Lee Oswald's call from jail.

You know lee I knew all along you are as stupid as your daddy.

Now post some evidence for once
One would think they would have trained you better. Your constant mantra of “show some evidence” is long in the tooth. You should ask if they offer better propaganda training.
Wrong little boy.

What defines a whiny bitch is when someone is defeated by facts and evidence but rather than admit it like an adult they pretend to ignore someone while ridiculing them with emojis,

That is fact and it probves YOU and GIPPER are the queen whiney bitches and since you are gay lovers calling you and the other faggot what you are is not an insult.

The ony help you have provided ANYONE is to prove what a worthless bitch they are.

I haveowned and cerushed you boy in every thread. You know it gipper kinows it and the whole planet knows it
That is what all of you do.

I asked for evidence and you gave a rambling incoherent response which demonstrated nothing. Not even a link.

You failed to offer evidence.,

That is fact yuou are the whiny bitch who knows niothing of the issue at hand
One would think they would have trained you better. Your constant mantra of “show some evidence” is long in the tooth. You should ask if they offer better propaganda training.
It is a challenge not mantra and run like coward every time.

Yiu have never postee evidendce gay boy and I have oroven you A LIAR

the UNDERSTATEMENT of the century, Nazi boy has the warped logic everybody else in the world is all wrong and he is right,that the 200 plus people that taken him to school over the years on other message boards as well are all wrong and he is right.:cuckoo: allen does this every single time he opens his mouth.:dig:
this is allen dulles everyday on the message boards after he gets his ass handed to him on a platter taken to school by gipper getting checkmated everyday. he gets so angry he cant counter anything he does this everyday after being OWNED.this is one of the pics taken of him throwing a chair against the wall after gipper checkmated him. :auiqs.jpg:

this is allen dulles everyday on the message boards after he gets his ass handed to him on a platter taken to school by gipper getting checkmated everyday. he gets so angry he cant counter anything he does this everyday after being OWNED.this is one of the pics taken of him throwing a chair against the wall after gipper checkmated him. :auiqs.jpg:

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Wrong boy.

You and gipper were owned and proven wrong years ago

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