Leap year. February 29, 2016

Yeah but this became a leap year back on January 1, 2016.
For example, under normal circumstances, if your birthday was a Monday one year, it would fall on a Tuesday the next year. Leap years change the equation. If there is a leap day between your birthdays, then the cycle is off by two days. Thus, if your last birthday before this leap day was on a Monday, your first birthday after the leap year will be on a Wednesday.

Make sense? Test yourself by trying to calculate the
So was 2012. Which means that the obama regime had an extra 366th day to prepare in protecting American interests on the anniversary of 9-11.
So was 2012. Which means that the obama regime had an extra 366th day to prepare in protecting American interests on the anniversary of 9-11.

Wow, that's two leap years in a short period of time, according to you.

By the way, do have a link for that?
Well I checked, and sure enough. Leap year comes along every 4 years, according to the Internet.
So was 2012. Which means that the obama regime had an extra 366th day to prepare in protecting American interests on the anniversary of 9-11.

Wow, that's two leap years in a short period of time, according to you.

By the way, do have a link for that?
What are you talking about?

Hey pal, you're gonna have to brush up on your reading comprehension skills. If you wanna keep up with the big boys!
So was 2012. Which means that the obama regime had an extra 366th day to prepare in protecting American interests on the anniversary of 9-11.

Wow, that's two leap years in a short period of time, according to you.

By the way, do have a link for that?
What are you talking about?

Hey pal, you're gonna have to brush up on your reading comprehension skills. If you wanna keep up with the big boys!
You need to work on your writing skills. What are you talking about?
So was 2012. Which means that the obama regime had an extra 366th day to prepare in protecting American interests on the anniversary of 9-11.

Wow, that's two leap years in a short period of time, according to you.

By the way, do have a link for that?
What are you talking about?

Hey pal, you're gonna have to brush up on your reading comprehension skills. If you wanna keep up with the big boys!
You need to work on your writing skills. What are you talking about?

Hey it turns out this February is a very busy month. Not only is this February, a leap February, we got ground hog day, honest Abe's birthday, Valentine's Day, and George Washington's birthday.

What a month.
I used to work with a guy who was born on February 29th and he told me that when that day is not a part of the year, the 28th is when his celebrating happens. :) :) :)

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)


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