Leave Confederate Soldier Statues Alone

I was born in Florida and moved out to Ohio State, and have been around the world since. Today, I agree that these Confederate Soldiers who fought to keep slavery alive in America, should be taken down from a place of honor and put in a museum telling about their TRUE history. Just like we don't want Germany going around and having statues of Hitler all over the place, when the bad guys lose(and the confederates were bad) they shouldn't be put in an honorable place.
FALSE! They did not fight just to keep slavery alive in America. Most Confederate soldiers never saw a slave. They, in self defense, took up arms against people who were entering their home turf and shooting at them, burning buildings, etc.

The Union left its home base and attacked them at their home base (the South). They fought against that invasion, not for slavery. Almost no southern soldiers had slaves. Many lived in mountainous areas of the South, where slavery did not exist. Many were illiterate, and didn't even know slavery existed.

Only a minority of very rich southerners had slaves, while most southern soldiers were so poor, they went to the battlefields barefoot. The lucky ones who got uniforms, including boots, were known to have said > "This is the best set of clothes I've ever owned."

You ought to be ashamed of yourself for insulting American veterans they way you are.
Ft. Sumpter, we hardly knew ye!
I see proud black Confederate American soldiers.

You think they were fighting for slavery?

Or do you think they're just too stupid to know what they were fighting for?

I know the answer, don't bother.

Who do you think knew more about the reasons for the secession, the men who wrote the confederate constitution and the vice-president of the confederacy? Or illiterate black men?

Ah, racism.

It's the leftist/progressive hallmark.
I see proud black Confederate American soldiers.

You think they were fighting for slavery?

Or do you think they're just too stupid to know what they were fighting for?

I know the answer, don't bother.

Who do you think knew more about the reasons for the secession, the men who wrote the confederate constitution and the vice-president of the confederacy? Or illiterate black men?
Yes, confederate soldiers did receive federal pensions.

Progressives are just liars. Never believe anything they say.

I know, nobody does. But still.

"It wasn't until the 1930s that confederate soldiers began receiving pensions from the federal government. Prior to that, confederate soldiers could apply for benefits through the state they resided in."


The last verified Civil War veteran, Albert Woolson, died in 1956 at age 109. The last widow, Gertrude Janeway, died in 2003 at age 93.
Ok, let's get back to your primary topic. Why do you think you have a say in what statues stand on city property if you do not live in that city?
We're talking about STATE bills going through the Florida senate. I live in Florida. And who said anything about where the statues are located ?
I see proud black Confederate American soldiers.

You think they were fighting for slavery?

Or do you think they're just too stupid to know what they were fighting for?

I know the answer, don't bother.

Who do you think knew more about the reasons for the secession, the men who wrote the confederate constitution and the vice-president of the confederacy? Or illiterate black men?

Ah, racism.

It's the leftist/progressive hallmark.

What did I post that was racist?
So you think the collective population of the entire country should be able to decide what statues are, or are not, on city property??

YOu don't live there. You don't pay taxes there. But you want to help decide what statues are kept or discarded there?
I din't know what you're talking about, but it sure doesn't sound like it's on topic.
I do not expect the predominately black population of New Orleans to be in love with Robert E. Lee's statue on public land on a 30 foot pedestal in the middle of the city. Frankly, I think that they have shown great restraint in not tearing it down years ago.
Ok, let's get back to your primary topic. Why do you think you have a say in what statues stand on city property if you do not live in that city?
We're talking about STATE bills going through the Florida senate. I live in Florida. And who said anything about where the statues are located ?

Ok. But you also threw a fit about statues in New Orleans being removed. Do you live in Louisianna too?

If the bills pass, as the system is set up to do, why would what you want be allowed to go against the system set in place to serve all citizens?
I was born in Florida and moved out to Ohio State, and have been around the world since. Today, I agree that these Confederate Soldiers who fought to keep slavery alive in America, should be taken down from a place of honor and put in a museum telling about their TRUE history. Just like we don't want Germany going around and having statues of Hitler all over the place, when the bad guys lose(and the confederates were bad) they shouldn't be put in an honorable place.
FALSE! They did not fight just to keep slavery alive in America. Most Confederate soldiers never saw a slave. They, in self defense, took up arms against people who were entering their home turf and shooting at them, burning buildings, etc.

The Union left its home base and attacked them at their home base (the South). They fought against that invasion, not for slavery. Almost no southern soldiers had slaves. Many lived in mountainous areas of the South, where slavery did not exist. Many were illiterate, and didn't even know slavery existed.

Only a minority of very rich southerners had slaves, while most southern soldiers were so poor, they went to the battlefields barefoot. The lucky ones who got uniforms, including boots, were known to have said > "This is the best set of clothes I've ever owned."

You ought to be ashamed of yourself for insulting American veterans they way you are.

^ That is one of the biggest piles of dung I think I've ever read.
I do not expect the predominately black population of New Orleans to be in love with Robert E. Lee's statue on public land on a 30 foot pedestal in the middle of the city. Frankly, I think that they have shown great restraint in not tearing it down years ago.

I think that's because you don't understand the nature of the Civil War anywhere near as well as they do, and so you misunderstand what that statue represents to southern blacks who still live in the South.

Many blacks fought for the Confederacy. It was NOT a war over slavery. It was a war over the tyranny of federal government over private land owners and states.
So you think the collective population of the entire country should be able to decide what statues are, or are not, on city property??

YOu don't live there. You don't pay taxes there. But you want to help decide what statues are kept or discarded there?
I din't know what you're talking about, but it sure doesn't sound like it's on topic.

English not your forte?

Do you think the collective population (meaning everyone everywhere in the country) should be able to decide what statues stay or are removed? I am now speaking specifically about the statues to be removed in New Orleans (which you included in this topic and have ranted about before).
I do not expect the predominately black population of New Orleans to be in love with Robert E. Lee's statue on public land on a 30 foot pedestal in the middle of the city. Frankly, I think that they have shown great restraint in not tearing it down years ago.

I agree. The fact that a city that is predominately black would have statues memorializing soldiers who fought to keep blacks as property is an amazing thing.
I do not expect the predominately black population of New Orleans to be in love with Robert E. Lee's statue on public land on a 30 foot pedestal in the middle of the city. Frankly, I think that they have shown great restraint in not tearing it down years ago.

I think that's because you don't understand the nature of the Civil War anywhere near as well as they do, and so you misunderstand what that statue represents to southern blacks who still live in the South.

Many blacks fought for the Confederacy. It was NOT a war over slavery. It was a war over the tyranny of federal government over private land owners and states.

According to some apologists, but not according to the confederate constitution or the vice president of the confederacy.
Ok. But you also threw a fit about statues in New Orleans being removed. Do you live in Louisianna too?

If the bills pass, as the system is set up to do, why would what you want be allowed to go against the system set in place to serve all citizens?
1. I don't recall saying anything about Louisiana. Maybe you're mixing me up with someone else ?

2. I don't understand your second question. Reword ?
Ok. But you also threw a fit about statues in New Orleans being removed. Do you live in Louisianna too?

If the bills pass, as the system is set up to do, why would what you want be allowed to go against the system set in place to serve all citizens?
1. I don't recall saying anything about Louisiana. Maybe you're mixing me up with someone else ?

2. I don't understand your second question. Reword ?

Did you not rant about them removing civil war statues in New Orleans?
I do not expect the predominately black population of New Orleans to be in love with Robert E. Lee's statue on public land on a 30 foot pedestal in the middle of the city. Frankly, I think that they have shown great restraint in not tearing it down years ago.
I wonder how many of that black population has ancestors who were killed by Union artillary shells ? Got any guesses ?
Steve McGarrett chiming in!

Folks, it was the Jews that was behind the Civil War. It was all about the Jews wanting to take over our banking system. The Civil War was planned in London by Rothschild who wanted two American democracies, each burdened with debt.

The Jewish International Bankers were successful. All efforts for North-South peace failed.

Propaganda pushed the issue of slavery to the fore but the actual purpose behind the war...was to drive both sides to accept the same money system Rothschild had fastened on England.
Steve McGarrett chiming in!

Folks, it was the Jews that was behind the Civil War. It was all about the Jews wanting to take over our banking system. The Civil War was planned in London by Rothschild who wanted two American democracies, each burdened with debt.

The Jewish International Bankers were successful. All efforts for North-South peace failed.

Propaganda pushed the issue of slavery to the fore but the actual purpose behind the war...was to drive both sides to accept the same money system Rothschild had fastened on England.
Shut the fuck up dummy.

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