Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes’

You guys have been saying this about all your conspiracy theories for decades.

Nothing ever happens.
Hahaha you are funny
The cult also forgot the 51 intelligence officers were talking about the email releases.
The Cult of 51 was lying their asses off for their minions. What a bunch of dumb shits to fall for this.
How many of these hoaxes did you fall for?
You guys get hyped up on something, but by the time you figure out it was bullshit you’ve moved into the next hype train.

This is no different. A few years from now, you’re going to act like you didn’t really ever care about Biden.
I am Just looking for some accountability here. You certainly are not.

Accountability for what? The questions I'm asking are super simple. And they utterly stump everyone from Comer to you.

What crime, specifically, are you accusing Joe Biden of?

Who did what, where, for what purpose, when, backed by what evidence.
Heads are going to roll, LOL. This Administration is corrupt to the Core. MAGA

Another partner, Jason Galanis, testified to Congress that he believed Archer and Biden were placed on the board to protect the company from Ukrainian investigations and prosecutions.

Uh-huh. And what are you accusing Joe Biden of specifically? What crime, backed by what evidence.

Not vague accusations, but specific crimes you claim were committed, backed with evidence.
Accountability for what? The questions I'm asking are super simple. And they utterly stump everyone from Comer to you.

What crime, specifically, are you accusing Joe Biden of?

Who did what, where, for what purpose, when, backed by what evidence.
What crime, specifically, are you accusing Joe Biden of?
Accountability for what? The questions I'm asking are super simple. And they utterly stump everyone from Comer to you.

What crime, specifically, are you accusing Joe Biden of?

Who did what, where, for what purpose, when, backed by what evidence.
Bribery for a public official.
Simple enough for a simpleton.
In the meantime, we've now proven that:
51 former intel appointees have been proven liars.
Hunter Biden's Laptop From Hell is genuine.
Hunter and James perjured their testimonies before Congress
Wrong. You all claim they are liars by lying about what they said. Hunter laptop has been linked to him, I have yet to see any evidence that all its content was authenticated.

Yall need to stop lying about your opponents lies. It really discredits you and makes you sound like a hypocrite

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