Lawsuits against the companies that make assault rifles.

Did you know mong, even 9 year olds in the UK own shotgun licences. You pussies in America can't have a shotgun at that age. Fucking faggots

Care to bet?
Did you know mong, even 9 year olds in the UK own shotgun licences. You pussies in America can't have a shotgun at that age. Fucking faggots

Oh boy...they get to purchase a piece of paper. Big whoop. My daughter owned her first rifle, and knew how to use it properly, when she was 5
You can post your bullshit all you want. Guns aren't banned in the UK. You just have to be wealthy enough to afford them.

Same as every other country on the planet. Save mine.
You don't have to be wealthy, yet another American cliché. You're riddled with them.

A shotgun certificate is £80 ish. Then buy a shotgun for a few hundred quid.

A firearms certificate is ten quid more, guns are just a few hundred quid again.

If you think a few hundred is wealthy, Americans are paupers.
what context it states it in the law.
Then in 2020, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, should have called us all to gun down those Jan 6 insurrectionists?

The Militia Clauses​

Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.
Clause 16. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.

Then in 2020, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, should have called us all to gun down those Jan 6 insurrectionists?

The Militia Clauses​

Clause 15. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions.
Clause 16. The Congress shall have Power * * * To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress.

she should have called the National Guard.
Did you know mong, even 9 year olds in the UK own shotgun licences. You pussies in America can't have a shotgun at that age. Fucking faggots

I had lots of real, loaded guns when I was younger than that without government permission..... i.e. a "license".

Do you have your Government Potty training license?

It's never too late to get started.

Have fun,
I had lots of real, loaded guns when I was younger than that without government permission..... i.e. a "license".

Do you have your Government Potty training license?

It's never too late to get started.

Have fun,
It's licence. If you have a licence, you are licensed.

The establishment is licensed to sell alcohol because they have an alcohol licence.

Pick a gun that only a wealthy person can afford

Pick a police station that will allow to keep one in your home.

It isn't the cost of the gun, moron. It's everything else.

Cops can refuse you a license and you have no legal recourse. If they like you, you can have it. If they don’t, you're screwed.

Even if you can buy the gun, you can't keep it, unless you are rich. Poor slobs, like you, have to keep them at the gun club because well you are a child and can't be trusted with them.
not me I am 65 but yes every male citizen is a member of the militia aged 17 to 45
Interesting context:

Does the Second Amendment protect private militias?

No. In fact, the Supreme Court decided in 1886—and repeated in 2008—that the Second Amendment “does not
prevent the prohibition of private paramilitary organizations.” District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U.S. 570, 621 (2008)
(citing Presser v. Illinois, 116 U.S. 252 (1886)).

Pick a police station that will allow to keep one in your home.

It isn't the cost of the gun, moron. It's everything else.

Cops can refuse you a license and you have no legal recourse. If they like you, you can have it. If they don’t, you're screwed.

Even if you can buy the gun, you can't keep it, unless you are rich. Poor slobs, like you, have to keep them at the gun club because well you are a child and can't be trusted with them.
I was never required to keep my gun at a gun club.
Pick a police station that will allow to keep one in your home.

It isn't the cost of the gun, moron. It's everything else.

Cops can refuse you a license and you have no legal recourse. If they like you, you can have it. If they don’t, you're screwed.

Even if you can buy the gun, you can't keep it, unless you are rich. Poor slobs, like you, have to keep them at the gun club because well you are a child and can't be trusted with them.
More bullshit American clichés. Do you honestly believe that shit you spew. You utter fucking bellend moron. My Jack Russells shit out nicer stuff that what you're made of.
More bullshit American clichés. Do you honestly believe that shit you spew. You utter fucking bellend moron. My Jack Russells shit out nicer stuff that what you're made of.

So, instead of trying to refute what I said, you resort to petty insults.

Go fuck yourself you sniveling little shit. My German Shephard will eat your little pissant JRT for a snack.
Here's more on the UK's gun laws, which these lying twats will never bother to report, for those who wish to know the real deal. Not their made up bullshit.

News story

UK’s strict gun laws strengthened with new medical arrangements​

New statutory guidance will tighten up existing laws on gun ownership and mean that medical information must be provided in order to obtain a licence.

The UK’s strict laws on gun ownership will be tightened further to protect the public, with additional safety checks introduced for those applying for a licence, the government confirms today (Wednesday 20 October).

No one will be given a firearms licence unless the police have reviewed information from a registered doctor setting out whether or not the applicant has any relevant medical history – including mental health, neurological conditions or substance abuse.

Comprehensive statutory guidance has been published by the Home Office which sets a clear framework for police to follow when considering applications. For the first time, police will be legally required to have regard to the guidance, to help improve standards and consistency across forces in the UK.

Following the shocking shooting in Plymouth, where five people were killed on 12 August, the Home Secretary made clear that today’s guidance will be kept under close review, and updated with any further lessons learned from the ongoing inquiries into these murders.

So, instead of trying to refute what I said, you resort to petty insults.

Go fuck yourself you sniveling little shit. My German Shephard will eat your little pissant JRT for a snack.
You just come out with the same old bullshit, despite our PM's in the past. That's why you're umpteen times thicker than my kitchen worktop. Yet again, we're still going over your same old clichés. What's up with you? Are you low IQ, inbred, crawled out of the abortion bucket or what? Why can't you retain what we've said in your head and move debates on as opposed to the same old clichés and then expect me to repeat myself for the twelfth billionth time???

What is the fuck wrong with you??

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