Learning from Europe while it is , in effect, on a gold standard

but there's no way that fiat caused the Great Depression.

so then why be so afraid to tell us exactly what caused it????

Perhaps you can elaborate on why you think fiat currency caused the Great Depression - or any economic crisis in the United States. I haven't seen a single organized thought.

Sam, why don't you read about it? Friedman and Bernanke both concluded the Fed caused the Depression. A gold standard would have automatic mechanisms to correct bank runs; the Federal Reserve system did not have corrective mechanisms.
so then why be so afraid to tell us exactly what caused it????

Perhaps you can elaborate on why you think fiat currency caused the Great Depression - or any economic crisis in the United States. I haven't seen a single organized thought.

Sam, why don't you read about it? Friedman and Bernanke both concluded the Fed caused the Depression. A gold standard would have automatic mechanisms to correct bank runs; the Federal Reserve system did not have corrective mechanisms.

The U.S. was under a gold standard in 1929. The Treasury guaranteed to give one troy oz of gold to anyone who gave them $20.67. You're one ignorant SOB.
When you go and deposit your gold backed bills with a bank in a checking or savings account and they loan them out M2 money is created. You can have a system where all the CURRENCY is backed by gold, but not all the MONEY, unless you want to make loaning money illegal, which would pretty much cause the economy to come to a halt.

This is basic banking.

so then people cant get gold for their money if we're on a gold standard?
You should learn about the history of the gold standard. Printing too many bills to cover the gold in the treasury isn't a problem. There was monetary inflation during the gold standard and after.

then of course it wasn't a gold standard was it???
so then people cant get gold for their money if we're on a gold standard?
You should learn about the history of the gold standard. Printing too many bills to cover the gold in the treasury isn't a problem. There was monetary inflation during the gold standard and after.

then of course it wasn't a gold standard was it???

?? It was. The U.S. was under some sort of specie standard until Nixon ended the convertibility of dollars till gold.

I think samjones and I are at a loss as to exactly what kind of banking system you favor. Has the U.S. EVER had a banking system up to your standards?
Perhaps you can elaborate on why you think fiat currency caused the Great Depression - or any economic crisis in the United States. I haven't seen a single organized thought.

Sam, why don't you read about it? Friedman and Bernanke both concluded the Fed caused the Depression. A gold standard would have automatic mechanisms to correct bank runs; the Federal Reserve system did not have corrective mechanisms.

The U.S. was under a gold standard in 1929. The Treasury guaranteed to give one troy oz of gold to anyone who gave them $20.67. You're one ignorant SOB.

you could say we were under a gold standard until Nixon too. Sorry
Sam, why don't you read about it? Friedman and Bernanke both concluded the Fed caused the Depression. A gold standard would have automatic mechanisms to correct bank runs; the Federal Reserve system did not have corrective mechanisms.

The U.S. was under a gold standard in 1929. The Treasury guaranteed to give one troy oz of gold to anyone who gave them $20.67. You're one ignorant SOB.

you could say we were under a gold standard until Nixon too. Sorry

Because we were. And I just did.

Now please tell us at what point in time the U.S. had a banking system up to your standards.
The U.S. was under a gold standard in 1929. The Treasury guaranteed to give one troy oz of gold to anyone who gave them $20.67. You're one ignorant SOB.[/QUOTE]

you could say we were under a gold standard until Nixon too. Sorry

Because we were. And I just did.

well, according to Milton Friedman( famous economist and Ben Bernanke( head of Federal Reserve system) we were not on a true gold standard in 1929, but what do they know?

According to them, and what do they know, there were tremendous bank runs back in the day such that about 1/3 of the money supply and 1/3 of the banks disappeared. On a true gold standard, they say, the Fed would have issued new money again to maintain a supply equal to the gold supply which had not disappeared, thus avoiding the liberal Great Depression.
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The U.S. was under a gold standard in 1929. The Treasury guaranteed to give one troy oz of gold to anyone who gave them $20.67. You're one ignorant SOB.

you could say we were under a gold standard until Nixon too. Sorry

Because we were. And I just did.

well, according to Milton Friedman( famous economist and Ben Bernanke( head of Federal Reserve system) we were not on a true gold standard in 1929, but what do they know?

According to them, and what do they know, there were tremendous bank runs back in the day such that about 1/3 of the money supply and 1/3 of the banks disappeared. On a true gold standard, they say, the Fed would have issued new money again to maintain a supply equal to the gold supply which had not disappeared, thus avoiding the liberal Great Depression.
Perhaps I should rephrase?

Has the U.S. EVER had a banking system up to your standards, if so, when?
Perhaps you can elaborate on why you think fiat currency caused the Great Depression - or any economic crisis in the United States. I haven't seen a single organized thought.

Sam, why don't you read about it? Friedman and Bernanke both concluded the Fed caused the Depression. A gold standard would have automatic mechanisms to correct bank runs; the Federal Reserve system did not have corrective mechanisms.

The U.S. was under a gold standard in 1929. The Treasury guaranteed to give one troy oz of gold to anyone who gave them $20.67. You're one ignorant SOB.

May I explain the Gold Standard to you? It has two parts. One requires that the bank or government exchange gold for your paper money. The other requires that they issue paper money equal to the gold supply. In 1929 they did not do the later. And know you know your ABC's
Sam, why don't you read about it? Friedman and Bernanke both concluded the Fed caused the Depression. A gold standard would have automatic mechanisms to correct bank runs; the Federal Reserve system did not have corrective mechanisms.

The U.S. was under a gold standard in 1929. The Treasury guaranteed to give one troy oz of gold to anyone who gave them $20.67. You're one ignorant SOB.

May I explain the Gold Standard to you? It has two parts. One requires that the bank or government exchange gold for your paper money. The other requires that they issue paper money equal to the gold supply. In 1929 they did not do the later. And know you know your ABC's

I guess I'll try a littler harder to hammer my question to you home:

Has the U.S. EVER had a banking system up to your standards, if so, when?
Sam, why don't you read about it? Friedman and Bernanke both concluded the Fed caused the Depression. A gold standard would have automatic mechanisms to correct bank runs; the Federal Reserve system did not have corrective mechanisms.

The U.S. was under a gold standard in 1929. The Treasury guaranteed to give one troy oz of gold to anyone who gave them $20.67. You're one ignorant SOB.

May I explain the Gold Standard to you?

No, you may not. I'm not interested in you choosing your definitions to suit your arguments and then making a huge deal about it - I'm more interested in actual substance. Please see above question, the one in red. Thanks.
The U.S. was under a gold standard in 1929. The Treasury guaranteed to give one troy oz of gold to anyone who gave them $20.67. You're one ignorant SOB.

May I explain the Gold Standard to you? It has two parts. One requires that the bank or government exchange gold for your paper money. The other requires that they issue paper money equal to the gold supply. In 1929 they did not do the later. And know you know your ABC's

I guess I'll try a littler harder to hammer my question to you home:

Has the U.S. EVER had a banking system up to your standards, if so, when?

dear, if you're only now learning what a gold standard is don't you think you should be in student mode rather than acting as if you have a learned POV.
May I explain the Gold Standard to you? It has two parts. One requires that the bank or government exchange gold for your paper money. The other requires that they issue paper money equal to the gold supply. In 1929 they did not do the later. And know you know your ABC's

I guess I'll try a littler harder to hammer my question to you home:

Has the U.S. EVER had a banking system up to your standards, if so, when?

dear, if you're only now learning what a gold standard is don't you think you should be in student mode rather than acting as if you have a learned POV.

Why am I not surprised that you don't think students should ask questions?

Do you even have an answer? Lets try a few more times, to make it abundantly clear to all reading this thread that you haven't informed your opinion enough to answer this very basic, simple question:

Has the U.S. EVER had a banking system up to your standards, if so, when?

Has the U.S. EVER had a banking system up to your standards, if so, when?

Has the U.S. EVER had a banking system up to your standards, if so, when?
Has the U.S. EVER had a banking system up to your standards, if so, when?

it's like asking, has the US ever had a criminal justice system up to someones standards? It means nothing. Most importantly, most libertarians and many libertarian oriented people want a true gold standard so as to avoid liberal depressions, recessions, inflation, stagflation, deficits etc etc.
Has the U.S. EVER had a banking system up to your standards, if so, when?

it's like asking, has the US ever had a criminal justice system up to someones standards? It means nothing. Most importantly, most libertarians and many libertarian oriented people want a true gold standard so as to avoid liberal depressions, recessions, inflation, stagflation, deficits etc etc.

So you advocated an idealized system that you admit could never happen in real life.

Great. It was fun playing your game, thanks.
The other requires that they issue paper money equal to the gold supply.
Awesome. So you trust politicians to issue only an amount equal to the amount of gold held by the federal government.

And how exactly do you propose we make the changeover to such a system, genius?
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May I explain the Gold Standard to you? It has two parts. One requires that the bank or government exchange gold for your paper money. The other requires that they issue paper money equal to the gold supply. In 1929 they did not do the later. And know you know your ABC's

So, I think that economists from all schools would agree that deflationary targets *at least* contributed to the Great Depression. Yes, I agree, they should have printed more money.

But how does this admission in any way support your assertion that "liberal fiat money caused the Great Depression". At the outset of the Great Depression we had a gold standard (whether it was a Baiamonte Standard or not is another question, but it was certainly not fiat) and we had just had 7 years of Republican leadership under 3 different presidents.

Why not blame the cause (conservative gold standard) for the effect (Great Depression).
but it was certainly not fiat).

a fiat liberal mercantilist system is one in which the supply of money is not tied to the supply of gold. The Great Depression was caused by such a system.

Hogwash. The US has a gold standard before the depression and the Fed sought inflationary (in this case, "deflationary") targets then as they do now. Oop is right - live in the real world and we can have real conversations. Live in some kind of fantasy world where you define every term to your own liking and nobody will ever take you seriously....

... just like no one takes Ron Paul seriously.

so then it wasn't a fiat system?????????? Why so afraid to explain???? The Depression was caused because the supply or money was not tied to the supply of gold. True or false?

You could exchange your dollars for gold at a set price (if you were a foreign government). That's a gold standard. Hope that's explanation enough for ya, Chief. I would have thought you would have worked this out by now.

In "fiat" all you can change your dollars for are worthless goods and services and the discharge of pointless debt. No real "value" there are all.


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