Leaked dhs report reveals obama admin deception on border crisis

reveals the fact that only 0.1 percent of the Central American minors illegally entering the U.S. having been deported in Fiscal Year 2013, down from two percent prior, plays a significant role in why the current border crisis is occurring. The DHS-ICE agency report admits the fact that 98 percent are allowed to stay is a significant draw for the minors to come into the United States. The agency acknowledges that conditions in Central America play a role in why the wave is occurring, but directly contradicts the assertion that such conditions are the only significant reason the crisis exists. The report directly contradicts any assertion U.S. government refusals to deport illegal immigrants is not a significant factor in why the crisis is occurring.

Obama administration responds to immigrant surge by ramping up detention and deportations | The Verge

Obama Administration Inflating Deportation Numbers | National Review Online

Back in Feb National Review sounded the alarm that his Admin was lying about the number of deportations..

who keeps with the number of deportations, ICE or the POTUS ... which one reports to the other?


last paragraph of the article

can you read and comprehend anything other than 4 letter words ?
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First of all, unclassified is not declassified.

And more importantly, what are any of you concerned about? None of you have jobs which are threatened by undocumented workers.

Wrong, I work as both a Contractor for Home Depot (carpentry and fine wood working) and as a Caterer.

Both of my occupations are regularly threatened by cheap unlicensed and undocumented laborers.
First of all, unclassified is not declassified.

And more importantly, what are any of you concerned about? None of you have jobs which are threatened by undocumented workers. "I don't want my taxes to pay for other people." Well, fuck you. You live in the richest nation in the history of the known universe. You can afford to rack up $17 trillion in debt, $4t of it on blowing up Iraq over lies, but helping a few thousand children escape drug gangs and death squads is going to ruin our credit?

Some of you Conservatives here are just horrendously disgusting human beings. You are greedy, selfish, egotistical, terrible people. It's just amazing that you can all sit here day after day in your complacent bullshit materialistic lives, complaining about people who want to live better lives like you have.

American society is fucking vile. You're just horrible people, and you claim to be Christian which makes it all so much worse.
How many children are you taking in?
Kids coming from war-zones and gang drug-wars are allowed to stay here, just because they might be killed otherwise? Good God man, WWJD besides ship those little butts home ASAP, right??

There are no wars and no drug wars in Central America.

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