slime dogs, you are a partisan nutter. I blame her for going after her husband's alleged victims. I blame her for Libya and her lies that got us into bombing them, something the President now regrets.
This is a trash charge by the Democrats to get to Trump.

I see nothing but lies from Democrats and not much better from the Republicans. Really both party's are really bad. When the best you can come up is Trump and Clinton, the party's are both lacking morals and conviction.

And what candidate you gonna pick with all this so called integrity that could win? You may hate Clinton, but no one more prepared in the history of the office; resume the most extensive around regardless of your lack of respect for it! I'd rather have her in office to "check" those rats in Congress who can't wait to set the country back 20 years overturning every piece of legislation they can get away with just for spite! They want to wipe away anything that would even represent Obama; true bigotry at work!

Play the victim if you like, but no President has had to put up with such disrespect in the history of the office! These animals all but called him an "N" word to his face! I'd treat a stranger on the street with more respect than the Republican party before the man even took the oath of office! Make all the excuses you want to placate your own soul if you condone the behavior of these "monsters;" it'll take a couple generations to forget how truly ugly it was! We got a taste of how plantations were run! The world reveres this man and at times Obama couldn't even get Boehner on the phone in a timely fashion during the worst of the budget fight threatening our "credit rating!" The man has more patience than I could ever muster to ignore the attacks that came on like shells during drone strikes! They maligned his wife, the kids, his mother and father, and questioned his intelligence, patriotism, religion, and his actual citizenship! Just keep sweeping it under the carpet! It's what you're good at I'm sure! :argue:

Are you a paid shill, or do you subscribe to the Dems talking points?

Playing victim? We are talking Hillary and you bring up what Obama has gone through? Divert much.

You had a great shot at nominating Sanders, but you like the Republicans went and going to nominate a buffoon. A shyster, a Wall St. insider, a women who attacked those victims of her husbands, she is the one that claims rape victims, abused women have a right to be heard. She is a hypocrite. She made up lies to attack Libya, and stand behinds those lies, while Obama calls it his biggest regret of his Presidency. Obama has 100 times the class of Hillary.

You say talking points; I call them facts! Be in denial if you like! Regardless of what happened to the bimbos of Bill, what is it to you how she treated them? What woman is going to take kindly to an affair on the Nat'l stage for all of us to watch and try to humiliate her over and over again? She withstood a lot and continues to deflect endless recriminations only because she's a smart woman and has thwarted every attempt to undermine her work! These people should have clean hands or the Clintons wouldn't have survived it all while Gingrich, Livingston, Barr, and a host of other hypocrites were exposed and eventually out of office! I won't need to bring up Hastert do I? That would be more "diversions" I guess! FNC became a network to be on the Clintons' case 24/7! The coverage started and ended with Bill and Hillary! Sean Hannity has her name dripping out of his mouth no matter the topic; just can't help himself! O'Reilly so up Trump's arse, he's almost incoherent trying to make excuses for the stupid things Trump says and does to embarrass his so called campaign! I could go on, but if I continued, you'd accuse it of being more "talking points," when it's just factual info! :smartass:

Don't watch FNC, I don't care what they say, they are irrelevant to me. Why is it that partisan hacks bring up Fox News? Really stupid but I guess it that is one of the talking points for the lefty nutters.

Trump is an idiot, so is Clinton, two very bad choices.

Clinton can say she is for victims of abuse and rape speaking out, but we know she isn't. She publicly ripped them, then we can see the hypocrisy, if you are a blind partisan nutter, you won't see it. I can see the disrespect for those women, "bimbos" as you call them, who dared to make an accusation. You have showed us how you really feel about the then 13 year old "bimbo". Love your hypocrisy.

All the BS democrats have talked about, big bad corporations, the rich getting richer, Wall St. controlling Congress and you hypocritical asses are going to nominate a 1%er that loves the money and the power it brings. You could have done the right thing and supported Sanders, instead you support corruption.
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Does anyone remember the stalker who claimed to be married to Jodie Foster? He could recount every moment they spent together. He described their wedding in minute detail.

None of it was true.

Aren't you a peach. Comparing an alleged child rape victim to an insane assassin.

Bet you called the boys who were sexually raped and abused by Dennis Hastert delusional and insane too.
Signed affidavit under penalty of perjury by the witness:

Yep, that is not proof that that it happened, it means a person claims it happened.
In this case, it is an anonymous declaration. No verifiable person signed under penalty of perjury.
You're an idiot.

The lawyer who took on the case would be tossed out on his can for filing a federal lawsuit with "no verifiable person" behind it.
Does anyone remember the stalker who claimed to be married to Jodie Foster? He could recount every moment they spent together. He described their wedding in minute detail.

None of it was true.

Aren't you a peach. Comparing an alleged child rape victim to an insane assassin.

Bet you called the boys who were sexually raped and abused by Dennis Hastert delusional and insane too.
No. Those I call extortionists and blackmailers.
Signed affidavit under penalty of perjury by the witness:

Yep, that is not proof that that it happened, it means a person claims it happened.
In this case, it is an anonymous declaration. No verifiable person signed under penalty of perjury.
You're an idiot.

The lawyer who took on the case would be tossed out on his can for filing a federal lawsuit with "no verifiable person" behind it.
They do it every day. The affidavit posted here is from a witness. Tiffany Doe. A fake name to begin with.
The allegations will have to be proven. The plaintiff will have to give exact dates. She will have to explain how a 13 year old girl traveled back and forth between New York and Los Angeles without anyone noticing she was gone. Tiffany Doe will have to reveal herself. As an employee of Jeffrey Epstein it should not be hard to dig her out.

Most of the allegations in the first lawsuit didn't make it to the second lawsuit to begin with.
She's the same mental case who tried to sue Colonel Sanders for raping her.........AFTER 'The Colone'l had been dead for twenty years.
She tried to sue a school bus driver who turned out to be a fucking NUN! The NUN was named 'Sister George' but her real name was 'Georgina' but she had always been referred to as 'George' growing up so the name stuck.
Does anyone remember the stalker who claimed to be married to Jodie Foster? He could recount every moment they spent together. He described their wedding in minute detail.

None of it was true.

Aren't you a peach. Comparing an alleged child rape victim to an insane assassin.

Bet you called the boys who were sexually raped and abused by Dennis Hastert delusional and insane too.
No. Those I call extortionists and blackmailers.
Even though Hastert admitted to the sexual abuse. How interesting.
None of the allegations are true. ...

You have no way of knowing that. Twit.

And there is no proof that it happened, you can make up anything and toss it out there, it doesn't make it true, it makes you a liar.
Glad to see you've made up your mind before the case is even heard.

Innocent until proven guilty, that is the American standard.
You should tell your buddies on the right that when they constantly call Bill Clinton a rapist.
The allegations will have to be proven. The plaintiff will have to give exact dates. She will have to explain how a 13 year old girl traveled back and forth between New York and Los Angeles without anyone noticing she was gone. Tiffany Doe will have to reveal herself. As an employee of Jeffrey Epstein it should not be hard to dig her out.

Most of the allegations in the first lawsuit didn't make it to the second lawsuit to begin with.
"She will have to explain how a 13 year old girl traveled back and forth between New York and Los Angeles without anyone noticing she was gone."

Read the suit. She ran away from home at 13.

There is nothing saying she lived in LA at that time.

From the plaintiff: "More particularly, I traveled by bus to New York City in June 1994 in the hope of starting a modeling career. I went to several modeling agencies but was told that I needed to put together a modeling portfolio before I would be considered. I then went to the Port Authority in New York City to start to make my way back home. There I met a woman who introduced herself to me as Tiffany. She told me about the parties and said that, if I would join her at the parties, I would be introduced to people who could get me into the modeling profession. Tiffany also told me I would be paid for

Signed statement from the witness "Tiffany": In June, 1994 while performing my duties as a recruiter of adolescent women to attend Mr. Epstein s parties, I met a 13-year-old adolescent woman, the Plaintiff in this matter, at the Port Authority in New York City who said that she had come to New York City in the hope of starting a modeling career.

Donald Trump & Jeffrey Epstein Rape Lawsuit and Affidavits
She's the same mental case who tried to sue Colonel Sanders for raping her.........AFTER 'The Colone'l had been dead for twenty years.
She tried to sue a school bus driver who turned out to be a fucking NUN! The NUN was named 'Sister George' but her real name was 'Georgina' but she had always been referred to as 'George' growing up so the name stuck.
A little early to be drinking, isn't it?
Remember when Harry Reid admitted they lied about Romneys tax problems and laughed when he bragged that they won the election?

The left are nothing but wicked pathetic liars and yes utter hypocrites. The OP is exactly what is wrong with the world.

If I could, I would kick his fucking teeth out of his pathetic fat face.
She's the same mental case who tried to sue Colonel Sanders for raping her.........AFTER 'The Colone'l had been dead for twenty years.
She tried to sue a school bus driver who turned out to be a fucking NUN! The NUN was named 'Sister George' but her real name was 'Georgina' but she had always been referred to as 'George' growing up so the name stuck.
A little early to be drinking, isn't it?
WOW! This time you put eight words together!
Permanent Ignore
She's the same mental case who tried to sue Colonel Sanders for raping her.........AFTER 'The Colone'l had been dead for twenty years.
She tried to sue a school bus driver who turned out to be a fucking NUN! The NUN was named 'Sister George' but her real name was 'Georgina' but she had always been referred to as 'George' growing up so the name stuck.
A little early to be drinking, isn't it?
WOW! This time you put eight words together!
Permanent Ignore

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