Leading Climate Scientist, Dr Peiser, "we Should All Be Relieved That It Isn’t Such A Big Problem A

SO, your reply is the equivalent of "I know you are, but what am I"
What I posted is all that was worth! :lmao:

Well, the YOU can explain how the Community Reinvestment Act forced bankers to lend to deadbeats in Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Romania and even that capitalist bastion China
So are you saying you have evidence that the Community Reinvestment Act forced lenders to give money to these countries? I'm sorry, I looked but couldn't find what you're talking about.

In his book "The Housing Boom and Bust", Thomas Sowell blames the CRA for the financial crisis. SO, please explain HOW the CRA forced bankers to lend to deadbeats in Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Romania and even that capitalist bastion China?

In his books, every claim he makes is meticulously backed up and supported...if you read the book, then you know exactly why he says what he says...if you didn't, then you are taking the word of someone who might have read the book, or like you, didn't and took someone else's word on what he said. Sowell doesn't lose debates...if you want to know what he said, then read the book and if you have a reasonable argument to the contrary, then make it. Pretending to have read something that you didn't just makes you look stupid.

SSDD.....there is a great YouTUBE vid of Sowell schooling Joe Biden on the floor of the Senate. Hysterical stuff. Check it out. Sowell is rarely challenged to debate.......because he brings hard evidence that blows up the rhetoric laced arguments of the far left. "Housing Boom and Bust" is a must read by the way......like all the works by Sowell, backed with HARD evidence.
A new concept has emerged in recent decades.....it is called scientific dictatorship. It seeks to control's peoples thinking via use of identified "experts". Quite clever......most people would never doubt an "expert". But in the realm of climate science......as we have pointed out above.......the "experts" are a rigged group. The "experts" absolutely do not allow any data/information into the scientific discussion if it does not match the already established narrative. Low information people......and there are many of millions.......buy in hook, line and stinker because, as they say, "but the experts are saying........". Zombie programming..........clever as hell. Of course, it doesn't conform with the reality.

Dupe enough of the stoopids and scare the shit out of them, they'll be happy to be taxed for the purpose of protection.........."We're saving the human race here.......". This scheme really ramped up in the early 1990's......reached its pinnacle in about 2006 with the gay Gore movie but has come to an abrupt halt by about 2008 when the people ( enough of them ) realized these fuckers were going big time for their wallet and their jobs. The proof is in the spectacular failure that was the Cap and Trade scheme ( the non-duped call it Crap and Tax ). It is now dead as a doornail......but the Scientific Dictatorship efforts move full steam ahead via mindless EPA regulations which have one purpose and one purpose only: destroy small business. The costs of meeting these regulations puts millions of small business owners out of work, many having to seek government assistance and ahhhhhhhh......isn't that a perfect path to socialism?? Scheme is pretty clever huh???!!!!! Use science to transform the country via taxes and regulation.......most of the idiots wont even see it coming until it is too late. For the non-stoopids, its a simple connect the dots exercise.

Make no mistake.......these fuckers are dangerous as hell. They seek, like our current president, to transform all of our country to another France. Go see how things are going over there......a joke. The country falls deeper into the shitter every day.......an entire culture being systematically eliminated through government policy. A whole people who got duped and now its too late......smothered in nanny state taxes and an uncontrollable immigrant population. The future is grim for people of French origin. Fuckers haven't much time......part of their demise was buying into the scheme of the scientific dictatorship and the "experts", making them non-competitive economically.......allowed their whole country to be transformed into a multicultural clusterfuck.

Thankfully......a majority over here still get it. The scientific dictatorship assholes are stuck in the mid on the side of the road with two flat tires for the last several years. Fossil fuels are more popular than ever in the USA. Renewable energy, though talked about a lot .........is still a joke and will be for decades at least.

By the way.....a quick look at the posts by the AGW crusaders put the whole strategy/scheme perfectly on display.......paint Dr Peiser as a "non-expert" as if he were some kind of mindless dummy. To the AGW crowd, if you don't conform to their way of thinking, you're going down.......hard.......

Kinda like a dictatorship works huh???!!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
if you didn't see it, go watch this week's episode of the tv series 'Blacklist'. It is right up this alley
SO, your reply is the equivalent of "I know you are, but what am I"
What I posted is all that was worth! :lmao:

Well, the YOU can explain how the Community Reinvestment Act forced bankers to lend to deadbeats in Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Romania and even that capitalist bastion China
So are you saying you have evidence that the Community Reinvestment Act forced lenders to give money to these countries? I'm sorry, I looked but couldn't find what you're talking about.

In his book "The Housing Boom and Bust", Thomas Sowell blames the CRA for the financial crisis. SO, please explain HOW the CRA forced bankers to lend to deadbeats in Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Romania and even that capitalist bastion China?

In his books, every claim he makes is meticulously backed up and supported...if you read the book, then you know exactly why he says what he says...if you didn't, then you are taking the word of someone who might have read the book, or like you, didn't and took someone else's word on what he said. Sowell doesn't lose debates...if you want to know what he said, then read the book and if you have a reasonable argument to the contrary, then make it. Pretending to have read something that you didn't just makes you look stupid.

I will try to make so simple that even you can understand it...IF Sowell is correct that the Community Reinvestment Act caused the financial crisis, please explain HOW the CRA forced bankers to lend to deadbeats in Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Romania and even that capitalist bastion China?
I know he is a liar. And I know why he lie$. Once you
Pretty funny...you accuse me of being a racist, THEN you make the ULTIMATE racist statement...

I bet you will be totally obtuse to what your just said.

Sowell is a mindless shill for his right wing handlers. He will ALWAYS blame government for every possible malady, from flat tires on the highway to constipation. Sowell will NEVER throw any Wall Street bankster, corporation or cartel under the bus, because the first time he does, you will never see or hear from him again. He is smart enough to know who butters his bread.

His book, "The Housing Boom and Bust" is a prime example of his shoddy work

As soon as Sowell can explain how the Community Reinvestment Act forced bankers to lend to deadbeats in Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Romania and even that capitalist bastion China, I will continue to call him a shill.
Can you say boob? Probably not, you just are one! :lmao: :lmao:oh my word :lmao:holy sh_ite :lmao:

SO, your reply is the equivalent of "I know you are, but what am I"
What I posted is all that was worth! :lmao:

He is shallow. He proved it. He is compensating. He proved it. Just let it go.
I appreciate the concern.

Yes, drive-by fools need to be called out. It isn't hard to do.

Your perspective if a bit off, however. Slavery was not "embraced in American society".....early America had long previously inherited the practice from elsewhere in the world, more especially in Africa (and the middle east and elsewhere) where slavery had been embraced for thousands of years. The foundation of American, the civil society, clearly laid the foundation for the end of slavery. It is more appropriate to state that America did not embrace slavery so much as grew out of/away from the immoral practice. Thanks be to our Framers, some of whom inherited the immoral practice they set upon to end.

I disagree. Slavery was embraced and changed to chattel slavery by American society. Before the US was officially formed, Black people in the states were either free or indentured servants. There was a social and economic need to make Black people slaves and the equivalent of animals. The social need to do so was to deal with the cognitive dissonance that resulted from the hypocritical stance of christians owning slaves. The economic reasons are obvious as it resulted in the US becoming and economic power. One only needs to look at the 3/5 compromise to see the US embraced the concept of slavery even after debating its merits among the slave owners that created the constitution.

You claim to disagree with my position without actually doing so.

Your understanding of the 3/5th of a man compromise illustrates a COMPLETE lack of understanding of what it actually was, and of what it was trying to accomplish. Wanna debate it? I only ask, because this leftist myth has perpetuated too long in academia and in the media, and it is easy to rebuke.

But hey, at least someone liked your post.

Its pretty simple. You said...

Slavery was not "embraced in American society".

I said.....

Slavery was embraced and changed to chattel slavery by American society.

I have a firm grasp on what the 3/5 compromise meant. I dont know that this is the thread for a debate on it but start one and let me know.

Let me know whaen you are ready to debate the 3/5th issues. Perhaps another thread.
I know he is a liar. And I know why he lie$. Once you
Pretty funny...you accuse me of being a racist, THEN you make the ULTIMATE racist statement...

I bet you will be totally obtuse to what your just said.

Sowell is a mindless shill for his right wing handlers. He will ALWAYS blame government for every possible malady, from flat tires on the highway to constipation. Sowell will NEVER throw any Wall Street bankster, corporation or cartel under the bus, because the first time he does, you will never see or hear from him again. He is smart enough to know who butters his bread.

His book, "The Housing Boom and Bust" is a prime example of his shoddy work

As soon as Sowell can explain how the Community Reinvestment Act forced bankers to lend to deadbeats in Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Romania and even that capitalist bastion China, I will continue to call him a shill.
Can you say boob? Probably not, you just are one! :lmao: :lmao:oh my word :lmao:holy sh_ite :lmao:

SO, your reply is the equivalent of "I know you are, but what am I"
What I posted is all that was worth! :lmao:

He is shallow. He proved it. He is compensating. He proved it. Just let it go.

Yea, Youch will tell you Sowell is "among the smartest black men that ever lived".

I had an Alaskan Malamute that was "among the smartest dogs that ever lived"...But like Sowell, my dog was not among the smartest PEOPLE that ever lived.

Racist, aligning dogs with conservative black Americans,

I will not reduce myself to your idiocy. Instead, I will challenge you. Find an overall position, (not some parsed sound-bite), that represents Sowell's position on anything, and then PROVE HIM/ME WRONG???!!!!! You CANNOT!!! Thus, your side-ways, malinformed, bigoted position holds no water. Again, prove me wrong....
:lmao:Can you say boob? Probably not, you just are one! :lmao: :lmao:oh my word :lmao:holy sh_ite :lmao:

SO, your reply is the equivalent of "I know you are, but what am I"
What I posted is all that was worth! :lmao:

He is shallow. He proved it. He is compensating. He proved it. Just let it go.
I appreciate the concern.

Yes, drive-by fools need to be called out. It isn't hard to do.

Your perspective if a bit off, however. Slavery was not "embraced in American society".....early America had long previously inherited the practice from elsewhere in the world, more especially in Africa (and the middle east and elsewhere) where slavery had been embraced for thousands of years. The foundation of American, the civil society, clearly laid the foundation for the end of slavery. It is more appropriate to state that America did not embrace slavery so much as grew out of/away from the immoral practice. Thanks be to our Framers, some of whom inherited the immoral practice they set upon to end.

I disagree. Slavery was embraced and changed to chattel slavery by American society. Before the US was officially formed, Black people in the states were either free or indentured servants. There was a social and economic need to make Black people slaves and the equivalent of animals. The social need to do so was to deal with the cognitive dissonance that resulted from the hypocritical stance of christians owning slaves. The economic reasons are obvious as it resulted in the US becoming and economic power. One only needs to look at the 3/5 compromise to see the US embraced the concept of slavery even after debating its merits among the slave owners that created the constitution.

You claim to disagree with my position without actually doing so.

Your understanding of the 3/5th of a man compromise illustrates a COMPLETE lack of understanding of what it actually was, and of what it was trying to accomplish. Wanna debate it? I only ask, because this leftist myth has perpetuated too long in academia and in the media, and it is easy to rebuke.

But hey, at least someone liked your post.

Its pretty simple. You said...

Slavery was not "embraced in American society".

I said.....

Slavery was embraced and changed to chattel slavery by American society.

I have a firm grasp on what the 3/5 compromise meant. I dont know that this is the thread for a debate on it but start one and let me know.

Let me know whaen you are ready to debate the 3/5th issues. Perhaps another thread.
Ready now. Just tag me.
SO, your reply is the equivalent of "I know you are, but what am I"
What I posted is all that was worth! :lmao:

He is shallow. He proved it. He is compensating. He proved it. Just let it go.
I appreciate the concern.

Yes, drive-by fools need to be called out. It isn't hard to do.

Your perspective if a bit off, however. Slavery was not "embraced in American society".....early America had long previously inherited the practice from elsewhere in the world, more especially in Africa (and the middle east and elsewhere) where slavery had been embraced for thousands of years. The foundation of American, the civil society, clearly laid the foundation for the end of slavery. It is more appropriate to state that America did not embrace slavery so much as grew out of/away from the immoral practice. Thanks be to our Framers, some of whom inherited the immoral practice they set upon to end.

I disagree. Slavery was embraced and changed to chattel slavery by American society. Before the US was officially formed, Black people in the states were either free or indentured servants. There was a social and economic need to make Black people slaves and the equivalent of animals. The social need to do so was to deal with the cognitive dissonance that resulted from the hypocritical stance of christians owning slaves. The economic reasons are obvious as it resulted in the US becoming and economic power. One only needs to look at the 3/5 compromise to see the US embraced the concept of slavery even after debating its merits among the slave owners that created the constitution.

You claim to disagree with my position without actually doing so.

Your understanding of the 3/5th of a man compromise illustrates a COMPLETE lack of understanding of what it actually was, and of what it was trying to accomplish. Wanna debate it? I only ask, because this leftist myth has perpetuated too long in academia and in the media, and it is easy to rebuke.

But hey, at least someone liked your post.

Its pretty simple. You said...

Slavery was not "embraced in American society".

I said.....

Slavery was embraced and changed to chattel slavery by American society.

I have a firm grasp on what the 3/5 compromise meant. I dont know that this is the thread for a debate on it but start one and let me know.

Let me know whaen you are ready to debate the 3/5th issues. Perhaps another thread.
Ready now. Just tag me.

Yet you've provided nothing??? You make a false claim, don't support it at the time, then when called out on the issue, you STILL don't support your weak-ass claim? Come on man......Try harder....

I don't want to call anyone out, I am merely seeking the truth, and you seem to be in my way. Lets go...
What I posted is all that was worth! :lmao:

He is shallow. He proved it. He is compensating. He proved it. Just let it go.
I appreciate the concern.

Yes, drive-by fools need to be called out. It isn't hard to do.

I disagree. Slavery was embraced and changed to chattel slavery by American society. Before the US was officially formed, Black people in the states were either free or indentured servants. There was a social and economic need to make Black people slaves and the equivalent of animals. The social need to do so was to deal with the cognitive dissonance that resulted from the hypocritical stance of christians owning slaves. The economic reasons are obvious as it resulted in the US becoming and economic power. One only needs to look at the 3/5 compromise to see the US embraced the concept of slavery even after debating its merits among the slave owners that created the constitution.

You claim to disagree with my position without actually doing so.

Your understanding of the 3/5th of a man compromise illustrates a COMPLETE lack of understanding of what it actually was, and of what it was trying to accomplish. Wanna debate it? I only ask, because this leftist myth has perpetuated too long in academia and in the media, and it is easy to rebuke.

But hey, at least someone liked your post.

Its pretty simple. You said...

Slavery was not "embraced in American society".

I said.....

Slavery was embraced and changed to chattel slavery by American society.

I have a firm grasp on what the 3/5 compromise meant. I dont know that this is the thread for a debate on it but start one and let me know.

Let me know whaen you are ready to debate the 3/5th issues. Perhaps another thread.
Ready now. Just tag me.

Yet you've provided nothing??? You make a false claim, don't support it at the time, then when called out on the issue, you STILL don't support your weak-ass claim? Come on man......Try harder....

I don't want to call anyone out, I am merely seeking the truth, and you seem to be in my way. Lets go...
Did I miss something? I just said when you have the thread ready for a debate on the 3/5 issue to tag me.
How is this thread still going?

Wasn't it DOA for people with basic reading skills?

Because these people fall back on the only response they ever give = denigrate and besmirch the messenger. Its in the playbook.

But as all the polls show very clearly......people like Dr Peiser have resonated with the regular folks. In 2014, most of the folks look at this whole "climate change" concept with a raised eyebrow. Over the years, they've seen the dozens and dozens of predictions by these people fall flat on their face. Doesn't deter the AGW religion from clinging to the established narrative.....embracing the predictions by their anointed "experts" while publically nuking scientists and meteorologists who have figured out this is all a grand farce.

The most important thing related to Dr Peisers position is that the message has been picked up by the folks......they've seen enough of the BS over enough years that its not even on their radar anymore. The people don't care.......the proof is in the pudding:biggrin: and heres the poll that makes the AGW religion look silly:deal: >>>


U.S. Voters Give GOP Edge vs. Dems on Handling Top Issues
A 'climate scientist', must first of all, be a scientist. The man in the OP is not a scientist. Therefore, he does not qualify for that title. As someone who is about 110 credits towards the 180 needed for a degree in the scientific discipline I like, I know full well that without the training, you do not have the background to be judging what is relevant in a discipline.
And that man simply does not have the background, neither does Sowell.
Well....... at the end of the day, credentials for "climate science" are essentially immaterial.........

Most of the “solutions” to global warming offered by the global elites involve the widespread impoverishment of much of the human population by limiting the production of goods, and the use of transportation resources. Such “solutions” would massively undermine advances in the standards of living for billions of ordinary people just as they are finally starting to come out of grinding levels of poverty.

Must Free-Marketers Reject Global Warming The Mises Economics Blog The Circle Bastiat

Now.....perhaps the people of the United States will embrace living in abject poverty to "save the planet".

I'm thinking its not very likely.
A 'climate scientist', must first of all, be a scientist. The man in the OP is not a scientist. Therefore, he does not qualify for that title. As someone who is about 110 credits towards the 180 needed for a degree in the scientific discipline I like, I know full well that without the training, you do not have the background to be judging what is relevant in a discipline.
And that man simply does not have the background, neither does Sowell.

I disagree Rocks. Benny Peiser is a respected scientist. The problem with the OP is that he is an anthropologist, not a climate scientist. Thus the headline of the OP is a falsehood.
The above link.......references Guy McPherson, Professor Emeritus of Natural Resources, Ecology, etc., at the University of Arizona, (presumably man-made) climate change is “irreversible” and, basically, we’re all doomed.

Lets assume he's 100% correct.


Connect the dots here folks......embracing the AGW view will be of no consequence in the real world without profound changes in peoples standards of living. Think about it......are people really going to give up washing machines, air conditioning and cars because 100 climate scientists say we're doomed?

You're going to have to have a massive depopulation event to make it happen which some believe is imminent........the only conceivable way the science will end up mattering.

LOL....have to start thinking about shit like EBOLA. Almost none of the American population knows that EBOLA in Africa is contained somewhat ONLY because of the hot climate!!!! Put it in a cold environment and the aerosol factor increases significantly........so says the Army’s Infectious Disease Research Unit....

Washington s Blog Business Investing Economy Politics World News Energy Environment Science Technology Washington s Blog
Note how NONE of the AGW contingent can even type one single word in response to post # 153 of this thread.

Note how little response your rants deserve. None really. That anyone here talks to you at all is due simply to the continued existence of common courtesy.
Note how little response your rants deserve. None really. That anyone here talks to you at all is due simply to the continued existence of common courtesy.

= Im winning.

No responses to the cricket vid means inability to respond s0n!!:biggrin::bye1::bye1:

You and the other AGW nutters have no answer to my last 4 posts. Zero. None. Nada. Egg. Ummmm......its a character trait of all far lefties. When you are left there looking like youre standing there with your thumb is up your ass, what else is there to do except ignore by not responding??

More Proof the skeptics are WINNING US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

3,300 posts and counting s0n!!!:rock: Heading swiftly to 150,000 views.:rock::rock::rock::rock:

In fact, anybody goes on BING and searches "skeptics" and "winning", it is now on PAGE 1 of the search!!!!!:ack-1::disbelief::ack-1::disbelief:

You could be on here for 500 years son and none of your threads is ever going to reach 1/10th of such epicness. Because ALL of the momentum in 2014 is with the skeptics.:bye1::bye1::fu:
Last edited:
A 'climate scientist', must first of all, be a scientist. The man in the OP is not a scientist. Therefore, he does not qualify for that title. As someone who is about 110 credits towards the 180 needed for a degree in the scientific discipline I like, I know full well that without the training, you do not have the background to be judging what is relevant in a discipline.
And that man simply does not have the background, neither does Sowell.

I disagree Rocks. Benny Peiser is a respected scientist. The problem with the OP is that he is an anthropologist, not a climate scientist. Thus the headline of the OP is a falsehood.

Peiser was educated in West Germany and studied political science, English, and sports science in Frankfurt.

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