Leaker from Pentagon identified

The UNiparty sure hates it when a whistleblower leaks the documents that prove they are gaslighting the sheeple.
Mockingbird is the mouthpiece for a corrupt DC cabal constantly lying to us about everything.

Why didn't MSM tell us that Ukraine is actually getting mauled like these docs say they are?

Amen. We should thank the young man for letting us see the lies about Ukraine perpetrated by the Biden Junta.

Apparently, he was a gun loving racist, which in my view, is the main reason the leaker was found and ratted out.

Now if it was a Leftist leaking a Supreme court decision or things about Trump then all of a sudden finding the person leaking the information is too hard to do.

The article says that about 1.25 million people have such security clearance to such data. How on earth then do they keep any of it secret?

We do not know the political affiliation of the traitor but we know he was a gun loving, racist. He appears to be more stupid than devious.
If he is not a Trumpist he should be based on his description.

Apparently, he was a gun loving racist, which in my view, is the main reason the leaker was found and ratted out.

Now if it was a Leftist leaking a Supreme court decision or things about Trump then all of a sudden finding the person leaking the information is too hard to do.

The article says that about 1.25 million people have such security clearance to such data. How on earth then do they keep any of it secret?

They're gonna absolutely destroy him
This is the biggest leak of classified info since trump stole secrets from the WH when he left. These nuts need to be cut off from national secrets.
Wait, you must mean the garage full of Poopeypants documents that he spread into offices, cars, outhouses, etc.....right?
Trump was still president when he moved his documents doofus.

Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira arrested in US intel leaks

13 Apr 2023 ~~ Ben Kesslen

Massachusetts Air National Guardsman Jack Teixeira was arrested at his home Thursday after being implicated in the leak of dozens of sensitive US intelligence documents — the biggest national security breach in at least 10 years.
Law enforcement officers swarmed the home in North Dighton, Mass., about 20 miles east of Providence, RI, hours after the New York Times reported that investigators wanted to speak with Teixeira, who was reportedly stationed at Fort Bragg in North Carolina.
The classified pages were disseminated after being posted on a Discord channel linked to YouTuber “wow_mao” and quickly spread when a member of that channel posted some of them to a bigger channel called “Minecraft Earth Map.”
Sensitive information relating to the war in Ukraine, Israel and South Korea was leaked, sparking international concern.
White House spokesman John Kirby said Monday that the documents, which seem to indicate the US is surveilling its close allies, are “doctored.”
“Without confirming the validity of the documents, this is information that has no business in the public domain. It has no business, if you don’t mind me saying, on the pages of — the front pages of newspapers or on television,” he said. “It is not intended for public consumption, and it should not be out there.”

Why is it that Snowden, Manning and now Teixeira have blown through our Democrat led administrations of Obama and Joe Biden?
Indeed, the deep state is corrupt. That’s still no excuse for exposing our military and espionage personnel to danger. Certainly, he should be prosecuted vigorously. Everyone in the chain of the command that permitted this to happen should be discharged or themselves prosecuted.
So, will WaPo, Reuters, NY Times, etc... “retract” their “news” that it was “Russian Disinformation?”
This kid was an IT technician not directly involved in intelligence, nor was involved in espionage.
Unfortunately, the documents most aren't doctored. The Biden Administration has been caught spying on our allies.
Isn't it amazing how quickly Teixeira was uncovered and caught while we still wait for the Supreme Court leaker!! I wonder why?
Just think a 21 yr. old kid breached the U.S. military espionage system. Our methods of access to our enemies' secrets have been exposed.
There has to be accountability from the Pentagon to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Regretfully there will not be anyone in government or the military held responsible by this young boy.
trump praises Xi and you equate Biden with the dictator. Did you miss trump drooling over Xi?

Did trump sell classifed info that he stole from the WH? How much did he make? A Billion maybe?
Trump respects those that deserve to be feared. Poopeypants does think he is a dictator where have you been?
All of Trump's docs are just where he moved them while he was still president.
Are you stupid or something Forrest??
Apparently, he was a gun loving racist, which in my view, is the main reason the leaker was found and ratted out.

I'm smelling a frame up.
  • After all, it is still the responsibility of the Pentagon to keep control over and security of their secret documents!
  • What are the odds of finding anyone at the Pentagon or on a military base who ISN'T a gun lover???
I'm smelling a frame up.
  • After all, it is still the responsibility of the Pentagon to keep control over and security of their secret documents!
  • What are the odds of finding anyone at the Pentagon or on a military base who ISN'T a gun lover???
the onus is on management.
Why is it that Snowden, Manning and now Teixeira have blown through our Democrat led administrations of Obama and Joe Biden?

The only reasonable explanation is that Conservatives hate this country and will do anything to destroy it
That is why they support our enemies
are you saying Xiden didn't have possession of them?
I don't recall him being charged with that?
Do you?
Maybe it has something to do with him cooperating with investigators and handing over the material when asked for it....instead of lying to investigators about it and then obstructing justice?

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