Leave Confederate Soldier Statues Alone


Destroy those history books if they're written by people who haven't gotten with the program!
^ Everyone watch the racist's spaz's further mental breakdown ^^ :lol:

Says the obviously mentally impaired racist lunatic who is screaming to drag down statues because he hates history.
Only one of us honors segregationists and white supremacists. That's you snottie-pie.
No, it's you.

Who created inner city slums for black people to cower in?


Who pays them to stay there?


Who thinks blacks are too stupid to learn, and therefore insists that the rest of us be taught less so they don't feel bad?

Lately, it has become fashionable in the minds of some, to go about proposing bills to removed statues and monuments of Confederate soldiers. Currently in Florida 2 bills have been introduced to do this. These are Florida SB 1360 and SCR 760.

The high horse proposers of these bills are intending to set new standards for all of us in America, about who we can honor, and who we may not. Looks like they’ve got soldiers of the old Confederacy on the don’t honor list.

This is more than stupid. It is disgraceful to DIShonor these people who wore their military uniforms, and put their lives on the line, to follow the orders they were given.

As far as what cause the Confederate soldiers fought for, I’d say that since their homelands were being attacked by outside forces (buildings burned, bridges blown up, etc.), they fought primarily a defensive war. This is more just and legitimate than the Vietnam War, in which US soil and people were not being attacked by any Vietnamese people. And do we ask for Vietnam veterans’ statues or monuments to be removed ? Last time I looked, there were more of them being installed.

I don’t think ANY veterans of any state of the current USA (including Florida), should have their statues or monuments removed. This is a disgrace, and it disgraces those who propose and support such stupid laws.
Judging historical figures by today's standards is a fraught business.
I don’t think ANY veterans of any state of the current USA (including Florida), should have their statues or monuments removed. This is a disgrace, and it disgraces those who propose and support such stupid laws.
Amen to this. If the past can't be respected, why should the present or future get any?

God bless you always!!!

You're welcome. Not that I agree with the premise of the thread, at all.. I believe only very dull and mediocre people want to hide history.
Yes. To not even acknowledging the central role slavery played in confederate history, and it's impact on all the people there - is doing exactly what this OP complains about: censoring history.
Slavery was obviously the primary issue that led to Civil War. Anyone who says different simply isn't playing with a full deck. That being said, I see no good reasons to wipe that page from history. The monuments should serve as a constant reminder of what can and still could happen in this country.

No, slavery was the excuse the feds used to use force against the south. And the south didn't fight because they wanted slaves. They fought because they refused to accept that the feds had the AUTHORITY to force them to do anything. And they were right, the feds DON'T have the authority to exert authority. By claiming it was about SLAVERY they were able to justify it.

If it was about SLAVERY, there would have been a civil war a hundred years before, when INDENTURED SERVANTS were the primary workforce.
Nothing you said here makes any kind of sense. There are no legitimate historians who would support your view.

Abraham Lincoln said it wasn't about slavery.

"My policy sought only to collect the Revenue (a 40 percent federal sales tax on imports to Southern States under the Morrill Tariff Act of 1861)." reads paragraph 5 of Lincoln's First Message to the U.S. Congress, penned July 4, 1861.

"I have no purpose, directly or in-directly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the States where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so," Lincoln said it his first inaugural on March 4 of the same year."

Abraham Lincoln said war was over taxes, not slavery
The expansion of slavery into new western states was the primary specific issue that led to Civil War. The election of Lincoln set off secession because of the perception that he would work to end slavery. Which part of that actual history is difficult for you to understand?

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