Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.

Not to mention that having the seeds and the dirt doesn't necessarily mean anything. When my aunt had her own garden, she claimed it cost her every bit as much as buying the food in the store what with fertilizing it and keeping the bugs off and of course, all the time she put into it. Nothing tasted better than her raspberry syrup on top of pancakes though. And she made the best corn on the cob in the world. I miss my aunt, and her garden. Me? I can't grow a garden to save my soul. This year, I can't even pull the weeds due to my back problems.

That's true. It takes a lot of time and effort, especially if it's just a couple of things that you're trying to grow on the side. I've planted carrots more than one year and got nothing more than a short stub here and there, and that's after months in the ground. Then there's the deer, and rabbits, not to mention plant diseases...

It's the same syndrome again, armchair wags sitting in their barcalounger reasoning that, because plants grow in the ground, then this woman whose circumstances we don't know could be doing that. Lazy simplistic thinking.
By that standard, poorly paid employees should stock up on what THEY don't get enough of to begin with ($$$) just in case some asshole in payroll fucks up.

You are at least two degrees less sentient than sand. You know that, right?
Yeah Stocked up on a bag of beans, rice, pasta and some Ragu just like the rest of us do. Less than 10 bucks can feed those kids just not what they like to eat. They'll eat it if their hungry. The dollor store has a freezer section...NO REASON for anyone to miss a meal.
Seems the smartphone is more of a priority than feeding her own children...
Cry me a River...

Everyone, and I mean everyone should have enough food put aside to last them for at least 3 months. Me? I'm trying to put aside enough for a year. Yeah, it's not the best food, canned stew has never been a favorite of mine, but it's food.

If she had rice or potatoes and some vegetables, she could have easily spread those chicken legs out to last awhile.

-- and she may have done that already, and more. We don't know.
I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.

How about a thousand seeds for a buck twenty nine? Just sayin....

Carrot seeds are tiny. But $1.29 is not twenty cents, and I'm pretty sure they don't sell for $1.29 either. Just sayin'.

A buck twenty nine for a thousand? Twenty cents was for one hundred seeds. Just sayin....
More to the silly point, if you're gonna feed yourself and your kids on carrots (and whatever else you farm), you're gonna need a considerable patch of land. Not to mention, this time of year you would have been living on what you stored from the last growing season. That's hard enough for an actual farmer to do, never mind a city dweller.

Again - lazy simplistic thinking.
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that's "you're" and "decision"
if it's her business and decision,then why should i be responsible for paying for them?

you shouldn't be and neither should i or any other taxpayer. No way should we be forced to bankroll her life for her.

She had the choice of using birth control or demanding her partner wear a condom. She obviously didn't, hence all her kids. She should be the one supporting them not we taxpayers.
when you outlaw abortion, cut food stamps for poor people, and rich pricks keep shipping all of the jobs to China, Americans don't have any choice but to get on some government assistance program.

Funny you want to blame the "rich pricks" along with some others, but I must have missed the part where you advocated any type of personal accountability ...

Did your party not elect a man who was supposed to create JOBS?? Remember the hope and change thingy?? Now that poor woman and her children are hoping things change and they all get some food. What happened to those proposed economic revitalization zones your boy was going to use his pen and phone to create. Perhaps your lot should have thought about food and some of life's other necessity's before ramming Obamacare down Americas throat.

Just like this lady needs to learn to prioritize so does your party and your leaders...
I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.

How about a thousand seeds for a buck twenty nine? Just sayin....

Carrot seeds are tiny. But $1.29 is not twenty cents, and I'm pretty sure they don't sell for $1.29 either. Just sayin'.

Just're wrong again.
[ame=] Parisian Carrot 1000 Seeds - GARDEN FRESH PACK!: Patio, Lawn & Garden[/ame]
Speaking of...whatever happen to the government cheese? That was good stuff. My mom used to pay someone who got it so that we could have some. Why did our government stop providing certain staples to the poor?

Government cheese

Government cheese is processed cheese that was provided to welfare, food stamp recipients and the elderly receiving Social Security in the United States, from the 1960s through to the early 1990s. The style of cheese predated the era, having been used in military kitchens since the Second World War and in schools since as early as the 1960s.

History and impact

The cheese was bought and stored by the government's Commodity Credit Corporation. Direct distribution of dairy products began in 1982 under the Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program of the Food and Nutrition Service. According to the government, it "slices and melts well."[1] The cheese was provided monthly, in unsliced block form, with generic product labeling and packaging.

The cheese was often from food surpluses stockpiled by the government as part of milk price supports. Butter was also stockpiled and then provided under the same program. Some government cheese was made of kosher products.[2] This cheese product is also distributed to victims of a natural disaster following a State of Emergency declaration.

Currently, the USDA provides a subsidized food program for specific classes of foods in the United States known as the Women, Infants and Children program, as well as other programs such as The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP).

In the United States the term has been used, sometimes derisively, to describe government assistance, monetary or otherwise, given to some U.S. residents; for example, a person receiving such aid could be said to "live on Government Cheese."
Government cheese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
More to the silly point, if you're gonna feed yourself and your kids on carrots (and whatever else you farm), you're gonna need a considerable patch of land. Not to mention, this time of year you would have been living on what you stored from the last growing season. That's hard enough for an actual farmer to do, never mind a city dweller.

Again - lazy simplistic thinking.

Not my fault she's to poor to own her own house with a yard.
Maybe if she spent less time on her back with her legs spread and more time working she wouldnt find herself in the position she's in.
More to the silly point, if you're gonna feed yourself and your kids on carrots (and whatever else you farm), you're gonna need a considerable patch of land. Not to mention, this time of year you would have been living on what you stored from the last growing season. That's hard enough for an actual farmer to do, never mind a city dweller.

Again - lazy simplistic thinking.

Not my fault she's to poor to own her own house with a yard.
Maybe if she spent less time on her back with her legs spread and more time working she wouldnt find herself in the position she's in.

And once again... you don't know:
whether she has a back yard or not
whether if she does it's suitable for growing crops
whether if she does it's big enough to sustain a family through the year
whether that's even a realistic option
how much time she spent 'on her back with her legs spread'
(there are other positions yanno)
whether that position was voluntary, or any other circumstances at the times
or how much time she already DID spend working.

And last but not least, whether she in fact is working right now already - the article doesn't say she's jobless; it could be a matter of underemployment.

Hey, not knowing all this shit, not a problem --- just make it up.
More to the silly point, if you're gonna feed yourself and your kids on carrots (and whatever else you farm), you're gonna need a considerable patch of land. Not to mention, this time of year you would have been living on what you stored from the last growing season. That's hard enough for an actual farmer to do, never mind a city dweller.

Again - lazy simplistic thinking.

Not my fault she's to poor to own her own house with a yard.
Maybe if she spent less time on her back with her legs spread and more time working she wouldnt find herself in the position she's in.

And once again... you don't know:
whether she has a back yard or not
whether if she does it's suitable for growing crops
whether if she does it's big enough to sustain a family through the year
whether that's even a realistic option
how much time she spent 'on her back with her legs spread'
(there are other positions yanno)
whether that position was voluntary, or any other circumstances at the times
or how much time she already DID spend working.

And last but not least, whether she in fact is working right now already - the article doesn't say she's jobless; it could be a matter of underemployment.

Hey, not knowing all this shit, not a problem --- just make it up.

I do know she has five kids,no job or husband,she's obviously not starving,she has a smart phone,she's feeding her kids bags of chips.
And thats just what we know from this story.

As far as her growing food goes...? No way in hell could she pull that off,way to much work involved. And yes even with poor soil it can be done.

And if she's worked all her life and this being unemployed is new to her? Then where the hell are her savings?
Pissed away on the female equivalent of $2000 dollar rims I'm sure.
Not my fault she's to poor to own her own house with a yard.
Maybe if she spent less time on her back with her legs spread and more time working she wouldnt find herself in the position she's in.

And once again... you don't know:
whether she has a back yard or not
whether if she does it's suitable for growing crops
whether if she does it's big enough to sustain a family through the year
whether that's even a realistic option
how much time she spent 'on her back with her legs spread'
(there are other positions yanno)
whether that position was voluntary, or any other circumstances at the times
or how much time she already DID spend working.

And last but not least, whether she in fact is working right now already - the article doesn't say she's jobless; it could be a matter of underemployment.

Hey, not knowing all this shit, not a problem --- just make it up.

I do know she has five kids,no job or husband,she's obviously not starving,she has a smart phone,she's feeding her kids bags of chips.
And thats just what we know from this story.

As far as her growing food goes...? No way in hell could she pull that off,way to much work involved. And yes even with poor soil it can be done.

And if she's worked all her life and this being unemployed is new to her? Then where the hell are her savings?
Pissed away on the female equivalent of $2000 dollar rims I'm sure.

No you don't know that. We know "single mother" from the story -- that's it. You don't know what her employment is because there's no reference to it. Nor do you know why she's single; could be a dead or departed husband. Nor do you know what she's feeding the kids on the basis of a single photo. Nor do you know jack shit about her savings, or "the female equivalent of rims".

Once again, the word ass-ume. A cheap rhetorical wank because you're too lazy to think with any creativity.
How about a thousand seeds for a buck twenty nine? Just sayin....

Carrot seeds are tiny. But $1.29 is not twenty cents, and I'm pretty sure they don't sell for $1.29 either. Just sayin'.

Just're wrong again.
[ame=] Parisian Carrot 1000 Seeds - GARDEN FRESH PACK!: Patio, Lawn & Garden[/ame]

Plus two bucks shipping, equals $3.28, or over sixteen times twenty cents.
New at online shopping are we? Hey, just make it up.

Of course, to buy from Amazon she needs a computer with an internet connection, plus an Amazon account, which means a credit card....

Department of Think Things Through

I don't think a pack of carrot seeds has sold for 20 cents since the Kennedy Administration. Just sayin'.

Not to mention that having the seeds and the dirt doesn't necessarily mean anything. When my aunt had her own garden, she claimed it cost her every bit as much as buying the food in the store what with fertilizing it and keeping the bugs off and of course, all the time she put into it. Nothing tasted better than her raspberry syrup on top of pancakes though. And she made the best corn on the cob in the world. I miss my aunt, and her garden. Me? I can't grow a garden to save my soul. This year, I can't even pull the weeds due to my back problems.

Plus just going out and growing your own food is not an option for everyone, I live in an apartment with no yard so for me this just would not work.

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