Learning About The AMO


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
Dr. Mann's pseudoscience crap once again on display, he lied again too....

Watts Up With That?

Learning About The AMO

March 8, 2021

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach


I must admit to being greatly bemused by Michael Mann’s new (and sadly, paywalled) opus magnum about the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), sometimes called Atlantic Multidecadal Variability (AMV). Here are a couple of quotes from our boy on the subject, emphasis mine:

Mann 2011:

“The AMO, defined as a 40-60 year timescale oscillation originating in coupled North Atlantic ocean-atmosphere processes, is almost certainly real

“This is a key finding of Knight et al (2005) (of which I was a co-author) as well as Delworth and Mann (2000) [the origin of the term ‘Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation’ (AMO) which I coined in a 2000 interview about Delworth and Mann w/ Dick Kerr of Science].”
followed by Mann 2021

“Two decades ago, in an interview with science journalist Richard Kerr for the journal Science, I coined the term the “Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation” (AMO) to describe an internal oscillation in the climate system resulting from interactions between North Atlantic ocean currents and wind patterns. … Today, in a research article published in the same journal Science, my colleagues and I have provided what we consider to be the most definitive evidence yet that the AMO doesn’t actually exist.

I do enjoy Mann’s implication that he was the discoverer of the AMO phenomenon, when in fact it had been described in detail in 1994 by Schlesinger and Ramankutty, six years before the publication of Delworth and Mann. Also, in the linked Kerr article in Science that Mann refers to above, despite discussing the name “Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation” in detail, Kerr never says that Mann named the phenomenon … but I digress.

Astute readers will note that Mann never claimed to have discovered the AMO. Your source just made that crazy story up. He tends to do that a lot.

Also interesting how Mann is condemned for saying "Yep, we all got it wrong in the past."
Astute readers will note that Mann never claimed to have discovered the AMO. Your source just made that crazy story up. He tends to do that a lot.

Also interesting how Mann is condemned for saying "Yep, we all got it wrong in the past."

mann is condemned for being a shit scientist. A liar, and a fraud.
Astute readers will note that Mann never claimed to have discovered the AMO. Your source just made that crazy story up. He tends to do that a lot.

Also interesting how Mann is condemned for saying "Yep, we all got it wrong in the past."

Astute readers will notice you are too lazy to look up the references:

Dr. Mann reply,

"[Response: Indeed. This is a key finding of Knight et al (2005) (of which I was a co-author) as well as Delworth and Mann (2000) [the origin of the term ‘Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation’ (AMO) which I coined in a 2000 interview about Delworth and Mann w/ Dick Kerr of Science]. The AMO, defined as a 40-60 year timescale oscillation originating in coupled North Atlantic ocean-atmosphere processes, is almost certainly real. It is unfortunate however that a variety of phenomena related simply to the non-linear forced history of Northern Hemisphere temperature variations have been misattributed (see e.g. Mann and Emanuel Eos 2006) to the “AMO”. In this sense, I fear I helped create a monster. I talk about this in my up-coming book, The Hockey Stick and The Climate Wars. –Mike]"

This from Dr. Mann;s fingers you can't deny, it looks like a lie, smells like a lie, it IS a lie.

Meanwhile you didn't defend his pseudoscience paper, that was an excellent decision,
The AMO is funded by NOAA which is funded by taxpayers to the tune of almost 500 billion (with a B) per year. NOAA's mission in recent years seems to be tuned to propaganda rather than science.
It will be interesting when the AMO finally shift into the cooling mode, then see afterwards that global cooling shows up, wonder if Dr. "Pseudoscientist" Mann will jump out of a window?

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