Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes’

The facts have yet to show any actual quid pro quo.

Quid quo pro? They can't even show a quid. Let alone a quo or a pro.

Somebody, they can't say who, bribed Joe with something, they can't say what, to do something, they can't say what.

That's a tale that should begin with 'once upon a time'.
Will this report have actual evidence? Or is it the same 'judgment day' bullshit Comer has been shilling for more than a year, where he can't actually detail any specific crime. Let alone factually prove it.
Now that Hunter's "Laptop From Hell" has been proven real, genuine and used as eveidence in a Federal trial, it can be used as evidence to confirm the evidence uncovered by the both investigations by the Senate and Congress.
You betcha the GOP use that laptop against Joe Biden and family.
Treason has no statute of limitation, neither does international crime. like money laundering.
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I don't get it. Magaturds are propping up a giant bag O' shit wrapped in cellophane with these continued failed impeachment investigations right over their heads. And they are using sharp sticks to do it. Shit is starting to leak on them. But das party is everything to these magaturd mental midgets, so they obviously claim victory. 'Pwning da libz' is canon now.
I knew there was a growing resentment on the Right, and I posted about it here from day I got here. I told the Left that they were going too far with their pet agendas, especially PC and Identity Politics. And of course, I was called every name in the book.

But I had no idea of the hate and the rage and the grievance that was in these MAGA people. I knew that talk radio and the internet were effectively stoking/running with the resentment, but good gawd, this has been a shock. This is like being in a fuckin' zombie movie.
Now that Hunter's "Laptop From Hell" has been proven real, genuine and used as eveidence in a Federal trial, it can be used as evidence to confirm the evidence uncovered by the both investigations by the Senate and Congress.
You betcha they'll use that laptop against Joe Biden and family.
Treason has no statute of limitation, neither does international crime. like money laundering.

Uh-huh. And what on the laptop proves that Joe Biden committed a crime?

What crime are y'all referring to specifically? I've heard influence peddling thrown around. But when I ask by whom, how, and to do what, backed by what evidence....

.....y'all start babbling about laptops. And avoid the questions like they were on fire.

You'll need evidence backed answers for every single one of them. Or your latest claims of crimes by Joe Biden will go down as well as your last claims of crimes by Joe Biden. Total failures.
Uh-huh. And what on the laptop proves that Joe Biden committed a crime?

What crime are y'all referring to specifically? I've heard influence peddling thrown around. But when I ask by whom, how, and to do what, backed by what evidence....

.....y'all start babbling about laptops. And avoid the questions like they were on fire.

You'll need evidence backed answers for every single one of them. Or your latest claims of crimes by Joe Biden will go down as well as your last claims of crimes by Joe Biden. Total failures.
I don't think they need proof as it's normally defined. Any story or accusation that excites them provides them with a catharsis, an opportunity to rage.

Taking the steps required to prove their accusations takes energy away from their raging, and it only dilutes the process. Why bother. Just rage. That's what's in them.
Aka you make no opinions on it again.

Your a fucking fraud.

Same as the Steele Dossier.
Same as the Ukraine BS.
Oh the Laptop was fake BS
IRS attacks Conservatives

But you go be the leftist pretending to be moderate.
What was the actual crime that Joe Biden committed according to Comer? Got any idea? A bunch of fluff? When were these crimes committed by Biden?
No comment, lefties? Why is that?

SARS are high dollar value bank transactions that are suspicious by nature. The banks are required to report them to the treasury.


Seems to me those should be investigated. If Joe is involved, then we deal with that.
About 3.6 million SARS reports are filed by banks in the USA each year. The govt finds about 4% of them worthy to investigate and of those 4%, a tiny portion is found to actually have committed crimes, and are indicted.

∆ ∆ ∆

That's why.

The report filing number by the banks is meaningless.

How many did the Suspicious Report investigators find were legitimately suspicious and how many were actual crimes, is what would have meaning....
I knew there was a growing resentment on the Right, and I posted about it here from day I got here. I told the Left that they were going too far with their pet agendas, especially PC and Identity Politics. And of course, I was called every name in the book.

But I had no idea of the hate and the rage and the grievance that was in these MAGA people. I knew that talk radio and the internet were effectively stoking/running with the resentment, but good gawd, this has been a shock. This is like being in a fuckin' zombie movie.

Oh we know Mac, you see and know everything always and could have told us all
Uh-huh. And what on the laptop proves that Joe Biden committed a crime?

What crime are y'all referring to specifically? I've heard influence peddling thrown around. But when I ask by whom, how, and to do what, backed by what evidence....

.....y'all start babbling about laptops. And avoid the questions like they were on fire.

You'll need evidence backed answers for every single one of them. Or your latest claims of crimes by Joe Biden will go down as well as your last claims of crimes by Joe Biden. Total failures.

Evidence backed answers?

Oh, you poor naive Leftists. You never, ever, EVER understand the game can be turned on you until it's much too late.

Your game

Your rules

You will hate it
About 3.6 million SARS reports are filed by banks in the USA each year. The govt finds about 4% of them worthy to investigate and of those 4%, a tiny portion is found to actually have committed crimes, and are indicted.

∆ ∆ ∆

That's why.

The report filing number by the banks is meaningless.

How many did the Suspicious Report investigators find were legitimately suspicious and how many were actual crimes, is what would have meaning....

You know what else is meaningless?

Bragg's NY case against Trump.

But you don't care about that, of course--expired misdemeanors trumped up into felonies, no problem there. None whatsoever.

It has pissed enough people off that rest assured, some conservative AG/DA somewhere will go after your crooked demented president. Don't you DARE whine about it. "No one is above the law"

Your game.

Your rules

You will hate it
Funny how Republicans lie and claim the left uses govt to go after their political foes, while Republicans in govt uses their power to go after political foes.
You know what else is meaningless?

Bragg's NY case against Trump.

But you don't care about that, of course--expired misdemeanors trumped up into felonies, no problem there. None whatsoever.

It has pissed enough people off that rest assured, some conservative AG/DA somewhere will go after your crooked demented president. Don't you DARE whine about it. "No one is above the law"

Your game.

Your rules

You will hate it
It's their NY LAW that is written and on the books, that designates the bumping up to a felony distinction. Not my law, not federal law.

I can't change their LAWS, or make them prosecute or not prosecute, when someone breaks their laws.

Even if the misdemeanor statute of limitation had not expired, he would have been charged with this crime as a class E felony... Because under the NY law, he committed the falsification to help cover up another crime.

And yes it seems petty to me, sitting on the outside...but it ain't my call. If Trump had not committed the felony version, then the jury would have found him not guilty. They found him guilty, so he DID break their NY Law and commit the crimes he was charged with.

Bragg was investigating this crime, before Trump ever announced he would be a candidate and run for office again.
And yes it seems petty to me, sitting on the outside...but it ain't my call. If Trump had not committed the felony version, then the jury would have found him not guilty.

Wait til the Arkansas DA/AG finds something on the Biden Crime Syndicate and they seat an Arkansas Jury

Don't say we didn't warn you.
You know what else is meaningless?

Bragg's NY case against Trump.

But you don't care about that, of course--expired misdemeanors trumped up into felonies, no problem there. None whatsoever.

It has pissed enough people off that rest assured, some conservative AG/DA somewhere will go after your crooked demented president. Don't you DARE whine about it. "No one is above the law"

Your game.

Your rules

You will hate it
Dumb people vote for dumb people. I have zero sympathy for you.
the only time the Deep state would throw one of their puppets under the bus is when they are finished with him and by doing so, it would reinvigorate confidence in our fake ass voting system
It's their NY LAW that is written and on the books, that designates the bumping up to a felony distinction. Not my law, not federal law.

I can't change their LAWS, or make them prosecute or not prosecute, when someone breaks their laws.

Even if the misdemeanor statute of limitation had not expired, he would have been charged with this crime as a class E felony... Because under the NY law, he committed the falsification to help cover up another crime.

And yes it seems petty to me, sitting on the outside...but it ain't my call. If Trump had not committed the felony version, then the jury would have found him not guilty. They found him guilty, so he DID break their NY Law and commit the crimes he was charged with.

Bragg was investigating this crime, before Trump ever announced he would be a candidate and run for office again.
🥨 🥨 🥨

Is evidence what is necessary to 'find out'?
Heads are going to roll, LOL. This Administration is corrupt to the Core. MAGA

Another partner, Jason Galanis, testified to Congress that he believed Archer and Biden were placed on the board to protect the company from Ukrainian investigations and prosecutions.

You have no idea what Marxism is, bitch boy. Now go play with your trump trading cards and write him another check, simp.
Marxism has wiped out any semblance of intelligence in what little brain you have twat. LOL go fucking play with yourself and leave us alone dipshit
Will this report have actual evidence? Or is it the same 'judgment day' bullshit Comer has been shilling for more than a year, where he can't actually detail any specific crime. Let alone factually prove it.
I am Just looking for some accountability here. You certainly are not.

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