Leaked dhs report reveals obama admin deception on border crisis


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
Darby Leaked ICE Doc

The above leak is the official and leaked document. There's no denying it Obama-bots.

The report, identified as “De-Classified” and “Law Enforcement Sensitive,” reveals the fact that only 0.1 percent of the Central American minors illegally entering the U.S. having been deported in Fiscal Year 2013, down from two percent prior, plays a significant role in why the current border crisis is occurring. The DHS-ICE agency report admits the fact that 98 percent are allowed to stay is a significant draw for the minors to come into the United States. The agency acknowledges that conditions in Central America play a role in why the wave is occurring, but directly contradicts the assertion that such conditions are the only significant reason the crisis exists. The report directly contradicts any assertion U.S. government refusals to deport illegal immigrants is not a significant factor in why the crisis is occurring.

Kids coming from war-zones and gang drug-wars are allowed to stay here, just because they might be killed otherwise? Good God man, WWJD besides ship those little butts home ASAP, right??
I am SHOCKED. effing mary bleeding mother of god SHOCKED to hear that the fact that illegal aliens are not being deported encourages illegal immigration. SHOCKED.
Kids coming from war-zones and gang drug-wars are allowed to stay here, just because they might be killed otherwise? Good God man, WWJD besides ship those little butts home ASAP, right??

How Alinsky-like of you

* RULE 2: “Never go outside the expertise of your people.” It results in confusion, fear and retreat. Feeling secure adds to the backbone of anyone. (Organizations under attack wonder why radicals don’t address the “real” issues. This is why. They avoid things with which they have no knowledge.)


* RULE 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” If the rule is that every letter gets a reply, send 30,000 letters. You can kill them with this because no one can possibly obey all of their own rules. (This is a serious rule. The besieged entity’s very credibility and reputation is at stake, because if activists catch it lying or not living up to its commitments, they can continue to chip away at the damage.)

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)
Obama hates everything about the USA and will spend his last two years destroying us
Thank you for posting a link to the source document. I read it. I did not bother with the Breitbart hackery.

The document states there are push factors and pull factors which have led to the increase in minors coming here.

One of the biggest push factors is the incidence violence in their home countries.

In 2013, the murder rate in Honduras was the highest in the world.

In 2013, the number of people reported missing in El Salvador increased 93 percent.

The two biggest pull factors are re-unification with their parents and the low forced repatriation rate.

Migration increases during the spring and summer months, and ICE assumes this is because that is the peak agricultural hiring period.

Adults come here to work in the fields, and then their children follow later. The source countries don't do much to discourage this migration since the laborers send significant amounts of remittances back home.
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Kids coming from war-zones and gang drug-wars are allowed to stay here, just because they might be killed otherwise? Good God man, WWJD besides ship those little butts home ASAP, right??

Send the sick kids to Pelosi and other House Democrats
It doesn't matter what reason they came here.. Obama was again caught lying his ass off AGAIN..
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No denying it?

Bed Wetting Obots won't even acknowledge it.

These sheepish little drones will simply regurgiate the day's talking points.

They won't even consider the fact that the entire western world could not assimilate and care for the hordes of illiterate, diseased little creatures streaming out of their hovels and flowing north.

Instead they'll bleat: "Heartless Republicans"... Racist"... "refugees"...

It's all bullshit. These countries shouldn't have elected incompetent socialist sociopaths that ran their country right down the shitter.

Neither should we have.

Kids coming from war-zones and gang drug-wars are allowed to stay here, just because they might be killed otherwise? Good God man, WWJD besides ship those little butts home ASAP, right??

How Alinsky-like of you
You're right. We're probably letting them all stay because their moms threatened to spank them if they didn't finish their homework and take out the garbage? Either that or it's because 50,000 is the exact number of voters we will need in the future to always make sure we beat the GOP, in elections of 120 million votes...
First of all, unclassified is not declassified.

And more importantly, what are any of you concerned about? None of you have jobs which are threatened by undocumented workers. "I don't want my taxes to pay for other people." Well, fuck you. You live in the richest nation in the history of the known universe. You can afford to rack up $17 trillion in debt, $4t of it on blowing up Iraq over lies, but helping a few thousand children escape drug gangs and death squads is going to ruin our credit?

Some of you Conservatives here are just horrendously disgusting human beings. You are greedy, selfish, egotistical, terrible people. It's just amazing that you can all sit here day after day in your complacent bullshit materialistic lives, complaining about people who want to live better lives like you have.

American society is fucking vile. You're just horrible people, and you claim to be Christian which makes it all so much worse.
send all 20 million home ... you think the economy is slow right now, just wait until you remove 15% of the population and see what happens on state and local levels, then you'll really have something to whine about, and can't blame anyone other than yourselves...
reveals the fact that only 0.1 percent of the Central American minors illegally entering the U.S. having been deported in Fiscal Year 2013, down from two percent prior, plays a significant role in why the current border crisis is occurring. The DHS-ICE agency report admits the fact that 98 percent are allowed to stay is a significant draw for the minors to come into the United States. The agency acknowledges that conditions in Central America play a role in why the wave is occurring, but directly contradicts the assertion that such conditions are the only significant reason the crisis exists. The report directly contradicts any assertion U.S. government refusals to deport illegal immigrants is not a significant factor in why the crisis is occurring.

Obama administration responds to immigrant surge by ramping up detention and deportations | The Verge

Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review Online

Back in Feb National Review sounded the alarm that his Admin was lying about the number of deportations..
Darby Leaked ICE Doc

The above leak is the official and leaked document. There's no denying it Obama-bots.

The report, identified as “De-Classified” and “Law Enforcement Sensitive,” reveals the fact that only 0.1 percent of the Central American minors illegally entering the U.S. having been deported in Fiscal Year 2013, down from two percent prior, plays a significant role in why the current border crisis is occurring. The DHS-ICE agency report admits the fact that 98 percent are allowed to stay is a significant draw for the minors to come into the United States. The agency acknowledges that conditions in Central America play a role in why the wave is occurring, but directly contradicts the assertion that such conditions are the only significant reason the crisis exists. The report directly contradicts any assertion U.S. government refusals to deport illegal immigrants is not a significant factor in why the crisis is occurring.

Leaked DHS Report Reveals Obama Admin Deception on Border Crisis

LOL breitbart has the inside info in the White house!! LOL

Any wonder why you live with your Mommy and dady!!:lol:

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