Lawsuits against the companies that make assault rifles.

Here's the problem with this flawed analogy.

Cars are HEAVILY regulated. To operate a car, I have to be licensed, insured, and registered.

I agree, it's the people who misuse guns that are the problem.

So let's get guns out of the hands of people who are likely to misuse them, especially if they aren't part of a well-regulated militia.
Cars are HEAVILY regulated. To operate a car, I have to be licensed, insured, and registered.

only to drive one on government roads legally

I agree, it's the people who misuse guns that are the problem.

That I agree with.

especially if they aren't part of a well-regulated militia.
Not necessary to belong to a militia to own a firearm, The right to keep and bear arms was given to the people, not the militia.
I'm fascinated by this. I'm not anti-guns. I'm not Kneejerk against all gun control proposals. I'm fascinated by the legal issue(s) here. This isn't really about the 2nd Amendment 'right'. The article is speaking to the responsibilities that come with freedom and commerce. This is a huge issue now regarding holding gun makers accountable.

I'm going to "

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Gun Makers and Mass Shootings

Tell me you are outlawing assault rifles without telling me you are outlawing assault rifles
I saw no correctly noted failure. This is a slippery slope plain and simple and it will not stop with lawsuits against gun manufacturers but instead it will be used as a legal precedent.
Car manufacturers are sued all the time – they don’t go out of business, and they don’t stop making cars – they fix the flaw, pay the settlement, and move on.

The same is true of gun manufacturers; indeed, Bushmaster AR 15s are currently being sold.

It’s a lie to claim that suing gun manufacturers is intended to ‘ban’ firearms.
Car manufacturers are sued all the time – they don’t go out of business, and they don’t stop making cars – they fix the flaw, pay the settlement, and move on.

The same is true of gun manufacturers; indeed, Bushmaster AR 15s are currently being sold.

It’s a lie to claim that suing gun manufacturers is intended to ‘ban’ firearms.
what mechanical flaw does the Bushmaster, or any other AR-15 have?
It's not a Second Amendment Issue. The Second Amendment clearly puts the 'right to bear arms" within the context of "Well-Regulated Militias"

The problem, of course, is the gun industry's own conduct has brought us to this point. They know the people they are unstable or criminal. They don't care. They actually want the crazies to have guns, both because they are more likely to want more guns, and they are more likely to create incidents that frighten everyone else into wanting them.

Do you really believe that the people in marketing at Smith & Wesson target people who are mentally ill or criminals?

How did you come to this conclusion?

Throughout time the elite have only been able to keep their power by keeping the peasants disarmed.

Try reading some history, you are terribly ignorant of it.
Peasants are disarmed?, and there you go, another gun nut spouting the usual clichés. Like I said, you are thick as fuck, and you just confirmed it, because you are thick as fuck. In fact you are thicker than thick fuck, and fucking thicker than that thick fuck. If you bred, my sincere condolences to your family, you utter thick retarded fuck.
Peasants are disarmed, and there you go, another gun but spouting the usual clichés. Like I said, you are thick as fuck, and you just confirmed it, because you are thick as fuck. In fact you are thicker than thick fuck, and fucking thicker than thick fuck. If you bred, my sincere condolences to you family, you utter thick retarded fuck.

No, the thick as fuck twit, is you. Over and over and over the ruling elite have abused their power because the serfs were unarmed.

You just witnessed the ruling elite close down almost the entire planet over a flu bug.

The poor and middle class got raped while the billionaires got ever richer.

And you sit there on your fat ass watching the tube, doing whatever your betters ALLOW you to do.

So long as you Bob your head, and avert your eyes from their magnificence you are allowed to play.

I'm an adult.

Clearly you are not.
Car manufacturers are sued all the time – they don’t go out of business, and they don’t stop making cars – they fix the flaw, pay the settlement, and move on.

The same is true of gun manufacturers; indeed, Bushmaster AR 15s are currently being sold.

It’s a lie to claim that suing gun manufacturers is intended to ‘ban’ firearms.
I didn't say that. I said it's a slippery slope.
Auto makers get sued for design flaws. That's something I can comprehend. Very few guns are produced that actually have design flaws though I'm sure it happens and in that event I could see where the purchaser of a product would have legal recourse. A gun is made to shoot a bullet; if it does that effectively then there's no question in my mind that the person who purchased the gun got what they paid for. As far as whether or not any group of individual should or should not own a gun that's not up to the manufacturer. If you're going to ask the manufacturer to stand in as a replacement for the Department of commerce or the ATF why do we need either one of those agencies?
Car manufacturers are sued all the time – they don’t go out of business, and they don’t stop making cars – they fix the flaw, pay the settlement, and move on.

The same is true of gun manufacturers; indeed, Bushmaster AR 15s are currently being sold.

It’s a lie to claim that suing gun manufacturers is intended to ‘ban’ firearms.

The big difference is the "fix the flaw" part.

Gun makers are not being sued for "flaws", they're being sued because the gun functioned as designed and hoplophobic enemies of the Constitution want to circumvent that same document to disarm law abiding gun owners.
No, the thick as fuck twit, is you. Over and over and over the ruling elite have abused their power because the serfs were unarmed.

You just witnessed the ruling elite close down almost the entire planet over a flu bug.

The poor and middle class got raped while the billionaires got ever richer.

And you sit there on your fat ass watching the tube, doing whatever your betters ALLOW you to do.

So long as you Bob your head, and avert your eyes from their magnificence you are allowed to play.

I'm an adult.

Clearly you are not.
There are 195 countries with a total population of 8 billion

There are 17 countries that ban guns with a total population of 138,734,651

8.7% of countries with 1.73% of the world's population banned guns

There are 5 countries that are classed to have tyrannical governments, only 2 have banned guns

Please list the countries that ban guns, you inbred retard of the lowest scum in the universe with dog shit stuck to its sole.
There are 195 countries with a total population of 8 billion

There are 17 countries that ban guns with a total population of 138,734,651

8.7% of countries with 1.73% of the world's population banned guns

There are 5 countries that are classed to have tyrannical governments, only 2 have banned guns

Please list the countries that ban guns, you inbred retard of the lowest scum in the universe with dog shit stuck to its sole.

You can post your bullshit all you want. Guns aren't banned in the UK. You just have to be wealthy enough to afford them.

Same as every other country on the planet. Save mine.

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