Lee Oswald's call from jail.

You have no evidence, all just CIA lies.
As always,grandson Allen loses and Gipper wins checkmating him as always. :thup: You know the hawk,err THE IDIOT is a far more clever disinformation agent for Langley than Allen is.The Idiot is a clever controlled opposition agent,he is not transparent likeAllen because The Idiot as least Acts like he is a truth seeker because surprisingly he does acknowledge the virus is a scamdemic and there was massive election fraud in the last election so you would think he would be a concerned citizen but the way he tells outright lies about the kennedy assassination and always runs off and never addresses evidence you give him thst proves he is full of shit,proves he works fir Langley as well.the idiot sure us clever thst way don’t you agree gipper? He has been doing thst fir years here so it’s so obvious he is controlled opposition,not transparent like Allen’s grandson here.
Exactly. Several eye-witnesses saw him carrying the bag big enough for the rifle and in that building.

He also basically admitted his guilt when they caught him in the theater.
Taking the paid shill from Langley the hawk,err I mean the idiot off ignore fir a second,as always he demonstrates what a liar he is,the idiot claims he admitted his guilt yet ignores the public statement he made in the jail when a reporter asked oswald did you shoot the president and oswald replied “no sir,I did not shoot anybody,I’m just a patsy,”.

yet the idiot here,Allen’s grandson,Dudley smith and the other magic bullet theorists are all trying to tell us here that oswald admitted his guilt,their bosses sure pay them a lot of money to keep coming back for these ass beatings they get and embarrass themselves all the time. :rofl:

none of the magic bullet theorists ever have an explanation for the question you pose them how is it the Warren commission is right thst oswald was seeking fame by shooting kennedy when he denied doing it when if you are seeking fame,the last thing on the planet you do is deny it,you proudly boast about it like all other assassins of famous people did in the past or like how hinkley bragged about trying to kill Reagan fir fame. :rofl: He talks about several eye witnesses but he won’t talk about the several eye witnesses like the one who took the picture of the sixth floor window just seconds before the assassination took place and it shows the window empty,he won’t talk about eyewitnesses like thst one sense it blows apart his lies.:rofl:
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ent he made in the jail when a reporter asked oswald did you shoot the president and oswald replied “no sir,I did not shoot anybody,I’m just a patsy,”.
Riiiight,,,,,because we should believe a pathological communist faggot when he makes a statement.

And you call me the ”Langley shill”.
Taking the paid shill from Langley the hawk,err I mean the idiot off ignore fir a second,as always he demonstrates what a liar he is,the idiot claims he admitted his guilt yet ignores the public statement he made in the jail when a reporter asked oswald did you shoot the president and oswald replied “no sir,I did not shoot anybody,I’m just a patsy,”.

yet the idiot here,Allen’s grandson,Dudley smith and the other magic bullet theorists are all trying to tell us here that oswald admitted his guilt,their bosses sure pay them a lot of money to keep coming back for these ass beatings they get and embarrass themselves all the time. :rofl:

none of the magic bullet theorists ever have an explanation for the question you pose them how is it the Warren commission is right thst oswald was seeking fame by shooting kennedy when he denied doing it when if you are seeking fame,the last thing on the planet you do is deny it,you proudly boast about it like all other assassins of famous people did in the past or like how hinkley bragged about trying to kill Reagan fir fame. :rofl: He talks about several eye witnesses but he won’t talk about the several eye witnesses like the one who took the picture of the sixth floor window just seconds before the assassination took place and it shows the window empty,he won’t talk about eyewitnesses like thst one sense it blows apart his lies.:rofl:
You are a liar LARAM.

The warren commision NEVER wrote or claimed that Oswald shot Kennedy becaquse he was seeking fame. Your question is rooted in a lie.

Much like GIPPER you never read the report and you simply dream shit up about the report because you are ignorant.

You are the magic bullet theorist. Like the liar and fool GIPPER again you have been told shit which is not correct andnever bothered to research. Nothing is mentioned about a magic bullet in the Warren Commission report, But since someone told you it did your stupid ass keeps repeationg it.

You never ignore people you just pretned to. You lose every argument then scream shil shill shill while pretending to have people on ignore yet always responding.
Post something that is true? Just one thing.
I alwats have you have not.

All of the conspiracy theories have been disproven that is fact.

The Warren Commission report was accurate and you cannot prove otherwise,

You have never psoted evidence of any lies
I alwats have you have not.

All of the conspiracy theories have been disproven that is fact.

The Warren Commission report was accurate and you cannot prove otherwise,

You have never psoted evidence of any lies
Lol. You know grandpa’s report is total and complete fiction.

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