Leave Confederate Soldier Statues Alone

Maybe I can put it simply enough for you to understand.

Unless you fought as a member of the US Armed Forces, you are NOT a US veteran.
Maybe I can put it simply enough for you to understand.


And the Confederate States WERE US Armed Forces (only by some people's definition, they were not) Get it ?

In the OP you posted "I don’t think ANY veterans of any state of the current USA (including Florida), should have their statues or monuments removed. This is a disgrace, and it disgraces those who propose and support such stupid laws.". Your claims that confederate soldiers are US veterans is bullshit. I am simply calling you out on your error/lie.
First of all, since the confederates had seceded from the Union, they were not American soldiers.

Second of all, the Union soldiers invaded to return the southern states to the United States.

And third of all, the south seceded from the union over slavery. That most didn't own slaves does not change that fact.
1. I consider any state that was part of the Confederacy to have been a part of the USA, for ALL the years from 1779 - 2017. And weren't they called the Confederate States of AMERICA ? (as in "American soldiers")

2. True.

3. I was responding to "andaronjim's statement >> "Confederate Soldiers who fought to keep slavery alive in America"

1. What you consider is irrelevant. The confederates willfully seceded from the United States of America. They wrote their own constitution, printed their own currency and took up arms against the United States of America. Now, after the confederacy was defeated and returned to the fold, those men were US citizens. But the soldiers who fought for the confederacy were not US veterans any more than the soldiers who fought in Spain during the Spanish Civil war are US veterans. They fought under the flag of a different nation.

In Slaves We Trust. Their foundation, their cornerstone, the engine that ran the southern economy, their lifeblood working the fields, emblazoned right on their currency.

Nonsense. A tiny percentage of southerners owned slaves. Just more anti-American tripe being pedaled by propagandists.

Like this:

Confederate soldiers are not veterans of the United States of America. In fact, they threw away their citizenship in the United States of America when the seceded.
Sez YOU. All you've done is post YOUR opinion, not a FACT. The 11 southern states were part of the USA, before, during. and after the civil war. That's my opinion, and if you disagree, no problem. You'r entitled to do that.

But you, as many others in this thread are veering off topic. See of Post # 41...especially the the underlined part

Since you claimed the confederate soldiers were US veterans, you made it part of the topic.

Confederate soldiers did NOT serve in the US military. Whether they were from the US or lived in the US is irrelevant. And not only did they not serve in the US military, they fought against it.

No, they are not US veterans. That is not my opinion that is fact.
They are obviously military veterans of their home states. Which part of that is difficult for you to understand?

That would make them Confederate veterans, or (e.g.) Tennessee veterans. Doesn't make them US veterans, since before they went into battle their state seceded from the US.
He's not "off topic" at all ---- read the second word in your own TITLE.

He has you cornered in a lie, that's your problem.
No he does not have me cornered, and all you've done is join his incorrectness. Sure I know what the words are in my OP. All of it.
Maybe I can put it simply enough for you to understand.

Unless you fought as a member of the US Armed Forces, you are NOT a US veteran.
Maybe I can put it simply enough for you to understand.


And the Confederate States WERE US Armed Forces (only by some people's definition, they were not) Get it ?

In the OP you posted "I don’t think ANY veterans of any state of the current USA (including Florida), should have their statues or monuments removed. This is a disgrace, and it disgraces those who propose and support such stupid laws.". Your claims that confederate soldiers are US veterans is bullshit. I am simply calling you out on your error/lie.

They were US veterans.

"Robert Edward Lee (January 19, 1807 – October 12, 1870) was an American general known for commanding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War from 1862 until his surrender in 1865. "

Please don't be more of a fag than you are, wb.

Robert E. Lee - Wikipedia

Wasn't wb perma banned for being a creepy freak?
Confederate soldiers are not veterans of the United States of America. In fact, they threw away their citizenship in the United States of America when the seceded.
Sez YOU. All you've done is post YOUR opinion, not a FACT. The 11 southern states were part of the USA, before, during. and after the civil war. That's my opinion, and if you disagree, no problem. You'r entitled to do that.

But you, as many others in this thread are veering off topic. See of Post # 41...especially the the underlined part

Since you claimed the confederate soldiers were US veterans, you made it part of the topic.

Confederate soldiers did NOT serve in the US military. Whether they were from the US or lived in the US is irrelevant. And not only did they not serve in the US military, they fought against it.

No, they are not US veterans. That is not my opinion that is fact.
They are obviously military veterans of their home states. Which part of that is difficult for you to understand?

That would make them Confederate veterans, or (e.g.) Tennessee veterans. Doesn't make them US veterans, since before they went into battle their state seceded from the US.

No, wrong. American veterans.

"Lee became the great Southern hero of the War, a postwar icon of the "Lost Cause of the Confederacy" to some. But his popularity grew even in the North, especially after his death in 1870.[8] Barracks at West Point built in 1962 are named after him."

this thread is proof that anti-American crapheads really DON'T know American history.

Or much of anything else.

The Confederacy is the "Confederate States of America". So yes, confederate veterans are also American veterans.

Robert E. Lee - Wikipedia
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Maybe I can put it simply enough for you to understand.

Unless you fought as a member of the US Armed Forces, you are NOT a US veteran.
Maybe I can put it simply enough for you to understand.


And the Confederate States WERE US Armed Forces (only by some people's definition, they were not) Get it ?

In the OP you posted "I don’t think ANY veterans of any state of the current USA (including Florida), should have their statues or monuments removed. This is a disgrace, and it disgraces those who propose and support such stupid laws.". Your claims that confederate soldiers are US veterans is bullshit. I am simply calling you out on your error/lie.

They were US veterans.

"Robert Edward Lee (January 19, 1807 – October 12, 1870) was an American general known for commanding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia in the American Civil War from 1862 until his surrender in 1865. "

Please don't be more of a fag than you are, wb.

Robert E. Lee - Wikipedia

Wasn't wb perma banned for being a creepy freak?

Umm.... "American" doesn't mean "US citizen". Canadians, Uruguayans, Surinamese.... they're all "American". But they're not US citizens. Looks to me like this proper adjective is simply describing where he was born.
YOu are the one who called them US veterans and tried to shame people into supporting your ideas.
And I call them US veterans now too. Did you think I stopped doing that ?

And I'm not trying to shame anyone for anything other than doing something shameful (regardless of whose idea it may be)

And right now you're trying to shame me . LOL.

Once again you lie. In post #8 you stated people should be ashamed.

And the fact is that US veterans are men & women who served in the US military. The fact that you call confederate soldiers US veterans is irrelevant. I could call King George a US veteran, but it would not change the fact that he is not.
Confederate soldiers are not veterans of the United States of America. In fact, they threw away their citizenship in the United States of America when the seceded.
Sez YOU. All you've done is post YOUR opinion, not a FACT. The 11 southern states were part of the USA, before, during. and after the civil war. That's my opinion, and if you disagree, no problem. You'r entitled to do that.

But you, as many others in this thread are veering off topic. See of Post # 41...especially the the underlined part

Since you claimed the confederate soldiers were US veterans, you made it part of the topic.

Confederate soldiers did NOT serve in the US military. Whether they were from the US or lived in the US is irrelevant. And not only did they not serve in the US military, they fought against it.

No, they are not US veterans. That is not my opinion that is fact.
They are obviously military veterans of their home states. Which part of that is difficult for you to understand?

That would make them Confederate veterans, or (e.g.) Tennessee veterans. Doesn't make them US veterans, since before they went into battle their state seceded from the US.
Now that you've cleared up that crucial distinction perhaps you'd like to make some kind of point.
First of all, since the confederates had seceded from the Union, they were not American soldiers.

Second of all, the Union soldiers invaded to return the southern states to the United States.

And third of all, the south seceded from the union over slavery. That most didn't own slaves does not change that fact.
1. I consider any state that was part of the Confederacy to have been a part of the USA, for ALL the years from 1779 - 2017. And weren't they called the Confederate States of AMERICA ? (as in "American soldiers")

2. True.

3. I was responding to "andaronjim's statement >> "Confederate Soldiers who fought to keep slavery alive in America"

1. What you consider is irrelevant. The confederates willfully seceded from the United States of America. They wrote their own constitution, printed their own currency and took up arms against the United States of America. Now, after the confederacy was defeated and returned to the fold, those men were US citizens. But the soldiers who fought for the confederacy were not US veterans any more than the soldiers who fought in Spain during the Spanish Civil war are US veterans. They fought under the flag of a different nation.

In Slaves We Trust. Their foundation, their cornerstone, the engine that ran the southern economy, their lifeblood working the fields, emblazoned right on their currency.

The only nonsense is what emanates from cancerous cake hole.


In Slaves We Trust. Their foundation, their cornerstone, the engine that ran the southern economy, their lifeblood working the fields, emblazoned right on their currency
I am a proud Southerner, whose great grandfather fought from Shilo to Franklinton for Tennessee. Having said that, statues honoring Confederates are perfectly OK, as long as they are not owned by the government, or rest on government land. it is not the place for federal, state, or local government to glorify rebellion against the United States of America. Exceptions for Historical Battlefields, like Gettysburg, are acceptable.
Confederate soldiers are not veterans of the United States of America. In fact, they threw away their citizenship in the United States of America when the seceded.
Sez YOU. All you've done is post YOUR opinion, not a FACT. The 11 southern states were part of the USA, before, during. and after the civil war. That's my opinion, and if you disagree, no problem. You'r entitled to do that.

But you, as many others in this thread are veering off topic. See of Post # 41...especially the the underlined part

Since you claimed the confederate soldiers were US veterans, you made it part of the topic.

Confederate soldiers did NOT serve in the US military. Whether they were from the US or lived in the US is irrelevant. And not only did they not serve in the US military, they fought against it.

No, they are not US veterans. That is not my opinion that is fact.
They are obviously military veterans of their home states. Which part of that is difficult for you to understand?

That would make them Confederate veterans, or (e.g.) Tennessee veterans. Doesn't make them US veterans, since before they went into battle their state seceded from the US.

No, wrong. American veterans.

"Lee became the great Southern hero of the War, a postwar icon of the "Lost Cause of the Confederacy" to some. But his popularity grew even in the North, especially after his death in 1870.[8] Barracks at West Point built in 1962 are named after him."

this thread is proof that anti-American crapheads really DON'T know American history.

Or much of anything else.

Robert E. Lee - Wikipedia

General Lee is a US veteran. He served in the US military. He is NOT a US veteran because of his service in the confederate armies.
Sez YOU. All you've done is post YOUR opinion, not a FACT. The 11 southern states were part of the USA, before, during. and after the civil war. That's my opinion, and if you disagree, no problem. You'r entitled to do that.

But you, as many others in this thread are veering off topic. See of Post # 41...especially the the underlined part

Since you claimed the confederate soldiers were US veterans, you made it part of the topic.

Confederate soldiers did NOT serve in the US military. Whether they were from the US or lived in the US is irrelevant. And not only did they not serve in the US military, they fought against it.

No, they are not US veterans. That is not my opinion that is fact.
They are obviously military veterans of their home states. Which part of that is difficult for you to understand?

That would make them Confederate veterans, or (e.g.) Tennessee veterans. Doesn't make them US veterans, since before they went into battle their state seceded from the US.

No, wrong. American veterans.

"Lee became the great Southern hero of the War, a postwar icon of the "Lost Cause of the Confederacy" to some. But his popularity grew even in the North, especially after his death in 1870.[8] Barracks at West Point built in 1962 are named after him."

this thread is proof that anti-American crapheads really DON'T know American history.

Or much of anything else.

Robert E. Lee - Wikipedia

General Lee is a US veteran. He served in the US military. He is NOT a US veteran because of his service in the confederate armies.
Another nearly meaningful distinction.
Maybe I can put it simply enough for you to understand.

Unless you fought as a member of the US Armed Forces, you are NOT a US veteran.
Maybe I can put it simply enough for you to understand.


And the Confederate States WERE US Armed Forces (only by some people's definition, they were not) Get it ?

That is complete and utter bullshit.

Confederate soldiers were fighting under a completely separate gov't, with a different capital, different constitution, different president, different currency, and a completely separate military.
"Those ideas [in the US constitution], however, were fundamentally wrong.

They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races.

This was an error
. It was a sandy foundation, and the government built upon it fell when the “storm came and the wind blew.”

Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."

-Vice President of the Confederacy, Cornerstone Speech
Sez YOU. All you've done is post YOUR opinion, not a FACT. The 11 southern states were part of the USA, before, during. and after the civil war. That's my opinion, and if you disagree, no problem. You'r entitled to do that.

But you, as many others in this thread are veering off topic. See of Post # 41...especially the the underlined part

Since you claimed the confederate soldiers were US veterans, you made it part of the topic.

Confederate soldiers did NOT serve in the US military. Whether they were from the US or lived in the US is irrelevant. And not only did they not serve in the US military, they fought against it.

No, they are not US veterans. That is not my opinion that is fact.
They are obviously military veterans of their home states. Which part of that is difficult for you to understand?

That would make them Confederate veterans, or (e.g.) Tennessee veterans. Doesn't make them US veterans, since before they went into battle their state seceded from the US.

No, wrong. American veterans.

"Lee became the great Southern hero of the War, a postwar icon of the "Lost Cause of the Confederacy" to some. But his popularity grew even in the North, especially after his death in 1870.[8] Barracks at West Point built in 1962 are named after him."

this thread is proof that anti-American crapheads really DON'T know American history.

Or much of anything else.

Robert E. Lee - Wikipedia

General Lee is a US veteran. He served in the US military. He is NOT a US veteran because of his service in the confederate armies.

Excellent point. He is thus both a US vet and a Confederate vet, as a result of two different experiences.
Since you claimed the confederate soldiers were US veterans, you made it part of the topic.

Confederate soldiers did NOT serve in the US military. Whether they were from the US or lived in the US is irrelevant. And not only did they not serve in the US military, they fought against it.

No, they are not US veterans. That is not my opinion that is fact.
They are obviously military veterans of their home states. Which part of that is difficult for you to understand?

That would make them Confederate veterans, or (e.g.) Tennessee veterans. Doesn't make them US veterans, since before they went into battle their state seceded from the US.

No, wrong. American veterans.

"Lee became the great Southern hero of the War, a postwar icon of the "Lost Cause of the Confederacy" to some. But his popularity grew even in the North, especially after his death in 1870.[8] Barracks at West Point built in 1962 are named after him."

this thread is proof that anti-American crapheads really DON'T know American history.

Or much of anything else.

Robert E. Lee - Wikipedia

General Lee is a US veteran. He served in the US military. He is NOT a US veteran because of his service in the confederate armies.
Another nearly meaningful distinction.

In a discussion of who is or is not a US veteran, it is a meaningful distinction. Lee served in the US military.

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