Lead Prosecutor in Rittenhouse Political Prosecution Says Rittenhouse Chased His Antifa Attackers. Then He Shows Video Of Antifa Chasing Rittenhouse.

I see local fascists have migrated to the fallback of predicting a hung jury, that is ludicrous on its face, the star prosecution witness literally testified to the fact that he was only shot after he had pointed his own, illegally possessed pistol at the defendant, he even acknowledged that defendant didn't even point his weapon at him until after he had pointed his own, totally illegal pistol at the defendant! We call that a no-brainer case of self-defense, its not even close, the kid committed no crimes that night, he violated no laws that night, but the prosecution's witnesses sure as shit did, and thankfully two of them are currently deceased....
That is logical and true. But given the area and people who were probably chosen for the jury.......I'd say hung. We see that he shouldn't have been charged at all. Politics screws up everything though.
A defendant is supposed to have a jury that has not heard of the defendant, has not heard of the shootings, and has not been forewarned or foretold about what will be going on in the courtroom.

Now tell me really..............did they drag people out of coma wards in hospitals to be jurors???? Because those are the only people I can think of that wouldn't know anything about any of this.
EvilEyeFleegle The Prosecution took a Biden all over themselves. The jury will protect itself from possible harm from the Woke mob screaming for blood. Hung jury for sure.
Prove he illegally acquired it and prove he went on the attack. Show video evidence

SPOILER : You can't
These are known facts in the case. The person who supplied him with a gun he was too young to buy has been charged with straw purchasing it. He left his home state to go to Kenosha with an illegal gun which he illegally trafficked across the state line. There's a whole series of illegal acts that lead up to this. It didn't happen in a vacuum.

Edit:. This trial.is a joke anyway. The judge has decreed the shooting victims cannot be referred to as victims, among other irregularities that confirm his bias. Even if it results in a verdict there is already ample excuse to retry it.
These are known facts in the case. The person who supplied him with a gun he was too young to buy has been charged with straw purchasing it. He left his home state to go to Kenosha with an illegal gun which he illegally trafficked across the state line. There's a whole series of illegal acts that lead up to this. It didn't happen in a vacuum.

Edit:. This trial.is a joke anyway. The judge has decreed the shooting victims cannot be referred to as victims, among other irregularities that confirm his bias. Even if it results in a verdict there is already ample excuse to retry it.

First off his friend kept the weapon at his house in Kenosha so Kyle didn't bring it across state lines

Second Antioch to Kenosha is 36 minutes away

Third now that you care so much about lines I'm sure you'll agree illegals illegally crossing our border is also bad

Fourth yeah the illegal acts that lead up to this are AntiFA and BLM rioting for days prior to Kyle being in Kenosha and the day of the shooting Kyle was cleaning their graffiti off the school

Fifth they're not victims they are perpetrators who were there to Burn Loot and Murder. Gayge doesn't even live in Kenosha by his own testimony so if he stayed home he'd still have a bicep

Sixth its not illegal to open carry in Kenosha even if you're 17 years old read the law

Self Defense
These are known facts in the case. The person who supplied him with a gun he was too young to buy has been charged with straw purchasing it. He left his home state to go to Kenosha with an illegal gun which he illegally trafficked across the state line. There's a whole series of illegal acts that lead up to this. It didn't happen in a vacuum.

Edit:. This trial.is a joke anyway. The judge has decreed the shooting victims cannot be referred to as victims, among other irregularities that confirm his bias. Even if it results in a verdict there is already ample excuse to retry it.

Yep, illegally acquired. Why this is too difficult a concept for some is beyond me.
First off his friend kept the weapon at his house in Kenosha so Kyle didn't bring it across state lines

Second Antioch to Kenosha is 36 minutes away

Third now that you care so much about lines I'm sure you'll agree illegals illegally crossing our border is also bad

Fourth yeah the illegal acts that lead up to this are AntiFA and BLM rioting for days prior to Kyle being in Kenosha and the day of the shooting Kyle was cleaning their graffiti off the school

Fifth they're not victims they are perpetrators who were there to Burn Loot and Murder. Gayge doesn't even live in Kenosha by his own testimony so if he stayed home he'd still have a bicep

Sixth its not illegal to open carry in Kenosha even if you're 17 years old read the law

Self Defense

Incorrect Butt Munch

Incorrect Butt Munch

Politifact LOL

If a person is not otherwise prohibited from possessing a firearm, it is legal to carry any legal firearm openly in Wisconsin.(unlike Gayge who was concealed carrying illegally)

John Monroe, a lawyer who specializes in gun rights cases, believes an exception for rifles and shotguns, intended to allow people age 16 and 17 to hunt, could apply.

Tom Grieve, a Milwaukee defense lawyer who also specializes in gun cases, agreed the exception might apply beyond hunting, but said that part of the law is poorly drafted. He said he would argue to apply a rule of law that interprets ambiguous criminal statutes in favor of the defendant.

So you're wrong butt munch
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Incorrect Butt Munch

The little Nazi went looking for someone to shoot with his illegally acquired weapon and people died as a result.

He's guilty as fuck, but I agree it will be a hung jury. All it will take is one damn tRumpling idiot.
Err you, you are the fucking nazi, as is every other democratic party toe licker, you calling other people nazis is simply astounding.... I guess you didn't listen to the prosecutions star witness, of course you don't care about the truth anyway, its all political with animals such as yourself, all political, you could care less that the young man is innocent, in your sick, twisted mind he is guilty just because he killed a couple of your democratic party fellows, which I might add was a wonderful public service.... :fu:
Does the drone video show Kyle kneeling in the street spraying bullets? There are a couple of still shots.
It shows Rittenhouse (square) shooting Rosenbaum (circle) in the back as Rosenbaum was face down on the ground.

Screenshot_20211109-234842_Samsung Internet~2.jpg
As folks already noted, Kyle was obviously acting in self-defense and is therefore innocent, but because the USA is no longer a law abiding country, and the safety of jurors is openly threatened by TDS scum like George "Cry Baby" Floyd's allegedly relative and in fact the entire TDS MSM, who knows.

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