Leak: AP Article To Come Out in Hours Showing Republicans Have 10% Lead in Early Voting!!

They don't create jobs dummy. Demand does. You can give a company all the tax breaks you want, they aren't going to hire any more employees than they need.

And if you allow them they'll outsource to China so they don't have to pay high American worker wages. Oh, and notice you don't save anything at Walmart? I thought Walmart was supposed to lower prices? I get better prices at Kroger or Meijer. So they lied when they said buying from China would save us consumers money. All they did was pocket the profits and they only pay minimum wages here in America. Walmart sucks. Their sales model sucks.

And the GOP gave the corporations that send
Corporations don't create jobs. Demand creates jobs. You can give a company all the tax breaks you want they aren't going to hire any more people than they need to hire. And not only don't republicans get that, they are giving tax breaks to companies that shipped jobs overseas. Why keep giving them tax breaks? We would take those tax breaks away and give them tax breaks WHEN they hire people. Just like Obama did in the beginning of his presidency. I actually was hired by a company who took advantage of that tax break. I think he waved a payroll tax and that company hired a bunch of new sales people and took advantage. You don't just give GE a tax break and watch them ship jobs overseas. Are you stupid?

Put more money in the middle class and poor hands and those companies will hire and new companies will pop up to get that paper. We went from the rich having 75% of the money and us 25% to today where they have 90% of it and they want more!!! Only give tax breaks to American manufacturers and jobs will come home.

Then we have to deal with the low wages. Companies need to start paying MORE not less to us workers or we will unionize again. Bitches. LOL
It's not that simple. Companies also have to create demand, which requires ideas, marketing, research, and development. Sometimes you have to build it before they come. It's not always demand first.

Yea yea yea I get all that. But do you get what we mean? Are you trying to shift the conversation away from my/Hillary's point?
You didn't cite hillary's point. So I have no idea what it was. As for your tax breaks need to have restrictions... yeah well duh. Yes there should be disincentives for offshoring of jobs and importing of foreign workers to displace Americans and lower the wage base. However, the problem is both the republicans and the democrats are profiting from the destruction of the middle class income jobs. h1b visas? Really? tens of millions of illegals and legal immigrants in a recession, really? Free health care for illegals? Voting for illegals? WTF?

Hard to argue that either side is completely innocent, but last I checked the unions/labor still endorsed the Democratic Party so I'm going with the lesser of the two evils.

If we don't, corporations win and the middle class disappears. My grandmother use to say, "the democrats aren't great but at least they give a dog a bone". LOL.
I'm an engineer, I've never seen or had access to a union in my profession. Why do democrats support offshoring my job and importing immigrants to under cut my job and pay? I suppose democrats don't like engineers. Why is that?

Do you ask the same thing of Republicans? Because they defend the corporations who would rather import a cheap indian from India to do your job for less. I don't know which Democrats and which Republicans are for or against this, but I kow Republicans are for whatever corporations want. In fact ALEC writes their legislation. No left wing think tank writes Democratic legislation. But ALEC writes legislation for republicans in Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Jersey, and the GOP don't even read the legislation they sign. Remember you guys cried because the Dems didn't read every word in Obamacare? How did you know they didn't read it? Because you guys don't read your shit either.

It is corporations that are fucking you engineers. We told you that at first they wouldn't go after the engineers but eventually they would. We told you but you didn't care because you weren't in a union. You weren't losing your manufacturing job to a mexican illegal. Construction, housekeeping in hotels, etc. You didn't care but now you care because of HN123 visas? Ha fucking ha mother fucker!

So now you realize you are a worker bee, not one of them. So we need to get you back under the tent and tea bag the Democratic party. Don't expect the GOP is going to undo this problem of yours. They do what the corporations want and just like us, YOU MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY! American Engineers make too much money. Chinese and Indians will do it better and cheaper.

And if you don't like it, start your own business. Take a chance. Othewise, who are you to dictate who the corporation hires or how much your job is worth. Get over yourself!

God I love to throw your right wing words back in your faces.

We can't help it if you picked the wrong degree. We don't make anything anymore so who needs engineers? LOL.
It's not that simple. Companies also have to create demand, which requires ideas, marketing, research, and development. Sometimes you have to build it before they come. It's not always demand first.

Yea yea yea I get all that. But do you get what we mean? Are you trying to shift the conversation away from my/Hillary's point?
You didn't cite hillary's point. So I have no idea what it was. As for your tax breaks need to have restrictions... yeah well duh. Yes there should be disincentives for offshoring of jobs and importing of foreign workers to displace Americans and lower the wage base. However, the problem is both the republicans and the democrats are profiting from the destruction of the middle class income jobs. h1b visas? Really? tens of millions of illegals and legal immigrants in a recession, really? Free health care for illegals? Voting for illegals? WTF?

Hard to argue that either side is completely innocent, but last I checked the unions/labor still endorsed the Democratic Party so I'm going with the lesser of the two evils.

If we don't, corporations win and the middle class disappears. My grandmother use to say, "the democrats aren't great but at least they give a dog a bone". LOL.
I'm an engineer, I've never seen or had access to a union in my profession. Why do democrats support offshoring my job and importing immigrants to under cut my job and pay? I suppose democrats don't like engineers. Why is that?

Do you ask the same thing of Republicans? Because they defend the corporations who would rather import a cheap indian from India to do your job for less. I don't know which Democrats and which Republicans are for or against this, but I kow Republicans are for whatever corporations want. In fact ALEC writes their legislation. No left wing think tank writes Democratic legislation. But ALEC writes legislation for republicans in Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Jersey, and the GOP don't even read the legislation they sign. Remember you guys cried because the Dems didn't read every word in Obamacare? How did you know they didn't read it? Because you guys don't read your shit either.

It is corporations that are fucking you engineers. We told you that at first they wouldn't go after the engineers but eventually they would. We told you but you didn't care because you weren't in a union. You weren't losing your manufacturing job to a mexican illegal. Construction, housekeeping in hotels, etc. You didn't care but now you care because of HN123 visas? Ha fucking ha mother fucker!

So now you realize you are a worker bee, not one of them. So we need to get you back under the tent and tea bag the Democratic party. Don't expect the GOP is going to undo this problem of yours. They do what the corporations want and just like us, YOU MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY! American Engineers make too much money. Chinese and Indians will do it better and cheaper.

And if you don't like it, start your own business. Take a chance. Othewise, who are you to dictate who the corporation hires or how much your job is worth. Get over yourself!

God I love to throw your right wing words back in your faces.

We can't help it if you picked the wrong degree. We don't make anything anymore so who needs engineers? LOL.
I pointed to republicans in the post that you replied to, ya dumb ass.

Democrats are also running corporations, ya dumb ass.

There are more rich democrats in DC than there are rich republicans, ya dumb ass.

Who said I didn't start my own company, ya dumb ass.

Have you been this stupid your whole life?
Yea yea yea I get all that. But do you get what we mean? Are you trying to shift the conversation away from my/Hillary's point?
You didn't cite hillary's point. So I have no idea what it was. As for your tax breaks need to have restrictions... yeah well duh. Yes there should be disincentives for offshoring of jobs and importing of foreign workers to displace Americans and lower the wage base. However, the problem is both the republicans and the democrats are profiting from the destruction of the middle class income jobs. h1b visas? Really? tens of millions of illegals and legal immigrants in a recession, really? Free health care for illegals? Voting for illegals? WTF?

Hard to argue that either side is completely innocent, but last I checked the unions/labor still endorsed the Democratic Party so I'm going with the lesser of the two evils.

If we don't, corporations win and the middle class disappears. My grandmother use to say, "the democrats aren't great but at least they give a dog a bone". LOL.
I'm an engineer, I've never seen or had access to a union in my profession. Why do democrats support offshoring my job and importing immigrants to under cut my job and pay? I suppose democrats don't like engineers. Why is that?

Do you ask the same thing of Republicans? Because they defend the corporations who would rather import a cheap indian from India to do your job for less. I don't know which Democrats and which Republicans are for or against this, but I kow Republicans are for whatever corporations want. In fact ALEC writes their legislation. No left wing think tank writes Democratic legislation. But ALEC writes legislation for republicans in Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Jersey, and the GOP don't even read the legislation they sign. Remember you guys cried because the Dems didn't read every word in Obamacare? How did you know they didn't read it? Because you guys don't read your shit either.

It is corporations that are fucking you engineers. We told you that at first they wouldn't go after the engineers but eventually they would. We told you but you didn't care because you weren't in a union. You weren't losing your manufacturing job to a mexican illegal. Construction, housekeeping in hotels, etc. You didn't care but now you care because of HN123 visas? Ha fucking ha mother fucker!

So now you realize you are a worker bee, not one of them. So we need to get you back under the tent and tea bag the Democratic party. Don't expect the GOP is going to undo this problem of yours. They do what the corporations want and just like us, YOU MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY! American Engineers make too much money. Chinese and Indians will do it better and cheaper.

And if you don't like it, start your own business. Take a chance. Othewise, who are you to dictate who the corporation hires or how much your job is worth. Get over yourself!

God I love to throw your right wing words back in your faces.

We can't help it if you picked the wrong degree. We don't make anything anymore so who needs engineers? LOL.
I pointed to republicans in the post that you replied to, ya dumb ass.

Democrats are also running corporations, ya dumb ass.

There are more rich democrats in DC than there are rich republicans, ya dumb ass.

Who said I didn't start my own company, ya dumb ass.

Have you been this stupid your whole life?

Yep, there are more Democrat donors on Wall Street than Republican donors. Try educating Occupy WS that and their eyes glaze over because it goes against their narrative.

News continues to be good for Republicans today....
I would bet you $1000 you are wrong. By the way. Remember how much you made fun of Hillary for saying it takes a village to raise a child? She was right about that too. But remember when she said it? You republicans are so stupid. Not the leaders of your party. They are smart on how they twist whatever she says and gets you suckers to bash her for basically saying what is true. Corporations don't create jobs. DEMAND does. A corporations starts because someone sees a need that he can fill. If people don't have money, no jobs or companies are created.

Oh, and CORPORATIONS need to realize they need us too. They have forgotten that. Before NAFTA they knew they needed us to buy their shit. Now they want to sell their shit around the rest of the world, fuck with the American middle class, basically pit us against 3rd world labor, break our unions, shift the tax burden onto us.
You're an idiot. Corporations DO create jobs.

You haven't provided any evidence to prove anything; calling anyone an idiot is both thoughtless and a clear indication that you are unable to articulate a concise rebuttal; if you want to be taken seriously it's best to explain why you believe what you do and give examples (Comp. 101).

Read the post and apologized, or refute this comment intelligently:

"A corporations starts because someone sees a need that he can fill. If people don't have money, no jobs or companies are created."
If you think that statement needs to be intelligently refuted, you're an idiot too. That statement is ridiculous on face. It is ludicrous. It is childish. It is even gibberish.

How many businesses fail? Even if a need existed, when people don't have money to spend businesses fail; when banks don't loan, or the cost of money is too high, businesses fail; when a corporation or industry moves to another country, the customer base for all businesses in the community/region is reduced & sales of goods & services falls, workers are sent packing and the circle goes round and round.

If you believe your explanation is an intelligent explanation of anything, you've failed.
When has there ever been a time when all businesses fail?
When has there ever been a time when people did not have money to spend?
When has there ever been a time when banks did not make loans?
When has there ever been a time when the cost of money was too high?
When has there ever been a time when all corporations and industries moved to another country?
When has there ever been a time when the customer base for all businesses of all communities and regions went to zero?
When has there ever been a time that was not cyclical?

IOW none of your fears are warranted. But yes, all socioeconomic systems are cyclical in nature.

Your hyperbole is noted and the straw used to create the man is all wet.

Even during the Great Bush Recession not every business failed. Even during the Great Bush Recession not everyone was penniless; even during the Great Bush Recession not all corporations and industries moved to another country. So your point was dull, worthless and ridiculous.

Anyone who walked main street in early 2009 in America saw stores and Restaurants closed, they read about and heard about unemployment rising and watched as Democrats worked to make life survivable for those displaced, while callous Republican conservatives called the recently unemployed lazy.
Yea yea yea I get all that. But do you get what we mean? Are you trying to shift the conversation away from my/Hillary's point?
You didn't cite hillary's point. So I have no idea what it was. As for your tax breaks need to have restrictions... yeah well duh. Yes there should be disincentives for offshoring of jobs and importing of foreign workers to displace Americans and lower the wage base. However, the problem is both the republicans and the democrats are profiting from the destruction of the middle class income jobs. h1b visas? Really? tens of millions of illegals and legal immigrants in a recession, really? Free health care for illegals? Voting for illegals? WTF?

Hard to argue that either side is completely innocent, but last I checked the unions/labor still endorsed the Democratic Party so I'm going with the lesser of the two evils.

If we don't, corporations win and the middle class disappears. My grandmother use to say, "the democrats aren't great but at least they give a dog a bone". LOL.
I'm an engineer, I've never seen or had access to a union in my profession. Why do democrats support offshoring my job and importing immigrants to under cut my job and pay? I suppose democrats don't like engineers. Why is that?

Do you ask the same thing of Republicans? Because they defend the corporations who would rather import a cheap indian from India to do your job for less. I don't know which Democrats and which Republicans are for or against this, but I kow Republicans are for whatever corporations want. In fact ALEC writes their legislation. No left wing think tank writes Democratic legislation. But ALEC writes legislation for republicans in Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Jersey, and the GOP don't even read the legislation they sign. Remember you guys cried because the Dems didn't read every word in Obamacare? How did you know they didn't read it? Because you guys don't read your shit either.

It is corporations that are fucking you engineers. We told you that at first they wouldn't go after the engineers but eventually they would. We told you but you didn't care because you weren't in a union. You weren't losing your manufacturing job to a mexican illegal. Construction, housekeeping in hotels, etc. You didn't care but now you care because of HN123 visas? Ha fucking ha mother fucker!

So now you realize you are a worker bee, not one of them. So we need to get you back under the tent and tea bag the Democratic party. Don't expect the GOP is going to undo this problem of yours. They do what the corporations want and just like us, YOU MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY! American Engineers make too much money. Chinese and Indians will do it better and cheaper.

And if you don't like it, start your own business. Take a chance. Othewise, who are you to dictate who the corporation hires or how much your job is worth. Get over yourself!

God I love to throw your right wing words back in your faces.

We can't help it if you picked the wrong degree. We don't make anything anymore so who needs engineers? LOL.
I pointed to republicans in the post that you replied to, ya dumb ass.

Democrats are also running corporations, ya dumb ass.

There are more rich democrats in DC than there are rich republicans, ya dumb ass.

Who said I didn't start my own company, ya dumb ass.

Have you been this stupid your whole life?

I count 246 Democrats in the House and Senate plus Obama 247 total. I count 287 Republicans in the Senate and House. That means you are wrong.

And if you own your own company, I see why you feel the way you do. Maybe you should be voting GOP. But all of your employees should be voting Democratic.

That is unless you are like my toe truck driver cousin who thinks he's a republican because he "owns his own business". Sorry pal, a $20,000 business doesn't make you a Republican.
You didn't cite hillary's point. So I have no idea what it was. As for your tax breaks need to have restrictions... yeah well duh. Yes there should be disincentives for offshoring of jobs and importing of foreign workers to displace Americans and lower the wage base. However, the problem is both the republicans and the democrats are profiting from the destruction of the middle class income jobs. h1b visas? Really? tens of millions of illegals and legal immigrants in a recession, really? Free health care for illegals? Voting for illegals? WTF?

Hard to argue that either side is completely innocent, but last I checked the unions/labor still endorsed the Democratic Party so I'm going with the lesser of the two evils.

If we don't, corporations win and the middle class disappears. My grandmother use to say, "the democrats aren't great but at least they give a dog a bone". LOL.
I'm an engineer, I've never seen or had access to a union in my profession. Why do democrats support offshoring my job and importing immigrants to under cut my job and pay? I suppose democrats don't like engineers. Why is that?

Do you ask the same thing of Republicans? Because they defend the corporations who would rather import a cheap indian from India to do your job for less. I don't know which Democrats and which Republicans are for or against this, but I kow Republicans are for whatever corporations want. In fact ALEC writes their legislation. No left wing think tank writes Democratic legislation. But ALEC writes legislation for republicans in Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Jersey, and the GOP don't even read the legislation they sign. Remember you guys cried because the Dems didn't read every word in Obamacare? How did you know they didn't read it? Because you guys don't read your shit either.

It is corporations that are fucking you engineers. We told you that at first they wouldn't go after the engineers but eventually they would. We told you but you didn't care because you weren't in a union. You weren't losing your manufacturing job to a mexican illegal. Construction, housekeeping in hotels, etc. You didn't care but now you care because of HN123 visas? Ha fucking ha mother fucker!

So now you realize you are a worker bee, not one of them. So we need to get you back under the tent and tea bag the Democratic party. Don't expect the GOP is going to undo this problem of yours. They do what the corporations want and just like us, YOU MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY! American Engineers make too much money. Chinese and Indians will do it better and cheaper.

And if you don't like it, start your own business. Take a chance. Othewise, who are you to dictate who the corporation hires or how much your job is worth. Get over yourself!

God I love to throw your right wing words back in your faces.

We can't help it if you picked the wrong degree. We don't make anything anymore so who needs engineers? LOL.
I pointed to republicans in the post that you replied to, ya dumb ass.

Democrats are also running corporations, ya dumb ass.

There are more rich democrats in DC than there are rich republicans, ya dumb ass.

Who said I didn't start my own company, ya dumb ass.

Have you been this stupid your whole life?

Yep, there are more Democrat donors on Wall Street than Republican donors. Try educating Occupy WS that and their eyes glaze over because it goes against their narrative.

News continues to be good for Republicans today....

....and for bankers, brokers and 1%ers. Not so good for the Middle Class and Main St. America, if we reward Wall Street by electing those who represent only the interests of the rich and the polluters.
You're an idiot. Corporations DO create jobs.

You haven't provided any evidence to prove anything; calling anyone an idiot is both thoughtless and a clear indication that you are unable to articulate a concise rebuttal; if you want to be taken seriously it's best to explain why you believe what you do and give examples (Comp. 101).

Read the post and apologized, or refute this comment intelligently:

"A corporations starts because someone sees a need that he can fill. If people don't have money, no jobs or companies are created."
If you think that statement needs to be intelligently refuted, you're an idiot too. That statement is ridiculous on face. It is ludicrous. It is childish. It is even gibberish.

How many businesses fail? Even if a need existed, when people don't have money to spend businesses fail; when banks don't loan, or the cost of money is too high, businesses fail; when a corporation or industry moves to another country, the customer base for all businesses in the community/region is reduced & sales of goods & services falls, workers are sent packing and the circle goes round and round.

If you believe your explanation is an intelligent explanation of anything, you've failed.
When has there ever been a time when all businesses fail?
When has there ever been a time when people did not have money to spend?
When has there ever been a time when banks did not make loans?
When has there ever been a time when the cost of money was too high?
When has there ever been a time when all corporations and industries moved to another country?
When has there ever been a time when the customer base for all businesses of all communities and regions went to zero?
When has there ever been a time that was not cyclical?

IOW none of your fears are warranted. But yes, all socioeconomic systems are cyclical in nature.

Your hyperbole is noted and the straw used to create the man is all wet.

Even during the Great Bush Recession not every business failed. Even during the Great Bush Recession not everyone was penniless; even during the Great Bush Recession not all corporations and industries moved to another country. So your point was dull, worthless and ridiculous.

Anyone who walked main street in early 2009 in America saw stores and Restaurants closed, they read about and heard about unemployment rising and watched as Democrats worked to make life survivable for those displaced, while callous Republican conservatives called the recently unemployed lazy.
I see, so you agree with me that your post was complete bullshit, and in response you accuse me of hyperbole. Then you dance and deflect to some dumb ass accusation that republican conservatives think the recently unemployed are lazy. IOW you're a POS LYING ASS HOLE.
You didn't cite hillary's point. So I have no idea what it was. As for your tax breaks need to have restrictions... yeah well duh. Yes there should be disincentives for offshoring of jobs and importing of foreign workers to displace Americans and lower the wage base. However, the problem is both the republicans and the democrats are profiting from the destruction of the middle class income jobs. h1b visas? Really? tens of millions of illegals and legal immigrants in a recession, really? Free health care for illegals? Voting for illegals? WTF?

Hard to argue that either side is completely innocent, but last I checked the unions/labor still endorsed the Democratic Party so I'm going with the lesser of the two evils.

If we don't, corporations win and the middle class disappears. My grandmother use to say, "the democrats aren't great but at least they give a dog a bone". LOL.
I'm an engineer, I've never seen or had access to a union in my profession. Why do democrats support offshoring my job and importing immigrants to under cut my job and pay? I suppose democrats don't like engineers. Why is that?

Do you ask the same thing of Republicans? Because they defend the corporations who would rather import a cheap indian from India to do your job for less. I don't know which Democrats and which Republicans are for or against this, but I kow Republicans are for whatever corporations want. In fact ALEC writes their legislation. No left wing think tank writes Democratic legislation. But ALEC writes legislation for republicans in Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Jersey, and the GOP don't even read the legislation they sign. Remember you guys cried because the Dems didn't read every word in Obamacare? How did you know they didn't read it? Because you guys don't read your shit either.

It is corporations that are fucking you engineers. We told you that at first they wouldn't go after the engineers but eventually they would. We told you but you didn't care because you weren't in a union. You weren't losing your manufacturing job to a mexican illegal. Construction, housekeeping in hotels, etc. You didn't care but now you care because of HN123 visas? Ha fucking ha mother fucker!

So now you realize you are a worker bee, not one of them. So we need to get you back under the tent and tea bag the Democratic party. Don't expect the GOP is going to undo this problem of yours. They do what the corporations want and just like us, YOU MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY! American Engineers make too much money. Chinese and Indians will do it better and cheaper.

And if you don't like it, start your own business. Take a chance. Othewise, who are you to dictate who the corporation hires or how much your job is worth. Get over yourself!

God I love to throw your right wing words back in your faces.

We can't help it if you picked the wrong degree. We don't make anything anymore so who needs engineers? LOL.
I pointed to republicans in the post that you replied to, ya dumb ass.

Democrats are also running corporations, ya dumb ass.

There are more rich democrats in DC than there are rich republicans, ya dumb ass.

Who said I didn't start my own company, ya dumb ass.

Have you been this stupid your whole life?

I count 246 Democrats in the House and Senate plus Obama 247 total. I count 287 Republicans in the Senate and House. That means you are wrong.

And if you own your own company, I see why you feel the way you do. Maybe you should be voting GOP. But all of your employees should be voting Democratic.

That is unless you are like my toe truck driver cousin who thinks he's a republican because he "owns his own business". Sorry pal, a $20,000 business doesn't make you a Republican.
So you think anyone that has a job must be rich? ROFL I make more than congressmen do. Just being in congress does not make one rich.

You think one has to be rich to not be a socialist POS like you? ROFL
Hard to argue that either side is completely innocent, but last I checked the unions/labor still endorsed the Democratic Party so I'm going with the lesser of the two evils.

If we don't, corporations win and the middle class disappears. My grandmother use to say, "the democrats aren't great but at least they give a dog a bone". LOL.
I'm an engineer, I've never seen or had access to a union in my profession. Why do democrats support offshoring my job and importing immigrants to under cut my job and pay? I suppose democrats don't like engineers. Why is that?

Do you ask the same thing of Republicans? Because they defend the corporations who would rather import a cheap indian from India to do your job for less. I don't know which Democrats and which Republicans are for or against this, but I kow Republicans are for whatever corporations want. In fact ALEC writes their legislation. No left wing think tank writes Democratic legislation. But ALEC writes legislation for republicans in Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Jersey, and the GOP don't even read the legislation they sign. Remember you guys cried because the Dems didn't read every word in Obamacare? How did you know they didn't read it? Because you guys don't read your shit either.

It is corporations that are fucking you engineers. We told you that at first they wouldn't go after the engineers but eventually they would. We told you but you didn't care because you weren't in a union. You weren't losing your manufacturing job to a mexican illegal. Construction, housekeeping in hotels, etc. You didn't care but now you care because of HN123 visas? Ha fucking ha mother fucker!

So now you realize you are a worker bee, not one of them. So we need to get you back under the tent and tea bag the Democratic party. Don't expect the GOP is going to undo this problem of yours. They do what the corporations want and just like us, YOU MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY! American Engineers make too much money. Chinese and Indians will do it better and cheaper.

And if you don't like it, start your own business. Take a chance. Othewise, who are you to dictate who the corporation hires or how much your job is worth. Get over yourself!

God I love to throw your right wing words back in your faces.

We can't help it if you picked the wrong degree. We don't make anything anymore so who needs engineers? LOL.
I pointed to republicans in the post that you replied to, ya dumb ass.

Democrats are also running corporations, ya dumb ass.

There are more rich democrats in DC than there are rich republicans, ya dumb ass.

Who said I didn't start my own company, ya dumb ass.

Have you been this stupid your whole life?

I count 246 Democrats in the House and Senate plus Obama 247 total. I count 287 Republicans in the Senate and House. That means you are wrong.

And if you own your own company, I see why you feel the way you do. Maybe you should be voting GOP. But all of your employees should be voting Democratic.

That is unless you are like my toe truck driver cousin who thinks he's a republican because he "owns his own business". Sorry pal, a $20,000 business doesn't make you a Republican.
So you think anyone that has a job must be rich? ROFL I make more than congressmen do. Just being in congress does not make one rich.

You think one has to be rich to not be a socialist POS like you? ROFL

If you make more than a congressmen, by all means vote GOP. Most of us do not make more than them so we will be voting Democratic. Now fuck off.
In Colorado, Repubs ahead in early voting by 100,000 votes. Who da thunk, LOL?
The only reason Republicans will win is because historically most Americans don't show up for midterm elections. Why? Because they are dumb.
Electing a community organizer is dumb. Now we know why.

Really, why? o

I think Republicans are hanging all their hopes on two things.

1. People don't show up.
2. People are going to vote for change and that means Republicans get rewarded, even though it was them that cause the gridlock

I think people are going to show up. I think the people of Michigan are mad at Rick Snyder and their early polls don't mean shit. The race is close and no one likes Rick. He's hoping that people will just stay home and not vote.

These elections are a huge test for the middle class and poor. If they don't vote, the Corporations own our country. If they show up, we still have a say. If the people don't show up tomorrow or if they vote GOP, they get what they deserve.

That also goes for Scott Walker in Wisconsin. He's done tomorrow too. My two predictions. And will the GOP take back the Senate? Nope! They'll win a couple or few but not enough. No one likes them.

Oh, and this is right out of the 2010 GOP midterm playbook. Try to make this about Obama even though it has nothing to do with him.

Keep in mind the economy is booming for everyone except the poor and middle class. The rich are getting it all. If you are unhappy, don't vote GOP because they are doing GREAT! You may be voting against your own $ interests when you vote GOP. Do you really care if a poor black woman in Detroit has that 5th kid or should she be able to get an abortion? And does it matter if you are broke? In fact it matters more. You want to be able to afford a child if or when you have one. Vote GOP and you better hit the lotto because they are anti middle class.

This is what Obama said at Northwestern University on Oct 2, 2014

"I am not on the ballot this fall. Michelle’s pretty happy about that. But make no mistake: these policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them."

That seems to indicate that it isn't the Republicans trying to make it about Obama, it is Obama making it about Obama.

28 words that Democrats really wish President Obama didn 8217 t say today - The Washington Post
I just watched Chuck Todd on Meet The Press.....both well known liberal entities.....say that DEMOCRATS....not Reps but DEMOCRATS are telling him that Jean Shaheen is in trouble in New Hampshire because of the Obama affect....and that if Scott Brown wins, it's likely to create the wave election across the rest of the country for Republicans since it will be an upset and because he is on the east coast.

Not looking good.............................. :)

I smell a few upsets. Enough to keep the Senate and to take the Governor back in Michigan. Rick Snyder and Scott Walker SUCK! People are angry. This doesn't feel like a midterm year. High turnout! I hope. Republicans hope not.

Do you even know what you're saying? Higher voter turnout is a plus for Republicans, not Democrats, as any political analyst knows. The Magic Negro was re-elected because 4 million GOP voters stayed home. And if people are angry, they're not going to want to keep things as they are by voting for Democrats. You people seem to forget that YOU'RE THE ONES IN CHARGE AND YOU'RE THE ONE'S AT FAULT FOR (((((((EVERYTHING)))))) THAT'S HAPPENING.

Get that through your thick, Leftist skull.

Wrong. Look at every midterm dummy. Low voter turn out favors Republicans. And Republicans/Rich people show up to vote every 2 years. They were "fired up" about the PB oil spill.

Fact is dummy, blacks and the young kids are going to sit it out. MAYBE! I say they are going to show up and blow your minds just like Romney's mind was blown! See stupid? High voter turn out! The kids and blacks all came to vote.

And Hillery is going to take what percent of the women vote in 16? You guys can have the Senate for 2 years. Slimmest of control like by 1 seat and Obama has the veto pen till Hillary takes over. Then we will show you high voter turn out in 16 and Democrats take back whatever you get tomorrow IF you get it.

You are so wrong. Look it up. Google who low voter turn out favors and post me a link if you find anything that agrees with you. You won't.

What you don't understand about the Hildabeast is that she's slowly losing her mind. If "corporations don't create jobs" wasn't embarrassing enough, look out, because it only gets worse from there.

What you don't understand is that conservatives are HOPING that Hildabeast runs.

I would bet you $1000 you are wrong. By the way. Remember how much you made fun of Hillary for saying it takes a village to raise a child? She was right about that too. But remember when she said it? You republicans are so stupid. Not the leaders of your party. They are smart on how they twist whatever she says and gets you suckers to bash her for basically saying what is true. Corporations don't create jobs. DEMAND does. A corporations starts because someone sees a need that he can fill. If people don't have money, no jobs or companies are created.

Oh, and CORPORATIONS need to realize they need us too. They have forgotten that. Before NAFTA they knew they needed us to buy their shit. Now they want to sell their shit around the rest of the world, fuck with the American middle class, basically pit us against 3rd world labor, break our unions, shift the tax burden onto us.

Aren't you happy that Bill Clinton got NAFTA passed and signed it into law?
You haven't provided any evidence to prove anything; calling anyone an idiot is both thoughtless and a clear indication that you are unable to articulate a concise rebuttal; if you want to be taken seriously it's best to explain why you believe what you do and give examples (Comp. 101).

Read the post and apologized, or refute this comment intelligently:

"A corporations starts because someone sees a need that he can fill. If people don't have money, no jobs or companies are created."
If you think that statement needs to be intelligently refuted, you're an idiot too. That statement is ridiculous on face. It is ludicrous. It is childish. It is even gibberish.

How many businesses fail? Even if a need existed, when people don't have money to spend businesses fail; when banks don't loan, or the cost of money is too high, businesses fail; when a corporation or industry moves to another country, the customer base for all businesses in the community/region is reduced & sales of goods & services falls, workers are sent packing and the circle goes round and round.

If you believe your explanation is an intelligent explanation of anything, you've failed.
When has there ever been a time when all businesses fail?
When has there ever been a time when people did not have money to spend?
When has there ever been a time when banks did not make loans?
When has there ever been a time when the cost of money was too high?
When has there ever been a time when all corporations and industries moved to another country?
When has there ever been a time when the customer base for all businesses of all communities and regions went to zero?
When has there ever been a time that was not cyclical?

IOW none of your fears are warranted. But yes, all socioeconomic systems are cyclical in nature.

Your hyperbole is noted and the straw used to create the man is all wet.

Even during the Great Bush Recession not every business failed. Even during the Great Bush Recession not everyone was penniless; even during the Great Bush Recession not all corporations and industries moved to another country. So your point was dull, worthless and ridiculous.

Anyone who walked main street in early 2009 in America saw stores and Restaurants closed, they read about and heard about unemployment rising and watched as Democrats worked to make life survivable for those displaced, while callous Republican conservatives called the recently unemployed lazy.
I see, so you agree with me that your post was complete bullshit, and in response you accuse me of hyperbole. Then you dance and deflect to some dumb ass accusation that republican conservatives think the recently unemployed are lazy. IOW you're a POS LYING ASS HOLE.

Fuck you!
In Colorado, Repubs ahead in early voting by 100,000 votes. Who da thunk, LOL?

If those votes were cast in Boulder, I'd be worried. Most likely they came from places like Colorado Springs and other backwood's locations.
In Colorado, Repubs ahead in early voting by 100,000 votes. Who da thunk, LOL?

If those votes were cast in Boulder, I'd be worried. Most likely they came from places like Colorado Springs and other backwood's locations.

You should worry. Not a doubt in my mind Colorado's going Republican. Kansas is another story, but CO is already gone.
Nothing is going to change except the names...
Ah yes. The excuses come out:
-It was gerrymandering
-It was vote suppression among minorities
-It wasnt significant
-At the point what difference does it make?
-It is really a defeat for the GOP.

Watch these phrases get posted here for the next 2 months.
More like:

Q: What are they going to do to make this a better country?
A: We couldn't fix anything because of Obama.
I'm an engineer, I've never seen or had access to a union in my profession. Why do democrats support offshoring my job and importing immigrants to under cut my job and pay? I suppose democrats don't like engineers. Why is that?

Do you ask the same thing of Republicans? Because they defend the corporations who would rather import a cheap indian from India to do your job for less. I don't know which Democrats and which Republicans are for or against this, but I kow Republicans are for whatever corporations want. In fact ALEC writes their legislation. No left wing think tank writes Democratic legislation. But ALEC writes legislation for republicans in Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan, New Jersey, and the GOP don't even read the legislation they sign. Remember you guys cried because the Dems didn't read every word in Obamacare? How did you know they didn't read it? Because you guys don't read your shit either.

It is corporations that are fucking you engineers. We told you that at first they wouldn't go after the engineers but eventually they would. We told you but you didn't care because you weren't in a union. You weren't losing your manufacturing job to a mexican illegal. Construction, housekeeping in hotels, etc. You didn't care but now you care because of HN123 visas? Ha fucking ha mother fucker!

So now you realize you are a worker bee, not one of them. So we need to get you back under the tent and tea bag the Democratic party. Don't expect the GOP is going to undo this problem of yours. They do what the corporations want and just like us, YOU MAKE TOO MUCH MONEY! American Engineers make too much money. Chinese and Indians will do it better and cheaper.

And if you don't like it, start your own business. Take a chance. Othewise, who are you to dictate who the corporation hires or how much your job is worth. Get over yourself!

God I love to throw your right wing words back in your faces.

We can't help it if you picked the wrong degree. We don't make anything anymore so who needs engineers? LOL.
I pointed to republicans in the post that you replied to, ya dumb ass.

Democrats are also running corporations, ya dumb ass.

There are more rich democrats in DC than there are rich republicans, ya dumb ass.

Who said I didn't start my own company, ya dumb ass.

Have you been this stupid your whole life?

I count 246 Democrats in the House and Senate plus Obama 247 total. I count 287 Republicans in the Senate and House. That means you are wrong.

And if you own your own company, I see why you feel the way you do. Maybe you should be voting GOP. But all of your employees should be voting Democratic.

That is unless you are like my toe truck driver cousin who thinks he's a republican because he "owns his own business". Sorry pal, a $20,000 business doesn't make you a Republican.
So you think anyone that has a job must be rich? ROFL I make more than congressmen do. Just being in congress does not make one rich.

You think one has to be rich to not be a socialist POS like you? ROFL

If you make more than a congressmen, by all means vote GOP. Most of us do not make more than them so we will be voting Democratic. Now fuck off.
No you fuck off. I'll vote for the best candidates for liberty. You'll vote for the best candidates for your pocket no matter that consequences. Why? Simple, because you are a selfish prick.
If you think that statement needs to be intelligently refuted, you're an idiot too. That statement is ridiculous on face. It is ludicrous. It is childish. It is even gibberish.

How many businesses fail? Even if a need existed, when people don't have money to spend businesses fail; when banks don't loan, or the cost of money is too high, businesses fail; when a corporation or industry moves to another country, the customer base for all businesses in the community/region is reduced & sales of goods & services falls, workers are sent packing and the circle goes round and round.

If you believe your explanation is an intelligent explanation of anything, you've failed.
When has there ever been a time when all businesses fail?
When has there ever been a time when people did not have money to spend?
When has there ever been a time when banks did not make loans?
When has there ever been a time when the cost of money was too high?
When has there ever been a time when all corporations and industries moved to another country?
When has there ever been a time when the customer base for all businesses of all communities and regions went to zero?
When has there ever been a time that was not cyclical?

IOW none of your fears are warranted. But yes, all socioeconomic systems are cyclical in nature.

Your hyperbole is noted and the straw used to create the man is all wet.

Even during the Great Bush Recession not every business failed. Even during the Great Bush Recession not everyone was penniless; even during the Great Bush Recession not all corporations and industries moved to another country. So your point was dull, worthless and ridiculous.

Anyone who walked main street in early 2009 in America saw stores and Restaurants closed, they read about and heard about unemployment rising and watched as Democrats worked to make life survivable for those displaced, while callous Republican conservatives called the recently unemployed lazy.
I see, so you agree with me that your post was complete bullshit, and in response you accuse me of hyperbole. Then you dance and deflect to some dumb ass accusation that republican conservatives think the recently unemployed are lazy. IOW you're a POS LYING ASS HOLE.

Fuck you!
How many businesses fail? Even if a need existed, when people don't have money to spend businesses fail; when banks don't loan, or the cost of money is too high, businesses fail; when a corporation or industry moves to another country, the customer base for all businesses in the community/region is reduced & sales of goods & services falls, workers are sent packing and the circle goes round and round.

If you believe your explanation is an intelligent explanation of anything, you've failed.
When has there ever been a time when all businesses fail?
When has there ever been a time when people did not have money to spend?
When has there ever been a time when banks did not make loans?
When has there ever been a time when the cost of money was too high?
When has there ever been a time when all corporations and industries moved to another country?
When has there ever been a time when the customer base for all businesses of all communities and regions went to zero?
When has there ever been a time that was not cyclical?

IOW none of your fears are warranted. But yes, all socioeconomic systems are cyclical in nature.

Your hyperbole is noted and the straw used to create the man is all wet.

Even during the Great Bush Recession not every business failed. Even during the Great Bush Recession not everyone was penniless; even during the Great Bush Recession not all corporations and industries moved to another country. So your point was dull, worthless and ridiculous.

Anyone who walked main street in early 2009 in America saw stores and Restaurants closed, they read about and heard about unemployment rising and watched as Democrats worked to make life survivable for those displaced, while callous Republican conservatives called the recently unemployed lazy.
I see, so you agree with me that your post was complete bullshit, and in response you accuse me of hyperbole. Then you dance and deflect to some dumb ass accusation that republican conservatives think the recently unemployed are lazy. IOW you're a POS LYING ASS HOLE.

Fuck you!

I'd need a whole roll to clean up the shit you post. BTW, Fuck you. You're not only dumb, you're also an asshole. A perfect callous conservative!

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