Lee Oswald's call from jail.

Nope you need to provide evidence I have stated facts

Now post some evidence boy.
How long do you plan to continue this charade?

Allen your murderous lying grandpa died long ago. No need to protect his awful legacy.
How long do you plan to continue this charade?

Allen your murderous lying grandpa died long ago. No need to protect his awful legacy.
One more time prove your claims with evidence.

You have never posted any.

Since you have none it is you not me who is lying here
Taking the paid shill from Langley the hawk,err I mean the idiot off ignore fir a second,as always he demonstrates what a liar he is,the idiot claims he admitted his guilt yet ignores the public statement he made in the jail when a reporter asked oswald did you shoot the president and oswald replied “no sir,I did not shoot anybody,I’m just a patsy,”.

yet the idiot here,Allen’s grandson,Dudley smith and the other magic bullet theorists are all trying to tell us here that oswald admitted his guilt,their bosses sure pay them a lot of money to keep coming back for these ass beatings they get and embarrass themselves all the time. :rofl:

none of the magic bullet theorists ever have an explanation for the question you pose them how is it the Warren commission is right thst oswald was seeking fame by shooting kennedy when he denied doing it when if you are seeking fame,the last thing on the planet you do is deny it,you proudly boast about it like all other assassins of famous people did in the past or like how hinkley bragged about trying to kill Reagan fir fame. :rofl: He talks about several eye witnesses but he won’t talk about the several eye witnesses like the one who took the picture of the sixth floor window just seconds before the assassination took place and it shows the window empty,he won’t talk about eyewitnesses like thst one sense it blows apart his lies.:rofl:
Hey gipper do yourself a favor and forget Allen’s grandson for a second and comment on this post of mine.
I have now it is your turn.

the Warren Commision's conclusion is proven by evidence you on the other hand have none.
The Warren Commission, which really should be named after your famous and murderous grandpa, IS ENTIRELY FICTION AND YOU KNOW IT.
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Hey gipper do yourself a favor and forget Allen’s grandson for a second and comment on this post of mine.
We know the Dulles Commission aka Warren Commission report is full of holes, many of them on purpose to cover up the conspiracy. The whole report is ludicrous and for one to believe it, one has to be a fool.

Many Americans are too afraid to admit that nefarious actors within their government committed a coup on November 22, 1963. They just can’t accept the truth. They want to believe our government is wonderful, honest, and law abiding as they were told in government grade school.
We know the Dulles Commission aka Warren Commission report is full of holes, many of them on purpose to cover up the conspiracy. The whole report is ludicrous and for one to believe it, one has to be a fool.

Many Americans are too afraid to admit that nefarious actors within their government committed a coup on November 22, 1963. They just can’t accept the truth. They want to believe our government is wonderful, honest, and law abiding as they were told in government grade school.
Yet you cannot name one such hole motherfucker and dulles was a minor member of the committee. You never even read the report you claim is full of holes. You do not know jack shit about the report or the commitee

You have lost and been owned that report DEFEATED you,
Yet you cannot name one such hole motherfucker and dulles was a minor member of the committee. You never even read the report you claim is full of holes. You do not know jack shit about the report or the commitee

You have lost and been owned that report DEFEATED you,
Yoou are the liar gipper.

You never read it you have no idea what it says you have admitted that fact and the report degfats you with evidenceand accuracy now name one such hole with specific referrences and evidence.

You made the accusation now back it up LIAR

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