Lawsuit Against Kim Davis Dismissed: Victory For Religious Passive Refusal

Offer a substantive rebuttal. Use links and quotes to back up your points Skylar. .

Says the delusional poster who told us that the "Gays" blackmailed the Pope to retire.....based upon.......what the voices in her head told her......
No, actually it was based on a news article from the UK. The Guardian I think if memory serves. Shall I repost it for you?

Was that same paper that told you Dylan Roof, Steven Jones, and, Chris Mercer killed all those people b/c of gay marriage?
And you thought Syriusly's strawman and page bleed out was going to end the conversation...not quite...

Here's where we were:

Already done. You've argued in favor of polygamy for months. That's not opposing polygamy.

Feverishly arguing for something is not opposing it.
You are the board's single greatest advocate for polygamy. You even made up a sexual orientation that doesn't exist outside your imagination.

That's not opposition.

Apparently you're not familiar with the words "didactic device". While at the same time I'm not in favor of it, I'm using the pro-polygamy argument as a didactic device to illustrate the flaws in the "legal logic" of Obergefell. Lawyers do this all the time. I know you know this. You're just pretending to not know it. No, I'm not a lawyer, but I just used that example as a didactic device to get you to admit that you're a snaky, fundamentally dishonest, duplicitous troll.

Will the clerks of the US now be required to issue poly-marriage licenses? It is a lifestyle and intimate choice after all....that having sex with multiple partners thing...
Will the clerks of the US now be required to issue poly-marriage licenses? It is a lifestyle and intimate choice after all....that having sex with multiple partners thing...

Yes, If the Brown family wins their case then clerks will have to issue them marriage lincenses.
Why haven't we heard much about their struggles for marriage equality in the news do you suppose mdk? :popcorn:
Why haven't we heard much about their struggles for marriage equality in the news do you suppose mdk? :popcorn:

Because Mary Cheney is all powerful and won't allow it to be reported. :eek:
Oh, OK. But why haven't we heard much about it on liberal media? Aren't they the champions of marriage equality?

Why haven't we heard about much on Fox News and other conservative media outlets? Aren't they champions of religious freedoms?
FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) -- A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against a Kentucky clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.

U.S. District Judge David Bunning issued orders Thursday dismissing the lawsuit brought by two gay couples and two straight couples against Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis. News from The Associated Press

Three blows in one Summer to the LGBT Legal machine:

1. Hively v Ivy Tech: the 7th circuit court of appeals found that homosexuals are not covered under the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Hively v. Ivy Tech Community College, No. 3:2014cv01791 - Document 14 (N.D. Ind. 2015) This crucial decision turned the premise of all LGBT litigation on its head. What it effectively concluded was that static classes like race or gender do not equal waffling classes like behaviors.

2. This case citing Religious Freedom Restoration Act (a right to passively refuse based on faith-based objections): New Precedent: Federal Court Upholds Christians' Rights To Refuse. Kim Davis Has Case.

3. The dismissal of the case against Kim Davis above. "Davis' attorney Mat Staver declared victory, calling it a win for everyone who wants to remain true to their religious beliefs." (from the OP link)

Edit: Make that 4 blows:

4. VICTORY! Federal court blocks Obama’s transgender bathroom order

Oh, and potentially a 5th blow; time will tell:

5. Brown Family Pushes Polyamory-Orientation To USSC Ultimately For Marriage Equality: A Poll Polyamory lifestyles (polygamists) carve the precedent towards marriage. This case could be legal quicksand for Obergefell (USSC 2015)..the famous gay marriage case last Summer.
You took your eye off the ball, skippy.

Kim Davis tried to prevent gays from getting married in her county.

She failed. Gay marriages are certified and legal in her county.

Gays win.

End of story.
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You took your eye off the ball, skippy...Kim Davis tried to prevent gays from getting married in her county....She failed. Gay marriages are certified and legal in her county....Gays win...End of story.

But will Judge Roy Moore fail in his defense of his stance on gay marriage in Alabama? The sovereignty of an entire state is in question. Obergefell (the club they're using to beat Moore over the head with) had better be ROCK SOLID legit. Because if there are any legal holes in that brick of swiss cheese, the defense will push on them until they cave in. A defendant is allowed to exhaust every avenue in furtherance of his case. Get ready because the man isn't going to give his job up as easily as you think.

And when he blasts Obergefell to pieces, along with the Brown family, ironically in the same month (the Brown's case outline is due the 10th of September, Moore's trial starts the 28th of September), Kim Davis' position will be even stronger than before.

This ain't over. Not by a long shot. The opposition choir is just starting to warm up their voices..
Actually, the story has just begun...

Your imagination has just begun. But the fundamental legal questions surrounding the right to marry for same sex couples is settled caselaw now.

Get used to the idea.
You took your eye off the ball, skippy...Kim Davis tried to prevent gays from getting married in her county....She failed. Gay marriages are certified and legal in her county....Gays win...End of story.

But will Judge Roy Moore fail in his defense of his stance on gay marriage in Alabama? The sovereignty of an entire state is in question.

Except that it isn't. As no State has the authority to abrogate the rights of its citizens. Thus, preventing a State from violating the rights of its citizens isn't a violation of any State power.

Obergefell (the club they're using to beat Moore over the head with) had better be ROCK SOLID legit.

Oh, it is. Remember, Obergefell is judged by the standards of the *actual* law. Not your imagination.

And when he blasts Obergefell to pieces, along with the Brown family, ironically in the same month (the Brown's case outline is due the 10th of September, Moore's trial starts the 28th of September), Kim Davis' position will be even stronger than before.

Except that he won't. Because he can't. His personal opinion on Obergefell is irrelevant. The findings of the USSC are authoritative.

Your entire argument regarding Obergefell is to simply ignore any portion of it that you don't like. And then laughably insist that since you ignored that part of the ruling, the Supreme Court has to as well. It doesn't. Your willful ignorance is blissfully irrelevant to the Obergefell ruling or its authority.

This ain't over. Not by a long shot. The opposition choir is just starting to warm up their voices..

Yeah, the foes of interracial marriage said the exact same thing when the Supreme Court overturned anti-miscegenation laws.

How'd that work out again?
Offer a substantive rebuttal. Use links and quotes to back up your points Skylar. .

Says the delusional poster who told us that the "Gays" blackmailed the Pope to retire.....based upon.......what the voices in her head told her......
No, actually it was based on a news article from the UK. The Guardian I think if memory serves. Shall I repost it for you?

By all means. And when you're finished, post where Gallup had been 'infiltrated by homosexuals' to skew their polling results on gay marriage.

Remember, Sil......your history of batshit crazy is varied and vast.
You took your eye off the ball, skippy...Kim Davis tried to prevent gays from getting married in her county....She failed. Gay marriages are certified and legal in her county....Gays win...End of story.

But will Judge Roy Moore fail in his defense of his stance on gay marriage in Alabama?.

so why are you against polygamous marriage Silhouete?
You took your eye off the ball, skippy...Kim Davis tried to prevent gays from getting married in her county....She failed. Gay marriages are certified and legal in her county....Gays win...End of story.

But will Judge Roy Moore fail in his defense of his stance on gay marriage in Alabama?.

so why are you against polygamous marriage Silhouete?

I don't know Syriusly. You could start a thread on "why Sil is against polyamorous marriages". This thread is about Kim Davis not being able to be sued for her religious objections to gay marriage.
You took your eye off the ball, skippy...Kim Davis tried to prevent gays from getting married in her county....She failed. Gay marriages are certified and legal in her county....Gays win...End of story.

But will Judge Roy Moore fail in his defense of his stance on gay marriage in Alabama?.

so why are you against polygamous marriage Silhouete?

I don't know Syriusly. You could start a thread on "why Sil is against polyamorous marriages". This thread is about Kim Davis not being able to be sued for her religious objections to gay marriage.

She was being sued because she denied citizens in her county marriage certificates they had a right to.

She was shut down by the courts and the law, and her office now releases the certificates that Davis denied.
She was being sued because she denied citizens in her county marriage certificates they had a right to.

She was shut down by the courts and the law, and her office now releases the certificates that Davis denied.

Without her name on it. And the lawsuit was dismissed. Do try to keep up...
She was being sued because she denied citizens in her county marriage certificates they had a right to.

She was shut down by the courts and the law, and her office now releases the certificates that Davis denied.

Without her name on it. And the lawsuit was dismissed. Do try to keep up...

Laughing....the civil lawsuit was dropped because Davis' office stopped road blocking the certificates.

Gays and lesbians won that round handily.
Is Kim Davis' name on those certificates? No. That's a victory for gays and lesbians how?

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