Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

OK, what is your "duty" as an American citizen. (You are) one of the most fortunate people born on the face of the earth to be born an American citizen. And there have been generations of Americans who believed with that blessing that they did have a duty to help their fellow citizens. Particularly the poor. And they did in some form or fashion.

And I do understand that you Republicans don't want that duty any longer. You got yours and fuck everybody else that don't have shit. I understand that mindset.

But with that attitude, what duty do you have to America? Just to put the screws to poor people? What a strange "duty" to have for an American.

I guess we just aren't what we used to be.

My "duty" as an American citizen is to vote, serve on a jury, make use of the opportunities society provides, serve in the military when called, pay taxes at a reasonable rate and manage my life and affairs in a way that I'm not a burden on my neighbors.

All the things that people who you are championing don't do, yet you castigate me for not being willing to do for them what I am required to do for myself. Instead of reprimanding me, reprimand those who don't do those things and are a burden on our society.
If she owns even a little land, she can buy a pack of carrot seeds for $0.20. Each pack has over 100 seeds in it. If you care for your crops you can reap a good harvest and blanch/store the remainder in the freezer. Garden food is cheaper and healthier than much of the processed food you find in the store.

Crops? :dunno:
How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- Janette Simon has four chicken legs and five kids to feed.

Her freezer is bare. And her latest trip to the food pantry yielded little else for dinner this night: a bag of day-old croissants, a box of Corn Flakes, and some canned goods.

She slathers barbecue sauce on the chicken, slides the pan in the oven, and begins her nightly ritual of distracting her five children from hunger.

The 44-year-old single mother often skips dinner herself. She hides Ramen noodle packets in her closet to ration food. She tells her two youngest kids to play outside “so they ain’t thinking about eating.”

“That’s what I have to worry about,” she says. “I gotta look at these kids with their sad faces and no food.”
How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.
Are you saying she is dependent upon government for her existence?
If she owns even a little land, she can buy a pack of carrot seeds for $0.20. Each pack has over 100 seeds in it. If you care for your crops you can reap a good harvest and blanch/store the remainder in the freezer. Garden food is cheaper and healthier than much of the processed food you find in the store.

Crops? :dunno:

Or she could grow weed and drive a Cadillac.
If she owns even a little land, she can buy a pack of carrot seeds for $0.20. Each pack has over 100 seeds in it. If you care for your crops you can reap a good harvest and blanch/store the remainder in the freezer. Garden food is cheaper and healthier than much of the processed food you find in the store.

Crops? :dunno:

I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.
If she owns even a little land, she can buy a pack of carrot seeds for $0.20. Each pack has over 100 seeds in it. If you care for your crops you can reap a good harvest and blanch/store the remainder in the freezer. Garden food is cheaper and healthier than much of the processed food you find in the store.

Crops? :dunno:

I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.

You can't teach negroes to grow food, just look at Africa, they had to bring in the Chinese to show them how to do it.
This is another thing that drives me nutz.

If you are so poor.... that if you lose your job, you are instantly going to be without food.....

Why do you have a cell phone? Do you not get this?

Cancel the cell phone, and save up that money you are blowing, into a banking account for when you have an emergency like an unexpected lay off.

As I said before, I've been unemployed many times. Never once have I been in a position that I was needing welfare and food stamps, because if I don't have money in the bank, I don't spend money on anything. ANYTHING. I save up money in the bank until I have enough that if something should happen, then I have cash ready.

Let's say that picture is from 6 months prior to her lay off. $600 in the bank more, can buy a lot of rice. You can feed your kids for weeks, before needing food stamps.

I've done this myself. Now granted the longest I have ever been unemployed was about 2 months, because I get out there, and find myself a job. But even then, I had several thousand in the bank, and cut my spending down to ZILCH. You can last a long time, if you buy the bare necessities, and if you are not dumb as a rock, and blowing every extra dollar out of every check, so you have no money in the bank.

When you are that dumb, why should society be forced to pay for you?

And again.... what we teaching these kids? We are teaching them that as an adult you don't have to be responsible and frugal, and society will bail you out when you don't have money set aside for emergencies.

Then we wonder why we have constantly poor people.

I think somebody covered this before, but a cellphone seems essential for keeping track of either the kids or whoever's watching them.

Plus, by now there are a lot of people who have a cellphone in lieu of a landline. It becomes their only phone. I would do that myself if I had a cell signal where I live. It would cut my costs.

And I'm not sure how you equate 6 months of cell phone to $600. If that's what you're paying you're not much of a shopper. As for "dumb as a rock, and blowing every extra dollar out of every check, so you have no money in the bank", you don't know that's any part of the story here; it's an assumption. It's all very easy to make assumptions about the lot of somebody you don't know and know you'll never meet.

You know, for 6000 years of human history, no one had cell phones, and they still kept track of their kids, and the people who were watching them.

Cell phones have only even existed for a mere 30 years. And even then, they were only widely used since 2000. So in a mere 14 years of wide use, suddenly it is an "essential" for life. Really....

I call that BS. When I was broke, I cancelled my cell phone for months on end. Guess what.... life went on. Amazingly, out of all the supposed "emergencies" of life, I didn't have any that could not wait until I got home. If there was anything super important, they had the number to where I worked. Oddly, in all my years, I have never once had something so important, they needed to call my work.

Right now I have a phone that cost me a whooping $35, and has a monthly charge of $15 to operate.

But it's not a touch screen, smart phone, with texting and data, that the phone clearly pictured there most certainly is.

Now I will say that prices have dropped significantly since I purchased my plan today. The prices I was looking at back when I got this phone, were up in the $70 to $100 a month range. Clearly prices have gone down since then.

But the point still is this.... I dont' give crap what you think phones are... they ARE a luxury. I'm sorry, you are wrong. They are not essential. They are a luxury. People have existed for thousands of years with out cell phone service. You *CAN* survive without a phone. I've done that. It is possible. There are MILLIONS of people world wide that survive their entire lives without a cell phone.

You can do it too. Now, I get that you don't *WANT* to live without a cell phone, and that's fine. I have cell phone myself. But.... I FREAKIN WORK FOR IT AND I DON'T DEMAND OTHERS PAY FOR MY LIFE!

When you are collecting charity care from a charity, then you abide by the rules of the charity. If they are ok with you owning a car, and phones, and TVs and cable, and high speed internet..... fine. That's their rules. They can give you free food, clothing, shelter, and you can have whatever you want and get their charity.

But taxing, stealing other people's rightfully earned money, and coercing them under the gun of Government, to give money to others, no, sorry... you don't get to have a cell phone, and a car, and cable TV, and smoke cigarettes, and still get my money. I'm not going to put up with that, and I'll vote for anyone who says they'll stop you from getting my money.

That's how that works. Too bad we can vote too, eh?

Look, you're not gonna get an argument from me in favor of the idea of cellphones. I only got one because I was pressured into it by drones in our populace who have bought the idea that we have to know "right this second", which I believe is bullshit.

But that's the way the world works now -- in my case I lost a job because I wasn't there to take it "right now". That wasn't up to me. Nor is it up to anyone else when it's somebody else that has the job to offer.

Now you can sit in your little self-absorbed cocoon and declare that everyone's experience must match yours, and I'm sure you'd like to dictate that since you're coming off as quite the Authoritarian, but again the fact is that's not up to you. Go hunt down a job without a phone, rotsa ruck with that. In effect you're whining that a person (whose situation you have no clue about) isn't doing her part to find employment, and at the same time you want to take away one of her essential tools for doing so. Fuck that selfish attitude.

Further, along with what none of us know about her circumstances, neither do we know that she herself is paying for that phone. Or what kind of bill it carries. Or if she still has it today.

Ass-ume much?

And yes, with that kind of Numero Uno blind pig attitude, it is a shame you can vote. You make a good case for taking away the vote from the simpleminded.

And once again, don't know what year you're living in but it's very very common to have only a cell phone now, not a landline. I'd have to say that's true of most of the people I know. You don't seem to want to touch that point but it's still sitting there.
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She doesnt need a $600 smart phone for that.

Are you completely illiterate?

Nobody has evidence that her phone costs $600; that was that wag who quoted an arbitrary figure -- a number he completely pulled out of his ass.

From the beginning of this thread people have been making up fairy tales about this woman they don't even know. Again -- talk is cheap.

Learn to read.

"Well, look at your budget, cable bill, telephone, cell phone bill, you're just not prioritizing things right"....Obama even disagrees with you :D

Everybody should ditch their cable/satellite bill, regardless of income. There's nothing on it but bullshit.
Are you completely illiterate?

Nobody has evidence that her phone costs $600; that was that wag who quoted an arbitrary figure -- a number he completely pulled out of his ass.

From the beginning of this thread people have been making up fairy tales about this woman they don't even know. Again -- talk is cheap.

Learn to read.

Smart phones aren't cheap,nor are the minutes. Anyway you look at it,this chick has shown a remarkable lack of responsibility and shouldnt be trusted to watch over those kids.

cellphone seems essential

cellphones are non essential

the prezbo said so himself

when he was being critical of those

who cant afford the obamacares

And yet, he started a program to provide cell phones to the poor, for free! Go figure.
If she owns even a little land, she can buy a pack of carrot seeds for $0.20. Each pack has over 100 seeds in it. If you care for your crops you can reap a good harvest and blanch/store the remainder in the freezer. Garden food is cheaper and healthier than much of the processed food you find in the store.

Crops? :dunno:

I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.

How about a thousand seeds for a buck twenty nine? Just sayin....
If she owns even a little land, she can buy a pack of carrot seeds for $0.20. Each pack has over 100 seeds in it. If you care for your crops you can reap a good harvest and blanch/store the remainder in the freezer. Garden food is cheaper and healthier than much of the processed food you find in the store.

Crops? :dunno:

I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.

Not to mention that having the seeds and the dirt doesn't necessarily mean anything. When my aunt had her own garden, she claimed it cost her every bit as much as buying the food in the store what with fertilizing it and keeping the bugs off and of course, all the time she put into it. Nothing tasted better than her raspberry syrup on top of pancakes though. And she made the best corn on the cob in the world. I miss my aunt, and her garden. Me? I can't grow a garden to save my soul. This year, I can't even pull the weeds due to my back problems.
Well, she should of stocked up if she's RELYING on the guberment to not have glitches

she didn't learn from OScamCareinsurance?

the people in this country are becoming hopeless...or at least that what the Hufferpufferpost wants you to believe...

By that standard, poorly paid employees should stock up on what THEY don't get enough of to begin with ($$$) just in case some asshole in payroll fucks up.

You are at least two degrees less sentient than sand. You know that, right?
Yeah Stocked up on a bag of beans, rice, pasta and some Ragu just like the rest of us do. Less than 10 bucks can feed those kids just not what they like to eat. They'll eat it if their hungry. The dollor store has a freezer section...NO REASON for anyone to miss a meal.
Seems the smartphone is more of a priority than feeding her own children...
Cry me a River...

Everyone, and I mean everyone should have enough food put aside to last them for at least 3 months. Me? I'm trying to put aside enough for a year. Yeah, it's not the best food, canned stew has never been a favorite of mine, but it's food.

If she had rice or potatoes and some vegetables, she could have easily spread those chicken legs out to last awhile.
Speaking of...whatever happen to the government cheese? That was good stuff. My mom used to pay someone who got it so that we could have some. Why did our government stop providing certain staples to the poor?
Smart phones aren't cheap,nor are the minutes. Anyway you look at it,this chick has shown a remarkable lack of responsibility and shouldnt be trusted to watch over those kids.

cellphone seems essential

cellphones are non essential

the prezbo said so himself

when he was being critical of those

who cant afford the obamacares

And yet, he started a program to provide cell phones to the poor, for free! Go figure.

Wasn't that Bush that started that?

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