Leave It To Israel

While the USA, Europe & African nations have the decency & common sense to close their embassies during Ramadon for security to protect & defend their couintires & their citizens, just look what Israel does. Shame on those Zionists in Israel.

Palestinians Celebrate Ramadan in Israel - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

I happen to believe it's a sign of weakness that we closed 22 embassies and cowering to the Al Qaeda threat. We should have kept our embassies open and demanded adequate security. I thought dear leader boasted that Al Qaeda was decimated and on the run?
While the USA, Europe & African nations have the decency & common sense to close their embassies during Ramadon for security to protect & defend their couintires & their citizens, just look what Israel does. Shame on those Zionists in Israel.

Palestinians Celebrate Ramadan in Israel - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

I happen to believe it's a sign of weakness that we closed 22 embassies and cowering to the Al Qaeda threat. We should have kept our embassies open and demanded adequate security. I thought dear leader boasted that Al Qaeda was decimated and on the run?

As a decorated soldier and war hero, you have more expertise in matters like these. But isn't this why we have intelligence? Who provides the security for these embassies, us or the Arabs? Cuz we can't rely on them.
While the USA, Europe & African nations have the decency & common sense to close their embassies during Ramadon for security to protect & defend their couintires & their citizens, just look what Israel does. Shame on those Zionists in Israel.

Palestinians Celebrate Ramadan in Israel - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

I happen to believe it's a sign of weakness that we closed 22 embassies and cowering to the Al Qaeda threat. We should have kept our embassies open and demanded adequate security. I thought dear leader boasted that Al Qaeda was decimated and on the run?

As a decorated soldier and war hero, you have more expertise in matters like these. But isn't this why we have intelligence? Who provides the security for these embassies, us or the Arabs? Cuz we can't rely on them.

Thanks for the kudos but I don't consider myself a war hero. Having said that, our U.S. Marines provide compound security. We should have heavily beefed up Marine security. If you noticed for instance, Egypt set up heavily enforced barriers on all avenues leading to our embassy. If other countries had done that we would not have been forced to our knees. That's what I was speaking of when I was referring to other countries. You can bet our enemies are laughing at our weakness.
While the USA, Europe & African nations have the decency & common sense to close their embassies during Ramadon for security to protect & defend their couintires & their citizens, just look what Israel does. Shame on those Zionists in Israel.

Palestinians Celebrate Ramadan in Israel - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
Yeah it just shows how peaceful Islam is that record number of American embassies get closed due to terror threats at the conclusion of what is supposed to be a peaceful month of "worship" for Muslims. What is it about Islam that makes Muslims want to spill MORE blood at the conclusion of such a holy month?
Agreed. America needs to stand strong against our radical Muslim enemies. And so does Israel. Like I said previously, if I were prime minister of Israel the first thing I would do is contact all Hamas leaders, apologize for Israel's past & current treatment of the Palestinians & promise those days are over.

Then I would invite all Hamas leaders to Tel Aviv for sincere peace talks with our new leadership. Upon arrival I would wine & dine them in Israel's very finest of accommodations, entertainment, food & beverages.

The morning of the meeting I would thank & bless them for participating as partners for peace. Then I would would make this announcement: From now on, each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killiung 10,000 Palestinians. Is there anything else you would like to discuss for peace?

I happen to believe it's a sign of weakness that we closed 22 embassies and cowering to the Al Qaeda threat. We should have kept our embassies open and demanded adequate security. I thought dear leader boasted that Al Qaeda was decimated and on the run?

As a decorated soldier and war hero, you have more expertise in matters like these. But isn't this why we have intelligence? Who provides the security for these embassies, us or the Arabs? Cuz we can't rely on them.

Thanks for the kudos but I don't consider myself a war hero. Having said that, our U.S. Marines provide compound security. We should have heavily beefed up Marine security. If you noticed for instance, Egypt set up heavily enforced barriers on all avenues leading to our embassy. If other countries had done that we would not have been forced to our knees. That's what I was speaking of when I was referring to other countries. You can bet our enemies are laughing at our weakness.
Let us all hope & pray the Palestinians don't keep pushing Israel to have to do to them what Jordan had to do to them to establish a lasting peace.
Seriously, Israel neeeds to change their treatment of the Palestinans. No more provoking them into hatred & violence with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel.

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