Leave Confederate Soldier Statues Alone

English not your forte?

Do you think the collective population (meaning everyone everywhere in the country) should be able to decide what statues stay or are removed? I am now speaking specifically about the statues to be removed in New Orleans (which you included in this topic and have ranted about before).
1. Again I know nothing about statues in New Orleans, and now that you have alluded to this mysterious notion, how about providing a link to it ?

2. Where did I ever say something about "the collective population (meaning everyone everywhere in the country)" ....seems to me, these are your words, not mine.
You should be ashamed of yourself for not continuing your education to open your eyes on how the liberal party has been subtly altering history, for their attempt at power. See my previous link about how the south wanted slavery to spread to the new territories. Just love Southern dipshits who want to challenge me on history.
I don't give a rat's ass about your history, or anyone else's. As I said, he Vietnam War veterans fought a war less just and legitimate than the Confederates who fought essentially a self-defense war, but I still wouldn't support dishonoring them by removing their statues.

They should be honored just for being soldiers who put their lives on the line, and went through the hardship of war and military service.

What you're talking about pertains to politicians. and is >>>

View attachment 122337

You ought to be also ashamed of yourself for engaging in name-calling, and talking like a fool.

PS - I don't need coaching about the tactics of liberals. Anytime you want an education on it, feel free to review my OPs. :biggrin:

Maybe I can put it simply enough for you to understand.

Unless you fought as a member of the US Armed Forces, you are NOT a US veteran.
Well there were two sides of military members who fought in the Civil War, those that fought for freedom for everyone , and those stupid enough to fight for those who supported slavery. So just like with the British who fought in the Revolutionary War, should we have status of their soldiers here also?

Vietnam was a war that was "Supposed" to stop the spread of Communism. JFK, got US involved by supporting France and their problem with the Vietcong. When France withdrew, then LBJ, the Southern White Democrat, saw a way to get US involved, has friends of his war machine get very rich and many young US soldiers sent to die for the liberal cause(just like in the Civil War) of making war. I didn't say destroy the status of confederate soldiers, I said give them a Museum, but tell the history of why the South annexed from the Union, and why those young soldiers died for the liberal cause of slavery.

Yes, confederate soldiers did receive federal pensions.

Progressives are just liars. Never believe anything they say.

I know, nobody does. But still.

"It wasn't until the 1930s that confederate soldiers began receiving pensions from the federal government. Prior to that, confederate soldiers could apply for benefits through the state they resided in."


The last verified Civil War veteran, Albert Woolson, died in 1956 at age 109. The last widow, Gertrude Janeway, died in 2003 at age 93.
That USNews by Little Lauren Fox is wrong about the 1930's federal pension being paid to confeds.

I've been round this rodeo a few times, snagglepuss.

Drummerboy Woolson never rec'd a US pension.
I do not expect the predominately black population of New Orleans to be in love with Robert E. Lee's statue on public land on a 30 foot pedestal in the middle of the city. Frankly, I think that they have shown great restraint in not tearing it down years ago.
I wonder how many of that black population has ancestors who were killed by Union artillary shells ? Got any guesses ?

In New Orleans? None. The city was taken almost bloodlessly in the early months of the war, and occupied by Yankees throughout the war.
I imagine as time passes holding those that fought for right to keep other people as personal property is viewed less and less as an honorable endeavor.
Maybe I can put it simply enough for you to understand.

Unless you fought as a member of the US Armed Forces, you are NOT a US veteran.
Maybe I can put it simply enough for you to understand.


And the Confederate States WERE US Armed Forces (only by some people's definition, they were not) Get it ?
They were not United States armed forces but CSAF. Confederate States Armed Forces. Better chum up there, dude, as your history is well lacking along with your information.
Steve McGarrett chiming in!

Folks, it was the Jews that was behind the Civil War. It was all about the Jews wanting to take over our banking system. The Civil War was planned in London by Rothschild who wanted two American democracies, each burdened with debt.

The Jewish International Bankers were successful. All efforts for North-South peace failed.

Propaganda pushed the issue of slavery to the fore but the actual purpose behind the war...was to drive both sides to accept the same money system Rothschild had fastened on England.
Somewhat interesting, but >>


I see proud black Confederate American soldiers.

You think they were fighting for slavery?

Or do you think they're just too stupid to know what they were fighting for?

I know the answer, don't bother.

Who do you think knew more about the reasons for the secession, the men who wrote the confederate constitution and the vice-president of the confederacy? Or illiterate black men?

Ah, racism.

It's the leftist/progressive hallmark.

What did I post that was racist?
She calls everyone racist -- she projects, A LOT.
Are dim witted SJWs triggered by the sight of historic monuments? Do they produce deep feelings of indignation? Is their sense of morality offended? There are all kinds of real issues that need taking care of right now. Attributing everyone's problems to the perception of history is simply an intellectually lazy way of avoiding discussion of anything real.
First of all, since the confederates had seceded from the Union, they were not American soldiers.

Second of all, the Union soldiers invaded to return the southern states to the United States.

And third of all, the south seceded from the union over slavery. That most didn't own slaves does not change that fact.
1. I consider any state that was part of the Confederacy to have been a part of the USA, for ALL the years from 1779 - 2017. And weren't they called the Confederate States of AMERICA ? (as in "American soldiers")

2. True.

3. I was responding to "andaronjim's statement >> "Confederate Soldiers who fought to keep slavery alive in America"

1. What you consider is irrelevant. The confederates willfully seceded from the United States of America. They wrote their own constitution, printed their own currency and took up arms against the United States of America. Now, after the confederacy was defeated and returned to the fold, those men were US citizens. But the soldiers who fought for the confederacy were not US veterans any more than the soldiers who fought in Spain during the Spanish Civil war are US veterans. They fought under the flag of a different nation.

In Slaves We Trust. Their foundation, their cornerstone, the engine that ran the southern economy, their lifeblood working the fields, emblazoned right on their currency.
Some people have been so brainwashed during their long years on this Earth, that when brought with new information about their past being a BIG lie, they cant cope with it. For if they do start to realize that they have been lied to all this time, their whole life is one big lie also. That is why they defend it to distraction.
They were not United States armed forces but CSAF. Confederate States Armed Forces. Better chum up there, dude, as your history is well lacking along with your information.
And the Confederate States WERE US Armed Forces (only by some people's definition, they were not)

And this is rather off topic, since the OP referred to 2 bills in the FLORIDA Senate. So it is FLORIDA business.
Lately, it has become fashionable in the minds of some, to go about proposing bills to removed statues and monuments of Confederate soldiers. Currently in Florida 2 bills have been introduced to do this. These are Florida SB 1360 and SCR 760.

The high horse proposers of these bills are intending to set new standards for all of us in America, about who we can honor, and who we may not. Looks like they’ve got soldiers of the old Confederacy on the don’t honor list.

This is more than stupid. It is disgraceful to DIShonor these people who wore their military uniforms, and put their lives on the line, to follow the orders they were given.

As far as what cause the Confederate soldiers fought for, I’d say that since their homelands were being attacked by outside forces (buildings burned, bridges blown up, etc.), they fought primarily a defensive war. This is more just and legitimate than the Vietnam War, in which US soil and people were not being attacked by any Vietnamese people. And do we ask for Vietnam veterans’ statues or monuments to be removed ? Last time I looked, there were more of them being installed.

I don’t think ANY veterans of any state of the current USA (including Florida), should have their statues or monuments removed. This is a disgrace, and it disgraces those who propose and support such stupid laws.
I was born in Florida and moved out to Ohio State, and have been around the world since. Today, I agree that these Confederate Soldiers who fought to keep slavery alive in America, should be taken down from a place of honor and put in a museum telling about their TRUE history. Just like we don't want Germany going around and having statues of Hitler all over the place, when the bad guys lose(and the confederates were bad) they shouldn't be put in an honorable place.

I was born in Florida and moved out to Ohio State, and have been around the world since. Today, I agree that these Confederate Soldiers who fought to keep slavery alive in America, should be taken down from a place of honor and put in a museum telling about their TRUE history. Just like we don't want Germany going around and having statues of Hitler all over the place, when the bad guys lose(and the confederates were bad) they shouldn't be put in an honorable place.
FALSE! They did not fight just to keep slavery alive in America. Most Confederate soldiers never saw a slave. They, in self defense, took up arms against people who were entering their home turf and shooting at them, burning buildings, etc.

The Union left its home base and attacked them at their home base (the South). They fought against that invasion, not for slavery. Almost no southern soldiers had slaves. Many lived in mountainous areas of the South, where slavery did not exist. Many were illiterate, and didn't even know slavery existed.

Only a minority of very rich southerners had slaves, while most southern soldiers were so poor, they went to the battlefields barefoot. The lucky ones who got uniforms, including boots, were known to have said > "This is the best set of clothes I've ever owned."

You ought to be ashamed of yourself for insulting American veterans they way you are.
You should be ashamed of yourself for not continuing your education to open your eyes on how the liberal party has been subtly altering history, for their attempt at power. See my previous link about how the south wanted slavery to spread to the new territories. Just love Southern dipshits who want to challenge me on history.

That's dumb. You may as well argue that we should have left Saddam Hussein statues up.
An incredibly dimwitted view of history. As if the lessons of the Civil War should be forgotten. Only very stupid, shallow, unsubstantial, authoritarian types want to expunge history for the purpose of satisfying transitory contemporary rhetorical needs. In other words: You've got to be stupid.
No you don't expunge the statues, you put them in a Museum where people can learn how some people of the US got so stupid, they left it for a Slave Holding government run by whacko liberals who wanted to keep people enslaved to them. It took the Republicans of the North to put down that rebellion and stop the spread of liberalism and slavery to future states.

Hey liberal regressive lying gas bags, while your at it, remove these symbols of slavery as well.

Some people have been so brainwashed during their long years on this Earth, that when brought with new information about their past being a BIG lie, they cant cope with it. For if they do start to realize that they have been lied to all this time, their whole life is one big lie also. That is why they defend it to distraction.

Lately, it has become fashionable in the minds of some, to go about proposing bills to removed statues and monuments of Confederate soldiers. Currently in Florida 2 bills have been introduced to do this. These are Florida SB 1360 and SCR 760.

The high horse proposers of these bills are intending to set new standards for all of us in America, about who we can honor, and who we may not. Looks like they’ve got soldiers of the old Confederacy on the don’t honor list.

This is more than stupid. It is disgraceful to DIShonor these people who wore their military uniforms, and put their lives on the line, to follow the orders they were given.

As far as what cause the Confederate soldiers fought for, I’d say that since their homelands were being attacked by outside forces (buildings burned, bridges blown up, etc.), they fought primarily a defensive war. This is more just and legitimate than the Vietnam War, in which US soil and people were not being attacked by any Vietnamese people. And do we ask for Vietnam veterans’ statues or monuments to be removed ? Last time I looked, there were more of them being installed.

I don’t think ANY veterans of any state of the current USA (including Florida), should have their statues or monuments removed. This is a disgrace, and it disgraces those who propose and support such stupid laws.

I agree. That has been the consensus of American for many generations, dating back to those who actually fought and paid the price in that war.

The modern generation has no Moral Authority to overrule them.
At this point, it might be constructive to repeat my Post # 5 (asked of those who would support removing statues of Confederate soldiers in Florida)

"So you are for removing Vietnam War soldiers' statues ? (who fought against people who didn't attack us)

Just wondering if you're consistent or hypocritical."


PS - I'm using
a library computer, and am down to my last 7 minutes here, so if anyone has anything to ask me, you better hurry up.
U.S. Code Title 38 –Veterans’ Benefits, Part II –General Benefits, Chapter 15 Pension for Non-Service-Connected Disability or Death or for Service, Su General, § 1501. Definitions: (3…) The term “Civil War veteran” includes a p served in the military or naval forces of the Confederate States of American Civil War, and the term “active military or naval service” includes active s those forces.

Veterans are equivalent to Union Veterans.
U.S. Code Title 38 –Veterans’ Benefits, Part II –General Benefits, Chapter Pension for Non-Service-Connected Disability or Death or for Service, Su General, § 1501. Definitions: (3) The …term “Civil War veteran” includes a p served in the military or naval forces of the Confederate States of Ameri Civil War, and the term “active military or naval service” includes active s those forces.
At the time the Reconstruction was under way to bring the two sides of America back to one, there had to be compromises with the Southern White Democrats or else there would be no unification. All slaves (the property of those SWD) were to be freed, given 40 acres and a mule, and much of that land came from the very property of those SWD. The SWD's in turn created the KKK and went hanging not only free blacks, but white republicans along side. If the US government at the time didn't treat CS war vets the same as US war vets, the country would of united?
At the time the Reconstruction was under way to bring the two sides of America back to one, there had to be compromises with the Southern White Democrats or else there would be no unification. All slaves (the property of those SWD) were to be freed, given 40 acres and a mule, and much of that land came from the very property of those SWD. The SWD's in turn created the KKK and went hanging not only free blacks, but white republicans along side. If the US government at the time didn't treat CS war vets the same as US war vets, the country would of united?

Lately, it has become fashionable in the minds of some, to go about proposing bills to removed statues and monuments of Confederate soldiers. Currently in Florida 2 bills have been introduced to do this. These are Florida SB 1360 and SCR 760.

The high horse proposers of these bills are intending to set new standards for all of us in America, about who we can honor, and who we may not. Looks like they’ve got soldiers of the old Confederacy on the don’t honor list.

This is more than stupid. It is disgraceful to DIShonor these people who wore their military uniforms, and put their lives on the line, to follow the orders they were given.

As far as what cause the Confederate soldiers fought for, I’d say that since their homelands were being attacked by outside forces (buildings burned, bridges blown up, etc.), they fought primarily a defensive war. This is more just and legitimate than the Vietnam War, in which US soil and people were not being attacked by any Vietnamese people. And do we ask for Vietnam veterans’ statues or monuments to be removed ? Last time I looked, there were more of them being installed.

I don’t think ANY veterans of any state of the current USA (including Florida), should have their statues or monuments removed. This is a disgrace, and it disgraces those who propose and support such stupid laws.
I was born in Florida and moved out to Ohio State, and have been around the world since. Today, I agree that these Confederate Soldiers who fought to keep slavery alive in America, should be taken down from a place of honor and put in a museum telling about their TRUE history. Just like we don't want Germany going around and having statues of Hitler all over the place, when the bad guys lose(and the confederates were bad) they shouldn't be put in an honorable place.

I was born in Florida and moved out to Ohio State, and have been around the world since. Today, I agree that these Confederate Soldiers who fought to keep slavery alive in America, should be taken down from a place of honor and put in a museum telling about their TRUE history. Just like we don't want Germany going around and having statues of Hitler all over the place, when the bad guys lose(and the confederates were bad) they shouldn't be put in an honorable place.
FALSE! They did not fight just to keep slavery alive in America. Most Confederate soldiers never saw a slave. They, in self defense, took up arms against people who were entering their home turf and shooting at them, burning buildings, etc.

The Union left its home base and attacked them at their home base (the South). They fought against that invasion, not for slavery. Almost no southern soldiers had slaves. Many lived in mountainous areas of the South, where slavery did not exist. Many were illiterate, and didn't even know slavery existed.

Only a minority of very rich southerners had slaves, while most southern soldiers were so poor, they went to the battlefields barefoot. The lucky ones who got uniforms, including boots, were known to have said > "This is the best set of clothes I've ever owned."

You ought to be ashamed of yourself for insulting American veterans they way you are.
You should be ashamed of yourself for not continuing your education to open your eyes on how the liberal party has been subtly altering history, for their attempt at power. See my previous link about how the south wanted slavery to spread to the new territories. Just love Southern dipshits who want to challenge me on history.

That's dumb. You may as well argue that we should have left Saddam Hussein statues up.
An incredibly dimwitted view of history. As if the lessons of the Civil War should be forgotten. Only very stupid, shallow, unsubstantial, authoritarian types want to expunge history for the purpose of satisfying transitory contemporary rhetorical needs. In other words: You've got to be stupid.
No you don't expunge the statues, you put them in a Museum where people can learn how some people of the US got so stupid, they left it for a Slave Holding government run by whacko liberals who wanted to keep people enslaved to them. It took the Republicans of the North to put down that rebellion and stop the spread of liberalism and slavery to future states.

Hey liberal regressive lying gas bags, while your at it, remove these symbols of slavery as well.

Those 3 items of slavery are now museums. Why cant we create Confederate States of America Museum and honor the warriors the same way, if those who want to honor them want to show up?

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