Zone1 LBG no T

I believe that most of the people claiming to be Trans in this day and age are not Trans, in other words not suffering from gender dysphoria. They are actually suffering from a variety of issues and "gender dysphoria" for them has become the fad--social contagion they are latching onto. The attention they gain from their Trans-Friend Group may make them feel special in the short term, but it does not correct the under lying issues. This is not a good reason for most to have their body parts mutilated.
I believe that most of the people claiming to be Trans in this day and age are not Trans, in other words not suffering from gender dysphoria. They are actually suffering from a variety of issues and "gender dysphoria" for them has become the fad--social contagion they are latching onto. The attention they gain from their Trans-Friend Group may make them feel special in the short term, but it does not correct the under lying issues. This is not a good reason for most to have their body parts mutilated.
My niece had a step daughter who was gay, then transgender and now she is a straight female.
I deal with a lot of suicides and attempted suicides in my job. The LGBT community is over-represented in that group, but the Transgender group is over-represented in that group.

Part of the reason is the premise behind gender re-assignment.

If you're told, or have come to believe, that you're unhappy because of specific reason and if you change what you believe is making you unhappy, you will suddenly become happy, that is a sure recipe for a massive disappointment.

It doesn't matter if the life-changing solution you seek is to find the perfect job, get married, have a child, or have sex reassignment, putting all of your happiness eggs into a single basket is going to lead to profound unhappiness.

If you are profoundly unhappy with your currently life, then the reason probably stems from a number of very different influences. To become a happy, well-balanced person, you have to be self-aware enough to recognize all your sources of unhappiness and deal with them equally.

There is no quick-fix to anything, particularly unhappiness.

But in any gender re-assignment procedure don't the recipients have to undergo a LOT of therapy prior to the surgeries? To ensure that they are entering into this decision with a clearer understanding of who they are at their core.
I've heard of this movement. People in the "lesbian, Gay, Bisexual" camps don't agree with the "Transexual" movement, as in, teaching children to question their biological sex.

I'm sure they've seen the data, as we all should. Suicide rates are nearly 40% amongst trans people, and after transition it appears there's not much of a difference, meaning simply cheering them on isn't working. Meanwhile, in mainstream media trans people are depicted often as exhalted, the most bravest of us all. Yet, they still remain troubled and vulnerable.

This is a mental disorder, much like depression, which many of us, including myself, have dealt with. I would oppose any movement that would encourage me to accept my depression and claim I'm merely a victim of "anti-depression hatred", or whatever it would be called. Depression is bad for humans, just as we can see from statistics believing you're the opposite sex of what you biological are is.

I've always said that if you're an adult, do what you want. But teaching children about trans ideology, that men can mythically become women and vice verca, is religious in its rationale. I'm a Catholic, but I accept that I believe based on faith. Trans folk try to enforce their "faith" of their metaphysics onto others, and it would be the same as me trying to impress my Catholic faith onto mainstream school children, and if they refuse they're some sort of bigot.

It's the Trans movement that's the bigots, and the LBG movement seems to more and more be on board. The two are actually at odd with each other.

It's a good move for them to distance themselves from the trans lunacy. The gay/lesbian movement has gained legitimacy in the past few decades, it's good they recognized how quickly it would be destroyed if they embraced this insanity.
I keep wondering how liberals would react to a widespread trend of "racial dysphoria", and a campaign of enthusiastic support for black kids who sought skin lightening therapy and surgical transformation to "correct" their racial features. Would they consider that healthy?
It's a good move for them to distance themselves from the trans lunacy. The gay/lesbian movement has gained legitimacy in the past few decades, it's good they recognized how quickly it would be destroyed if they embraced this insanity.

It is interesting to see this sort of "They're the 'good ones'" approach. Sure for millennia humanity treated gay people like scum and killed them or beat them, even God himself found their lifestyle to be an "abomination", but nowadays they're OK....but now everyone hates on the trans folks.

Always gotta have someone to look down on, don't we?
I keep wondering how liberals would react to a widespread trend of "racial dysphoria", and a campaign of enthusiastic support for black kids who sought skin lightening therapy and surgical transformation to "correct" their racial features. Would they consider that healthy?

I know why a black kid might want to be white. Because white people have made life for black Americans less than spectacular for the last several hundred years.

Not quite the same thing as gender dysphoria.
It is interesting to see this sort of "They're the 'good ones'" approach. Sure for millennia humanity treated gay people like scum and killed them or beat them, even God himself found their lifestyle to be an "abomination", but nowadays they're OK....but now everyone hates on the trans folks.

Always gotta have someone to look down on, don't we?

Speak for yourself. I think it's good that legitimate movements keep the crazies out. If your fellow DemoKKKrats had taken that advice, you wouldn't now have to say that men can get pregnant and only biologists can define what a woman is.
I know why a black kid might want to be white. Because white people have made life for black Americans less than spectacular for the last several hundred years.
Yep. Just like the power disparity between genders might make young girls wish they were boys.

Not quite the same thing as gender dysphoria.
Telling kids that if they don't like their gender they can change it is no different than telling them that if they don't like their race they can change. It's just as insidious. Just destructive. Just as bonkers.
Yep. Just like the power disparity between genders might make young girls wish they were boys.

Yeah, you know, I don't think that's actually a "thing". All of the trans people I've heard speak, no one said anything like that.

And it wouldn't explain M-->F transitions.

Telling kids that if they don't like their gender they can change it is no different than telling them that if they don't like their race they can change. It's just as insidious. Just destructive. Just as bonkers.


1) just as unlikely in the real world
2)just as meaningless to most people since most people don't actually feel gender dysphoria

I think the problem is: too many people think this is some sort of "I wanna go into women's bathrooms! So I'll have my penis cut off so I can!" scenario. That isn't reality. This is far more serious.

Can we handle all of it better? Yeah, probably. I don't know what is going on in schools but I DOUBT it is EVER as terrifying as the scare-mongering Right wing media like to make it sound.
Speak for yourself. I think it's good that legitimate movements keep the crazies out. If your fellow DemoKKKrats had taken that advice, you wouldn't now have to say that men can get pregnant and only biologists can define what a woman is.

In all honesty: how "comfortable" were you with gay people, say, about 30 years ago?

Back about 35 years ago I was in undergrad and the gay pride movement was already in full swing. But I was raised in the midwest and I carried with me some pretty good baggage that was pretty homophobic.

But I grew up. We all do. I suspect you are like me and you came to an awakening as you grew older and now accept gay people just fine!

It's a good thing. It's how our society has done as well.

But to keep this thing alive of "These folks are OK NOW, but THOSE FOLKS OVER THERE...well....." is the wrong way to go about it.
I know why a black kid might want to be white. Because white people have made life for black Americans less than spectacular for the last several hundred years.

Not quite the same thing as gender dysphoria.
Your better off being black. Auto qualification for jobs, easier to get accepted in universities, if you are fired you can sue, and you have a fat stack of race cards.

Trannies, homos, and lesbians are people. Lgbtq and lgbq are hate groups.
I normally try to avoid reading other people's minds.
But you have no problem suggesting that she actually IS gay or trans but has decided to act straight because of all the "stumbling blocks" the bad straight people have put in front of her.
You do know what Occam's razor says, right?
In all honesty: how "comfortable" were you with gay people, say, about 30 years ago?

Back about 35 years ago I was in undergrad and the gay pride movement was already in full swing. But I was raised in the midwest and I carried with me some pretty good baggage that was pretty homophobic.

But I grew up. We all do. I suspect you are like me and you came to an awakening as you grew older and now accept gay people just fine!

It's a good thing. It's how our society has done as well.

But to keep this thing alive of "These folks are OK NOW, but THOSE FOLKS OVER THERE...well....." is the wrong way to go about it.

Gay people never told us that they couldn't define what a woman is because they're "not a biologist". Gay people never told us men can get pregnant. Gay people never told us a 10-year old is capable of choosing irreversible sex reassignment surgery. Gay people never insisted men should be allowed to destroy women's sports. Gay people never called men bigots for refusing to date a "woman" with a penis.

I don't blame the gay movement for rejecting trans insanity. We should all be rejecting it, but unfortunately people like you are trying to mainstream it.

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