Lawyers For The DNC Argue That 'Primary Rigging' Is Protected By The First Amendment

Yep, you're full blown Canada now. Good luck folks.

Lawyers For The DNC Argue That 'Primary Rigging' Is Protected By The First Amendment

The document, provided by the law offices of the Attorneys for the Plaintiffs in the case, Jared and Elizabeth Beck, and appears to argue that if the Democratic Party did cheat Sanders in the 2016 Presidential primary race, then that action was protected under the first amendment. Twitter users were quick to respond to the brief, expressing outrage and disgust at the claims made by representatives of the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

The parties can run their primaries however they see fit.

And Dems cheat in theirs

Feel free to list all of the rules they broke

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You clowns hate the 2nd Admendment and now you want to trash the 1st. Idiots.

If money = speech then there's no such thing as free speech, and some people have more speech than others...which is antithetical to our form of democracy.
I do agree something must be done about bundling. I would prefer a system that caps donations to pacs similar to individual donations to candidates.
Yep, you're full blown Canada now. Good luck folks.

Lawyers For The DNC Argue That 'Primary Rigging' Is Protected By The First Amendment

The document, provided by the law offices of the Attorneys for the Plaintiffs in the case, Jared and Elizabeth Beck, and appears to argue that if the Democratic Party did cheat Sanders in the 2016 Presidential primary race, then that action was protected under the first amendment. Twitter users were quick to respond to the brief, expressing outrage and disgust at the claims made by representatives of the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Why is a Canadian posting fake news to a US forum? Are you a paid operative for the Russians?

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Did I invade your Safe Space?

The Russians couldn't afford me pal. I wouldn't sell out cheap to a Commie.

So you post lies and fake news just for the shits and grins of it?

You are wasting your talents, you should get paid for doing it

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What is fake about what I posted? It's a legitimate news site and I copied and pasted what they stated from the court case.

Just because a party you might support doesn't appeal to your sensibilities, don't blame me. Contact the DNC and try and save them, America has a real battle on their hands and if you don't give a damn you're in trouble. I'm not even referring just to the 2nd Amendment Rights.
Why even bother having a primary and pretending that people will get to pick a candidate?

SO THEN you must support an entirely publicly-funded campaign that completely bans all political donations and fundraising, creating a vacuum where candidates' ideas compete for votes instead of candidates competing for money.

Do you support that?

Probably not.

So this is just trolling on your part.
Why even bother having a primary and pretending that people will get to pick a candidate?

SO THEN you must support an entirely publicly-funded campaign that completely bans all political donations and fundraising, creating a vacuum where candidates' ideas compete for votes instead of candidates competing for money.

Do you support that?

Probably not.

So this is just trolling on your part.
The DNC would not approve.
I do agree something must be done about bundling. I would prefer a system that caps donations to pacs similar to individual donations to candidates.

Why have donations at all? Why not just have candidates compete directly for votes instead of competing directly for donations?

I don't understand why you think not changing the system on a fundamental level will change the system on a fundamental level?
Yep, you're full blown Canada now. Good luck folks.

Lawyers For The DNC Argue That 'Primary Rigging' Is Protected By The First Amendment

The document, provided by the law offices of the Attorneys for the Plaintiffs in the case, Jared and Elizabeth Beck, and appears to argue that if the Democratic Party did cheat Sanders in the 2016 Presidential primary race, then that action was protected under the first amendment. Twitter users were quick to respond to the brief, expressing outrage and disgust at the claims made by representatives of the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

The parties can run their primaries however they see fit.

So don't have a primary then. Don't have debates, don't pretend you care about your candidate. Put how ever many hats you need for candidates, lay them on the floor and asked them to be filled with donations. Whoever gets the most wins.

Invite Iran, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Australia, Norway, China, North Korea or any other nation to donate as well. Fill that hat up and pick the person who gets the most.

You just KNOW this is great for American ribbon winners all their lives who would prefer to anoint rather than compete fairly. As I said in the OP, full blown Canadians.
everyone at the RNC would be in jail, if it were illegal....

they actually did fight tooth and nail AGAINST Trump in the primary.... :rolleyes:
Why even bother having a primary and pretending that people will get to pick a candidate?

SO THEN you must support an entirely publicly-funded campaign that completely bans all political donations and fundraising, creating a vacuum where candidates' ideas compete for votes instead of candidates competing for money.

Do you support that?

Probably not.

So this is just trolling on your part.
The DNC would not approve.

I'm not asking the DNC.

I'm asking you.
I've been saying for years that the US Democratic Party is possibly the most corrupt institution in the world. I would put it only behind the UN in that regard. Democrats should be calling for Clinton and Wasserman-Schultz's heads. But instead, most are pretending it didn't happen and sweeping it under the rug.
Why even bother having a primary and pretending that people will get to pick a candidate?

SO THEN you must support an entirely publicly-funded campaign that completely bans all political donations and fundraising, creating a vacuum where candidates' ideas compete for votes instead of candidates competing for money.

Do you support that?

Probably not.

So this is just trolling on your part.
The DNC would not approve.

I'm not asking the DNC.

I'm asking you.
I already stated my opinion. Eliminate bundling and limit total donations to pacs.
I do agree something must be done about bundling. I would prefer a system that caps donations to pacs similar to individual donations to candidates.

Why have donations at all? Why not just have candidates compete directly for votes instead of competing directly for donations?

I don't understand why you think not changing the system on a fundamental level will change the system on a fundamental level?
I respect and believe in the Constitution.
#1 - The Clinton's have completely corrupted the democratic party. They are no better or worse, than the republicans.

#2 - Besides reading the article, I also read the readers comments. One person summed it up succinctly; the "fraud is free speech" argument.

Yep, you're full blown Canada now. Good luck folks.

Lawyers For The DNC Argue That 'Primary Rigging' Is Protected By The First Amendment

The document, provided by the law offices of the Attorneys for the Plaintiffs in the case, Jared and Elizabeth Beck, and appears to argue that if the Democratic Party did cheat Sanders in the 2016 Presidential primary race, then that action was protected under the first amendment. Twitter users were quick to respond to the brief, expressing outrage and disgust at the claims made by representatives of the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Why is a Canadian posting fake news to a US forum? Are you a paid operative for the Russians?

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Did I invade your Safe Space?

The Russians couldn't afford me pal. I wouldn't sell out cheap to a Commie.

So you post lies and fake news just for the shits and grins of it?

You are wasting your talents, you should get paid for doing it

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What is fake about what I posted? It's a legitimate news site and I copied and pasted what they stated from the court case.

Just because a party you might support doesn't appeal to your sensibilities, don't blame me. Contact the DNC and try and save them, America has a real battle on their hands and if you don't give a damn you're in trouble. I'm not even referring just to the 2nd Amendment Rights.

First off, it is not a legit news site, it is a alt-right fake news site ran by a guy that says the government is using juice boxes to make people gay as a means of population control and who said the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax.

Second they lied about what the DNC lawyers stated in their brief. Why not go to the court case and read for yourself instead of letting Alex Jones tell you what to think

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Why even bother having a primary and pretending that people will get to pick a candidate?

SO THEN you must support an entirely publicly-funded campaign that completely bans all political donations and fundraising, creating a vacuum where candidates' ideas compete for votes instead of candidates competing for money.

Do you support that?

Probably not.

So this is just trolling on your part.

Where did I say any of that? Clearly, having the public spend money on a pretend DNC primary is a waste of money when the DNC just announces their selected candidate. Why does that cost anything?
You GOTTA love the LIARS in DC.

The DNC CLAIMS to the PUBLIC that the DNC primaries were legitimate elections.

Then the DNC argues in court that they RIGGED THE ELECTIONS BECAUSE THEY ARE ALLOWED TO!!!!

Fucking grabastic pieces of shit.
There was no rigging. Rules were in place long before Bernie decided to ruin. If you are so interested into rigging, talk to your orange buddy & his cohorts the Russians.

I laugh my ass off at you Trumpettes trying to misdirect our attention from the fact the Russians interfered in our election to help YOUR candidate win.

So what quality 0f Trump did you & the Russians think was worthy of him being President?
Yep, you're full blown Canada now. Good luck folks.

Lawyers For The DNC Argue That 'Primary Rigging' Is Protected By The First Amendment

The document, provided by the law offices of the Attorneys for the Plaintiffs in the case, Jared and Elizabeth Beck, and appears to argue that if the Democratic Party did cheat Sanders in the 2016 Presidential primary race, then that action was protected under the first amendment. Twitter users were quick to respond to the brief, expressing outrage and disgust at the claims made by representatives of the DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

Why is a Canadian posting fake news to a US forum? Are you a paid operative for the Russians?

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Did I invade your Safe Space?

The Russians couldn't afford me pal. I wouldn't sell out cheap to a Commie.

So you post lies and fake news just for the shits and grins of it?

You are wasting your talents, you should get paid for doing it

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What is fake about what I posted? It's a legitimate news site and I copied and pasted what they stated from the court case.

Just because a party you might support doesn't appeal to your sensibilities, don't blame me. Contact the DNC and try and save them, America has a real battle on their hands and if you don't give a damn you're in trouble. I'm not even referring just to the 2nd Amendment Rights.

First off, it is not a legit news site, it is a alt-right fake news site ran by a guy that says the government is using juice boxes to make people gay as a means of population control and who said the Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax.

Second they lied about what the DNC lawyers stated in their brief. Why not go to the court case and read for yourself instead of letting Alex Jones tell you what to think

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This wasn't Alex Jones, he is an agent provocateur and I don't listen to his bs, anymore than you should listen to Rachel Maddow. Zerohedge may not be CNN, MSNC or Fox, but it's not snopes or Alex Jones type BS from what I have read in the past at least. We can have more than a half dozen news sources, no?

The scary part is, you probably embrace the alt-left not so subtle communist rhetoric and being "mainstream". If true, you had better fight even harder for 2nd Amendment Rights, the Russians, Chinese and others have seen what chance a disarmed public has against Communists. 100M+ taken from this earth.
You GOTTA love the LIARS in DC.

The DNC CLAIMS to the PUBLIC that the DNC primaries were legitimate elections.

Then the DNC argues in court that they RIGGED THE ELECTIONS BECAUSE THEY ARE ALLOWED TO!!!!

Fucking grabastic pieces of shit.
There was no rigging. Rules were in place long before Bernie decided to ruin. If you are so interested into rigging, talk to your orange buddy & his cohorts the Russians.

I laugh my ass off at you Trumpettes trying to misdirect our attention from the fact the Russians interfered in our election to help YOUR candidate win.

So what quality 0f Trump did you & the Russians think was worthy of him being President?

Well then, you accept the anointed claim then, it's quite accurate, and again, VERY Canadian of you.

I wouldn't be surprised if in the DNC Primaries for 2020 there isn't even a challenger. Just one person who get the thumbs up from the Queen and off you go. Hell, Clinton made sure to eliminate her only female challenger for the debates and damn near didn't have one in Bernie. They assumed it would make her look more legitimate and remain "sharp" for the G.E election debates to have this old socialist candidate go toe to toe with her, even though they KNEW he could get 90% of the votes, and it wouldn't matter as the Super Delegates would handle the job. They were shocked to find out that he actually had a chance and caused some headaches for her.

That should have been a sign of what was going on. A vibrant democracy requires vibrant, lively debate and competition. You haven't seen and know what I know about socialism and centralized power, you had better wake up. I'm telling you, America will cease to exist if you allow these International crooks to steal your election. No, NOT Russia, that was childs play compared to the shyte Obama and Clinton were engaging in.

One final note, and it's more important than the others; you have thousands of American men and women in uniform, risking their lives everyday for your Republic. You owe it to them and their family to put the partisan shyte away, and embrace the election results. Some of you are just as bad as the International socialists who love to see America break apart. Next time you see a casket with an American flag draped over it, think about what it is they lost their lives for.
I respect and believe in the Constitution.

I don't believe you know the first thing about the Constitution because I believe you to be a Russian troll.

According to Mueller, Russian trolls were actively creating fake profiles across social media beginning in 2014. Your profile is from 2016 and you repeat Russian propaganda here.

"Great news, Gentlemen! We tallied the votes and the winner is whoever the fuck we say it is!"

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