Learn what Socialism Is.

Scandinavia is doing just fine. Thank you very much.

No it's not.

1) if they are doing fine it is with a lower corporate tax rate than we have and with less dependence on the top 1% for revenue than we have

2) if they could be copied Europe would do it given they are geographically and ideologically similar.

Sweden is finding out overly generous welfare states eventually damage everyone's prosperity
Scandinavia is doing just fine. Thank you very much.

No it's not.
SMALLISH countries are often in the vanguard when it comes to reforming government. In the 1980s Britain was out in the lead, thanks to Thatcherism and privatisation. Tiny Singapore has long been a role model for many reformers. Now the Nordic countries are likely to assume a similar role.

Read more at http://www.economist.com/news/leade...countries-next-supermodel#WT8sBktMRf7hhPuO.99
Here is the thing, those investors can see back their stocks to the workers--even at a profit, if the workers are willing to buy the stock. The investors 'ownership' is only important to him when he wishes to select a CEO or manage the company himself. If he choose to become the CEO, then he effectively becomes a worker himself! So there is the possibility of overcompensation due to over investment by a worker.

How does that work??

When all the stock has been purchased where is this mythical entity supposed to get more??

Just like in a law firm when all the associates have bought in and the firm is closed.

Before you can over invest there has to be something to invest in.

Simple charter rules limiting ownership percentages would be the easiest but not the only option.

Your point again??

The investor, that own stocks in a corporation, can sell his stock to the worker.


He can set himself up as CEO and become a worker owner. In this case, he is the only owner and to make the workers become part owners. he has to sell back some of his stock to the workers.

I am not assuming an unlimited number of stock, I am given a hypothetical picture of one owner owning all the stock and how he can transform the corporation.
Other than IKEA and Volvo, what has Sweden contributed to the world?

Great ideas need freedom to become great accomplishment.
Scandinavia is doing just fine. Thank you very much.

No it's not.
SMALLISH countries are often in the vanguard when it comes to reforming government. In the 1980s Britain was out in the lead, thanks to Thatcherism and privatisation. Tiny Singapore has long been a role model for many reformers. Now the Nordic countries are likely to assume a similar role.

Read more at http://www.economist.com/news/leade...countries-next-supermodel#WT8sBktMRf7hhPuO.99

All that blather means nothing, Sweden is finding out Socialism doesn't work, anyone paying attention knows this.
In the “capitalist” United States, government spending is equal to roughly 40% of the national GDP. In the “socialist” Norway, government spending is equal to roughly 46% of the national GDP. (Source.)

more accurately the USA does not have a national govt, it has a federal govt that spends 40% of GDP and state, county, and local governments that spends about the same amount making our govt far bigger than in Norway.

I'm tired of people on this board failing to understand what socialism is.. Educate yourselves.

I've studied socialism a bit. The one consistent theme is social ownership of the "means of production" - which to me always seemed an intentionally obscure term. After all, the ultimate "means of production" is the human mind. Do socialists want human minds to be consider the property of the state?
Scandinavia is doing just fine. Thank you very much.

You realize everyone is white in Scandinavia. Right?

Of course liberals are deeply racist at heart (clue Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood), so I get where you are coming from. Sad, sad racist that hates America's diversity. :(
Scandinavia is doing just fine. Thank you very much.

You realize everyone is white in Scandinavia. Right?

Of course liberals are deeply racist at heart (clue Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood), so I get where you are coming from. Sad, sad racist that hates America's diversity. :(

Hell, look how they exploit and segregate groups today. They're racist to the core.
Scandinavia is doing just fine. Thank you very much.

You realize everyone is white in Scandinavia. Right?

Of course liberals are deeply racist at heart (clue Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood), so I get where you are coming from. Sad, sad racist that hates America's diversity. :(

Hell, look how they exploit and segregate groups today. They're racist to the core.

Yep....the Libtard holds up lily white Countries in Northern Europe as the ideal. Go figure....right?

The racism of the left knows no limits.
Scandinavia is doing just fine. Thank you very much.

You realize everyone is white in Scandinavia. Right?

Of course liberals are deeply racist at heart (clue Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood), so I get where you are coming from. Sad, sad racist that hates America's diversity. :(
No, everyone in Scandinavia is not white, and Margaret Sanger is long dead.
Demographics of Sweden - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Demographics of Denmark - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
More information at Google.
I should mention that many social democrats believe that worker ownership of production can be achieved through a long reformist process, they may be "socialist" in this way.
I should mention that many social democrats believe that worker ownership of production can be achieved through a long reformist process, they may be "socialist" in this way.

If the owner of a company allows workers to own part of his company, Im all for it. If govt forces an owner to do this.....NO.

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