Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.

Not to mention that having the seeds and the dirt doesn't necessarily mean anything. When my aunt had her own garden, she claimed it cost her every bit as much as buying the food in the store what with fertilizing it and keeping the bugs off and of course, all the time she put into it. Nothing tasted better than her raspberry syrup on top of pancakes though. And she made the best corn on the cob in the world. I miss my aunt, and her garden. Me? I can't grow a garden to save my soul. This year, I can't even pull the weeds due to my back problems.

Plus just going out and growing your own food is not an option for everyone, I live in an apartment with no yard so for me this just would not work.

Good, hold an aspirin between your knees from now on and you want have to worry about options ... just sayin!!
Not to mention that having the seeds and the dirt doesn't necessarily mean anything. When my aunt had her own garden, she claimed it cost her every bit as much as buying the food in the store what with fertilizing it and keeping the bugs off and of course, all the time she put into it. Nothing tasted better than her raspberry syrup on top of pancakes though. And she made the best corn on the cob in the world. I miss my aunt, and her garden. Me? I can't grow a garden to save my soul. This year, I can't even pull the weeds due to my back problems.

Plus just going out and growing your own food is not an option for everyone, I live in an apartment with no yard so for me this just would not work.

Good, hold an aspirin between your knees from now on and you want have to worry about options ... just sayin!!

What the fuck are you even talking about?:cuckoo:
I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.

Not to mention that having the seeds and the dirt doesn't necessarily mean anything. When my aunt had her own garden, she claimed it cost her every bit as much as buying the food in the store what with fertilizing it and keeping the bugs off and of course, all the time she put into it. Nothing tasted better than her raspberry syrup on top of pancakes though. And she made the best corn on the cob in the world. I miss my aunt, and her garden. Me? I can't grow a garden to save my soul. This year, I can't even pull the weeds due to my back problems.

Plus just going out and growing your own food is not an option for everyone, I live in an apartment with no yard so for me this just would not work.
Plus, you'd probably need a Chinese person to show you how to grow stuff.
Look, you're not gonna get an argument from me in favor of the idea of cellphones. I only got one because I was pressured into it by drones in our populace who have bought the idea that we have to know "right this second", which I believe is bullshit.

But that's the way the world works now -- in my case I lost a job because I wasn't there to take it "right now". That wasn't up to me. Nor is it up to anyone else when it's somebody else that has the job to offer.

You lost a job? Or you didn't get a job? That's two different things.

And generally the only time you don't get a job because of not responding in time, is when you are dealing with a temp agency. Temp Agencies don't like to wait, because they know the company could hire through a different temp agency, and if they don't fill the job before the other agency, then that recruiter loses the commission.... and honestly they don't earn a ton.

But even then, there are ways to get a job without having a cell phone. One of the guys I was hired with, just asked the next door neighbor to have the agency call him instead, and when they called, he walked next door and gave him the phone. How hard is that? You have to swallow your pride, and admit you need help. Big deal. Being an adult means admitting when you haven't got everything under control.

Are you saying you had no friends anywhere that had a phone you could borrow? Why don't you have any friends? Where is your family? Where is your church?

Even then, if you are such an isolated loner, that you don't have anyone you can get help from, you could still just get a cheap throw away pre-paid phone. Put down $10 in minutes, and you have no monthly fee. Until they call, you don't use a single minute. They can still reach you, and you don't spend tons of cash.

Go hunt down a job without a phone, rotsa ruck with that. In effect you're whining that a person (whose situation you have no clue about) isn't doing her part to find employment, and at the same time you want to take away one of her essential tools for doing so. Fuck that selfish attitude.

Um.... I've done it? I have done exactly that myself. Screw you for being an arrogant idiot that judges people you don't know. Sucks to be a dumbass like you huh?

Further, along with what none of us know about her circumstances, neither do we know that she herself is paying for that phone. Or what kind of bill it carries. Or if she still has it today.

Again, I don't care. If you so freakin poor, that the very moment you are laid off, you are instantly starving to death, then you should have had the phone BEFORE you lost your job. You should have been saving up cash in the bank for a rainy day, instead of having a rainy day and demanding everyone else pay for you.

And yes, with that kind of Numero Uno blind pig attitude, it is a shame you can vote. You make a good case for taking away the vote from the simpleminded.

Sucks to be you. We can vote. We have a say in where our money goes. And we don't give a crap what you think.
Not to mention that having the seeds and the dirt doesn't necessarily mean anything. When my aunt had her own garden, she claimed it cost her every bit as much as buying the food in the store what with fertilizing it and keeping the bugs off and of course, all the time she put into it. Nothing tasted better than her raspberry syrup on top of pancakes though. And she made the best corn on the cob in the world. I miss my aunt, and her garden. Me? I can't grow a garden to save my soul. This year, I can't even pull the weeds due to my back problems.

Plus just going out and growing your own food is not an option for everyone, I live in an apartment with no yard so for me this just would not work.
Plus, you'd probably need a Chinese person to show you how to grow stuff.

Yeah ok asshole.:cuckoo:
Go hunt down a job without a phone, rotsa ruck with that. In effect you're whining that a person (whose situation you have no clue about) isn't doing her part to find employment, and at the same time you want to take away one of her essential tools for doing so. Fuck that selfish attitude.

Um.... I've done it? I have done exactly that myself. Screw you for being an arrogant idiot that judges people you don't know. Sucks to be a dumbass like you huh?

What liberal is always full of are excuses. Can't look for a job without a cell phone. Someone needs to provide them with one. Can't look for a job because provided phone needs electricity to charge it, therefore someone has to pay them for electricity. Well, power company can't hookup electricity to their ass, they have to have a home, and someone better provide them with one. Need a car to go to work. Someone should provide them with free car and some free gas.

And then, when there is a call for a job offer, click on ignore button.
And once again... you don't know:
whether she has a back yard or not
whether if she does it's suitable for growing crops
whether if she does it's big enough to sustain a family through the year
whether that's even a realistic option
how much time she spent 'on her back with her legs spread'
(there are other positions yanno)
whether that position was voluntary, or any other circumstances at the times
or how much time she already DID spend working.

And last but not least, whether she in fact is working right now already - the article doesn't say she's jobless; it could be a matter of underemployment.

Hey, not knowing all this shit, not a problem --- just make it up.

I do know she has five kids,no job or husband,she's obviously not starving,she has a smart phone,she's feeding her kids bags of chips.
And thats just what we know from this story.

As far as her growing food goes...? No way in hell could she pull that off,way to much work involved. And yes even with poor soil it can be done.

And if she's worked all her life and this being unemployed is new to her? Then where the hell are her savings?
Pissed away on the female equivalent of $2000 dollar rims I'm sure.

No you don't know that. We know "single mother" from the story -- that's it. You don't know what her employment is because there's no reference to it. Nor do you know why she's single; could be a dead or departed husband. Nor do you know what she's feeding the kids on the basis of a single photo. Nor do you know jack shit about her savings, or "the female equivalent of rims".

Once again, the word ass-ume. A cheap rhetorical wank because you're too lazy to think with any creativity.

Look,I know you're stupid. But I figured you could read and look at pictures at the least.
Carrot seeds are tiny. But $1.29 is not twenty cents, and I'm pretty sure they don't sell for $1.29 either. Just sayin'.

Just're wrong again.
[ame=] Parisian Carrot 1000 Seeds - GARDEN FRESH PACK!: Patio, Lawn & Garden[/ame]

Plus two bucks shipping, equals $3.28, or over sixteen times twenty cents.
New at online shopping are we? Hey, just make it up.

Of course, to buy from Amazon she needs a computer with an internet connection, plus an Amazon account, which means a credit card....

Department of Think Things Through

Are you really that stupid? It was said she could buy 100 seeds for twenty cents.
You said no way. I showed you where she could buy "1000" seeds for a buck twenty nine plus shipping. Thats pretty damn cheap. Hell if she wasn't paying for that smart phone she could buy all the seeds she wanted.
As far as the internet goes,she can go to the fucken library.
Ame®icano;8883078 said:
Go hunt down a job without a phone, rotsa ruck with that. In effect you're whining that a person (whose situation you have no clue about) isn't doing her part to find employment, and at the same time you want to take away one of her essential tools for doing so. Fuck that selfish attitude.

Um.... I've done it? I have done exactly that myself. Screw you for being an arrogant idiot that judges people you don't know. Sucks to be a dumbass like you huh?

What liberal is always full of are excuses. Can't look for a job without a cell phone. Someone needs to provide them with one. Can't look for a job because provided phone needs electricity to charge it, therefore someone has to pay them for electricity. Well, power company can't hookup electricity to their ass, they have to have a home, and someone better provide them with one. Need a car to go to work. Someone should provide them with free car and some free gas.

And then, when there is a call for a job offer, click on ignore button.

Yep...that pretty much covers it.
Tired of all these whiny libs crying about being poor and jobless when it's their own damn fault. But thats what happens when you put a community organizer in the White House.
It's kinda like the libs who got screwed over by obammycare....Fuke em!

Yes, if you've got some land. On a 20' by 24' patch you can reap a bounty. The excess is donated to food pantries.

I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.

That wouldn't be accurate... If you go to a store like Menards you'll find these packs with a whitish/patterned border, and they'll be around $0.20. SOme even $0.10, or marked lower depending on time and deals.

You can't teach negroes to grow food, just look at Africa, they had to bring in the Chinese to show them how to do it.

That's crap. Give Africa a climate and soil like ours, and then get back to me.

Not to mention that having the seeds and the dirt doesn't necessarily mean anything. When my aunt had her own garden, she claimed it cost her every bit as much as buying the food in the store what with fertilizing it and keeping the bugs off and of course, all the time she put into it. Nothing tasted better than her raspberry syrup on top of pancakes though. And she made the best corn on the cob in the world. I miss my aunt, and her garden. Me? I can't grow a garden to save my soul. This year, I can't even pull the weeds due to my back problems.

A few things Sheila. When planting seeds it's not expected that all will grow to maturity, as well as those that are plucked out during thinning. The trick to to pick them at the right time, blanch them, and put in freezer bags and store in the refrigerator. By using strategic gardening techniques, like planting rows of carrots next to rows of onions, these plants fend off each others' pests. That, and grow patches of flowers that draw in specific predators, like marigolds to draw in hoverflies, or common yarrow to draw in ladybugs.

Sheila, I suck at a great many things, but gardening is one of my very strong points. If you want to tap into some of my experience with gardening, please feel free to send me a PM. This year I'm branching off into fruiting trees, too, like juneberries and apples to feed the poor.
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If she owns even a little land, she can buy a pack of carrot seeds for $0.20. Each pack has over 100 seeds in it. If you care for your crops you can reap a good harvest and blanch/store the remainder in the freezer. Garden food is cheaper and healthier than much of the processed food you find in the store.

Crops? :dunno:

Yes, if you've got some land. On a 20' by 24' patch you can reap a bounty. The excess is donated to food pantries.

That wouldn't be correct. If you go to a store like Menards you'll find these packs with a whitish/patterned border, and they'll be around $0.20. SOme even $0.10, or marked lower depending on time and deals.

That's crap. Give Africa a climate and soil like ours, and then get back to me.

I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.

Not to mention that having the seeds and the dirt doesn't necessarily mean anything. When my aunt had her own garden, she claimed it cost her every bit as much as buying the food in the store what with fertilizing it and keeping the bugs off and of course, all the time she put into it. Nothing tasted better than her raspberry syrup on top of pancakes though. And she made the best corn on the cob in the world. I miss my aunt, and her garden. Me? I can't grow a garden to save my soul. This year, I can't even pull the weeds due to my back problems.

A few things Sheila. When planting seeds it's not expected that all will grow to maturity, as well as those that are plucked out during thinning. The trick to to pick them at the right time, blanch them, and put in freezer bags and store in the refrigerator. By using strategic gardening techniques, like planting rows of carrots next to rows of onions, these plants fend off each others' pests. That, and grow patches of flowers that draw in specific predators, like marigolds to draw in hoverflies, or common yarrow to draw in ladybugs.

Sheila, I suck at a great many things, but gardening is one of my very strong points. If you want to tap into some of my experience with gardening, please feel free to send me a PM. This year I'm branching off into fruiting trees, too, like juneberries and apples to feed the poor.

Remind me next year and I will seek your advice. This year, I'm incapacitated. I have surgery scheduled for June on my foot, then I'll be down for another 6 weeks, hopefully, after my foot heals and I can walk straight, my back will start to heal. I bought books on gardening but everything I try seems to fail, and yes, I've planted seed in abundance and then when they start to grow, I thin them out. Yet, somehow, they never finish growing. Once I actually had several beautiful heads of cabbage, but when I cut them open, they had bugs nests in them that I couldn't even wash off. I'm definitely doing something wrong. Have just about giving up and just decided to beg from my neighbor's bountiful garden.
Remind me next year and I will seek your advice. This year, I'm incapacitated. I have surgery scheduled for June on my foot, then I'll be down for another 6 weeks, hopefully, after my foot heals and I can walk straight, my back will start to heal. I bought books on gardening but everything I try seems to fail, and yes, I've planted seed in abundance and then when they start to grow, I thin them out. Yet, somehow, they never finish growing. Once I actually had several beautiful heads of cabbage, but when I cut them open, they had bugs nests in them that I couldn't even wash off. I'm definitely doing something wrong. Have just about giving up and just decided to beg from my neighbor's bountiful garden.

Hm... It could be the soil composition. Is there anything about the earth you're using that could be the problem? Is it really dry? If it's clay then it'll get waterlogged, and the roots won't get much oxygen. Composting could be a really good remedy; I don't garden without compost and aged cow manure. Could there be any sort of chemical runoff that's affected the soil, maybe? I garden organically. A pest problem could be remedied by growing multiple kinds of flowers that invite predators; discovering the specific interlopers would help in bringing forth the right predatory insects. What you need is a good rototiller, enough quality compost, some aged cow manure, and ample water. Loamy soil is ideal, but clay, acidic, , alkaline, and sandy earth have their own uses. Breaking it down even further, your soil could be having deficiencies in various elements like phosphorous, manganese, and nitrogen. Bone meal could help, as well as both green clippings and brown/dried clippings.
Remind me next year and I will seek your advice. This year, I'm incapacitated. I have surgery scheduled for June on my foot, then I'll be down for another 6 weeks, hopefully, after my foot heals and I can walk straight, my back will start to heal. I bought books on gardening but everything I try seems to fail, and yes, I've planted seed in abundance and then when they start to grow, I thin them out. Yet, somehow, they never finish growing. Once I actually had several beautiful heads of cabbage, but when I cut them open, they had bugs nests in them that I couldn't even wash off. I'm definitely doing something wrong. Have just about giving up and just decided to beg from my neighbor's bountiful garden.

Hm... It could be the soil composition. Is there anything about the earth you're using that could be the problem? Is it really dry? If it's clay then it'll get waterlogged, and the roots won't get much oxygen. Composting could be a really good remedy; I don't garden without compost and aged cow manure. Could there be any sort of chemical runoff that's affected the soil, maybe? I garden organically. A pest problem could be remedied by growing multiple kinds of flowers that invite predators; discovering the specific interlopers would help in bringing forth the right predatory insects. What you need is a good rototiller, enough quality compost, some aged cow manure, and ample water. Loamy soil is ideal, but clay, acidic, , alkaline, and sandy earth have their own uses. Breaking it down even further, your soil could be having deficiencies in various elements like phosphorous, manganese, and nitrogen. Bone meal could help, as well as both green clippings and brown/dried clippings.

Our soil is clay so I put in a raised garden with new soil.
I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.

Not to mention that having the seeds and the dirt doesn't necessarily mean anything. When my aunt had her own garden, she claimed it cost her every bit as much as buying the food in the store what with fertilizing it and keeping the bugs off and of course, all the time she put into it. Nothing tasted better than her raspberry syrup on top of pancakes though. And she made the best corn on the cob in the world. I miss my aunt, and her garden. Me? I can't grow a garden to save my soul. This year, I can't even pull the weeds due to my back problems.

Plus just going out and growing your own food is not an option for everyone, I live in an apartment with no yard so for me this just would not work.

Well, according to people here who couldn't get laid in a whorehouse with Benjimins raining out of every orifice, you're an improvident slut for not being able to own a house and enough farmland to stock your pantry for the winter.

Unless you're a guy. Then never mind.
Not to mention that having the seeds and the dirt doesn't necessarily mean anything. When my aunt had her own garden, she claimed it cost her every bit as much as buying the food in the store what with fertilizing it and keeping the bugs off and of course, all the time she put into it. Nothing tasted better than her raspberry syrup on top of pancakes though. And she made the best corn on the cob in the world. I miss my aunt, and her garden. Me? I can't grow a garden to save my soul. This year, I can't even pull the weeds due to my back problems.

Plus just going out and growing your own food is not an option for everyone, I live in an apartment with no yard so for me this just would not work.

Well, according to people here who couldn't get laid in a whorehouse with Benjimins raining out of every orifice, you're an improvident slut for not being able to own a house and enough farmland to stock your pantry for the winter.

Unless you're a guy. Then never mind.

Personally I would never set foot in a whorehouse...but if I wanted to get laid it appears I could just go over to Janette Simons place,she appears to be easy. Of course I would have to be into starving fat black chicks.
And if you cant hold a job and keep your legs closed it might be a good idea to learn every way possible to feed your kids.
Hell,she might as well become a prostitute,it's not like she cares about her virtue.
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Look, you're not gonna get an argument from me in favor of the idea of cellphones. I only got one because I was pressured into it by drones in our populace who have bought the idea that we have to know "right this second", which I believe is bullshit.

But that's the way the world works now -- in my case I lost a job because I wasn't there to take it "right now". That wasn't up to me. Nor is it up to anyone else when it's somebody else that has the job to offer.

You lost a job? Or you didn't get a job? That's two different things.

And generally the only time you don't get a job because of not responding in time, is when you are dealing with a temp agency. Temp Agencies don't like to wait, because they know the company could hire through a different temp agency, and if they don't fill the job before the other agency, then that recruiter loses the commission.... and honestly they don't earn a ton.

But even then, there are ways to get a job without having a cell phone. One of the guys I was hired with, just asked the next door neighbor to have the agency call him instead, and when they called, he walked next door and gave him the phone. How hard is that? You have to swallow your pride, and admit you need help. Big deal. Being an adult means admitting when you haven't got everything under control.

Are you saying you had no friends anywhere that had a phone you could borrow? Why don't you have any friends? Where is your family? Where is your church?

Even then, if you are such an isolated loner, that you don't have anyone you can get help from, you could still just get a cheap throw away pre-paid phone. Put down $10 in minutes, and you have no monthly fee. Until they call, you don't use a single minute. They can still reach you, and you don't spend tons of cash.

Go hunt down a job without a phone, rotsa ruck with that. In effect you're whining that a person (whose situation you have no clue about) isn't doing her part to find employment, and at the same time you want to take away one of her essential tools for doing so. Fuck that selfish attitude.

Um.... I've done it? I have done exactly that myself. Screw you for being an arrogant idiot that judges people you don't know. Sucks to be a dumbass like you huh?

Further, along with what none of us know about her circumstances, neither do we know that she herself is paying for that phone. Or what kind of bill it carries. Or if she still has it today.

Again, I don't care. If you so freakin poor, that the very moment you are laid off, you are instantly starving to death, then you should have had the phone BEFORE you lost your job. You should have been saving up cash in the bank for a rainy day, instead of having a rainy day and demanding everyone else pay for you.

And yes, with that kind of Numero Uno blind pig attitude, it is a shame you can vote. You make a good case for taking away the vote from the simpleminded.

Sucks to be you. We can vote. We have a say in where our money goes. And we don't give a crap what you think.

What frickin' language are you reading my posts in? Hmong?

Let's go back to the beginning... sigh... the density...

I didn't get the 'call' (the job assignment) because I didn't own a cell phone. Not because somebody else didn't. How would I get a call, on somebody else's phone? Do you read your own posts? What am I gonna do, ask somebody "can I borrow your phone, in case somebody calls you trying to get me?" :cuckoo:

I'm saying, it wasn't my choice to get a cell phone; I only got one to accommodate the way the world works. It's not my idea that the world should work that way, but I recognise that it does, and if I wanted those calls (assignment), I had to humor them. Therefore, that's one use of a cell phone related to income. I don't like personally that that's the way the world works, but I'm not so damn full of myself that I'll sit here and deny that that IS the way it works just so I can trash some woman in an article I've never met.

Again, I don't care.
-- that's it in a nutshell. It's all about Numero Uno. :eusa_hand:
If you so freakin poor, that the very moment you are laid off, you are instantly starving to death, then you should have had the phone BEFORE you lost your job. You should have been saving up cash in the bank for a rainy day, instead of having a rainy day and demanding everyone else pay for you.

"The moment you are laid off"??
It tells us right in the article that she was laid off in November. This is April. How are we defining the word "moment"? :cuckoo:

What's the deal here? Even when the article tells us something, we dump it and plug in our own story?

"should have had the phone before you lost your job" -- presumably, she did. What indicates she didn't?

"rainy day, rainy day" -- again, five months have gone by. Who are you to say she didn't do that? Who?

Freakin' Monday Morning Quarterbacks. Wankers.
Plus just going out and growing your own food is not an option for everyone, I live in an apartment with no yard so for me this just would not work.

Well, according to people here who couldn't get laid in a whorehouse with Benjimins raining out of every orifice, you're an improvident slut for not being able to own a house and enough farmland to stock your pantry for the winter.

Unless you're a guy. Then never mind.

Personally I would never set foot in a whorehouse...but if I wanted to get laid it appears I could just go over to Janette Simons place,she appears to be easy. Of course I would have to be into starving fat black chicks.
And if you cant hold a job and keep your legs closed it might be a good idea to learn every way possible to feed your kids.
Hell,she might as well become a prostitute,it's not like she cares about her virtue.

Where in the blue fuck does the article say, indicate or imply anything whatsoever about her "virtue" or her sex life, pompous asshole?

Pulling a little Argumentum ad Sandra Fluke, are we?

Idiots like you give men a bad name.
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Only in America...
Woman has 4 kids, all different fathers, not sure exactly who the fathers really are.
Dropped out of high school.
Had her first child at 17.
And is pregnant again.
In the liberal mindscape...she is blameless. It is societies fault. We owe her.

No, not only in America. And no, nothing to do with a 'liberal mindscape.' Poverty has always been a part of civilization, and it has nothing to do with liberal or conservative politics. In the educated mind, people know that it is always and always has been (this is not anything new - read Swift's "A Modest Proposal" 1729) the lower classes, the uneducated, and the poor whose lives are like this woman's. It has always been this way throughout human history. When someone in her family rises above it, that is one less person who will live the lifestyle she lives. Most people don't rise above what they are born into. That's the reality. There will always be the poor and uneducated who need a helping hand, who don't make wise choices in life. Rather than sneering at them and hating them, the only path to avoid this situation is to make fundamental changes in society. That's not happening.
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Well, according to people here who couldn't get laid in a whorehouse with Benjimins raining out of every orifice, you're an improvident slut for not being able to own a house and enough farmland to stock your pantry for the winter.

Unless you're a guy. Then never mind.

Personally I would never set foot in a whorehouse...but if I wanted to get laid it appears I could just go over to Janette Simons place,she appears to be easy. Of course I would have to be into starving fat black chicks.
And if you cant hold a job and keep your legs closed it might be a good idea to learn every way possible to feed your kids.
Hell,she might as well become a prostitute,it's not like she cares about her virtue.

Where in the blue fuck does the article say, indicate or imply anything whatsoever about her "virtue" or her sex life, pompous asshole?

Pulling a little Argumentum ad Sandra Fluke, are we?

Idiots like you give men a bad name.

Five fucken kids and no daddy around. She's either sport fucken without protection or trying to pad her bank account. Either way.....

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