Lee Oswald's call from jail.

You are backpedaling because you FIRST proclaimed he was assasinated by his own government now you merely proclaim he was assasinated and not by who.

So which is it?

You do this whern cornered and asked for evidence.

Much like GIPPER you have no basis for your claim and try to weasel out of it like coward when challenged.


How the fuck do you know the truth BOY? You proclaimed it now back it up

No ... I merely stated that if he was assassinated by the government or agents thereof ...
Anything the government provided you with would not be trustworthy.

You desperately need to believe something, so keep failing to understand what that means, and keep trying to argue with nothing.
I never said anything about what you know or think you can prove ... I was talking about what you may not know, and couldn't prove.

Think Damnit ... :auiqs.jpg:


No ... I merely stated that if he was assassinated by the government or agents thereof ...
Anything the government provided you with would not be trustworthy.

You desperately need to believe something, so keep failing to understand what that means, and keep trying to argue with nothing.
I never said anything about what you know or think you can prove ... I was talking about what you may not know, and couldn't prove.

Think Damnit ... :auiqs.jpg:

So why would you believe the big if when there is no evidence?

By your idiotic standard there is NO truth EVER
Y\ou stupid reasonsing is one becomes convinced the earth is flat
You are backpedaling because you FIRST proclaimed he was assasinated by his own government now you merely proclaim he was assasinated and not by who.

So which is it?

You do this whern cornered and asked for evidence.

Much like GIPPER you have no basis for your claim and try to weasel out of it like coward when challenged.


How the fuck do you know the truth BOY? You proclaimed it now back it up
How do you knjow what to believe if you do not trust evidence?

I asked "what purpose would it serve" ... Not what you believe or why.
Read what is written and fucking think ... Don't try so desperately to argue with it.

That's why it is funny ... :auiqs.jpg:
You for some reason think I might need to know who shot President Kennedy.

He's dead, and everyone who anything to do with it are probably dead as well by now.
That's why I posted a funny clip from movie that pushed your silly ass off a cliff.


I asked "what purpose would it serve" ... Not what you believe or why.
Read what is written and fucking think ... Don't try so desperately to argue with it.

That's why it is funny ... :auiqs.jpg:
You for some reason think I might need to know who shot President Kennedy.

He's dead, and everyone who anything to do with it are probably dead as well by now.
That's why I posted a funny clip from movie that pushed your silly ass off a cliff.

You failed to come near the cliff and fell on your face instead.

You posted it because you get your pathetic education from movies like gipper does.
You failed to come near the cliff and fell on your face instead.

You posted it because you get your pathetic education from movies like gipper does.

The clip was funny, not educational you nitwit ... It doesn't prove anything.

I landed on my face when I passed out laughing at your stupid ass that cannot seem to get a very simple message ...
And you think you are smart ... :auiqs.jpg:

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The clip was funny, not educational you nitwit ... It doesn't prove anything.

I landed on my face when I passed out laughing at your stupid ass that cannot seem to get a very simple message ...
And you think you are smart ... :auiqs.jpg:

your message is a failure.

I am smarter than you which is not hard

Most are smarter and yes you posted it as a serious true message,'
'Newsflash slow one such hollywood films are fake

You seem to be suggesting that if one does not trust what the government says one woud not read what the government says. Fair enough but if one never read it how would one know it is a lie?
You seem to be suggesting that if one does not trust what the government says one woud not read what the government says. Fair enough but if one never read it how would one know it is a lie?

Okay Genius ... :auiqs.jpg:

How many times would you need to read a lie to know it isn't a lie?
How many lies would someone have to tell you before they were no longer lies?

How could you prove a lie is a lie, if you don't believe it could be a lie,
we don't know the truth, and you don't believe you don't know the truth?

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We know the Dulles Commission aka Warren Commission report is full of holes, many of them on purpose to cover up the conspiracy. The whole report is ludicrous and for one to believe it, one has to be a fool.

Many Americans are too afraid to admit that nefarious actors within their government committed a coup on November 22, 1963. They just can’t accept the truth. They want to believe our government is wonderful, honest, and law abiding as they were told in government grade school.

You missed the most important point of that post though which is don’t you agree thst the hawk err I mean the idiot,is a much more clever disinfo agent than Allen’s grandson,Allen is the most transparent shill from Langley on the planet where the idiot is much more clever,he is part of the controlled opposition,he appears to be a concerned citizen cause he acknowledges the virus hoax and we had massive election fraud this past weekend,but he runs off with his tail between his legs everytime you prove him wrong oswald did not fire the shot and there were multiple shooters where as Allen’s grandson has the warped logic cause he has the last word,he won the debate despite unable to give any evidence thst oswald did it. :rofl:

The clip was funny, not educational you nitwit ... It doesn't prove anything.

I landed on my face when I passed out laughing at your stupid ass that cannot seem to get a very simple message ...
And you think you are smart ... :auiqs.jpg:

BlackSand Well he is the grandson of Allen Dulles and Allen used mind control on him as a child to lie all the time and believe his lies he posts whole heartedly.:abgg2q.jpg:

No ... I merely stated that if he was assassinated by the government or agents thereof ...
Anything the government provided you with would not be trustworthy.

You desperately need to believe something, so keep failing to understand what that means, and keep trying to argue with nothing.
I never said anything about what you know or think you can prove ... I was talking about what you may not know, and couldn't prove.

Think Damnit ... :auiqs.jpg:

You are asking a miracle with that request. :abgg2q.jpg: :rofl:
You missed the most important point of that post though which is don’t you agree thst the hawk err I mean the idiot,is a much more clever disinfo agent than Allen’s grandson,Allen is the most transparent shill from Langley on the planet where the idiot is much more clever,he is part of the controlled opposition,he appears to be a concerned citizen cause he acknowledges the virus hoax and we had massive election fraud this past weekend,but he runs off with his tail between his legs everytime you prove him wrong oswald did not fire the shot and there were multiple shooters where as Allen’s grandson has the warped logic cause he has the last word,he won the debate despite unable to give any evidence thst oswald did it. :rofl:
No one has ever proven that there were multiple shooters boy least of all you or the moron gipper.

The evidence proves you a liar

Okay Genius ... :auiqs.jpg:

How many times would you need to read a lie to know it isn't a lie?
How many lies would someone have to tell you before they were no longer lies?

How could you prove a lie is a lie, if you don't believe it could be a lie,
we don't know the truth, and you don't believe you don't know the truth?

It does not matter how many times you read a lie it is still a lie and does not become truth with repitition.

We do know the truth because we have evidence which gipper cannot post because he has none.
I do know tyhe truth based on THAT evidence.

The evidence proves gipper is a liar. aIt also proves LARAM is a liar.

Now you asked why one would read something from as source one does not trust? The answe is so that one knows WHAT that source says even if it is untrustworthy.

One cannot criticize a source as untrustworthy when one has NO clue what they actuallly said.

Now that I cleared that up for you answer me. How can anyone claim to be an authority and to know someone else is lying when one will not even listen to what they claim is a lie. Inj other words to accuse someone of a lie one has to kinow what was said. How can one make an intelligent claim that another is lying while ignoring the actual words?

This is precisely what LARAM and GIPPER do. They ignore any evidence to the contrary of their delusional beliefs and refuse to even read the report which they accuse or being a lie. They have no clue what the report says.

SO with your silly standard of not reading something from a source one mistrusts how does one even begin to criticize that source?
No one has ever proven that there were multiple shooters boy least of all you or the moron gipper.

The evidence proves you a liar
Lol. The undoctored Zapruder film proves you‘re a liar, let alone the mountain of evidence proving Oswald was a government agent and a patsy.

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