Lee Harvey Oswald...innocent

If you claim two victims were hit by the same bullet, but don't have wounds that line up and victims that don't react to those wounds in a manner that NEEDS to exist, you don't have a closed case. The ballistic metallurgy test methods in 1963 were primitive. Add to that an autopsy that didn't dissect and track the President's wounds and you have left TOO many doors open.

Here is a modern study of the ballistic evidence.

NOW, you can continue diversion and excuses, but you need to explain away the FACT the ACTUAL entry wound is 4-6 inches LOWER than the Warren Report's entry wound. WHY did the Warren Commission move the wound?

Ahh now the ballistic methodology is called into question. It just literally never ends with you guys; does it?
All conspiracy theorists eventually get to the point of being tiresome bores.
Look behind you to see if you can recognize that point.

When you find a bullet traced to a second gun, call me.

Have a good day.

Check please.

I see, as you'd already determined from the start, I'm just a hopeless 'nut' to be dismissed, lumped and categorized as one of 'those' people. You on the other hand are merely a noble sane person faced with the uncomfortable task of having to break the news to me.

Along the way, you continued to tie me to people I have nothing to do. But their outlandish speculations forwarded as absolute truths also had to be hung on me...I am one of 'those' people.

So candycorn, here is the real truth...

All I asked of you is to use YOUR eyes, and YOUR brain. I have not forwarded anything that isn't a FACT. I gave you evidence from the very Warren Commission you promote and government evidence from public domain you can see with your own two eyes. Yet you are not able to see ANY anomalies. I asked no 'faith' on your part. I did not ruled out Oswald as an assassin. But here we sit; right where started; we never left the starting gate.

Maybe you were in Dallas on that awful day, or part of the investigation or a member of the Warren Commission. I was NOT. I'm only able to see the obvious evidence that requires only MY vision and MY judgment.

So really what you are forwarding to me is faith and unquestioning statism. I should never believe my own eyes and my own brain if the state says I'm in error. And of course we must never question our government. If I don't believe what the state tells me, then I most surely must be a nut. If the state says my 'neck' in in the middle of my back, only a 'nut' would question that!

Thank you for setting me straight...and sieg heil to you and yours...

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic."
President John F. Kennedy

Why is it anytime you disagree with a conspiracy theorist they break out the Nazi card?

Anyway, as I stated, there is no way I can state what I think about you and not coming off as being dismissive. I see I lived up to my prediction. I really do wish you well but you can spout off as much about the difference between neck and back and drum up memos into cover-ups as much as you want; until you have a bullet from a 2nd gun, you ain't got squat dude.

And yes, by the way, I do stand by the fact that you have such mental midgets on your side, you need first to impeach them before anybody takes you seriously.

I would love to hear how you think all of this was pulled off (never finding the 2nd bullet, never finding the 2nd gunman, never finding conclusive evidence of the presence of a 2nd gunman etc... but you have to understand, its just conjecture.

I think, and this is just me talking...where you made your mistake was in thinking you were going to get somewhere with conclusion drawing. Not gonna happen. Sig heil or whatever confirms your underlying feelings all along. But thats up to you; not me.

Anyway, if you want to provide a plausible explanation as to why one guy got away (and to quote Warden Norton from Shawshankd) and disappeared like a "Fart in the wind" and poor LHO took cabs, buses, and wound up in a theater after popping a policeman; I promise to read every word. If you want to give us a good alternative to the WCR, please do so, I'll read every word.

But seriously you need to do more than what you've done and lay off the Nazi references, you look like a damn fool.

Ahh now the ballistic methodology is called into question. It just literally never ends with you guys; does it?
All conspiracy theorists eventually get to the point of being tiresome bores.
Look behind you to see if you can recognize that point.

When you find a bullet traced to a second gun, call me.

Have a good day.

Check please.

I see, as you'd already determined from the start, I'm just a hopeless 'nut' to be dismissed, lumped and categorized as one of 'those' people. You on the other hand are merely a noble sane person faced with the uncomfortable task of having to break the news to me.

Along the way, you continued to tie me to people I have nothing to do. But their outlandish speculations forwarded as absolute truths also had to be hung on me...I am one of 'those' people.

So candycorn, here is the real truth...

All I asked of you is to use YOUR eyes, and YOUR brain. I have not forwarded anything that isn't a FACT. I gave you evidence from the very Warren Commission you promote and government evidence from public domain you can see with your own two eyes. Yet you are not able to see ANY anomalies. I asked no 'faith' on your part. I did not ruled out Oswald as an assassin. But here we sit; right where started; we never left the starting gate.

Maybe you were in Dallas on that awful day, or part of the investigation or a member of the Warren Commission. I was NOT. I'm only able to see the obvious evidence that requires only MY vision and MY judgment.

So really what you are forwarding to me is faith and unquestioning statism. I should never believe my own eyes and my own brain if the state says I'm in error. And of course we must never question our government. If I don't believe what the state tells me, then I most surely must be a nut. If the state says my 'neck' in in the middle of my back, only a 'nut' would question that!

Thank you for setting me straight...and sieg heil to you and yours...

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic."
President John F. Kennedy

Why is it anytime you disagree with a conspiracy theorist they break out the Nazi card?

Anyway, as I stated, there is no way I can state what I think about you and not coming off as being dismissive. I see I lived up to my prediction. I really do wish you well but you can spout off as much about the difference between neck and back and drum up memos into cover-ups as much as you want; until you have a bullet from a 2nd gun, you ain't got squat dude.

And yes, by the way, I do stand by the fact that you have such mental midgets on your side, you need first to impeach them before anybody takes you seriously.

I would love to hear how you think all of this was pulled off (never finding the 2nd bullet, never finding the 2nd gunman, never finding conclusive evidence of the presence of a 2nd gunman etc... but you have to understand, its just conjecture.

I think, and this is just me talking...where you made your mistake was in thinking you were going to get somewhere with conclusion drawing. Not gonna happen. Sig heil or whatever confirms your underlying feelings all along. But thats up to you; not me.

Anyway, if you want to provide a plausible explanation as to why one guy got away (and to quote Warden Norton from Shawshankd) and disappeared like a "Fart in the wind" and poor LHO took cabs, buses, and wound up in a theater after popping a policeman; I promise to read every word. If you want to give us a good alternative to the WCR, please do so, I'll read every word.

But seriously you need to do more than what you've done and lay off the Nazi references, you look like a damn fool.

Of course...you've already determined I am the fool and you are the smart person.

I bet I know where I was mislead...it was that stupid damn professor in college I had when I minored in anatomy/physiology...he lied...he said the third thoracic vertebra was in the back, not the neck.

I feel relieved...but now I know I need to visit an optometrist...

I am unable to see that these wound are in the same place...

Warren Commission Exhibit CE 386 (artist rendering)



I know...hey, maybe President Kennedy was a hunchback!

gee, ever think of the possibility that the artists rendering was in error?


Well, to play the "game", we all know that only governments lie, mislead, obfuscate, wink, nudge, cross their fingers, and make mistakes. YouTube video producers...all are Rhodes Scholars.
I see, as you'd already determined from the start, I'm just a hopeless 'nut' to be dismissed, lumped and categorized as one of 'those' people. You on the other hand are merely a noble sane person faced with the uncomfortable task of having to break the news to me.

Along the way, you continued to tie me to people I have nothing to do. But their outlandish speculations forwarded as absolute truths also had to be hung on me...I am one of 'those' people.

So candycorn, here is the real truth...

All I asked of you is to use YOUR eyes, and YOUR brain. I have not forwarded anything that isn't a FACT. I gave you evidence from the very Warren Commission you promote and government evidence from public domain you can see with your own two eyes. Yet you are not able to see ANY anomalies. I asked no 'faith' on your part. I did not ruled out Oswald as an assassin. But here we sit; right where started; we never left the starting gate.

Maybe you were in Dallas on that awful day, or part of the investigation or a member of the Warren Commission. I was NOT. I'm only able to see the obvious evidence that requires only MY vision and MY judgment.

So really what you are forwarding to me is faith and unquestioning statism. I should never believe my own eyes and my own brain if the state says I'm in error. And of course we must never question our government. If I don't believe what the state tells me, then I most surely must be a nut. If the state says my 'neck' in in the middle of my back, only a 'nut' would question that!

Thank you for setting me straight...and sieg heil to you and yours...

"The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie -- deliberate, contrived and dishonest -- but the myth -- persistent, persuasive and unrealistic."
President John F. Kennedy

Why is it anytime you disagree with a conspiracy theorist they break out the Nazi card?

Anyway, as I stated, there is no way I can state what I think about you and not coming off as being dismissive. I see I lived up to my prediction. I really do wish you well but you can spout off as much about the difference between neck and back and drum up memos into cover-ups as much as you want; until you have a bullet from a 2nd gun, you ain't got squat dude.

And yes, by the way, I do stand by the fact that you have such mental midgets on your side, you need first to impeach them before anybody takes you seriously.

I would love to hear how you think all of this was pulled off (never finding the 2nd bullet, never finding the 2nd gunman, never finding conclusive evidence of the presence of a 2nd gunman etc... but you have to understand, its just conjecture.

I think, and this is just me talking...where you made your mistake was in thinking you were going to get somewhere with conclusion drawing. Not gonna happen. Sig heil or whatever confirms your underlying feelings all along. But thats up to you; not me.

Anyway, if you want to provide a plausible explanation as to why one guy got away (and to quote Warden Norton from Shawshankd) and disappeared like a "Fart in the wind" and poor LHO took cabs, buses, and wound up in a theater after popping a policeman; I promise to read every word. If you want to give us a good alternative to the WCR, please do so, I'll read every word.

But seriously you need to do more than what you've done and lay off the Nazi references, you look like a damn fool.

Of course...you've already determined I am the fool and you are the smart person.

I bet I know where I was mislead...it was that stupid damn professor in college I had when I minored in anatomy/physiology...he lied...he said the third thoracic vertebra was in the back, not the neck.

I feel relieved...but now I know I need to visit an optometrist...

I am unable to see that these wound are in the same place...

You can be sarcastic or you can present your narrative for the events; the choice is yours.

Are you going to do so or is it just your intent to do the "innuendo" thing ad nauseum?
I think he was what he said was, a Patsy - wheather he acted alone or not.

Like I said,your one of the very few people here that isnt an idiot in denial who can think for themselves instead of automatically accepting the lies and propaganda of the corporate controlled media what they tell you and can actually think outside the box..

You are as guilty as the people you are accusing, except you buy into crazy peoples theories, rather than the countless professionals that investigated the crime. You arent capable of thinking outside the box. You just parrot the insane rantings of other crazy people. That makes you a pathetic fucking douche that cant think for himself.
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If you claim two victims were hit by the same bullet, but don't have wounds that line up and victims that don't react to those wounds in a manner that NEEDS to exist, you don't have a closed case. The ballistic metallurgy test methods in 1963 were primitive. Add to that an autopsy that didn't dissect and track the President's wounds and you have left TOO many doors open.

Here is a modern study of the ballistic evidence.

NOW, you can continue diversion and excuses, but you need to explain away the FACT the ACTUAL entry wound is 4-6 inches LOWER than the Warren Report's entry wound. WHY did the Warren Commission move the wound?
except the wounds DO line up, dipshit

I'm sorry, you're right Dive, the state says they line up...so they MUST line up, why bother looking at actual autopsy photos of the wound. The state provided an artist rendering, THAT is what really happened...

thats the logic of ditzcon and candycornboy they have in government conspiracys is that if the state says that it lined up,then it lined up and dont dare say the governments version is wrong.:lol::lol::lol:
I think he was what he said was, a Patsy - wheather he acted alone or not.

Like I said,your one of the very few people here that isnt an idiot in denial who can think for themselves instead of automatically accepting the lies and propaganda of the corporate controlled media what they tell you and can actually think outside the box..

You are as guilty as the people you are accusing, except you buy into crazy peoples theories, rather than the countless professionals that investigated the crime. You arent capable of thinking outside the box. You just parrot the insane rantings of other crazy people. That makes you a pathetic fucking douche that cant think for himself.

YOU are as guily as the people who pulled off these government conspiracys in the fact that you defend them to no end no matter how absurd and ludicrous they are.Like Ditzcon,you only see what you want to see and never look at evidence.you only want to hear what the disinformation agents that have penetrated these boards such as candycorn boy tell you cause thats what your comfortable with.:cuckoo:

actually I'm one of the few rare ones here besides the thread starter that CAN think outside the box. you parrot the insane rantings of crazy people like the warren commission and the 9/11 coverup commission.hahahahaha and hate to break it the news to you kid but countless numbers of professionals that are INDEPENDENT that have investigated the crime not affiliated with government agencys dont accept the lone gunmen version,ha ha. your logic is doesnt matter what independent experts and professionals say,only what the corporate controlled media and government agencys tell you.you and ditzcon should start your own comedy club.hahahahahahahaha

people like you and ditzcon are so much in denial that your school systems and the mainstream media have brainwashed you your lives while growing up being taught lies that oswald killed kennedy,that you only see what you want to see cause thats what your confortable with cause the truth would make you shit your pants.lol.
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No, it shows a memo from one person to another person.

Check Please.

First you jump the shark; assuming the 'memo' automatically indicates participation in a conspiracy to kill the President. THEN you jump it again with a naive statement that this same 'memo' with national security implications from the assistant Attorney General of the United States to the special assistant to the President of the United States NOW is just a memo from one guy to another...WOW

You were right...you really don't have much skin in this game...

Well, you can believe what you wish, I can't stop you nor would I want to. The bottom line is that if you're a conspirator in something, you don't write a memo about it; much less if the conspiracy is to quell an investigation or talk about quelling an investigation, or prophecize about the potential quelling of an investigation or whatever it is you are going to accuse me of doing next.

Much like curvelight, you focus on trivial matters that nobody gives a flying fuck about; seriously; who gives 2 shits?

I really don't mean to be dismissive (although I admit there is no way to do that without seeming as though I am doing just that) but wow...you have a memo between two men and you equate it to not only two people but between two departments of the Executive and from there it trumps up into some sort of cover up. And tomorrow between 12 an 3, 9/11Nutjob will be here with his usual "yeah buddy" refrain which, believe me, does nothing except cause injury by association to you pal. SO you have a memo and the agreement of a brain damaged bigot.

Meanwhile, I have a rifle tied ballistically to the bullets that killed the President with LHO's palm print on it and found in the place where he worked.

Does anything else really matter?

I'm sure you'll tell me it does.

Newsflash...It don't.

Check please.

Told you; he's as predictable as birdshit on a freshly washed car and smells pretty much as sour.
except the wounds DO line up, dipshit

I'm sorry, you're right Dive, the state says they line up...so they MUST line up, why bother looking at actual autopsy photos of the wound. The state provided an artist rendering, THAT is what really happened...

thats the logic of ditzcon and candycornboy they have in government conspiracys is that if the state says that it lined up,then it lined up and dont dare say the governments version is wrong.:lol::lol::lol:
they DID line up, dipshit
FLASH... Legal definition of a conspiracy: An agreement between two or more persons to commit an illegal or unlawful act, or to achieve a legal act but by illegal or unlawful means.

FLASH...guilt by association is simply ignorance. I am neither of those people you mention, if you can't discern that FACT, you need to visit a psychiatrist.

FLASH...On the last thread I provided a White House recording of a telephone conversation between President Lyndon Baines Johnson and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, the contents of which reinforce that the genesis of the memo's intent came right from the top.

FLASH...You are welcome to include Lee Harvey Oswald in the crime, BUT for Oswald to be the LONE assassin, the single bullet theory MUST be true. I can't overstate that FACT.

FLASH...the Warren Report claims the first wound of the single bullet hit Kennedy in his neck...it did NOT. I entered his back, 4-6 inches LOWER and closer to the center-line of his body then the Warren Report claims.
HERE is the wound according to the Warren Commission


Here is the ACTUAL wound



Check please.

When we started this conversation I said I'd be happy to read what you have. I did; I remain unconvinced.

Like everybody else, you could produce 50 photographs, draw 1,000 more conclusions, and it still won't change the equation:



So let me guess what you're NOT going to say....that somehow somebody got his gun, got into the building where he worked, didn't leave any prints, killed the President, got away with nobody seeing him and committed the perfect crime. Ahh.


Noting is going to change the equation. Sorry.

Honestly, do you have some kind of reading comprehension problem, or are you so close minded and fearful of facts, that you continue to ignore even the basics of what I am saying?

To expedite, I GAVE you Oswald as ONE of the assassins, but NOT the LONE assassin.

I have a serious question. Please explain the type of thought process you use to ignore the obvious discrepancy of the location of the first wound according to the Warren Commission and the ACTUAL wound in the President?

see your finding out for yourself what dozens of people already know about this guy.That he has reading compreshension problems.Memory problems as well.He never remembers the answers you give to him and just repeats the same thing over and over again because he is close minded and and yes,fearful of facts.this one site I post at that he is at as well,dozens of peopel there laugh at his stupidity he displays like he is here.He always puts words in your mouth of things you never said and crap like that.a complete waste of time to debate.
First you jump the shark; assuming the 'memo' automatically indicates participation in a conspiracy to kill the President. THEN you jump it again with a naive statement that this same 'memo' with national security implications from the assistant Attorney General of the United States to the special assistant to the President of the United States NOW is just a memo from one guy to another...WOW

You were right...you really don't have much skin in this game...

Well, you can believe what you wish, I can't stop you nor would I want to. The bottom line is that if you're a conspirator in something, you don't write a memo about it; much less if the conspiracy is to quell an investigation or talk about quelling an investigation, or prophecize about the potential quelling of an investigation or whatever it is you are going to accuse me of doing next.

Much like curvelight, you focus on trivial matters that nobody gives a flying fuck about; seriously; who gives 2 shits?

I really don't mean to be dismissive (although I admit there is no way to do that without seeming as though I am doing just that) but wow...you have a memo between two men and you equate it to not only two people but between two departments of the Executive and from there it trumps up into some sort of cover up. And tomorrow between 12 an 3, 9/11Nutjob will be here with his usual "yeah buddy" refrain which, believe me, does nothing except cause injury by association to you pal. SO you have a memo and the agreement of a brain damaged bigot.

Meanwhile, I have a rifle tied ballistically to the bullets that killed the President with LHO's palm print on it and found in the place where he worked.

Does anything else really matter?

I'm sure you'll tell me it does.

Newsflash...It don't.

Check please.

Told you; he's as predictable as birdshit on a freshly washed car and smells pretty much as sour.

bump for truth. See large print.
Why is it anytime you disagree with a conspiracy theorist they break out the Nazi card?

Anyway, as I stated, there is no way I can state what I think about you and not coming off as being dismissive. I see I lived up to my prediction. I really do wish you well but you can spout off as much about the difference between neck and back and drum up memos into cover-ups as much as you want; until you have a bullet from a 2nd gun, you ain't got squat dude.

And yes, by the way, I do stand by the fact that you have such mental midgets on your side, you need first to impeach them before anybody takes you seriously.

I would love to hear how you think all of this was pulled off (never finding the 2nd bullet, never finding the 2nd gunman, never finding conclusive evidence of the presence of a 2nd gunman etc... but you have to understand, its just conjecture.

I think, and this is just me talking...where you made your mistake was in thinking you were going to get somewhere with conclusion drawing. Not gonna happen. Sig heil or whatever confirms your underlying feelings all along. But thats up to you; not me.

Anyway, if you want to provide a plausible explanation as to why one guy got away (and to quote Warden Norton from Shawshankd) and disappeared like a "Fart in the wind" and poor LHO took cabs, buses, and wound up in a theater after popping a policeman; I promise to read every word. If you want to give us a good alternative to the WCR, please do so, I'll read every word.

But seriously you need to do more than what you've done and lay off the Nazi references, you look like a damn fool.

Of course...you've already determined I am the fool and you are the smart person.

I bet I know where I was mislead...it was that stupid damn professor in college I had when I minored in anatomy/physiology...he lied...he said the third thoracic vertebra was in the back, not the neck.

I feel relieved...but now I know I need to visit an optometrist...

I am unable to see that these wound are in the same place...

You can be sarcastic or you can present your narrative for the events; the choice is yours.

Are you going to do so or is it just your intent to do the "innuendo" thing ad nauseum?

The narrative is the Warren Commission story...the false single bullet theory.

The Warren Commission's story of how the President was wounded IS the artist rendering...the Commission never even viewed the autopsy photos, claiming deference to the Kennedy family.

THIS IS what the Warren Commission said happened:


Warren Commission exhibits 385 (left), 386 (center), and 388 (right). Produced under the direction of JFK autopsy physician Dr. James Humes, these drawings represent the Commission's view of the paths of two bullets that struck Kennedy.
(see Warren Commission Volume 16, CE 385, CE 386, and CE 388).

But, it is NOT what ACTUALLY happened, proof?... the holes in the President's clothing and in the President are ACTUALLY in a different location. The actual location creates a path that DOESN'T line up with an exit wound in his neck and then a line through Governor Connolly.


How much clearer does it have to be for you to see that the Warren Commission 'placed' the wound where it would line up with Connolly, NOT where it actually was, because the single bullet theory would not wash.

If you need a narrative, why don't you pay some credence to someone that was actually in the car and wounded?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3-lZNR_yAc]YouTube - Connelly describing his wound in JFK murder[/ame]


Check please.

When we started this conversation I said I'd be happy to read what you have. I did; I remain unconvinced.

Like everybody else, you could produce 50 photographs, draw 1,000 more conclusions, and it still won't change the equation:



So let me guess what you're NOT going to say....that somehow somebody got his gun, got into the building where he worked, didn't leave any prints, killed the President, got away with nobody seeing him and committed the perfect crime. Ahh.


Noting is going to change the equation. Sorry.

Honestly, do you have some kind of reading comprehension problem, or are you so close minded and fearful of facts, that you continue to ignore even the basics of what I am saying?

To expedite, I GAVE you Oswald as ONE of the assassins, but NOT the LONE assassin.

I have a serious question. Please explain the type of thought process you use to ignore the obvious discrepancy of the location of the first wound according to the Warren Commission and the ACTUAL wound in the President?

see your finding out for yourself what dozens of people already know about this guy.That he has reading compreshension problems.Memory problems as well.He never remembers the answers you give to him and just repeats the same thing over and over again because he is close minded and and yes,fearful of facts.this one site I post at that he is at as well,dozens of peopel there laugh at his stupidity he displays like he is here.He always puts words in your mouth of things you never said and crap like that.a complete waste of time to debate.
typical troofer, PROJECTIONS
Honestly, do you have some kind of reading comprehension problem, or are you so close minded and fearful of facts, that you continue to ignore even the basics of what I am saying?

To expedite, I GAVE you Oswald as ONE of the assassins, but NOT the LONE assassin.

I have a serious question. Please explain the type of thought process you use to ignore the obvious discrepancy of the location of the first wound according to the Warren Commission and the ACTUAL wound in the President?

see your finding out for yourself what dozens of people already know about this guy.That he has reading compreshension problems.Memory problems as well.He never remembers the answers you give to him and just repeats the same thing over and over again because he is close minded and and yes,fearful of facts.this one site I post at that he is at as well,dozens of peopel there laugh at his stupidity he displays like he is here.He always puts words in your mouth of things you never said and crap like that.a complete waste of time to debate.
typical troofer, PROJECTIONS

I knocked 9/11 rimjob down to 9 posts today. Not bad for government work.
The narrative is the Warren Commission story...the false single bullet theory.

No thats your opinion that it is false.

Somehow one of your gunmen got away without so much as a hair follicle being left behind and Oswald takes the most peculiar path ever invented after he fired his shots. If there were more than one gunman; obviously both would have had escape plans that were equally as furtive. Somehow one guy got away without leaving any sort of trace and Oswald had to kill a cop? Not buying it.


Again, I'm just going to ask why don't you just list what you think happened in some reasonable detail? Or are you going to post a bunch of innuendo about fabrics lining up with holes that may or may not be true, blood splatter patterns, decrying ballistics procedures, blah blah blah.

Just tell us what you think happened thats different from the Warren Commission. It's been 40+ years; nobody is going to ridicule you especially since you have some expertise in the matter. I'm sure you've studied the situation and have opinions that are worth hearing. I would be surprised if you don't.

Just report; we'll decide.

Your tactics thus far are more annoying than they are convincing. Sorry.
I second candycorn.

I mean...I respect him; I really do but the back and fourth we just had now over the last two days or so is like having someone read the Bible and tell you that they agreed with all of the book except for Numbers 3:14 and God didn't speak to Moses in Sinai. As if the entire holy story hinged on it.

Okay,I say...tell us what happened in the Wilderness of Sainai?

But no, he won't do that, he'll keep insisting the meeting took place at a bodega in Cairo.



JFK MURDER SOLVED - Remington Fireball XP-100 information
Note that in this article it is mentioned that the XP-100 was initially designed for a .222 cartridge, exactly as James Files said. Indeed, the XP-100 Fireball was introduced to the market in 1963, but prototypes were available well before. It is not difficult to understand that the CIA would be interested in such a compact, yet such an accurate weapon. Interestingly, the weapon was originally chambered for a .222 caliber cartridge, which is the caliber that James Files used. That caliber was later changed to a .221 cartridge.


I second candycorn.

I mean...I respect him; I really do but the back and fourth we just had now over the last two days or so is like having someone read the Bible and tell you that they agreed with all of the book except for Numbers 3:14 and God didn't speak to Moses in Sinai. As if the entire holy story hinged on it.

Okay,I say...tell us what happened in the Wilderness of Sainai?

But no, he won't do that, he'll keep insisting the meeting took place at a bodega in Cairo.


me too, I meant I second your request. i would love to hear something different than the worthless drivel clownlite and 911nutjob post before they insult everyone......

what do you mean g_d didn't speak to moses on sinai?:eek:

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